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Author's Notes

"Chicago Series, part 3 of many :)"

The next several days after Sluggers were a whirlwind of sexting and phone sex. Mark and I were getting pretty swept up in the thrill of whatever was happening between us. Or at least I was. But it felt like he was right there with me. 

We started talking every night. Mark stayed up chatting with me after his wife went to bed. I would talk to him on my way home from night class or work, or I’d let him distract me from reading or studying, to make me cum. 

I always hid the calls and texts from Molly. It felt strange to have such a big secret; I was normally pretty open about everything. But it was also really hot. 

For example, one night that week, Mark was texting me and working on turning me on while Molly and I were cooking and eating dinner together:


Mark: I bet she sees you smiling at your screen

Sam: Yeah

Sam: And writhing in my seat a bit

Mark: Where is she now?

Sam: Sitting across from me at the table

Mark: Daring

Mark: Facing her?

Sam: Yes

Sam: So I can hide my phone lol

Mark: Good slut

Sam: Mmm

Mark: God I want to feel your pussy

Mark: Feel your ass

Mark: Your mouth

Sam: Fuck

Sam: Me too, all of it

Mark: I want to make you cum so bad

Sam: Mmm me too

“Who are you texting so incessantly over there?” Molly asked with a smirk.

“No one,” I said, barely hiding my grin. “Just someone from work, asking me about covering a shift for them this weekend.” 

I knew Molly wouldn’t buy my obvious lie, but luckily she didn’t press me any further for the moment. 

Trying to compensate, I forced myself to put the phone down for a few minutes and focus on the meal and Molly. We talked about our days and other random stuff. I’d already silenced my phone so that there wouldn’t be constant dings or vibrations from Mark’s messages, but even as I tried to focus on the conversation at hand, I couldn’t think about anything other than wanting to read his texts. 

At the next break in conversation, as Molly got up to get us both more wine, I caved and clicked on my phone again. There were several new texts waiting: 

Mark: That pussy must be wet

Mark: Lips so swollen

Mark: Clenching hard?

Mark: I want you to clench your pussy 

Mark: And release

Mark: Keep doing that for me

Mark: I want to push in deep and feel that clench

Mark: Then I want to pull out a little and feel it squeezing just below my head

Mark: So tight as I push back in

Mark: Holding my cock inside as you squeeze around me

Mark: I want you to be my slut and cum

Mark: I want to feel how wet and sloppy you are

Mark: I want to hear that wetness

Mark: Your moans

I nearly cursed out loud as I read through the messages, feeling my pussy clench on cue, squeezing my thighs together. I bit my lip to hide my grin as I texted back,

Sam: I can’t cum in front of her! Lol

The three dots popped up immediately, showing Mark was already responding.

Mark: Go to your room

Mark: Or the bathroom

Mark: Call me when you get there

Mark: I want to hear how hard you cum thinking about me fucking you

Sam: Fuck

I got up right then, in the middle of dinner, and just told Molly that I’d be right back before rushing out of the kitchen. I went down the hall to my room and closed the door behind me, already dialing Mark’s number. 

“Hi,” he whispered, answering on the first ring.

“Hi,” I whispered back, a smile already growing on my face. “I just walked away in the middle of dinner.” 

He chuckled, “Naughty girl.” 

“What are you doing?” 

“Just went into the bathroom, hiding out. Let’s be quick.” 

“Okay,” I agreed, smirking to hear that he was getting close with me. 

“Tell me how you’d want me to fuck you right now.” 

“Ooh god,” I breathed, feeling a jolt of pleasure between my legs from his words. 

I closed my eyes and imagined falling onto the bed and feeling Mark climb on top of me, his hands on me, sliding my shorts and panties off, pushing my legs up and back. His cock slid inside of me right away, fucking me slowly at first, then building quickly. 

I told Mark everything I was thinking, flopping down on my bed and sliding a hand in my shorts and panties, touching. 

He groaned. “I can feel it building, your body shaking.”
“Yess,” I whimpered. 

“Touch yourself now. Slide your hand into your shorts and underwear. Play with your pussy for me,” he directed, his sexy, gruff voice in my ear. 

“I am. So close already,” I breathed amidst soft moans.

“Fuck. You’re so hot as you get close. I’m so hard.” 

I moaned louder, imagining him hard and stroking in his bathroom, hiding out from his wife. There was another tingle of pleasure, and I felt myself getting wetter. “Keep going.”

“Pulling back and flipping you over onto your stomach, dragging you up by your hips, onto your hands and knees.”

“Ooh fuck…”

“Rubbing my cock along your slit, then pushing deep inside you. Squeezing and slapping your ass. Pulling your hair and fucking you hard.”

I felt his words in my pussy, and then I was rolling over the edge as my fingers rubbed frantic circles over my clit. “Oh my god… I’m cumming… fuck!” I struggled to control the volume of my moans and the spasms, causing my whole body to arch and jerk. 

“That’s it, cum hard for me,” Mark said, encouragingly. “You’re such a naughty slut. That’s so hot that you got up in the middle of dinner to cum for me.” 

“Mmm,” I moaned, coming down from the orgasm. “I love cumming for you, listening to your voice.” 

