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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - chapter11

"Drew, Tess, Dave and Fiona spend Sunday together."

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Drew opened his eyes. He instantly knew it was still quite early as the sun was not shining into the bedroom yet. He looked at the clock, 5.55am it told him. He felt refreshed as he lay on his back. Dave was cuddled into his right hand side and Fiona's hand was cupping his cock and balls. He was not really comfortable with her doing that. He thought for a moment and then gently lifted her hand off himself. He sat up and looked down the other end of the bed.

Fiona had turned over during the night and was now facing his feet. Tess was cuddled up into her back.

'God she was gorgeous, even when she was asleep.'

He slowly and quietly climbed over Dave and got out of bed, picked up his jeans, boots and T-shirt and went out into the living room to dress. He slipped out of the apartment and got the lift down to the ground floor. Joe had just started his shift on the desk and welcomed Drew like an old friend.

"Hi Joe, where is the nearest supermarket?" he asked the elderly guard.

"Down the street to the left, about a block on the other side of the road. What did you guys run out of milk or something?" replied Joe.

"No, just want to get some stuff for breakfast. I'll be back soon," Drew answered him.

Drew left the building and walked the few hundred meters down to the supermarket in the fresh morning air. The city was a lot quieter and there were hardly any people around this early on a Sunday morning.

The store had only just opened as he took a basket and searched out the bakery. He selected two packs of four croissants and a loaf of sourdough bread, next he found the deli, and got some bacon and then eggs and orange juice. At the checkout he picked up the Sunday news papers and paid for his purchases.

He let himself back into the apartment, after struggling a bit to recall the code, and put his shopping bags onto the kitchen counter. It was now 6.45 and the others had still not stirred. After putting the eggs, bacon and orange juice into the fridge he then made himself a coffee and went and sat in the sun on the balcony and read the papers. News papers were a luxury as at home the mail and newspaper were not delivered until afternoon and by then he had probably had heard all the news on the radio ten times. Drew sipped his mug of coffee and immersed himself in his reading, the next time he looked it was only a couple of minutes before eight.

'Where did that hour go?' he thought.

His mug was empty so he stood up and went inside to fix himself another. As he was doing so he heard the bedroom door open. Turning around he observed Fiona, her fit looking body wrapped in a towel, reaching for her green dress on the couch.

"Good morning Drew," she said.

"Hi, how are you doing?" Drew asked.

"Not too bad considering," she answered.

She picked up her dress and now didn't know what to do. Drew could see her dilemma, she was being a lot more modest in the full light of day.

"You can dress in the bathroom here if you like," he suggested to her.

"Thanks," she said, "I don't know why I'm being so shy, after last night," she said.

"Ah I understand, we hardly know each other," said Drew.

"Yeah, I'd like to get to know all of you better, I did enjoy the whole evening last night," she said hoping that Drew realized that she meant the social aspect as well as the sex.

"I mean the drinks and talking stuff as well as the..." she didn't know what to say now and was getting a bit flustered, "the bedroom..."

Drew didn't know whether to let her off the hook or make her plow on and get herself into more of a tangle.

Finally he said, "You mean the sex bits. Would you like a coffee?"

"Well, I was planning to just get dressed and sneak out," she said.

"No you can't do that, I've been out and bought stuff for breakfast for us all. And Tess would be very disappointed if you just left."

"Really, I would love a cup, I'm pretty thirsty, so I will stay for a while, it would be rude to leave without at least saying goodbye," she babbled out obviously flustered and embarrassed.

Dave poured two cups, picked them up and went back onto the balcony. Fiona strangely enough followed him without putting her dress on and sat down opposite him in her towel at the small table.

"Oh isn't the sunshine nice," she said.

Drew smiled at her and replied, "Yes, I really like it out here, the view it is so different from my place."

"I must apologize for last night," Fiona blurted out.

"What are you talking about?" Drew asked as he looked over to her.

