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A Star Returns

"A High School Athlete returns home"

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"Thanks for the invite," I said as I looked around at the large room. There were many people gathered for my friend's sister's reception. I call him my friend loosely as we had only recently reconnected through social media, and by recent, I mean like a few days ago.

"No problem, Turbo," Ted said as he smiled at me.

"That was ages ago," I said, shaking my head, it was amazing that name had stuck around for so many years, even when we were in high school. Ted's name was Stretch, because of his long arms and his ability to palm a basketball with ease. My name was obvious. I had been the fastest person on both our football and basketball team.

"Can't believe you returned home after all these years," Ted said with amazement.

"Yeah," I shook my head. It had been sixteen years since I had come home to this mid-size town. It wasn't a small town in the middle of nowhere. It was what some would call suburbia, the one thing different from all the other suburbs was this place was a football town. Everything stopped for the high school football games.

"I know my parents will be shocked to see you again," Ted smiled.

Ted's place was the place to be back in high school. He had it all, a basement where we could throw parties, all the latest video games, the most significant pool table, plus a full-sized swimming pool. Everybody hung out at Ted's place after school.

"I doubt that," I said, shaking my head as I sat down at the table he pointed out to me. It was an open spot that no one had claimed.

There was something to be said about peaking in high school as I did, then dropping to the lowest of the lows afterward.

Ted went to the stage and waited for the bride and groom to arrive and the full entourage.

In high school, I was the "man" so to speak. I was good at every sport. You named it I could do it in spades. Basketball, I had the highest scores, rebounds, assists, and steals. Football I did it all, offense, defense, special teams. There were scouts all over me, then I went to college, and it all went downhill. Sure I could play, if things had gone as they should have, I would have played professionally, but I didn't.

You know that saying don't hang out in the wrong crowd, or they will ruin you, well I never listened. I got caught up in the wrong crowd and started having an attitude like I was the best thing since sliced bread, which cost me. Coaches kicked me off the teams as I started telling them what to do, and one thing leads to another, and I had no more free rides. My so-called friends disappeared, and I was left out in the cold, literally.

I eventually got a job working retail, which lead to a management position. I also got married, but that fell through as I worked too much and didn't realize that she wanted more than just a part-time husband.

Now here I was, back in my hometown. No idea why I had returned, but it felt like the right place for a fresh start. I put a post on my social pages about returning home, and that's when Ted found me.

We had hit it off like the past few years never happened. In our eyes, I was still Turbo, and he was still Stretch. He invited me to his sister's reception, and now I sat in the middle of an extravagant hotel banquet room, waiting for the reception to begin.

"Friend of the family?" an elderly lady at my table asked.

"You can say that," I replied.

The truth was, in high school, the only reason people hung out with Ted was his rich family status. He was a joke, if it weren't for his house and his parents, well mainly his father being out of town every week no one would give him the time of day. Especially me, I made fun of him consistently, the name stretch was meant as an insult, but he was too caught up in trying to fit in with the rest of us that he made it into something that stuck.

So, being here was not something I was looking forward to, but staying another night in that roach-infested motel by the highway was not my cup of tea.

"Here she comes," the lady said as she stood.

Sure enough, the bridal party came into the room with music playing and cheers and screams of congratulations. I stood in silence.

'It can't be,' I said to myself. "Little Natalie?"

"Yes," the lady said.

I had thought I said the last part to myself, but it seemed I said it out loud. The party got up on the small stage and took their seats. I couldn't believe my eyes. Little Natalie was far from little. She was all smiles as she sat near her husband.

I couldn't take my eyes off her as everyone sat down. The annoying little brat that tried to ruin all our fun when we were teenagers, was all grown up. And had become a beautiful woman.

Ted stood up and said a few words thanking everyone for being here. Then he did it. What I had begged him not to do. He told everyone that I was here. I looked around at all the faces that looked at me. Most of them were all smiles. I bet they remembered the high school me, the one that couldn't be defended as a wide receiver or the one that put up numerous basketball scores. I waved and smiled and then congratulated the newly married couple.

I caught Ted's father's eyes, and it all came back to me. He saw through me like I was transparent. I was a failure, and he knew it.

The party got into full swing, and I tried to stay away from anyone who would recognize me, but it wasn't easy in a town like this. Soon people were asking about me and why I had dropped off the face of the planet. I tried to answer as easily as possible, but it was hard to say I peaked in high school and then fucked it all up.