“Yeah? You like being my slut?” 

I sighed out another soft moan, reacting to his words once again, my pussy clenching, thighs squeezing together. “Yes. I really do.”

“Good. I like making you my slut. I want to hear how wet you are for me.”

“Okay,” I agreed easily. 

“Good girl. Hold the phone down by your pussy while you finger yourself. Are your clothes off?” 

“No, I just had my hand inside my shorts and panties.”

“Pull them down now, so I can hear you.”

“Okay,” I agreed again, lifting my hips to slide the shorts and panties down in one movement. I glanced out the window, my curtains wide open to the view of another apartment building right across the street. I had a brief thought of getting up to close the curtains but quickly dismissed the idea as I pulled my shorts and panties off over my feet. I brought the phone down near my pussy, spreading my legs and sliding two fingers inside, thrusting them in and out, and hearing the sloshing sound of my wetness right away. I started thrusting and rubbing faster, making the sound more audible and working myself up again. 

After a few moments, I brought the phone back to my ear. “Could you hear it?” I asked Mark. 

“Yes, I heard it. Your pussy sounds so wet. I remember how wet you felt the other night at Sluggers.”

“Yeah, you made me so wet that night. I came so hard on your fingers. And I’ve gotten so wet every time we’ve talked since then.”

“Mmm I like that a lot. Do you hear me stroking for you?” 

I listened carefully as he moved the phone down towards his cock. I heard the slick sound of his hand sliding on his cock quickly, either wet with pre-cum or lubed up with something. 

“Yes, I can hear it,” I told Mark when he brought the phone back to his ear. 

“I’m gonna cum thinking about how good it’ll feel to slide my cock into that wet pussy of yours. I need to feel you soon. We need to find a time.” 

“I want that so much,” I moaned, breathing hard again, feeling close to cumming a second time. 

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum really hard for you.” 

“Mmm,” I moaned. “That’s so hot.”

“Cum again with me,” Mark ordered. “Rub your clit. Cum again before you go back out to dinner and have to figure out how to explain to Molly where you ran off to.” 

“Fuck…” I muttered, feeling so close again.

“Fuck, I’m cumming,” he groaned, then grunted repeatedly. 

I imagined each grunt was timed with a spurt of cum shooting from his cock. That’s all it took to send me over the edge again. “Oooh god,” I moaned, jerking up and grinding on my hand again. “I’m cumming, too!” I felt the wetness spreading over my pussy as my fingers rubbed it around. 

“Mmm,” Mark moaned softly once the groaning subsided. “You came again when you heard me cumming?” 

“Yes,” I breathed, coming down and relaxing on the bed again. “Hearing you grunting like that and imagining your cum shooting into me.”

“Fuck, Sam. That’s so hot.” 

“Mmm,” I sighed. “I want you so much.”

“You’re gonna have me soon,” he promised. “I have to clean up.” 

“Okay,” I agreed. 

“And you have to get back to your dinner.”

“Yes,” I laughed softly. 

“I’ll text you later.”

“Okay. Have a good night until then.” 

“You too. Bye for now.” 

“Bye,” I said with a smile, then hung up. With a last sigh and a big smile on my face, I pulled my shorts and panties back on as I got up, straightening my clothes and hair before heading back out to the kitchen. 

Molly was scrolling on her phone at the table when I came back. “Everything okay?” she asked, looking up when I reentered the room.

“Yeah, sorry. I just wanted to call to get the shift figured out, and she was offering to take one of mine in exchange, so I had to look at my calendar to figure it out.” It was still a terrible lie, but I was fairly proud of myself for coming up with something fairly plausible. 

“No worries,” Molly said easily. 

Did she actually believe me? 

“Want to watch an episode of 90210 before homework time?” 

“Yeah, let’s do it,” I agreed eagerly. I actually had a ton of work to do and knew I’d be up late, but I felt like I needed to agree to anything Molly asked me to do. I guess it was probably the guilt, knowing what I had just done, and what I was keeping from her. Either way, watching TV with her was way more fun than all the reading and other assignments that I had waiting.


The constant texting continued for the next few nights. Mark always wanted to know what I was doing, whether I had been turned on at all during the day, whether I’d touched myself or done anything with anyone. 

Mark: You’re going to cum every night until we find a time to get together again

Sam: Oh? 

Sam: Will these orgasms all be your doing?

Mark: You tell me

Mark: Anyone else making you cum these days?

Sam: No, not on a daily basis lol

Mark: No boyfriend?

Sam: You’re just asking me this now? Lol

Mark: lol

Sam: No boyfriend

Mark: Fuck buddies? Random hookups?

Sam: Not lately

Mark: Then yes, all of your orgasms better be my doing

Sam: Mmm okay

Mark: You like that?

Sam: Yes

Mark: Good

Mark: I want you to let me know whenever you’re touching yourself 

Mark: So if you’re ever playing when we’re not texting or talking, I want you to call me whenever you’re about to cum

Mark: I’ll try to get away to call you and listen, but if I’m not able to, call and leave me a voicemail

Sam: Okay

Mark: Good slut

Mark’s whole commanding attitude and demeanor made me feel like I was about to melt into a puddle; like I would do anything to please him. There was still a nagging thought that it probably wasn’t normal for me to enjoy the name-calling and orders so much. I wasn’t sure what it meant, that it turned me on the way it did. But despite the hesitation I felt, I didn’t hold myself back. 