"Me asking Tess to ask to if I could watch you guys, I don't know what I was thinking," she replied.

"You were curious that's all."

"No it was rude for me to ask her, let alone watch," Fiona said.

"Hey look if we had thought it was too far out of line we would have said no. Dave and I had a quick chat about it when Tess came in and thought it would be pretty hot to have you and her watch us fuck," Drew explained.

"You thought it would be hot? Was it?" she asked.

"Damn right it was. Probably one of the most exciting things I've ever done. Dave agreed with me when we were showering," Drew admitted.

"Really, I was so turned on I didn't know what to do next," Fiona said with out thinking.

She cringed inwardly after the words came out of her mouth.

Drew smiled.

"I'm sorry, I say stupid things when I'm nervous," she said and didn't know why.

"Look, there is no need to be nervous here in this apartment. Tess really likes you and will want to continue seeing you, so Dave and I will like you too, whatever makes Tess happy. Like it or not you have seen Dave and I having sex, we've seen you naked and you gave oral sex to Dave. We all know that, so why be nervous or embarrassed. Just to let you know, you had your hand on my cock when I woke up this morning, so suck it up and get on with being our friend. I'm not nervous around you or embarrassed. So please don't you be," Drew told her.

"I suppose you are right, I'm just a bit confused about it all," Fiona said, "When I came over here last night I was gay female looking to do the ground work on a new fuck buddy."

She blushed after she said fuck buddy and thought, 'Watch what you are saying you dick head!"

Within three hours I'd had been seduced by Tess, watched two men have gay sex, had oral sex with a guy and probably wanted to have intercourse with them," she blurted out.

"Is it true you had never seen a cock until last night?" Drew asked her.

"Yes, and I'd never had a man touch my breasts before either," she answered truthfully.

"That's pretty hard for me to get my head around," Drew replied.

"I have a bit to think about now, I think I'd like to experiment more," Fiona stated.

"Well don't take this the wrong way, I like you Fiona, but I'm forty one years old and I believe you are twenty three. I'm not looking for another girl friend, I love Tess and Dave, what happened last night was fun and that's all."

"I know that, the last thing I want is any thing serious with you, Dave or Tess. I was in a toxic relationship with a woman for the last two and a half years and for the life of me can't work out why I stayed with her so long. I just want to have fun for a while, not hurt any one and now, after last night, I'm considering having sex with guys. Like you said I'm only twenty three, and I feel I've missed a couple of years." Fiona agreed.

"Well that's a relief for me to hear you say that," said Drew.

"I was laying between Tess and Dave before and was fantasizing that it might be nice to have you three teach me about sex, I have missed so much in my education," she said quietly, "Pure fantasy, I know, but you are such nice men and Tess is a dream boat."

Drew was beginning to feel a little bit sorry for her, "Do you have many other male friends?"

"None at all, my ex wouldn't allow men as friends, I've only been surrounded by butch women since I left school," she replied, "Living with my brother has helped but I don't see much of him or his mates as he works shift work."

Drew heard the coffee machine in the kitchen and with out standing he poked his head around the edge of the door and saw Dave, naked with two mugs at the counter.

"Good morning Dave," he called out.

"Morning Drew, are you right for a drink? Dave answered.

"Yes thanks, I'm going to make breakfast, I'll be right in," Drew called back.

Turning back to Fiona he said, "Well if you want an education it's about to start."

He stood up and picked up the mugs and went inside.

Fiona stood in her towel and followed him.

"Whoops, I didn't know we still had company," said Dave, but he made no attempt to cover himself.

Fiona stopped dead in her tracks, her face went crimson.

Drew started to laugh, "Sorry I should have warned you both, but it was too good an opportunity," he chuckled.

Tess now entered the room from the bedroom, she was also naked, "What's all the laughter about?" she asked.

Then she saw Fiona, her cheeks were bright red from the embarrassment she was feeling. Tess's eyes then went to Dave, stark naked and looking magnificent.

