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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - chapter 6

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The next day dawned cold but sunny. Overnight the storm front had passed leaving the paddocks drenched. Drew woke before the others and quickly and quietly dressed. He had to check on the sheep and make sure that the new born lambs had survived the night.

He started the quad bike and rode down to the gate with the dog chasing him all the way. They did a circuit of the paddock and all seem to be well as the ewes had sheltered with their babies under a row of trees planted along the fence line. He was relieved that he could find no casualties from the storm.

He made the dog jump up on to the machine for the short trip back up to the house. Drew saw that Dave was up and standing on the veranda with a coffee in hand.

As he pulled up and shut off the engine Drew smiled and said, "Good morning Dave, just had to make sure the lambs were okay."

"Good morning to you. Yes, I've been watching you and the dog down there. Are they alright?"

"Everything is good," answered Drew.

"Any chance of another lesson on the quad today, I think I'll should be able to master the gears, I can drive a car you know?" Dave asked with a smile.

"Sure, but I'm hungry so after breakfast we'll go over it. Is Tess awake yet?"

"Yep, in the kitchen making some eggs for us. She's a fine intelligent girl our Tess, the only failing she has is she can't cook for nuts. So whatever the food is like just say yum and thanks," advised Dave.

Drew took off his work boots and they went inside, he left the front door open as Tess had burnt the butter in the frying pan and the lounge and kitchen had a haze off smoke hanging in the air.

Drew went over and kissed Tess on the cheek, "Good morning," he said, "What's for breakfast?"

"Scrambled eggs," she replied.

Drew looked into the pan and saw that she must have used at least a dozen eggs.

"You guys sit down, I've made toast and coffee," said Tess.

Dave and Drew sat down at the table and buttered the toast as Tess bought the pan over.

Tess served the men a large serving each and a smaller portion for herself. She had well and truly over cooked the eggs and they were rubbery. After the first couple of mouthfuls Drew couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Yum, thanks for this," he complimented Tess, "But you don't have to cook for me. I'm a big boy now and can feed myself."

Dave gave him a kick under the table and a sly smile.

"Nonsense," said Tess, "I like to cook for my boys."

"Well I'll do the dishes when we're finished," said Dave looking at the kitchen. He couldn't work out how she had made such a mess just cooking scrambled eggs. It looked like the fridge had exploded.

"Then Drew is going to give me another quad bike lesson," he told her.

"We have Geoff coming for dinner tonight, I thought a barbecue, I have some nice T-bones in the freezer. Is that okay with you guys?" asked Drew.

"Yes fine," said Dave.

They forced the last of the eggs down and took the dishes to the sink.

Tess asked, "Would it be alright with you if I had a bath this morning, I just feel like a bit of self pampering."

"Of course you can, don't even ask. I have told you both this is as good as your home now. Use whatever you like," Drew explained.

"Thanks," said Tess and stretched up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Right I'm going to have a soak then."

Dave helped Drew clean the kitchen. Then Drew got four of the biggest, thickest T-bones out of the freezer that Dave had ever seen.

"I hope my rubber eggs have digested by dinner time, I don't want to miss out on one of those," said Dave.

They left Tess to her bath and went outside where Drew showed Dave how the gears worked, where the kill switch for the machine was and advised him on how to ride on uneven ground. He told him he could ride to Geoff's or along any other of the farm lanes as long as he left the gates as he found them, open or closed.

Dave put the helmet on and started the bike, clicked it in to gear and idled across the yard. Accelerating a little he changed into second gear smoothly and he was on his way toward the rear of the farm.

'I'd better not go to Geoff's straight away,' he thought, 'It wouldn't look good after my little fling with him earlier in the week.'

Drew was now on his own and didn't quite know what to do with himself so decided to take a bale of lucerne down to the lambing paddock. He walked around to his machinery shed and climbed up on to the seat of a red tractor parked there. It was not a huge four wheel drive like they had seen at Geoff's yesterday. Drew had sold his big tractor when he had leased out his cropping land after Dianne had gotten sick. It would have been silly to lease the land out for three years and have a machine that wouldn't be used for that long.