It didn’t take long for things to progress beyond our late-night chats. Within the first few days, the texts started seeping into other parts of our days, checking in and messaging back and forth at multiple points.

One morning, Mark texted me as I was on my way to work:

Mark: I have some downtime before my next meeting. Have time to chat?

Sam: I wish

Sam: Heading into work now

Mark: Where do you work?

Sam: On campus, at the gym

Mark: Nice. What do you do there?

Sam: I’m a lifeguard

Mark: That’s really hot 

Sam: I teach swim lessons to kids, too

Mark: We’ve been looking into signing the kids up for swim lessons, actually

My stomach dropped when I saw that message. He had kids, too? I knew that, if nothing else, should be enough to turn me off from anything more happening between us. I could only imagine what Molly would have to say about it if she found out. But then I imagined Mark coming to my gym to sign his kids up for lessons. Requesting me as the instructor. Bringing them in every weekend, possibly with his wife. Fuck. Another involuntary smile spread across my face. I didn’t know how to respond, so I just waited for him to send another message.  

Mark: Taking on any new clients?

Sam: Yeah, I have some slots open

Mark: I bet you do, naughty girl

Sam: :)

Sam: I should go, though

Sam: Have to change and get out to the pool

Mark: Are there normally many people swimming there?

Sam: Not so many during the day. It can get pretty busy in the early mornings and evenings with lap swimmers. And weekend mornings for swim lessons. 

Mark: So probably not too crowded for this shift? 

Sam: No, it didn’t look very crowded when I checked on my way into the locker room

Mark: Good

Mark: I want to turn you on while you’re sitting in your lifeguard chair

Mark: Do you think you could keep your phone with you discreetly?

Fuck. I knew how much trouble I could get in if a manager came back and caught me with my phone out. But I also knew how much I wanted to do it, anyway. My mind went straight to work coming up with a plan to get away with what Mark was asking: 

I could keep my phone hidden in the storage clipboard where we kept the pool attendance record sheets. Then, if a manager walked in, I could hide it quickly and make it look like I was just getting out the pen to record the attendance. I knew I’d still have to pay attention to the swimmers, obviously. But the only patrons we normally got during the day were adult lap swimmers, and the pool was only four feet at the deepest point, so there was not a lot to be concerned about. 

Without giving it another thought, I responded to Mark:

Sam: Maybe

He got back to me right away. 

Mark: Good girl

Mark: Let me know when you’re in the chair

Sam: Ok

Smiling with anticipation, I changed quickly into my swimsuit, then slid my phone into the front, between my boobs, before pulling back on my t-shirt and shorts. Then I headed out to the pool deck. I put my bag in the pool office and met up with my coworker on the deck as she climbed down from the guard chair. We chatted for a couple of minutes, but I made a point of not continuing the conversation, feeling eager for her to leave so I could text Mark back. 

As she was getting ready to go, I climbed up to the platform and sat in the guard seat. Then, when I saw and heard the locker room door close behind her, I reached up my shirt and into my suit, pulling the phone out and slipping it into the metal clipboard. I clicked on the screen and back into my text messages, then tapped out an all-clear message to Mark.

Sam: Okay, I’m in the seat and alone, aside from two old guys swimming slow laps lol

Mark: Good

Mark: I want you to try something

Sam: What?

Mark: Imagine yourself on a warm beach

Mark: Warm sun, wearing a bikini

Mark: All alone

Mark: Just use your imagination, don’t respond

Sam: Ok…

Mark: Imagine laying there

Mark: Think about your nipples

Mark: How they feel

Mark: Bumps forming as they start to harden

Mark: Imagine how hard they are under that bikini

Mark: Sticking out for all to see

Mark: Focus on them

Mark: Concentrate on the tingle

Mark: How they want to be touched

Mark: Do not touch anything

Mark: Just read my messages

Mark: Concentrate on how you can feel the heartbeat on the tip of your nipple

Mark: So hard

Mark: Tingling

Mark: Pressing against the fabric

Mark: Imagine they are pinched

Mark: Your clit should react to that

Mark: Now imagine your lips: Mentally trace a slow line from the top, down one side, to the bottom, and back up

Mark: That clit should tingle

Mark: Your lips starting to swell

Mark: Wetness forming

Mark: Focus on that wetness

Mark: How smooth it feels

Mark: You can feel your lips move a little

Mark: Concentrate on that clit

Mark: Breathing a little faster

Mark: Shallow

Mark: Nipples still hard

Mark: Clit throbbing

I had to force myself to look away from the phone then, getting caught up in all the reactions Mark was describing. I crossed my ankles, thighs squeezing together. Breathing hard, feeling my chest heaving a bit, nipples hard and poking through my suit and t-shirt. I closed the clipboard with my phone inside and scanned around the pool, giving myself a chance to calm down a bit. 