"You returned," a voice said from behind me as I got my fifth drink from the open bar.

I thanked the bartender and then slowly turned around. "Yeah," I nodded, looking at Terrence, Ted's father.

"You could fool all these other people, but…" he started to say.

"Look, I just wanted to get out of the motel for a while, nothing more," I said.

He looked back at me and nodded. "Just making sure you're not trying to pull anything," Terrence said as he walked away.

"Asshole," I said, shaking my head.

Terrence had kept up with my college shenanigans. He had been one of my biggest sponsors. He would pay for me to get the newest shoes, clothes, since my family was dead poor he would help us out. Then I threw it all away when I got kicked off the team. My dad stopped talking to me. My mother slowly passed away from cancer, and after she was gone, so was he, I hadn't heard head or tails from him or about him since.

On the other hand, Terrence tried to get me back on the straight and narrow, but I threw it all away when I got caught with drugs in my car, that was when he wiped his hands and set me free. I guessed he never told anyone, or else they wouldn't be all over me like white on rice.

"Not going to say hi?" a woman's voice said from behind me as I tried to sneak to the exit.

"Natalie!" I said, spinning around.

She had changed from her wedding gown to a form-fitting blue dress. And by form-fitting, I meant every word.

"Don't you mean brat face?" Natalie said.

I laughed and nodded. I had called her many names during that time.

Natalie was no brat face now. Like her Hispanic mother, she had long brown hair that came down to her mid-back, and well, the rest of her was easy, to sum up. Curves on top of curves on top of busty deliciousness.

She wasn't skinny, but she wasn't obese. Every inch of her body was just curvy, thick, and curvy. From her thick thighs to her waist, ass and huge breasts that wanted to burst out of that dress. Gone was the skinny little brat that chased us around and threatened to tell everything that we did. Now she was a full-fledged woman.

"Congrats," I said as I held my drink up and nodded to the man beside Terrence and Ted.

"Meh," Natalie said, shrugging.

"Meh?" I asked with surprise.

"Don't tell anyone, but he has been asking for just over a year now, I finally gave in," Natalie said as she waved and looked back at him with a smile. "I figured what the hell."

"So, you're not the happy bride?" I asked.

"Happy, not so much, bride, absolutely!" Natalie said.

"Still, the brat!" I laughed.

"Never gave up the title," Natalie smiled. "Oh, there is someone that you should meet," Natalie said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me across the room.

We finally stopped at a group of girls chatting. Most of them walked away, leaving behind a busty redhead in a green gown. "Well?" Natalie asked as she looked at me.

"Well, what?" I asked, trying not to be impolite.

The redhead snickered. "He doesn't recognize me," she laughed.

"I know," Natalie laughed as they both stood there staring at me.

I concentrated and tried to remember this young woman in front of me.

"Sorry, but I can't," I said, shrugging.

"Take away the red hair," Natalie said.

"The implants," the redhead said.

"Add braces," Natalie said.

"Blonde hair," the redhead said.

"Holy fuck!" I said as the image shot into my head. "Debbie!" I shouted.

"Shh!" Natalie said as she laughed.

"Ding ding!" Debbie said.

Debbie and Natalie were best friends back then. When last I saw these two; they were barely fifteen years old. Now they were both grown women and attractive at that. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Yes, they aren't real," Debbie said, pointing out her impressive chest. They weren't as big as her friends, but they were impressive, to say the least. "My boob man of a husband got them for his pleasure."

"Husband?" I asked, looking around.

"The idiot standing near, her newly married idiot," Debbie said.

"Ah," I nodded, looking over at the two guys with broad smiles. Of course, they were smiling; they were married to easily the most attractive women in the building.

"So, what are you doing back in this dump?" Natalie said as we sat down at a table.

"Truthfully?" I asked as I took a large swig of my drink.

"Yeah," Debbie said. "No one comes back here without reason."

I told them everything. It came out so smooth and did it feel good to let it all out.

"Sounds fair enough," Debbie nodded.

"That's why Anthony came back," Natalie said.

"Lex?" I smiled.

"Yeah, he works down at the mill," Natalie smiled. "He hates being called Lex, though."

Anthony, who was the key player on defense, had the uncanny resemblance to a well-known pro wrestler, so we started calling him Lex.

"Partly because he looks nothing like how he used to," Debbie added.

"What about you two?" I asked.

"I work down at the restaurant on fifth," Natalie said.

"Strip club," Debbie added.

I nearly spat out my drink as she said that as quickly as saying any other job.