He started the diesel engine and let it idle for a few minutes to warm up. The sheep didn't really need extra feed at this time of year but because it had turned cold a bit of extra nutrition would not hurt. The tractor was equipped with a set of forks to lift the big round bales that were stored under cover in the hay shed. Drew carefully backed in and picked up a bale and made his way down to the paddock.

While he was working his mind was constantly thinking of the previous few evenings and what he, Tess and Dave had been doing. Was it wrong all this sex that they had been having? Was the relationship feasible? Was it just the sex that he wanted so badly? The more he thought about things the more he was sure he was in love with Tess. He decided his relationship with Dave was different now. He had the most incredible sex with him the night before and had enjoyed it. So much so that now he did not want it to stop.

Tess ran a hot bath, dropped some perfumed salts into the hot water then lowered her slim body into the tub. She lay back and let the water warm her. She could not get the scene that had played out in the lounge last night out of her mind. Dave doubled over and Drew with his cock buried deep in his anus, head back and having the orgasm of his life. It still troubled her a bit that she would never be able to have sex the way the two men had it together. Just the thought of them was making her moist and tingly on the inside.

Tess's hands immediately started to play with her nipples. They weren't hard and erect. The hot water had made them soft and supple. She pinched and stretched each nipple in turn.

"Oh that does feel good," she thought.

Now one hand went to her clit. The hood was covering it so she plucked and rolled the loose fold of skin on each side of it. She was getting very aroused.

She thought back to the night Drew sucked Dave's cock, the first time he had ever touched another mans penis. How exciting it was to see her husbands dick disappear into Drew's mouth. Then she remembered Drew fucking her and Dave in her ass at the same time and how she felt at that moment when they came in side her. Drew fingering her to a squirting orgasm on the veranda in the sunshine. These were all things she would remember and want to do again and again with her two men.

She made up her mind then and there that she would do anything it took to continue her romance with Dave and Drew. Anything.

Dave rode toward the boundary at the back of the property. He was still horny from the past evening. There was just something about Drew that made him hot. He was not normally a submissive during sex with other guys. He'd never felt that way before. It wasn't that Drew was performing like a dominant male, it was more like he wanted Drew to experience all he had to offer him. The feeling of every muscle in Drew's body being tensed and his penis driven into his ass as he came was the most erotic feeling he'd ever had with another guy. Dave decided that he would not have sex with other guys, only Drew. He would devote himself to Drew and Tess. It was all the sex he needed.

Around midday Dave rode back into the shed, Dave was just finishing off on the tractor.

"Must be just about time for some lunch," Drew said to Dave as he turned off the quad.

Sounds good to me," said Dave.

They walked across the yard and Dave explained where he'd been and how he was getting quite confident on the quad.

They entered the house by the back door, straight into the kitchen.

"I'll see if Tess wants anything," said Dave as Drew started to get food from the fridge.

A few seconds later Drew heard, "Drew can you come up here please."

By the time he reached the bedroom door Dave was already half naked.

"Tess needs a little loving," Dave said.

"I got all horny in the bath, I've been waiting for an hour for someone to come home," Tess explained.

She was under the covers in the bed, so Dave and Drew disrobed and climbed in next to her, one either side.

She immediately went to her knees between them and said, "I want you to suckle from me."

She leaned forward so that her nipples hung between the to men. They moved their heads together and each took one into their mouths. They sucked and licked the perfect little nipples, it was very stimulating for Tess to have both sucked at the same time. She reached back and stroked Drew's cock to attention.

Slowly so that she wouldn't loose mouth contact with either man she lifted a leg over Drew and lowered her cunt down onto Drew's hard cock, she didn't move up and down she just wanted him in her for the moment. She sat upright and motioned Dave to present his cock for her to suck as she sat astride Drew.

Dave moved up onto his knees and put his dick in front of Tess, his ball sac was hanging just above Drew's face. Tess took his half erect dick in her hand and licked the foreskin. Then with a pointed tongue she pushed the skin back just a little to reveal the eye on the head. As she held the foreskin back with her hand she tongue fucked the eye with the stiff tip of her tongue. She new that Drew had a good view of this as she could feel his cock flexing and jerking inside her pussy.