"We both thought you had left earlier," Tess tried to explain as she rushed toward Fiona, "For gods sake Dave put some pants on, can't you see you have offended the poor girl."

"Well it's your fault, always telling us you've never had coffee made for you by a nude man," Dave retorted, " I hope this teaches you a lesson."

Drew was still chuckling to himself, and even Tess was beginning to see the funny side of the situation.

She was smiling as she walked over to Fiona, "Sorry about that, it is just one of our weekend morning rituals."

Fiona was beginning to compose herself a bit, she couldn't take her eyes off Dave's cock in its shaven, flaccid glory.

"It's okay," she replied, "It's natural, I suppose, I'm in your home."

"I really didn't know you were still here, I'll just go and get some clothes," apologized Dave.

"Only if you want to," said Fiona, "I mean it's your house,"

Drew could see she was getting rattled again and her mouth was working before her brain had formed the sentence.

Tess went across to her and put her arms around her waist. They were standing front on. Tess's face only came up to her nipple level.

Fiona took the comforting cuddle offered by Tess as Dave went to dress.

Tess broke free from Fiona and said, "I'd best put something on too." and followed Dave through the door.

Fiona reached for her dress on the couch as Drew turned on the hot plate in the kitchen.

As he turned to the fridge Fiona asked him, "Drew will you look at me," and undid the towel from around her chest and let it drop to the floor.

She now stood naked in front of Drew, she wanted to show him her body.

Drew looked over as her towel hit the floor.

His first thought was, 'She has a great body.'

He then lowered his eyes to her pussy and saw she was shaved with just a thin strip of trimmed hair from her slit upward.

'Now that looks great, most inviting,' he thought.

 He now raised his eyes and focused on her chest, 'Unreal tits,' was his exact thought.

She was tanned all over except for a triangle over her pussy and two on each breast.

'She would look great in that bikini,' was his next thought.

Fiona now put her arms through the stretchy tube of the dress and pulled it down over her head and body. She straightened it across her breasts and wiggled her bum as she stretched it to its limit just down past her pussy.

Drew had nothing to say, he didn't know why she had done that for him, so he continued to make breakfast.

Tess and Dave came out, Tess wore the silk dressing gown she had worn at the farm, Dave had shorts and a T shirt.

"Your making us breakfast I hear," said Tess.

"You bet, I went out earlier and bought supplies," answered Drew as he turned on the oven to warm the croissants then trimmed the bacon of its rind and fat.

He found the toaster and put Fiona to work on his side of the counter making toast and then got plates glasses and cutlery onto the bench. He poured them all an orange juice each. Next he started the bacon sizzling in a pan then put it in the oven to crisp up and fried half a dozen eggs.

Tess and Dave sat and watched in awe, Dave didn't even know they owned everything required to cook food in their kitchen.

"This is probably the biggest meal ever cooked in this apartment," he quipped.

"That's not true!" Tess said indignantly as she slapped his arm.

Secretly she was amazed that Drew could do so many things in the kitchen at once and nothing was burning.

As Fiona finished making what she thought was enough toast Drew served the eggs on top of each slice and portioned out the bacon, he then passed a plate across to Dave and one for Tess. He and Fiona stood opposite them and ate.

"What are we going to do today?" asked Tess as they ate.

"Go to the beach?" suggested Drew.

"Yeh that would be nice," agreed Tess.

"How about you and I ride our bikes down and Drew and Fiona meet us there for a late lunch? Then we can all come home together in the truck," said Dave. He just assumed that Fiona would hang around with them all day.

"Good idea, I have wanted to do a few kilometers to tone up a bit," said Tess, "You will come won't you Fiona?"

Fiona looked at Drew, she sorted of figured that it was more up to him as she would be spending the time it took to drive to where ever they were going with him.

Drew saw her looking at him and felt compelled to say, "Yeh come with me, I'd probably get lost on my own."

"Your sure?" she asked.