But I didn’t last long before feeling the pull to look back. By the time I opened the clipboard again, what couldn’t have been two minutes later, several new messages had appeared, and more were still coming in. I needed to scroll up to find where I’d left off reading.

Mark: Imagine what the inside of your pussy feels like

Mark: How it wants to feel something inside

Mark: Your lips actually feel like they’re parting a little

Mark: Your clit throbbing more

Mark: Inside wanting to squeeze

Mark: Trying to wrap around a hard cock

Mark: Focus on how your pussy is clenching

Mark: Lips swelling more

Mark: Imagining how warm and wet you are inside

Mark: Breathing a little harder

Mark: Breasts firmer

Mark: Focus on that opening

Mark: Feel how it wants to open wider

Mark: Concentrate on that

Mark: Your clit

Mark: Imagine your g spot

Mark: Breathing a little more

Mark: Sweat forming between your breasts

Mark: Nipples rock hard

Mark: Concentrate on how that g spot feels

Mark: Your pussy clenching around an imaginary cock

Mark: Butterflies in your tummy

Mark: Twitching

Mark: A kiss on the side of your neck

Mark: A warm breath

Mark: A whisper: You’re going to cum

I nearly moaned out loud when I read that message. 

Just then, I heard the echoing sound of one of the locker room doors closing. My head jerked up, and I looked over just in time to see the Building Manager on duty walking toward me in the chair. I clicked the clipboard shut and tried forcing myself to remain calm and act casual. 

“Hey Sam, how’s it going?” 

It was a guy named Ryan, a grad student who I’d been working with since I started as a freshman when he was a junior. We’d always been casually flirty, and he was a pretty laid-back guy, so even though I still felt my cheeks flushing, knowing what I’d been up to before he came in, I could breathe a little easier knowing that I was unlikely to get in trouble with him. 

“Hey,” I responded, hoping I sounded casual enough. “It’s… going. Not super exciting back here.” 

He chuckled along. “Yeah, no shit. Need some coffee or something to keep you awake?” 

I laughed a little, feeling my blush deepen as I thought about what was actually keeping me awake and preoccupied during the shift. “No, I think I’ll be okay. Thanks, though.” 

“Okay, no worries. Everything else good?”

“Yeah, everything’s great,” I smiled, still blushing. 

Ryan seemed to pick up on the blushing and squirming then. 

“You sure?” he asked with a smirk.

I laughed back, a little too much for it to sound completely casual. “Yeah, I promise I’m fine. Sorry.” 

I knew he probably thought I was flirting with him and worried that he might hang around to keep talking for a while. Luckily, he got a call over the walkie-talkie just then and had to go. I waited as he listened to the message and then responded, saying he was on his way.

Then he looked back up at me. “Alright, well, let me know if that changes. And whatever you’re smoking, I’m gonna want some later,” he added with a wink as he made his way to the door. 

I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t quite lose the smile. “Ha ha.” 

Then he was gone. I took another deep breath, scanned the pool again, and reopened the clipboard, seeing that Mark’s texts were still going, still coming in. I scrolled up to the last message I’d read and continued from there.  

Mark: A whisper: You’re going to cum

Mark: Pussy clenching

Mark: Feel that?

Mark: Your pussy can’t stop it

Mark: Breathing harder

Mark: Concentrate deep inside your pussy

Mark: Another kiss

Mark: Another whisper

Mark: Cum

Mark: Time to cum for me

Mark: You’re

Mark: My

Mark: Slut

Mark: Concentrate on that pussy as it builds

Mark: As it wants to release

Mark: As it squeezes

Mark: Your clit throbbing so hard

Mark: Cum

Mark: Let your pussy cum

Mark: Feeling it

Mark: Cum

Mark: Tummy twitching

Mark: Squirming

Mark: So wet

Mark: Don’t touch

Mark: Just let yourself cum

Fuck. I felt my pussy throbbing and clenching, and all the other physical reactions Mark described. I couldn’t help responding, even though he had said not to. I needed him to know that I was there with him. The effect that his messages were having on me. 

Sam: Fuck

Mark: Feel that?

Sam: Yes

Mark: You are going to cum

Sam: Oh my god 

Sam: Fuck I’m so close

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Mark: Don’t stop it

Mark: Concentrate

Mark: Another kiss on your neck

Mark: Hand inside your bikini top, squeezing your breasts

Mark: Down your tummy

Mark: Inside your bottoms

Mark: My hand reaches inside

Mark: You’re so wet

Mark: Finger easily slips inside

Mark: Pushing deep

Mark: Another whisper

Mark: Telling you to be my slut

Mark: Cum right there in the lifeguard chair

Sam: Fuuuuuuccckk

Mark: Let it happen

Mark: My slut

Mark: Pussy clenching

Mark: Cum for me

Mark: Now

Mark: Tell me

Mark: Finger reaching deeper

Mark: Biting your neck

Mark: You’re my slut

Mark: Tell me you’re my slut

Sam: I’m your slut

Mark: Tell me you want to cum

Sam: I want to so badly… so close

Mark: Cum

Mark: Cum

Mark: Cum

Mark: I want you to cum

Mark: Naughty slut

Mark: Cum for me

Mark: Right now

Mark: Whispering in your ear…

Mark: Cum now

Mark: I’m stroking so hard

It was too much. I was writhing in the seat, squeezing my thighs together so hard. It almost felt like it might happen: I might cum without touching. I wanted to so badly. 