Now Tess started to move her hips in a circular motion on Drew's cock. Her clit ground on his pelvic bone and the feeling on Drew's cock was incredible for him. Her motion also allowed her to take Dave into her mouth and she sucked him in as far as she could. Drew lifted his head a bit and poked out his tongue to brush against Dave's balls and with one hand massaged one of Tess's breasts. He was now fully occupied.

Dave watched as Tess rocked herself on Drew's dick. She held his in her hand and poked at its opening with her tongue. He got hard quickly and now Tess took him in her mouth and began sucking on him. Drew's tongue was caressing his balls as they swung by him.

Tess now wanted Drew to suck Dave. This was probably for her the most erotic thing in all their love making that week. She let Dave drop from her mouth, took Drew's hands in hers and laid back on the bed so that Drew sat up. His cock stayed in side her as she now used his hand hold for leverage to pull his cock into her deeply. Dave's cock was now in front of Drew. She indicated to Drew to take him orally. Drew opened his mouth and Dave's cock was sucked deep into his throat.

"That is so fucking sexy," she whispered as now Dave started to thrust gently into Drew's mouth.

Tess just lay back and moved her hips up and down. She would cum quickly, she had been on the edge since she was in the bath and now the fantasy she had in her head was coming to life.

For fully five minutes she watched her husbands dick being sucked while she fucked Drew, she put her hand to her clit and rubbed it. It was all becoming too much and as her orgasm rushed upon her. Her pussy muscles clamped down on Drew and she started to moan and gasp. This is what she had wanted all morning.

Watching Tess in the raptures of her orgasm prompted Dave to hiss, "I'm cumming Drew."

Drew felt the hot fluid flood in his mouth, the taste of Dave had a stimulating effect on him and he pumped his semen deep into Tess's pussy.

As soon as Dave had finished cumming he dropped his mouth onto the base of Drew's cock that was still deep in Tess. He licked Tess's labia and as much of Drew as he could. The smell of his wife's pussy was intoxicating. Her lubricating fluids mingled with Drew's semen. He found the little button of Tess's clit and licked it with a flat tongue, her hips bucked as she came again, her juice flushing around Drew's softening cock in side her.

They lay like this for a few moments. Content with their efforts.

Suddenly the bedside telephone rang, startling them. Drew reluctantly reached out to pick up the hand piece.

"Hello? Andrew Bishop here," he said, "Sure I will just get him for you."

He handed the phone to Dave. Drew knew this was the call he had been dreading for a few days now.

"Hello," inquired Dave, "Oh hi, yes. Good. And what time can we pick it up?"

"No, I think tomorrow morning would be better."

"Alright, we'll see you then, bye."

Dave handed the handset back to Drew to hang up.

"The car will be ready as soon as the insurance agent checks it," he said to Tess and Drew, "I told him we'd pick it up in the morning before midday as it is Saturday tomorrow."

Drew felt his stomach drop, his lovers would be free to leave. They'd go back to the city and he would be alone again.

Sensing Drew's disappointment Dave put an arm around his shoulders and said, "Don't worry Drew we still have tonight and it will only be a few days until you will be down to stay with us in the city."

Tess sat up and gave him an open mouth kiss, she tasted Dave's cum on him as she probed his mouth with her tongue.

"Just think how good it will be when we sleep together on Thursday night," said Tess, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"Yes I know," Drew replied to both of them, "This place is going to be lonely with out you guys a round that's all."

"Come on lets all have a quick shower together," said Tess, "Geoff's coming for dinner and we don't want him to catch us laying in bed naked."

By the time they had all showered and washed each other Drew was feeling a bit better and as he dressed he went over what he had to do for the evening meal. He was a bit concerned that Geoff would work out what had been going on in the house the past week. He was very perceptive when it came to romance and sex. He knew that Geoff would not gossip or think any less of him for being involved in a three way relationship, but he wanted to tell him personally and not today. Maybe after he got back from the city. He decided he would play it by ear and try not to show too much affection toward Dave and Tess this evening, at least until Geoff had gone home.

Dave prepared them a sandwich each and they ate it with mugs of hot coffee in the kitchen. Drew outlined what they would be preparing for dinner, T-bone steaks cooked on the BBQ, baked jacket potatoes and salads.