"Of course," he said, "And besides I want to find somewhere to wash my truck and could do with a hand. It doesn't stay clean for five minutes at my place, wash it and it's either dusty or muddy, depending on the weather, by the time I get to the front gate."

Drew smiled at her as he said it and she bumped his hip with hers in a familiar sort of gesture, as if to say is that the only reason you want me to come.

Dave asked Fiona if she knew where a particular hotel down the coast was and if she could direct Drew there.

He explained to Drew it would probably take him an hour or so to drive there and he and Tess would take twice the time, so he'd have time to wash the truck.

Fiona asked if Drew could drop by her apartment so she could change clothes, it wouldn't take long she promised.

Good that's settled then said Tess as Drew took the warm croissants from the oven and placed them on a board. He served them all a coffee and they sat around chatting for another fifteen minutes or so.

Drew noticed that Fiona was becoming more relaxed with him than she was with Dave. Probably the result of this mornings talk on the balcony where the air between them had been cleared a bit, and the fact that she had shown him her body. He figured that had given them a little private moment where the others hadn't been included. He was starting to like this young lady.

Drew and Fiona stacked the dish washer and Drew washed the frying pan while Fiona cleared the bench and wiped down the kitchen surfaces. As she was rinsing the dishcloth in the sink Drew noticed how close she was standing to him and that she would touch his arm or hand softly when there wasn't really any need to. She was coming on to him he decided, or was it she just wanted to feel close with a male, she'd never had that before.

Tess and Dave reappeared wearing their riding Lycra.

"Wow," said Drew, "You two look so good in those clothes." Fiona agreed instantly.

"Where are your bikes?" asked Drew, "I'd forgotten about them,"

"We have a storage locker in the car park. We going to get going so we'll see you down there at what? One thirty, two o'clock, okay?" Dave said.

Tess kissed them both and thanked them for breakfast and cleaning up then said, "See you two later, have fun."

The door closed behind them and now Drew and Fiona were alone in the apartment. Drew had wanted to shower and change before they had left.

"I'm just going to have a quick shower and change, won't be long," he told her.

He went into the bedroom and threw off his clothes and then went into the bathroom.

Under the shower he quickly shaved his face and pubic area then shampooed his hair. When he opened his eyes after rinsing the suds out he was surprised, no shocked to see Fiona leaning on one of the sinks watching him.

"You'll give me a heart attack sneaking in like that," he said.

"Do you think I could have a quick shower when you are finished?" she asked, "It would save a bit of time at my place."

Yes, no problem, I'm finished now," Drew answered, he was also surprised that he didn't care that he was naked in front of her. He'd come a long way in the last couple of weeks with the way he viewed nudity and being comfortable with other people.

He turned the water off and opened the door to the shower. Fiona pulled her dress up, over her head and purposely stepped into the recess as he stepped out. There naked bodies brushed as she passed him and Drew was tempted to reach out and touch her.

'She can't give me any clearer signals than she is giving me, she wants to fuck me,' he thought as he dried himself in front of her as she washed her body.

Drew was wrestling with it now, she was Tess's friend he decided, if he did have sex with her he wanted Tess and Dave to be there. He didn't want to do anything sexually without them there. He knew in his own mind that Dave would do the same as he, unless Tess approved and she was present Fiona was untouchable. He would explain it to her when she got out of the shower.

And he did. He told her he was very flattered and tempted by her advances but it just couldn't happen this way.

Fiona understood his explanation to her, she was feeling a bit deflated after he didn't shower with her, but she did understand. In fact she was most impressed with Drew's moral standing. He really did love Tess she decided and for the moment, until she had been with Tess a little longer, she decided to look at them and show the guys what she had. If she could summon the courage to ask Tess, who she really wanted as a friend, to help her with her sexual inquisitiveness she would, later on.

Drew had nothing to wear to the beach so after putting a pair of briefs on he went to Dave's closet and found a pair of cargo shorts that looked as if they would fit and a pair of rubber flip flops for his feet. These along with one of his new T- shirts had him looking okay he thought.