"What? It pays the bills, and I am good at it," Debbie said.

"Very good at it," Natalie said.

"Wait," I said, finally putting two and two together.

"Wow, it only took you what thirty minutes to figure that out," Debbie shook her head.

"Do they know?" I asked, looking back at the two guys.

"Of course," Natalie shook her head. "Foursomes are part of the marriage deal."

"Wow," I said, shaking my head. "I thought nothing had changed around here."

"Nothing much," Natalie smiled.

"Shall we tell him?" Debbie asked.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"I don't know," Natalie said.

"I think we should," Debbie smiled.

"Seriously, what?" I asked.

"It's our big secret that no one knows," Natalie said

"Seriously, no one," Debbie repeated.

"Okay, fine, I won't tell a soul," I nodded.

"We had the biggest crush on you back then," Natalie said.

"Like huge," Debbie said.

"A lot of the girls did," I shrugged.

It was easy for me to mess around when I was in high school, and afterward, even in college. I was a good athlete, and with it came groupies. I got laid every night back then. Now it had been over two years.

"Not like us," Natalie shook her head.

"We cut pictures of you out of the town newspaper," Debbie said.

"Collected your hair when mum used to cut it," Natalie said.

"We drew pictures of the three of us together," Debbie said.

"Even had a song about you," Natalie said.

"Wow, you guys were serious," I smiled.

"So serious that we had a bet going on, want to hear about it?" Debbie smiled as she looked around the room.

"Absolutely," I responded.

"We bet each other who would be the first to suck on your dick," Natalie said as she stared at me.

My dick throbbed as she stared directly into my eyes. Even though the room was dark except for a few colored spotlights that danced across the room, I could see her face.

"You're joking," I said as I looked at both of them.

"Oh, no, we are definitely serious," Debbie said as she looked at me.

"We both lost our virginities to Samuel Hobe," Natalie said.

Samuel was a junior when I graduated. People said we could pass for brothers, as there was somewhat of a similarity between the two of us.

"Hey, babe," Natalie's husband said as he approached our table.

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"Johnathan," Natalie smiled as she stood up. "We were just catching up with Ted's friend."

"Keith," I said, introducing myself.

"Hey, Keith, or should I say Turbo?" Johnathan said as he took his wife's hand as she stood up.

"That is an old name from a time long gone," I said with a smile.

"Mind if I take my wife for a spin on the dance floor?" Johnathan said.

"No need to ask me," I said, shaking my head.

With that, all of them took off, leaving me alone at the table. I wasn't alone for long as Jasmine Ted's mother walked towards me.

There was another reason that most of the guys liked going to Ted's place. His mother was a certified MILF, long before the word became fashionable. She had it all, and the years had just improved on all of it. She was thick in all the right places. Granted, her daughter had bigger boobs, but Jasmine had more abundant hips and an ass you could see from the front.

"Keith Turner," Jasmine said as she sat down.

"Mrs. Demoine," I answered.

"Jasmine," Jasmine said as she looked at me. "You're not a teen anymore. We can call each other by our first names."

I nodded. "Jasmine, it is then," I smiled.

If this woman only knew how many times in my teenage years that I had masturbated to the thought of fucking her. I bet I had shot out gallons to just the vision of her on those summer days in those bikinis and skimpy skirts. She knew she drove the guys wild and made the girls jealous.

"So, what brings you back?" Jasmine asked as she stared at me.

"A fresh start," I nodded as I told her my sob story.

Jasmine listened to every word as I told her everything. She was always a good listener, even when I had a somewhat bad game, she would listen to me and tell me what she thought I should do.

"Well," Jasmine said as I finished. "You shouldn't stay in that dump of a motel. We have a spare room that you can use until you can get on your feet."

"I can't," I said, shaking my head. "Terrence…"

"Will get over it," Jasmine said, placing her hand on mine. "Trust me."

"Okay," I nodded.

"I have to make my rounds, but talk to Ted about getting a job, he works at the mall, and I am sure he knows some openings," Jasmine said. She stood up and put her hand on my shoulder. "Everything will turn out alright, welcome home."

"I am back," Natalie said as she plummeted into the seat next to me. "What did you and mom talk about?"

"Nothing much," I said, turning to face her. "She offered me to stay at the house instead of the motel."

"Good," Natalie smiled. "Were you staring at her chest?"

"What?" I asked, shocked to hear her talking about her mother like, "No," I said, shaking my head.