The rest of the afternoon was spent washing towels from the previous night and tidying the lounge and kitchen.

Around 5.30pm Drew heard Geoff's four wheel drive coming down the track between their two houses and went out to greet him. He was already out of his vehicle and patting the dog by the time Drew had opened the front door. Geoff and the dog had a special relationship. For some unknown reason the dog probably liked Geoff more than it did Drew. Drew suspected that Geoff spoiled him a fair bit when he was left over at the other farm. Geoff even let it into the house to sleep at night.

"Leave the dog alone he's not a pet," laughed Drew, "it always takes me a week to get him to do anything I say after he's been with you."

"You shouldn't be so mean to him," replied Geoff, "But I must say he needs a bath, he smells pretty wicked."

"Come on in and have a drink before dinner, it's starting to cool down out here," said Drew as he shrugged his shoulders to the chilly air, "We've got beer, wine or water."

"I'd better start with a beer then I suppose," Geoff replied as he climbed the steps, "And I'd better wash that stinking dog off my hands."

Geoff greeted Tess and Dave as he entered the lounge and excused himself to the bathroom to wash his hands.

As he was about to leave the bathroom he couldn't help but notice the Drew's bed was unmade and there was a lot of clothing on the floor, including a couple of ladies g-strings.

'What has been going on here?' he thought to himself, 'Has Drew the hermit been lucky? Her husbands here and if I can see her underwear on the floor he can. Hmm, there is something going on here. Be cool Geoff.'

He went back to the lounge as if he'd seen nothing and took the cold beer that Dave offered him.

"So what have we all been up to?" he asked.

"We've had a wonderful time here," said Tess, "We went riding one day and Drew showed us the big rock pool in the national park, Dave's been riding the quad bike, just so much we don't normally get to do in the city. It's been a great week."

"Yes we are quite taken by the farming lifestyle, Drew has invited us back anytime we want to come," stated Dave, "Something we are surely going to do sooner rather than later,"

'I'll bet,' Geoff mused to himself, 'I can't wait to get the run down on this from Drew.'

Drew got up to check the progress of the potatoes baking in the oven and said, "Well I'd better fire up the BBQ."

He picked up the tray with the steaks on it, the cooking utensils and opened the back door.

"I'll give you a hand," said Dave and exited with him.

Geoff and Tess were left sitting opposite each other by the fire.

"It has been good for Drew to have the both of you here this week," said Geoff truthfully, "He's got a bit of a gleam in his eye again, I haven't seen that since Dianne died.

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He really has been a lost soul for the past eighteen months."

"I'm only so glad it was him who rescued us after the accident the other night, he's such a lovely person. I'm so glad you think we have helped him a bit," Tess replied, "What was she like? The way he has talked about her I can tell he loved her so much."

"Yes they certainly loved each other. She was a sweet heart, I never saw them cross at each other, not once. She loved her garden and the farm. She always included me, she realized I was bit of an outcast in the district because I'm gay, but it didn't worry her. She'd insist I come with them to community functions, dances, land care meetings, Christmas dinner, anything, she wanted people to know I was their friend no matter who I slept with. I'll always love her for that."

Geoff got up to put his empty beer bottle on the sink and get another. He could see Drew and Dave through the kitchen window, their backs were to him as they tended the BBQ. He could see they were talking and he could also see Dave had his arm around the Drew's back, just above his hips.

'Now this is taking a different direction,' thought Geoff and he smiled to himself as it dawned on him what had really made it such a great week for them all around here, 'Well blow me down, good on him!'

He turned to the fridge for a beer so the guys outside would not see that he had spotted them and then went and sat down again.

"So you are thinking of coming back for another visit?" he asked Tess.

"Yes we sure are. Drew is coming to stay with us next week, he has to go down to the city to finalize his deal with the chef of the restaurant where his lamb will be sold. We are quite looking forward to it," she said.

Tess did not know how much she should say to Geoff about Drew and themselves. He was a good friend and neighbor, but thought if Geoff was to know about the three of them then it was up to Drew to tell him. But she suspected that he may have an inkling already, there was just something about his line of questioning.