Mark: Focus on your g spot

Mark: Concentrate

Mark: Imagine that pussy being stretched open by my cock

Mark: Pushing deeper inside

Mark: Feeling totally full 

Mark: As it goes deeper

Mark: Filling more and more

Mark: Cum for me

Mark: Let it release

Mark: Clench and release

Mark: It’s going to happen

Mark: Be my dirty slut

Mark: Cum

Mark: Cum for me

Mark: Now

I was so close but knew I needed something. If I wasn’t able to touch myself, I needed something to slide between my legs to grind on. Maybe my water bottle. I could hold it between my legs and press it against my clit, grinding on it until I was cumming. That might look even worse if someone came into the pool and saw me, though. 


Sam: I need to touch myself

Sam: I’m going to cum so hard

Mark: Make yourself cum

Mark: Be my slut

Mark: My dirty slut

I couldn’t take it anymore. I got up suddenly, grabbing my phone from the clipboard and climbing down the platform, heading across the deck. Then I thought I better check in with Mark to make sure it was okay that I was going off-script like this.

Sam: Fuck

Sam: Can I go to the pool office?

Sam: I need to touch myself

Sam: Please?

I stood at the edge of the pool, pacing, glancing down at my phone every couple of seconds, waiting to see what his response would be. Finally, I saw the three dots moving again. 

Mark: Are you asking for permission to touch yourself?

Sam: Yes

Sam: Can I?

Mark: Make that pussy cum

That was all I needed to hear. I stepped into the office, leaving the door open and stepping just out of sight of the pool. I let myself go, leaning back against the desk, bringing one leg up to rest on it. I reached into my shorts, slid the bottom of my swimsuit to the side, and rubbed my pussy right away, feeling how wet Mark had made me. I alternated between rubbing circles over my clit and sliding two fingers into myself, thrusting as deeply as I could manage while I held my phone and typed out my responses with the other hand. 

Sam: Mmm ok

Mark: Spread those lips

Mark: Tell me you’re my slut

Sam: I’m your dirty slut

Mark: Yes, you are

Mark: I own that pussy

Sam: Mmmmmmmmm fuck

Sam: So close

Mark: Is your pussy mine?

Sam: Yes

Mark: Tell me

Sam: My pussy is yours

Mark: Good slut

Mark: Cum for me now

Mark: Cum in that pool office, you naughty slut

And then I was. I couldn’t stop a moan from escaping, and it sounded even louder with the echo in the pool area and office. I kept rubbing as I writhed on and against the desk, my head rolling back, my whole body jerking as I struggled to type out messages to let Mark know.

Sam: Fuck

Sam: Cumming now

Sam: Mmmmmmmm

Sam: Fuck

Mark: Good girl

Mark: Did you cum hard for me?

As I came down, still breathing hard, I dragged my hand back and out of my shorts after readjusting my swimsuit. I took a few more deep breaths and then peered out the guard office door to ensure everything was still normal. Sure enough, no changes. The swimmers were still swimming. So, I stayed in the office a bit to keep texting, a big smile on my face.

Sam: Yeah

Sam: Very

Mark: Good

Mark: You’re so hot

Sam: Mmm that was so hot

Mark: Good

Mark: Hope no one drowned while you were busy

Sam: No, the lap swimmers are still going

Mark: Good

Mark: Next time you will cum without touching

Sam: Mmm okay I’ll work on that

Mark: Good girl

Mark: My cock is rock hard right now

Mark: I have a meeting in ten minutes

Sam: Are you going to make yourself cum?

Mark: No, I’ve decided I’m going to let it build

Mark: Until I get to see you

Mark: And fuck you

Mark: I’m going to save it all for you until then

Sam: Fuck

Mark: Better let you get back to work

Sam: Not sure I’ll be able to focus any easier now lol

Mark: lol

Mark: Me either

Mark: What time do you get off work? 

Sam: 3:00

Mark: Okay. Will you be free around 6:00? I’ll try calling on my way home.

Sam: Yeah, I should be

Mark: Okay, talk then

Mark: Bye for now

Sam: Bye

I felt like my face was glowing as I clicked off my phone and made my way back to the guard chair. Despite having fewer distractions for the rest of my shift, my focus and attention remained elsewhere. 


Mark and I talked a lot about wanting to get together and figured that having him come over to my apartment would be the best bet. But he was always busy with work and his family, and I had work and classes as well. And then there was the added challenge of finding a time that worked for both of us when Molly would also be out. So, it didn’t happen as soon as we would’ve liked. 

That didn’t stop things from continuing to build between us.

A couple of nights later, he texted as I was heading home from campus after a night class: 


Mark: I’m imagining going out for a walk and meeting up with you somewhere on your way home

Sam: That would be fun

Mark: Tell me what you see as you’re walking

Sam: I’m walking down Webster now, past Oz Park

Mark: Can’t be too many people in the park at this hour

Sam: No, just a few others walking that I can see now

Sam: One guy walking his dog, and a couple walking together 

Mark: What do you see in the park?