Fiona had pulled her dress on again and found her sandals with her G-string still in the toe of one of them and her jacket from the office.

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Together they got the lift down to the basement garage and walked to Drew's truck.

"You are certainly going to make me work for my ride to the beach if I have to wash this thing first," Fiona exclaimed, as she eyed the blue F250, "It's huge."

Drew went around to the passenger side front door and unlocked it. He checked there was nothing on the seat or in the foot well and held the door for her as she climbed in. He had a fleeting glimpse of her ass and pussy as she struggled a little to climb up in her figure hugging skirt. He then closed the door and went around and climbed into the drivers seat and fired up the big eight cylinder engine.

Taking extra care in the confined space he negotiated the truck out onto the street.

"Which way?" he asked.

Fiona guide him around a couple of corners and in minutes said, "Just pull up here, this is our place."

"Do you want to come up while I change?" she asked, "I won't be long."

"No I'll just wait here," said Drew as he watched her climb down and disappear into the building.

Fiona was true to her word and was back again in under five minutes. She was wearing shorts, much like Drew was wearing, a lovely Orange T-shirt and leather sandals. She had a cotton carry all bag slung over her left shoulder and had obviously brushed her hair and tied it into a pony tail.

Drew thought she looked terrific.

"Rights, a car wash." Fiona said as she climbed back in, "Down to the next set of lights and turn left and there is one on the left near the gas station."

Drew followed her directions and was soon pulling the vehicle into a bay at the car wash. He rummaged around in the console between the leather clad seats and found all of the one and two dollar coins he had accumulated for just this purpose. He climbed out and opened the toolbox he had built into the tray of the truck and found two sponges.

"Stand back for a minute or two and try not to get too wet," he said to Fiona who had appeared at the rear of the car, "I will just wash it down before we soap it up."

He went over to the coin slot selected 'Power wash' and inserted a few coins. He sprayed the whole vehicle with the jet of water that shot from the nozzle of the hose and then turned the control to 'Soap'. He again went over the panels and covered them with heaps of white foam.

"Get to work," he said with a smile and tossed her a sponge.

Drew took off his T-shirt so it would not get wet and started to sponge down the roof. Fiona also took off her shirt, she was wearing an orange bikini top that matched the tan lines on her breasts perfectly. She threw her shirt onto the back seat along with her leather sandals.

She went over one side of the truck and the tail gate with the sponge while Drew did the rest. In no time at all they had just about finished.

"I'll just do the wheels," said Drew as he soaped up one of the chrome rims, "And then I'll rinse it off"

Fiona found a tap and rinsed out her sponge and then climbed in to the front and closed the door. She proceeded to wipe down the vast dash board and console with the damp sponge as she had noticed it was quite dusty as they had been driving along.

She watched Drew as he toiled topless in the bright, warm sunshine. His build was different to Dave's. He was slim and had muscles in all the right places. But he was not as cut as Dave, his muscle were from hard work and not sculptured in a gym.

She liked that, 'Genuine useful muscles,' she thought, 'Not cosmetic muscles.'

She jumped as a blast of water under great pressure hit the windscreen. She really liked Drew and again pondered the thought of losing her virginity with him.

'Yes I will,' she thought, 'I'll bide my time and do it the right way by all concerned, but I do want Drew to be my first.'

Drew finished rinsing off and hung up the nozzle and hose. He was pleased with the way the truck now looked. He opened the door and put his shirt back on before climbing in.

"Well thanks for helping with that," he said, "And wow, look at the interior, almost like new."

He looked over at Fiona, she was lounging back in the leather bucket seat, her fantastic tits covered only by the small orange bikini top. Drew could feel his cock starting to harden.

"And my, aren't you a picture," he complimented her.

Fiona blushed a little and then said, "Okay, the beach, go back the way we just came and keep going till we see the water, turn left and keep driving for about an hour."