She would have loved to have told Geoff that she was in love with Drew and Dave was as well, that yes they had been sharing a bed these last few nights and the sex was better than any she'd had in her previous thirty four years. But no she couldn't. Not yet anyway. Not till Drew had spoken with him. One day she would, she knew he would understand their love as he was a sensitive guy. She could tell by the way he'd noticed Drew's mood change and the way he spoke of Dianne.

Drew came in the back door and proclaimed, "Dinner is ready, I hope you're hungry!"

He got the salads from the fridge and then served each of them a potato. He then got the wine bottles that had been opened earlier, the glasses and placed them on the table. He poured Tess a white wine then asked Geoff,

"Red or white wine for you?"

"Red please with steak." Was the reply.

Geoff thought to himself, "He really has got pep in his step, I think he might be in love with both of them."

Drew wanted to tell his good friend how he felt. Outside while they were cooking Dave had told him of his decision not to have sex with other guys anymore and that he just wanted to be with Drew and Tess.

Drew's heart was melted by this admission and he so wanted to kiss Dave, but thought he'd better not. He did allow Dave to put his arm around him, Geoff was sitting in the lounge and wouldn't be able to see them. He told Dave he was so happy with his commitment to him, and having he and Tess stay with him was the best thing that could have happened for him. He couldn't wait until next Thursday so they could be together again.

They all sat down at the dining table and ate, drank and talked. Geoff was telling them about how he was about to have a bumper harvest if the weather held. He had a record number of acres under crops this year, courtesy of Drew's land. Dave was showing a lot of interest in his farming methods, he had no idea it was all so involved. He asked Geoff if he could possibly see his huge tractor being driven next time they were staying with Drew and maybe go for a ride in it.

Geoff said that if they came back in a couple of months he could have a job driving one as he'd need to employ people over the harvest period. There would be too much work for himself and Drew who always helped him out. Secretly Geoff was just laying down a path for Dave, if there was some romantic threesome thing going on he'd try to encourage it, seeing his friend so happy and at ease.

Dave said, "Are you for real, I'd love to. I can arrange time off." He had a boyish grin on his face and was bubbling with enthusiasm.

"You would have to teach me to drive a tractor, but damn yes I'd love to work on the farms for a while," he said as his mind went into overdrive.

It wasn't just being here with Drew and having sex, it was a whole change of lifestyle that he was looking forward to. So different from what he did now. Fresh air and sunshine, outdoors and doing manual things were all so appealing to him.

"What about your practice?" asked Tess.

"There are four other doctors in the practice, they can take my patients. I always cover for them," replied Dave.

"Your sure?" asked Drew, "It can get pretty lonely and boring going around in circles on a tractor and driving grain to the silos and waiting in line to deliver it."

"That's what I need at the moment," said Dave.

"Sounds like we've got an employee," said Geoff, "Do you think he could stay here with you for a month or so Drew?"

"For sure, I've got plenty of room and Tess can come up for weekends," Drew answered, trying not to sound too enthusiastic.

"Well that's settled then, can't say exactly when you'll be starting but it's usually the first or second week of November we begin harvesting," Geoff told Dave, "Think you'd be able to organize things before then?"

"Easily, that's eight or ten weeks away, what do you say Tess, do you think I should?

Tess thought to herself for a moment, "I think it would do you the world of good Honey, give it a try, it will be good for you."

So Dave would work for Geoff over harvest. Drew was terribly excited, but tried not to show it in front of Geoff. He now knew that at least he would be spending a lot more time with Dave, and where Dave and himself were Tess would follow.

Drew told Geoff all the details he had of his deal with the chef and how he was to supply meat exclusively to the restaurant. They arranged for Geoff to take the dog for the few days he'd be in the city and to check on the sheep while he was away.

They drank and laughed until Geoff said that he had to be going. He wished Dave and Tess a safe trip home and to look after Drew in the big city. With that said he left.

Drew, Dave and Tess waved him off from the veranda then turned and went inside. They quickly cleared the kitchen. Tess went to the bed room and saw her g strings on the floor. She then realized that Geoff must have seen them also and would have put two and two together. She wished he had said something but now it was to late.