Sam: The statue of Dorothy and Toto lol

Sam: Some benches along the walking paths

Sam: And a big wooden play structure

Mark: I’d sit you down on one of those benches

Mark: Standing in front of you

Mark: Telling you how much I want to feel your mouth on my cock again

Sam: Mmm

Mark: Running my hand over your cheek

Mark: Your chin

Mark: Your neck

Sam: Mmm fuck

Mark: Go sit on one of the benches

Mark: I want you to sit there for a few minutes and rub your clit

Sam: I don’t want to get arrested lol

Sam: Or attacked lol

Mark: Good point

Mark: Okay, well then just sit down for a minute and listen to me tell you what I’m imagining we’d do if I was there

Sam: Listen?

Mark: Yes

Mark: Call me when you’re sitting down

Sam: Mmm okay

I hurried over to the nearest bench and looked around as I pressed the button to dial Mark’s number.

“Good evening,” he answered.

I laughed. “Hi.”

“Sitting on the bench now?” 


“What do you see?”

“Mostly just open space. Cars driving by on Webster to my right. The playground is kind of to my left and behind me now.”

“Any people around?”

“Just the dog walker.”

“I wish we could give him a show.”

“Mmm, yeah me too.”

“I’m still thinking about feeling your mouth on me again.”

I closed my eyes, letting go of a sigh. “Me too.” 

“Standing in front of you as you open my pants and pull my cock out.”

“Fuck…” I muttered, my head rolling back a bit as I slid forward on the bench.

“Holding behind your head and pulling your mouth onto me.” 

“Oh my god…” I breathed, squeezing my thighs together. 

“Feeling you take me all the way down your throat, just like you did in that storage closet at Sluggers the other night. That felt so fucking good. I haven’t cum that hard in a long time.” 

“Really?” I asked, breathily. 

“Really. I was so excited to run into you. To feel you wanting me, too. And making you cum twice on my fingers beforehand didn’t hurt.”

I laughed. “No, it sure didn’t.” 

He laughed, too. “I loved feeling how wet you were.”

“I guess I was pretty excited, too,” I said, with a huge grin and another small laugh. 

“How excited are you now?” 

“Getting pretty excited again.”

“Getting nice and wet?”

“Yes,” I breathed.

“I wish you could feel it right now and tell me how wet you are.”

“I will when I get home. As soon as I get home.”

“Good girl. I want to make you soaking wet.”


“I want those nipples straining against your bra. Your clit tingling.”

I sighed and closed my eyes again, feeling another tingle as he said the words. “Well, you pretty much just need to say that,” I laughed. “I’m going to get in trouble if I keep sitting here much longer.” 

Mark laughed again, too. “Better be on your way then.”

“Keep talking to me as you walk home. I want to stay on the phone with you until you’re home, going into your room to make yourself cum.”

“Okay,” I agreed easily, getting up to continue walking, as instructed. 

“I’m going to keep talking to make you soaking wet while you walk. I want you cumming as soon as you lay down on your bed at home.” 

“Fuck,” I muttered. “Okay.”

“Imagine you’re back on that bench. In the middle of the park, a few other people are around. I’m standing in front of you, holding your head down on my cock. You’re taking it all like a good little slut.” 

“Mmm,” I whimpered.

“Then I grab your hair in a fist and use it to pull your head back off of me. Asking you if you enjoy having my hard cock in your mouth?”

“Yes,” I answered, smiling and looking around as I continued through the park. “I loved sucking your cock. I loved tasting your cum and feeling all of it shooting down my throat. I can’t wait to do it again.”

Mark growled into the phone. “You’re such a good slut for me. I think you deserve a reward.”

My smile grew even wider. “What’s my reward?”

“I’m going to go down on you right there on that bench and make you cum all over my face.”

“Oh my god,” I sighed, feeling another throb in my pussy

“Kneeling down in front of you…”


“Pulling you to the edge of the bench.”

“I want that so much,” I breathed.

“Tugging your shorts down, not caring who sees.”

I felt my chest heaving as my heart beat faster and faster, reacting to the images Mark was putting in my mind. I felt tempted to stop walking and close my eyes so I could focus on the fantasy, but I was more eager to get home and make myself cum like he’d ordered.

“Spreading those legs,” Mark continued. “Kissing up your thighs, alternating between each one. Looking up at you. Spreading your legs wider as I kiss closer and closer.”

“That would feel so good,” I sighed. 

“It WILL feel that good,” he corrected. “Making eye contact after each kiss. Making sure you know each one will get closer and closer to your throbbing lips. Longer, wet kisses, breathing warm air against your thighs with each one.”

I felt an involuntary moan coming out as my pussy throbbed, urging me on faster towards home. “I can’t wait to feel you there.”

“Me too. Looking at your underwear, seeing a wet spot.”

“Yesss, I’m so wet,” I agreed.

“Kissing directly on that wet spot.”

“Fuck. My head falls back when I feel that.”

“Tasting your sweet pussy.”

“Hands gripping the edge of the bench.”