"I bet you were, you have always liked staring at her boobs," Natalie said.

"I am much bigger than her now," Natalie said, jutting out her chest. "She wears an F, and I am an H," Natalie said proudly.

"That is impressive," I said, staring at her chest.

"So, what did you think about our bet?" Natalie asked.

"It's surprising, definitely caught me off guard," I answered.

The music was loud, and the large crowd on the dance floor had gotten bigger.

"I think I am better at it than her, by the way," Natalie said as she got close to me.

"At dancing?" I said as I looked at Debbie on the dance floor.

"No," Natalie said as she got real close to me. "Sucking cock!" she said into my ear.

I smiled and shook my head. "You two have grown up so much."

"Want to see?" Natalie said as she looked at me in my eyes once again.

Before I could answer, Natalie got down on the floor then disappeared under the tented table. What happened next was a blur of movement as she moved between my legs and had my cock out before I could say stop. Then I felt her mouth on my hard dick.

"Natalie," I said as I tried to pull her back from under the table.

"I don't like it," Terrence said as he sat in the chair that Natalie had just vacated.

"What, I mean, huh?" I said as I tried to compose myself.

"You, staying at the house," Terrence said. It was apparent he had been drinking a lot. "But, she usually gets what she wants, so fuck it."

"Yeah, I guess," I said as I tried to ignore the fact that this man's daughter was under this very table, sucking my cock like it was the last cock on the planet.

I could feel her taking it all the way down to the base. I could feel her nose press against me, then she rose to the head of my dick then back down again, over and over.

"I told her you would show your real colors soon," Terrence said as he stared at me. He was only a few inches away from me.

Luckily, the music was loud, and the long tablecloth stretched down to the floor. His daughter was going to town on my cock.

"Mhmm," I coughed as I tried to concentrate on what he was saying.

"Sir," Johnathan said as he sat down across from us.

The situation was just getting worse as he had brought Ted along with him. These three guys and now Debbie and the others followed. The table was filled with people, including Jasmine. They started talking about things I had no interest in at the moment.

Underneath the table, Natalie had taken this opportunity to advance her skills, she held up my cock and licked it all the way around. "Mhmm," I coughed again as I tried to hide my enthusiasm.

"Where is your wife?" Debbie asked. I noticed there was a big smile on her face. 'Did she know?' I thought to myself.

"I don't know," Johnathan said as he looked around.

'Under this table, sucking the life out of my black cock,' I thought to myself.

"Probably in the bathroom," Terrence said. "I saw her drinking a lot from the bar," he said, shaking his head.

'No,' I thought to myself. 'Swirling her tongue around the head of my cock, right now.'

"That just means she takes after her father," Jasmine said, staring at her husband.

"Don't start; it's our daughter's big day," Terrence said.

"I am sure she is having an enjoyable night, especially now," Debbie said as she winked at me.

That was the clue. She knew that her friend or girlfriend, or whatever they were, was under the table sucking on my cock.

I was close to cumming. I reached under the table as the others started to talk about the drinks and the music. I held the back of Natalie's head as I held it tightly against me. Natalie had a mouth and a throat full of my cock as I came, I looked and smiled directly at Johnathan as I came down his newly married wife's throat, not into her mouth, but down her throat.

"What?" Johnathan asked as he looked at me.

"I just wanted to make a toast," I said as I let her head go. I grabbed my drink and toasted to his happiness and hoped he had a long and beautiful marriage.

The whole table toasted to the lucky bride and groom. Well, just the groom as the bride was licking my cock clean. I reached under the table and zipped myself up.

"Be right back," I said as I stood up and made my way to the bathroom.

'Damn,' I thought to myself as I opened the stall. I was already getting hard again as I thought of another round with Natalie's soft mouth. I had been the recipient of many blow jobs, but Natalie was right, she was beyond good.

I held my dick in my hand. It still felt moist and wet from Natalie's mouth, gliding all over it. Not even my ex-wife took my dick all the way down. I did not like to brag too much, but I had a nice cock. Just over eight inches and thick.

My ex hated when I fucked her mouth, but I bet Natalie would love it if I grabbed her head and skull fucked her. My dick throbbed in anticipation of the next encounter.

I used some of the paper towels and got myself all cleaned up again. I am sure Natalie had found a way to get from under the table by now, and I wanted another round before she went off on her honeymoon.

"Well," Debbie said as I got out of the bathroom, she leaned against the wall.

"You scared me," I said as I looked back at her.