Drew and Dave came into the room and started to undress. Tess was feeling sad that they were leaving also.

Drew took her in his arms from behind and kissed her on the neck and nibbled her ear. She reached up and pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him deeply. Dave stepped forward and she took him in her arms and she repeated the kiss with him. Drew pulled her sweater over her head to reveal her small pert breasts to Dave who bowed and suck on a nipple.

Now Drew undid the button and zipper on her jeans and lowered them as his mouth went to her buttocks and planted small tender kisses all over her tight orbs. Her legs automatically parted to give him access to her anus and pussy which he immediately began to tongue. Now Dave went to his knees and licked and caressed her clitoris and slit. She stood in the middle of the room as the two men knelt front and back licking her till she was so wet her juices run down her thighs. She was in heaven as her men worshiped her.

Dave now slowly moved up her body to her breasts again and took one of her little buds into his mouth, gently sucking on it. Dave now caressed the other breast. She slowly turned and took her men to the bedside. Tess was ready to feel a cock inside her now as she lay back she pulled Drew on top of her.

Drew was hard as Tess pulled him onto her. She spread her legs and pushed her hips upwards. He brushed the head of his dick along her slick opening a couple of times and ran it over her prominent clitoris. She moaned with the pleasure it was providing her. Four or five times her stroked her with his increasingly lubricated head and then he entered her. He wanted this to last so he pushed in slowly and withdrew slowly. She was warm, moist and tight as he pushed his whole length into her.

Dave watched as Drew teased her by rubbing her clit with his penis head. He heard her moan with pleasure and anticipation as she waited for him to enter her. When his dick pushed into the folds of skin around her vagina he heard the delicious sounds of her wet pussy being stirred by his hard straight dick. Dave was content to watch them fuck.

Drew was very conscious that Tess was much smaller than he and as they were in the missionary position he was careful not to put his full weight on her, but he was pushing into her his full length and it felt marvelous. He was also aware that Dave was watching them and not involved. He now rolled onto his side so that he and Tess were fucking face to face, she had one leg over his body and Drew's back was now pressed hard against Dave's front.

Dave watched as Drew rolled himself and Tess onto their sides. He could now feel his own cock rubbing against Drew's ass cheeks as he thrust into Tess. It felt nice and with a bit of adjusting of position his shaft was now being massaged the full length as Drew's buttocks moved along it. He reached for the tube of lube on the bedside table and spread some on his dick. He then put his dick between Drew's legs under his balls. Now he was slippery every thrust that Drew made was also a stroke on his cock, it was very pleasurable and he knew that if Drew lasted long enough he would be able to cum from this stimulation.

They lay together with Drew doing most of the work as Tess just enjoyed being fucked. She was satisfied with the position they were in, Drew was filling her pussy and she could feel Dave with her hands as he pressed himself into Drew. Now she saw Dave sit up a bit and could tell that his hand had gone between Drew's ass cheeks . She wondered how far they would go with the roles reversed from last night.

Drew could feel Dave's slick dick rubbing between his legs and against his scrotum, again it was a new sensation and it felt wonderful. Then Dave moved and his hand started to slide up and down his lubed ass crack. He slowed his tempo a bit so that Dave would be able to have better access to his ass. He wanted this more than Dave knew. His fingers were sliding the full length of his crack and as they passed over his anus Drew stopped thrusting into Tess to encourage Dave to linger on him.

Dave wanted to enter Drew but waited to see his reaction to his probing first. When Drew stopped moving for just that split second as he touched his opening he took it as an encouragement. Next time the rhythm allowed him to touch the anus he applied just a little more pressure to him. This continued for a few more repetitions, until Dave felt Drew's muscles relaxing, on the next pass Dave slipped his finger inside Drew it's full length. He allowed Drew to pull of him and then repeated the entry every time he thrust. Drew was now very loose and his finger slid in easily.

Drew had Tess's tight pussy wrapped around his cock and could feel her muscles working on it. Dave was know putting a finger into his arse on every thrust and it felt terrific. Tess had preformed anal on him, but this was his first male anal and he was excited by it. Drew could now feel that Dave had added another finger to his ass as he was starting to have a full feeling and it seemed to be making his cock feel like it was swelling more than a normal erection. Dave was now shifting his position, Drew could now feel the head of his eight inch cock against him, he again slowed his tempo and relaxed his muscles.