Tess and Dave were riding two abreast along the wide four lane road that hugged the coast. Tess was powering along, in fact Dave asked her to drop the pace a little as they still had a long way to go. Cycling was all about power to weight ratio and although Dave was a lot bigger than Tess he had more bulk to move along the road than her.

"It didn't feel right leaving Drew with Fiona, she was flirting with him," Tess said as they rode along.

"Don't be silly," Dave answered back, "She is a lesbian."

"Well I think she is having second thoughts about that, she is struggling with her sexuality a bit and wants to experiment," Tess told him.

"And she told you this?" Dave countered.

"Yes, last night,"

"You don't think Drew would..." Dave's voice trailed off.

"No, no I don't, he realizes she is confused and wouldn't take advantage, I'm sure of that but she might make advances to him," Tess answered.

They rode the next few kilometers in silence.

"You don't really want her to be included in our little family do you? Dave asked eventually.

"Not really, I want her to find some one her own age, male or female. It's not a jealousy thing, it's just not how I have pictured things," Tess said.

"Let's see how she behaves this afternoon, I sort of like her and I'd like you to have a friend I know while I'm away. I don't like the thought of you being lonely while I'm doing something selfish," Dave suggested.

"Okay, let's see this afternoon, I like her too and she made me feel like a young girl again last night. I'd like to keep seeing her but not if she is going to come between Drew and you and myself." Tess advised Dave.

Fiona said, "There is the hotel over there. Dave told me they'd meet us on the terrace out the back, so just park where ever you can find a spot."

The drive down the coast had been pleasant. They hadn't talked a lot but Fiona had pointed out a few landmarks. She was still only wearing the bikini top and Drew couldn't help himself and stole many sly looks at her enticing breasts as he drove along. As Drew pulled the truck up Fiona reached for her T-shirt and put it on.

They found Tess and Dave having coffee under an umbrella on the Terrace overlooking the beach. They both had taken off their cycling shoes which were now hanging from the handle bars of the bikes with their helmets. The bikes were leaning on a tree near the table.

Dave stood as they approached the table and welcomed them.

"Right on time," he said, "How was the drive?"

"Fine," answered Drew, "And I see you guys made it here intact."

He sat down next to Tess and kissed her on the cheek, "Did you have a good ride?"

"Yes but now I'm hungry so let's order food," Tess replied.

They ordered lunch and drinks and spent the next couple of hours eating, drinking and laughing. Dave and Drew put the bikes into the back of the truck and they all went for a long walk along the beach afterward.

Dave and Tess paid particular attention to Fiona, how she was interacting with Drew and themselves. She wasn't really favoring any one of them. She had walked along the beach with her arm around Tess for a while, then had a foot race with Dave after he'd challenged her. Drew wasn't trying to avoid being with her but wanted some time with Tess, so hung back and held her hand for a while.

"What do you think of her Drew," Tess asked when Dave and Fiona were some distance up the beach.

"I like her, she's a bit immature, and she is a terrible flirt, but she is good fun," Drew answered.

"So you noticed she was flirting with you?"

"Yep, but I think I have set her straight, I laid down a few ground rules you might say. She's your friend Tess, not mine or Dave's," Drew answered.

"I was a bit worried she'd hit on you, not that I'd be that concerned if anything did happen between you two, it's just that she is a bit confused and I don't want her doing anything she will regret later on."

"Don't worry Tess, I wouldn't do it to her or you and I told her that. I've too much to lose," Drew said.

They stopped walking for a moment, Tess took his hand, "I love you Drew. You are such a nice person."

"I love you too Tess." he replied and leaned down and kissed her on the fore head.

"Now I think we'd better catch up with those two, it's getting late and we should start back," he continued.

Tess and Fiona sat in the back seat of the F250 for the drive home. Tess held her hand for most of the hour long drive.

"Could you drop me off at my place please Drew! I'm tired and must get an early night," Fiona asked as they got closer to the city.