“Pulling your underwear to the side, exposing your soaked lips.”

“Ooh god…”

“Looking up at you again. Smiling. Hesitating… Getting close to home yet?” Mark asked.

“Yes. I just passed Dickens on Lincoln. Just a couple more blocks left.” 

“Tell me what you want.”

“I want more of your mouth on me,” I answered immediately, not fully registering what I’d said as I passed by a pair of women walking in the opposite direction until one turned her head towards me in reaction. I started giggling a little to myself as I continued on my way.

“What’s so funny?” Mark asked.

“Just caught the attention of a couple of women I was passing by with that one.” 

He chuckled. “Naughty girl. I like that. What did they do?”

“I just got a head turn and a weird look from one of them,” I laughed. 

“When she heard you telling me you want my mouth on you?” he asked.


“You want this tongue?”

“Yesss, I really want that. I want your tongue and your lips on me.” 

“Leaning in and softly kissing your lips. Lightly licking up and down each side, teasing your clit, placing my mouth over it. My tongue separating your lips, licking inside, up and down between them. Up and under your clit, then around the top. Circling it with the top of my tongue.”

“Oh my god…” I moaned. “I’m going to cum so hard as soon as I touch myself.”

“Good,” he answered. “I want someone to hear you saying that you’re going to cum.”

“Fuck…” I muttered, feeling my pussy throb again in reaction to Mark’s words. 

“Anyone around now?” 

“I see a guy walking up ahead.” 

“Hmm… might be dangerous.”


“Any more women? Or groups of people?” he chuckled. 

I laughed back. “Maybe when I pass Molly’s bar on the corner by our building.” 

“She works there?” Mark asked.


“Is she working tonight?”

“Yeah, she’s there.”

“Think she’ll be hanging around out front to hear you?”

“I hope not!” I laughed. 

Mark laughed a little, too. “Okay, let me know when you’re there,” he said. “Until then, my tongue is dipping down between your lips again, down to your opening, seeing and feeling and smelling and tasting your wetness. Pushing my tongue in.”

“God, you’re making me so wet,” I said, pushing myself to speak a little louder as I walked past a row of brownstone townhouses, in case anyone should hear. “My pussy clenching as you tease me.”

“Back up to your clit, circling it. Covering it with my mouth, sucking. Sliding my fingers up to your wet pussy while I lick and suck on your clit. Pushing two fingers inside and curling them, pressing up under your clit. Rubbing in harder circles with my tongue as I move my fingers inside, pressing on your g spot.”

“Ooooh god, that feels so good. Squeezing around your fingers.”

“Your thighs squeezing around my head, trapping me as I lick faster, moaning into you.”

“Fuck!” I practically shouted. “I’m almost at the bar now. There are some people standing around outside the entrance smoking and talking. Guys and girls.” 

“Good,” Mark answered. “Fingering you faster, trying to catch my breath as I lick you, my face buried in your pussy, between your legs. My hand moving deeper inside. Feeling how wet you are, as it drips out under my fingers, down to your ass.”

“Ooh fuck, Mark. That’s so fucking good.”

“Louder,” he ordered. 

“Holding the back of your head,” I went on, louder. “Holding your mouth on me like that.”

“I look up at you and tell you to cum. Cum for me, Sam.”

“Ooh god… I feel so close right now. Pushing your head back down, grinding on your face.”

“Fingering hard and fast as I go back to licking. Make a mess all over my face, baby.”

“Ooh fuck. I’m gonna cum so hard. Walking fast now, I’m almost home.”

“Is anyone looking? Did they hear you?” 

“I’m crossing the street over there now.”

“Tell me again how wet you are.”

“I’m so wet right now. I can feel it. I can feel you making a wet spot on my panties like you described.”

“Good girl. I can’t wait to taste more of you. I want you to cum on my face, my tongue, my fingers. You’re gonna cum so hard.”

“Fuck, I can feel it. I can feel how hard you’re going to make me cum when you go down on me like that.”

“Bet your ass I will. Did anyone hear you say that?”

“I think so. They’re looking over.”

“Good girl. Is your pussy swollen and throbbing?”

“Yes,” I answered easily. “I’m so turned on right now.”

“Good. Get upstairs now. Get to your room and cum for me. I want to hear you nice and loud since Molly’s out.”

“I’m hurrying,” I laughed, feeling breathless as I picked up speed, practically jogging at that point. 

Finally, I got to the front door of our building and had my key ready to let myself in.

“Going upstairs now, don’t mind the heavy breathing,” I chuckled. 

“I like your heavy breathing. I want to hear more of it while you cum for me.”

“Fuck, almost there. On the second floor now. Going up to the third.”

“Getting excited?” 

“Yes…” I panted. “So much.” 

“I like knowing you’re rushing home to cum for me. I wish I was there waiting for you. Or that you were rushing over here instead, so I could really feel you.”

“Me too,” I breathed. “I can’t wait to feel you again… To feel more of you.”

“You will soon,” Mark promised. “We need to make that happen.”

“Yes,” I answered, finally approaching the fourth floor, my pace having slowed a bit. “Okay, I made it,” I laughed. “My legs are going to be sore tomorrow.”