Dave gave a small push and his lubed up dick slipped easily into Drew. He held himself still so Drew could set the pace and how much he wished to be penetrated. In a couple of moments Drew began to move into Tess and off him and then pushed back onto him, maybe taking half of his length into his back passage. Forward into Tess and then right back onto Dave, nearly Dave's full length this time.

Drew was finding it hard to concentrate on Tess's needs, he'd never thought that he'd enjoy being fucked by a guy, the first entry hurt a little but he relaxed and the next was pure pleasure. The deeper he pushed Dave into him the more he wanted.

Tess whispered to Drew, "Is Dave fucking you?"

Drew just nodded in the affirmative.

She wanted to see her husbands cock going into Drew. She moved herself off Drew's dick and straddled his rib cage on the right hand side of his body. Tess took Drew's right hand and placed it on her left breast as she ground her pussy into his side. She looked down at Dave's cock, shiny with lubricant sliding in and out of Drew. The skin around Drew's asshole was stretching on the inward thrust and pulling outward as Dave pulled out, it was the one of the sexiest things she had seen.

Tess ground her clit into Drew and watched as Dave continued with a steady rhythm, her own lubricant was running from her. She orgasmed once almost immediately and as she was coming down Drew massaged her breast and pinched her nipple gently.

Drew had precum dripping from his cock, he'd never had an erection this hard before. The veins in his cock were pronounced, he wanted to cum so badly that it almost hurt.

Dave used his eight inch cock like the expert he was. He could feel the small lump that was Drew's prostate with the head of his cock and moved his hips and indeed pushed Drew into a more favorable position so he could massage it with each stroke. He could tell that Drew was close to cumming so controlled his own urge until his partner was satiated.

Drew could hold back no longer he grunted and groaned and his semen flew from his dick across the bed sheet. His penis pumped his cum with every thrust that Dave made into his rectum. Six or seven spurts of his seminal fluid were ejected from the eye of his dick, the orgasm was like no other he had ever had, it was as if Dave was controlling the length and intensity of his ejaculation.

After his last big pump he heard Dave grunt and say,"Ahhh." Then he felt a warmness inside of himself and knew that Dave had cum deep within him.

Tess watched in amazement as first Drew and then Dave had powerful orgasms, and this prompted her second wave of pleasure as she rubbed her clit on Drew's side. Drew's skin was slick with her own ejaculation as she squealed in her own little way. She climbed down of Drew and gave him an deep kiss. Dave collapsed forward onto the top of them, exhausted from his efforts. They lay huddled together for many minutes.

Drew now felt there was no going back to his previous sexuality. He had been wondering all week if he'd have the courage to let Dave violate his anus, ever since Tess had fingered him in the shower on Monday. Now he knew that he would allow him to, but better yet he had fucking loved it. He felt that now that he'd fucked and been fucked by Dave he was some how qualified to be a partner to him as well as to Tess. He was content with the way things were and were going to be.

Dave was in raptures internally, he'd never seen any one take to anal sex so easily or willingly as Drew had taken him. Drew was so relaxed at the beginning that there was no pushing or force required for him to enter his ass hole. He wanted it to be pain free for Drew the first time and was pretty confident that it had been. Just as it should be for some one you really care for. He knew Drew would be a great lover for him.

Tess was as happy as she had been all week she'd had her own orgasm but she also could see that the two men she loved were also perfect lovers for each other. They were both so willing to give each other pleasure that any reservations that either of them had about this relationship was now gone. She would love them and they would make love to each other and her.

Drew said, "Damn I need a shower, and we are going to have to change these sheets."

They untangled themselves from each other and piled into the shower together.

As they washed each other Dave asked, "How was that for you Drew? Honestly."

Drew looked at them both, huddled together under the steaming water and said, "Honestly, I loved it. I thought it might hurt but it didn't, it was just pure pleasure. Thank you Dave I feel like a different person now. Like there is no going back to the heterosexual world, both of you have changed me so much this week. I love you both for that."

Written by Bipeep
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