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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - chapter 34

"Christmas eve"

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It was two days before Christmas and it was swelteringly hot. Tess lay in her hammock in the shade of the back veranda. She was wearing was a skimpy white bikini that was no more than three tiny triangles of cloth that tried to conceal her nipples and pussy. Drew and Dave sat on out door chairs. They were wearing a pair of shorts each and were bare chested. Condensation droplets were forming on the cold bottles of beer that sat on the tiled veranda floor at their feet.

Tess took a sip from the glass of the white wine she held in her delicate hand. She stared out across the now golden stubble fields on the hill behind the house yard. The countryside was so different to the green paddocks that she remembered from a couple of months ago. It was now so hot that they had all settled into the routine of rising early, just after sunrise and doing what needed to be done before the temperature got too high. By mid afternoon as the sun was at it's peak they generally showered and relaxed in the coolest place available, the spa and then the shade of the old veranda.
"I must ring your mother tonight. Their are a few things I would like her to pick up for me as they come through town tomorrow," she said directing her statement to Drew.

"And I have to remember to take the turkey from the deep freezer tonight to allow it to thaw completely," said Drew.

They had been busy the last couple of days. Tess, in preparation for Christmas and the arrival of their guests had cleaned the house and polished the floors to a brilliant shine. Drew had helped her do a mini renovation in one of the spare bedrooms that Evelyn and Henry would be using.

Dave and Drew had completed harvesting with Geoff. But now their time was spent shifting grain from the field bins scattered around the farm to the more secure storage silos behind the machinery shed. It was a hot dusty task that seemed to take forever.

Drew had been to the city on his own last weekend delivering sheep. He had gone down Thursday and driven back on Saturday morning. His Christmas shopping was completed on the Friday. Tess had given him a list of presents she wanted him to purchase. Something for Dave and also Geoff and Drew's parents. Tess and Dave had told him not to worry about presents for them as he had built the spa and gazebo as a gift for them. He had bought them each a present anyway. The thought of them not having presents to open on Christmas morning did not sit well with him. He had purchased a new motorcycle helmet for Tess for when they went out on the quad bikes and a punching bag and gloves for Dave who had mentioned that he needed to work out more often. They were hidden in the toolbox of his truck.

Tess looked across at Dave and Drew. Dave's hand was resting on Drew's forearm. She loved to see her men openly showing affection to each other. She loved everything about their relationship. If it wasn't so hot she would take them inside and make love to them.

'Tonight I want to watch them together,' she thought, 'It will be out last chance for a few nights as Evelyn and Henry will be here.'

"Here is an idea, let me know what you think," Drew said, "My folks are only staying for four nights and then they are heading down to the city for the rest of the holidays. Maybe we could go down too and they could stay with us at your apartment. A break from the farm would be good for you Dave, you have been working hard for long hours."

"Excellent idea, " replied Dave with the a smile, "But it is our apartment now."

"Geoff can take the dog, he doesn't leave for Perth until the fourth of January," Drew said.

Geoff had been talking to Jackson almost daily since Jackson had returned to his home state for preseason training. They had all noticed that he had been missing his new lover desperately. Jackson had arranged for Geoff to fly over for two weeks and spend time with him at his house by the ocean. They would then go down to his family's dairy farm, three hundred kilometers from the capital city of Western Australia.

"But we don't have a spare room for Evelyn and Henry at the apartment," Tess said.

"We could leave early, like sunrise. Take the F250 down and stop at one of the shopping centers on the way and buy a bed. We'd have time to empty out the office, it's not used now anyway and set it up as a guest room."

"Now that is a good idea. I have never liked not having anywhere for people to stay with us down there," Tess replied.

"I don't like having the apartment empty most of the time. Evelyn and Henry could use it when ever they want. Geoff will need somewhere to stay when he goes down to see Jackson during the football season. I'm sure they'd appreciate somewhere private to meet up. Somewhere they could call home." Dave said.

Drew thought, 'What a lovely gesture from Dave. Offering up his apartment to people he had only really known for a short time.'

"That's settled then," answered Drew, "More drinks!"

He stood up and opened the fly wire door and retreated into the kitchen.

Tess looked across at Dave.

"I am getting a real sense of belonging to a family here," she stated softly so as Drew wouldn't hear her.

"Me too," Dave replied.

Dave loved how Evelyn mothered him. He had not had that in his life before. It was just the small things that Evelyn did for him, as she did for Drew.