Tess was a bit relieved that she had volunteered to leave Dave, Drew and herself alone as Drew would be leaving in the morning and she wanted her men to herself tonight.

On arriving at Fiona's apartment block Tess gave her a kiss on the lips, "Thanks for coming over last night, it was fun. I'll give you a call later in the week," she said.

"God I've had so much fun with you guys, yes call me and we will have dinner or something," Fiona said.

Before she got down from the rear seats she leaned forward and kissed Dave and Drew each on the cheek.

"Take care guys, see you soon," she said.

She got out and disappeared into the building.

Dave and Drew put the bikes back in to the storage locker while Tess went up stairs and had a hot shower. By the time the men opened the apartment door she was showered and sitting on the couch in her silk gown watching the television. Dave went and showered and Drew went onto the balcony and called Geoff on his mobile phone. He just wanted to check everything was okay at his place and to see if Geoff needed anything in town on his way through tomorrow afternoon.

"Everything alright back home?" Tess asked him on his return to the lounge.

"No problem," Drew answered.

"Come and sit with me Drew, I'm feeling a bit down because you are going home tomorrow," said Tess.

Drew sat down next to her and put his arm around her.

She kissed his cheek and said, "I miss you again already."

"I'll be back in less than two weeks, it will fly by," Drew answered hoping to sound positive.

"Why don't you and I drive up to the farm on Friday night for the weekend?" Dave asked as he came out of the bedroom.

Tess's face beamed in an instant, "Oh could we?"

"If it's okay with Drew, we don't want to go cramping his style. What do you say Drew? Want some visitors next weekend?" Dave joked with him.

"I will have to check my diary, but I think I might be free." Drew replied.

"If we could get away by six we'd be their by ten or ten thirty, easily." Dave suggested.

"That would be great, we can have two more days together then I'll be down here again on the following Thursday with the first load of sheep," Drew said.

Tess's mood had changed in an instant.

She kissed Drew then jumped up and kissed Dave, "You guys are the best!" she squealed.

She settled back onto the couch next to Drew and Dave sat next to her. They were watching a news program together and discussing the day's events. Tess swiveled around and put her head in Drew's lap and her feet in Dave's. Her feet were now having a rub and Drew was brushing his fingers through her fine blonde hair.

She wished they could be like this every evening.

"Take me to bed guys," Tess asked after they had been on the couch for half an hour.

Dave slipped out from under her legs and stooped down and picked her up. Drew stood up as soon as her head was lifted from his lap. Dave carried her into the bed and then sat down with her on his lap.

"Come here Drew," she said and held out an arm that curled around his waist as soon as he was within reach.

She now gave Dave a passionate open mouth kiss, exploring his mouth with her tongue.

With her free hand she unzipped Drew's shorts and pushed them down then lowered his briefs.

She pulled his waist closer to her and Dave and then turned her head and took his stiffening cock into her mouth. Dave now moved his mouth closer to Drew and waited for his turn to suck the cock that his wife was enjoying. Tess released him and now Dave took him deeply into his throat and rubbed the underside of his cock with his tongue.

Drew shuffled around so that he was right in front of both of their mouths. Tess and Dave were now taking it in turns to suck his cock, each taking him in for a few seconds and then passing the oral duties to the other.

It was fantastic for Drew, one of his hands on Dave's right shoulder feeling his muscles and a hand on Tess's shoulder the complete opposite, smaller and smoother with softer skin.

Dave now lifted Tess again and placed her on the bed. He opened the silk robe she wore exposing her small firm breasts to them and her perfect bald pussy. He knelt down on the bed and took one of her nipples, into his mouth. Drew kicked of the shorts and his underwear, climbed onto the bed and took the other nipple into his mouth and gently sucked on it. Tess's hands went to her pussy where she began to masturbate herself by rubbing and pushing gently on her clitoris.