Mark chuckled. “Hope it’s worth it.”

“I’m sure it will be,” I said with a smile, unlocking the front door to our apartment and coming into the front hall. I swung the door shut behind me and made my way through the dark, into my room. I turned on the overhead light and dropped my backpack near my desk. Then I went over to open the window, the room feeling warm and stuffy, especially after I worked up a sweat practically sprinting home. 

“In your room yet?” Mark asked.

“Yeah, just opening a window,” I laughed. “I’m hot now.” 

He laughed. “I bet.” Then, “Make sure you leave the curtains open.”

I smiled when I heard the request. “Okay,” I agreed easily, walking over to my bed and flopping down right away, kicking off my shoes, leaning down to peel off my socks one at a time. “Sitting on my bed,” I narrated. “Taking off my socks and shoes. Now laying back.”

“Good. Take off the rest of your clothes, too. I want you to be completely naked when you cum for me.”

“Fuck, okay,” I agreed, still breathless. I clicked the phone onto speakerphone and dropped it onto the bed as I stood to strip off my clothes quickly. “Taking off my shirt… now the bra… shorts, and underwear.”

“Tell me about that wet spot.”

I smiled and picked up the panties that I’d already discarded on the floor as soon as they were off. “Umm… it’s damp?” I said, feeling it. 

“What color underwear?” 


“Are they cotton? Lacy? Silky?”

“Silky, kind of.”

“Light pink or dark pink?”

“Bright pink,” I laughed. 

“Are they darker, where the wet spot is?” 

“Yeah, you can see the color change from the wet spot.”

“Mmm,” Mark groaned. “Good. Now get on the bed and cum for me.”

“Okay,” I agreed with a smile, dropping the underwear and getting onto the bed. “I’m laying down on my back.”

“I can’t wait to see you naked like that. Touch yourself now. Slide your fingers in and tell me how wet your pussy is.” 

I sighed and did as Mark asked, leaving the phone on speaker and letting it rest on the bed beside me as I closed my eyes and reached down, sliding two fingers inside of myself right away, easily. “It’s really wet.”

“Fingers slipping right in?”

“Yes,” I answered, thrusting my fingers in deeper, moving slowly at first and then building. “I feel the wetness coating them. And I can hear it, as I thrust them in and out.”

“That’s so fucking hot. I’m so hard right now thinking about feeling your wet pussy around my cock.”

My head rolled back as I sighed. “I want that too. I’m really close. I want to feel you fucking me now.” 

“Keep fucking yourself with those fingers. Don’t stop. Make yourself cum just like that, Sam. Imagine it’s my cock fucking you so hard and fast, just like I’m going to when we finally get together. I’m going to have so much cum to fill your pussy with.”

“Oh fuck!” I yelled, thrusting my fingers faster like Mark told me to. I wondered if he’d really want to fuck me like that without a condom. It would be risky for him. And for me. Though not as much, since I was on birth control and didn’t have as much to lose. But still risky. It seemed apparent by that point that he’d likely been with other women too, besides me and his wife. Despite all of that, the idea of feeling him sliding his bare cock inside of me and fucking me until his hot cum was shooting deep into my pussy was another unexpected turn-on that ended up bringing me over the edge. 

“I’m cumming!” I yelled. And then I was, moaning and yelling out loud, my whole body writhing and spasming on the bed as my thighs clamped together around my hand, fingers still thrusting and rubbing.

“That’s it, you slut. Cum hard for me, all over those fingers as you imagine my cock exploding inside of you like that. Don’t stop, keep rubbing that pussy.”

“Mmmmmm,” I moaned as I finally came down. “That was so good.” 

“Good. You have me so hard right now. I’m dying to jerk off and cum for you.” 

Are you thinking about going back on your vow not to cum until we can get together?” I teased. 

“Well, I didn’t count on it taking this long.” Mark chuckled back.

I laughed. “Should I hold off on cumming anymore, too? In solidarity?”

“No. You’ll be continuing to make yourself cum for me several times a day until I get to make you cum in person again.”

I smiled, knowing he’d be able to make good on that promise. “Or you could just come over now,” I teased. 

He chuckled back, a low, sexy sound, still coated in arousal. “Fuck, I want to. I’m gonna make it happen soon, trust me.”

“Okay,” I agreed. “Where are you now?”

“Sitting on the couch. Staring down at my hard-on sticking right out in my sweatpants.”

“Mmm,” I moaned. “I would love to see that. That’s a really hot image.”

“Oh yeah? So is imagining you laying on your bed like that, still naked, tired from sprinting the last few blocks home and all those flights of stairs, and then that intense orgasm.” 

I laughed. “Pretty much.”

“I better go before you tempt me into breaking my own rule.” 

I laughed again. “It’s kind of a silly rule.” 

“You won’t be saying that when you’re full of my cum. Feeling it dripping out and down your thighs.”

“Fuck…” I cursed, imagining feeling that, on top of the post-orgasm high, similar to what I was currently experiencing. 

“Fuck is right. Goodnight, my slut.”

“Goodnight,” I smiled. “Sweet dreams.”

“You too. Bye for now.”



Written by AJPages
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