"Sit down dear, I'll pour you a coffee. When you take that shirt off I will sew that button back on."

Small, simple things that made him feel accepted.

He also adored Henry. He thought Henry was a man we could all learn something from. He was wise. His concern for the environment showed that he cared for the next generation and what they would inherit. His mind was open. Henry had shown that he liked Dave and enjoyed his company. It would be hard for most men his age knowing that his son was involved in a relationship with another man. Henry knew that Drew and he fucked each other. It wouldn't be easy for the majority to accept. Henry was okay with it because he could see his son was happy. That to him was everything.

Dave snapped out of his thoughts as the wire door was kicked open. Drew handed him another cold bottle and then topped up Tess's glass with wine.

As Drew stooped to settle into his seat Dave leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"What's that for? " Drew asked.

"Just for being you," Dave replied.

They stayed on the cool veranda until the sun started to dip towards the hills on the other side of the highway. A faint zephyr of a breeze stirred the hot air around them and they sensed it's cooling effect

"Burgers tonight," announced Dave as he stretched his arms, "Stay there, I will just get things ready."

He disappeared into the kitchen and Tess and Drew could hear him rattling things around as he prepared all the elements to a great hamburger.

Drew and Dave shared the cooking duties still. Tess was still of the opinion she couldn't cook. The guys took it in turns to prepare the evening meal. Something they both enjoyed. It had also become a little competitive with the menus, ensuring variety in their diets.

"Do you think it will cool down tonight?" asked Tess, "I'd like us all to go to bed and make love after dinner."

Drew stood up and crossed the tiles to Tess. He bent down and kissed her on the forehead.

"Tess it will never be too hot for that," he told her.

"Drew, would you mind firing up the grill on the barbecue?" Dave called from inside.

"Sure thing," he called back as he turned on the propane cylinder.

They cooked and ate their meal together and watched the sunset light up the sky behind the house. Drew cleared the dishes away, one advantage of cooking outdoors was there was little cleaning up. When he was finished he fed the dog and chained him.

As he came through the rear gate he saw Tess, still in her bikini in Dave's embrace on the back porch.

'Fuck they look great together. How lucky am I?' he thought to himself.

Suddenly he stopped in his tracks. For some reason the memory of Dianne popped into his head. He still thought of her all the time. He still missed here dearly. He didn't miss her as much as before he had met Tess and Dave, but he still wanted her back.

'What would she make of this relationship?'

He knew she would like his new partners. He knew she would be happy he was not alone any more. He was sure she would understand that he had to move on with his life.

He smiled as he again looked at Tess and Dave. They looked across the lawn to him.

"What are you smiling at?" Tess asked him.

"Nothing, I'm just happy that's all. Now I'm going to wash and head to bed," he replied.

Drew went to the bathroom and washed his face and hands. He felt Dave's arms wrap him in a hug, his hands eventually settling over his nipples.

"Tess wants to watch us fuck tonight," Dave whispered into his ear, "Top or bottom? Your choice."

Drew let what Dave had whispered to him sink in. He thought for a moment and then said, "You do me. But I want you to wear the cock rings and feel the difference they make to your erection."

"Okay," replied Dave, "'I have wanted to try them."

Tess came into the bathroom.

"Excuse me boys I'd just like to wash up," she said as she tried to wrap her arms around both of them.

Drew dried himself. He was a excited at the thought of Dave's hard cock in his ass and Tess watching. He stepped sideways to allow access to the sink for the others then crossed the hallway to the bedroom. He slid the top drawer of his cabinet open and located the three cock rings and a tube of lubricant which he placed on the bedside table. Again he felt Dave's embrace from behind. This time Drew took one of Dave's hands and kissed it. He put Dave's index finger into his mouth and sucked it as he would his cock.

Dave turned Drew around and their lips met in a opened mouth kiss. Both sets of hands were undoing the opposites pants. Both pairs of shorts hit the floor, neither man wore underwear.

Tess entered the room to see them in this passionate embrace. She quickly and quietly slipped her bikini off and slid onto the bed. She lay down and watched her men.

Drew backed up and sat on the bed.

"You want the cockrings right?" he said. He was half asking Dave and informing Tess that was what they would be doing.

Tess now became even more interested. She knew Drew had bought them but had not yet seen either Drew or Dave wearing them. She twisted her self around Drew so that she would be able to see him putting them on to Dave.