"Little ole me?" Debbie said with a smile.

"Yeah," I said, looking around the large hallway for Natalie.

"She's with her husband," Debbie said as if knowing what I was looking for, "You weren't thinking of giving her another go at that nice cock of yours? Were you?"

"I was thinking about it," I said as I looked at Debbie. Something made me think she wasn't just here to talk about Natalie.

"I think it's my turn, don't you?" Debbie said as she took my hand and led me down the hallway. We looked around and tried one of the conference room doors. It wasn't locked, so we entered the darkroom.

"I have been dreaming of this moment," Debbie said in the darkness. I felt her press against me as she worked her way down to the floor.

I reached around for a switch or a dimmer to illuminate the darkroom.

"Found it," I said as I found a dimmer switch. Slowly I turned it as Debbie had unzipped my pants.

"She wasn't kidding," Debbie said as I had the room barely lit, I didn't want one of the hotel staff to see the light and coming in and seeing a redhead on her knees sucking off a black guy. "This cock is thick!" Debbie said as she tried to get it into her small mouth.

"Your girlfriend got it all the way in and all the way down," I teased.

"Well, she is a much better cock sucker than I am," Debbie said as she looked up at me while licking the head of my dick. "But, you know what I can beat her at?"

"What's that?" I asked.

"I can ride this cock better than anyone," Debbie said as she stood up.

"Prove it," I said as I laid out on the floor.

Debbie hiked up her tight blue skirt, then pulled her thong to the side as she straddled me. Slowly she lowered herself onto me. "Yes," I moaned as I watched her ass slowly lower down on me. It was a nice, petite, but a round ass, unlike Natalie's or her mom's huge.

"You like the view?" Debbie said as she looked back at me.

"Yes," I said, staring at her bubble butt go up and down as she rode my dick.

"This is the first time I had a dick inside of me without protection," Debbie said as she started to bounce faster. Her small frame moved up and down quicker and harder. "I finally get to ride a cock that doesn't fall out every time."

Debbie was right about one thing; she could ride a cock like no other I had been with before. She increased her pace, with every moment that went by, she reached forward and grabbed my feet as she used them as leverage to push off. Now she was sitting upright with her legs spread and only her feet holding her up.

"Yes, fuck yes," Debbie screamed loudly.

She took all my dick into her, with each downstroke and all the way to the tip on the up. It was all I could do to not cum right away.

"You're nearly tearing my dick off," I said, but I doubt Debbie could hear me, she was in pure lust, her hands were on her head, and her fingers went through her long red hair as she bounced up and down using her feet and thighs.

"Such a big fucking dick!" Debbie yelled again. This time I was sure that anyone outside the door would be able to hear her screaming.

Seeing her like this made my dick throb with anticipation. I knew I would not last much longer. "Cum inside of me," Debbie said, lowering her hands to her thighs as she bounced up and down even faster. "I can feel it. I can feel you wanting to fill me up."

I reached for her waist and pulled her down on my cock. I pushed up into her as I came hard. With each thrust up into her, I came deeper inside her.

"Fuck," I said as I finished. My limp cock fell out of her. Debbie looked back at me with a smile,

"That's another first as well, no one has cum inside of me before," Debbie said with that devilish smile that I was getting accustomed to seeing, she slowly and gingerly stood up. Balancing herself on the wall. "It seems leg day at the gym has worked out after all."

"You were right," I said as I stood up and pulled my pants back up. "No one has ridden me like that before."

I walked to the door and turned off the light as I looked outside. "Coast is clear," I said as we made our way out.

"Well, I have to go to the lady's room," Debbie said as she rushed off.

"There you are," Jasmine said, turning the corner of the party room. "The party is over; they are just finishing up."

"Oh," I said, looking over her shoulder, hoping to see Natalie. "I better say my goodbye's."

"The bride and groom already went to their rooms," Jasmine said with a slight grin.

'Did she know?' I thought to myself.

"Here," Jasmine said, handing me a room key. "Just for the night, we don't want anyone drinking and driving."

"Thanks," I said as I took it.

"We can talk tomorrow at breakfast about you moving in," Jasmine said as she started to walk off.

"That is still happening?" I asked.

"Of course," Jasmine smiled. "Why wouldn't it be."

I nodded and headed for the elevator. Tonight had been a wild ride. I was glad I came out of my motel room. Hopefully, I could see Debbie or Natalie tomorrow before they went home.

Written by Anonymous
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