She felt first Dave's then Drew's lips leave her engorged nipples and opened her eyes to see her two men locked in an open mouth kiss just above her chest.

'Fuck they look good together, I think they love each other,' she thought.

She continued to rub her clit and Drew continued to suck on her nipples. Dave was now kissing down toward her tummy and then on to her pussy. He now took her clit into his mouth and pushed it flat with his tongue and sucked hard with his lips sealed all around her.

Her left hand wandered up and found Drew's hard cock. She started to stroke him slowly, occasionally stopping only to cup his balls.

She again felt the guys lips leave her body and looked down to see them again kissing each other.

As they parted she pulled on Drew indicating she wanted his dick in her mouth again. Drew responded by moving up towards her. Tess lifted her head and took the end of his penis into her mouth. Dave was now taking off his boxers and shirt, again his head went down this time his tongue found her slit and he lapped at her eagerly. She was very wet he noted and saw that she was again rubbing her clit with her free hand.

Tess now, without releasing Dave from her mouth rolled over and went quickly onto her hands and knees. Dave now had access to her from behind and licked her from anus to clit. She was now in a better position to take more of Drew into her mouth as he had moved around in front of her.

"Dave I need you in me now please," she pleaded then took Drew again.

Dave positioned himself and guided his cock between her labia.

Tess was now in no mood to be toyed with and as soon as she felt his cock head touch her vaginal lips she pushed back onto him, hard and fast. Dave was fully in her before he realized it.

Tess now set a fast hard tempo as she rocked back onto Dave's cock and into Drew's cock with her mouth. She hadn't wanted cock like this for a long time and didn't want to cum until she felt full. Dave had not had her fuck him like this in ages, he was scared she might hurt herself she was pushing back on him so hard and taking him so deep.

Drew was thinking that Tess was in a frenzy, she was taking nearly his full length into her mouth with every thrust that she was making onto him. It felt great, she wasn't really sucking him, more fucking him with her mouth. She was pushing in to his groin with such force he had to steady himself by holding on to Dave's shoulders.

Dave looked down and watched his cock being consumed by her cunt. She was very wet and her fluid was beginning to rundown the inside of her thighs. He placed the thumb of his right hand on her anus and for the next three or four rocks of her body he felt her sphincter loosen so he pushed into her. He didn't thrust it, just held it in her.

Tess now had what she wanted, she felt consumed by her men. She could feel her orgasm building, Drew in her mouth, Dave in her pussy and ass, and in her mind she had the vision and taste of Fiona from last night.

Drew new he couldn't last much longer, the sight and sounds of Tess and Dave before him were becoming to much. He held his breath as best he could trying to delay his orgasm.

Dave was about to come also and had braced his pelvic area harder into Tess, he wanted to be deep in side her when he sprayed his seed.

"I'm cumming!" Drew grunted. But still Tess did not release him from her mouth.

Tess was in a zone of her own now. This was what she had wanted. This was lust. This was what she had wanted with her men since she had seen them fuck each other in the lounge of the farmhouse. It was something she didn't think she could share with them.

She heard Drew's warning, but wanted him to cum in her mouth, she felt Dave's cock stiffen and his body brace against her, he was about to climax, and she felt her own orgasm begin.

Their orgasms all began within a couple of seconds of each other. One massive orgasm shared between them. Drew came deep in her mouth, his semen swallowed as Tess was climaxing. Dave buried his cock deep and emptied into her and Tess was in a world of her own.

As she came down she took her mouth from Drew and pulled off Dave. She fell on to her side and lay down, she was both physically and mentally exhausted.

Drew and Dave were still on their knees next to her, she saw them kiss each other again, their softening cocks smeared with hers and their body fluids were inches from her face. She could smell the sex they had just had.

The men kissed each other then looked down at Tess lying next to them. Drew thought she looked used and immediately laid next her and wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace. Dave climbed over behind the pair and put his arms around both of them. This is how they wanted it to be forever.

Written by Bipeep
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