She watched as Drew manipulated Dave's cock and balls through the shiny metal ring. It looked nice she thought. Now Drew was carefully putting Dave's balls through another slightly smaller ring. She noticed that Dave winced as his second nut was pushed through. Drew straightened Dave's scrotum skin and adjusted the two rings to fit tightly where he suspected they should be. He sat back and looked at his handy work.

"How does that feel?" he asked Dave.

"Good. I see what you mean about feeling the extra weight. I can really feel the one around my scrotum, it's pulling my balls down," Dave replied.

"Well now the fun part. We will get you hard and slide the cock ring on," Drew said as he moved his head forward and licked the tip of Dave's foreskin.

Drew now took his soft cock into his mouth and massaged it with his tongue. He applied a bit of suction and could feel Dave starting to harden. Tess was twisting herself around so that the back of her head was now on his lap and she could lick Dave's balls that were hanging under the ring.

Dave felt himself hardening. He lovingly stroked Drew's head as his penis was sucked and Tess licked his balls.

When Drew felt that Dave was erect he reached for the tube of lubricant and flipped the lid open. Tess sat up again to watch the proceedings. Drew smeared Dave's cock with the slippery gel then placed the now exposed cock head through the ring. Making sure there was sufficient lube Drew worked the ring down to the base of his cock . He gave Dave a couple of strokes and could instantly see that he had hardened further and that the veins under his skin were now more prominent.

"Wow look how hard he is," said Tess as she reached out and squeezed Dave's now rigid dick.

Dave looked down and could see the reason that his cook was throbbing. His engorged penis stood out from his body, it was a darker color than normal and the veins were prominent. He touched himself and felt his hardness.

'Wow indeed. Now I really want to fuck Drew my new cock,' he thought.

Drew settled back, lifted his knees and wiped lube around his anus. He was getting quite practiced at anal sex now and could relax himself at will.

Tess watched as Drew pushed a finger into his own ass hole to prepare himself for Dave's cock. He wiped the remaining lube on his fingers onto his penis and then beckoned Dave towards him.

Tess took in the sight of Dave's metal clad cock and balls and her hand went to her pussy to seek out her clitoris.

Dave placed the head of his cock against the opening to Drew's ass and slowly pushed himself against the resistant muscle. This was the part of fucking Drew he liked most. Drew was always tight until he was fully entered and then he loosened so that he could be fucked willingly. He pushed a little harder and felt the head of his cock slip into Drew. Now he had Drew's tight ring of muscle around his cock. He pushed harder and felt the pressure of Drew's ass ring slide to the base of his cock. Withdrawing a little he felt Drew loosen on him. Now he could fuck him.

He thrust in faster this time and instantly was aware of the heavy ring swinging on his balls. It was a half painful half pleasurable sensation. His cock was hard and more sensitive than usual. He wanted to fuck Drew properly. That to him meant that he wanted to massage Drew's prostate with his cock. He wanted to see Drew's cock spewing seminal fluid. He wanted to give him a special climax.

Drew felt Dave adjusting his position. Immediately he felt that warm feeling he had experienced in previous anal encounters as his special gland was touched. He felt Tess running her hands over his chest and pinch his nipples. He watched Dave's face as he concentrated on getting his penis angle correct.

'I love to be fucked like this he thought.'

Tess was watching Dave's hard, veiny cock slide in and out of Drew's ass. It was extremely erotic to watch. She massaged her clit with one hand and played with Drew's nipples with the other. She doubted masturbation would suffice for her tonight. She now placed her lips on Drew's cock and took him as deeply into her throat as she could. Her pussy juices were leaking from her and were starting to run down her inner thighs.

She now shifted her position so that she cold place both her hands on Drew's cock and suck him. Her knees were next to Drew's upper arm.

As Tess shifted Drew could faintly smell her pussy. It was a very arousing aroma. Drew reached over and half lifted Tess, encouraging her to straddle his head. Tess took the invitation and lowered her pussy onto Drew's willing mouth.

Dave watched as Tess sat herself on Drew's face, her beautiful little tits were bouncing as she rocked on him. She was sitting upright and was softly grinding her sweet cunt on his mouth. Drew's cock was at attention and seminal fluid was beginning to dribble from the eye. As he thrust his cock into Drew, Drew's cock would rock upwards and small drops would spatter onto his stomach. Dave slowed his thrusting so that he could aim for Drew's g spot with a bit more accuracy. He saw the volume of fluid being expelled by his partner increase immediately. Now he knew he was on target.

Drew lapped at Tess's vagina. He could feel her clit grinding on his chin. Dave's cock in his ass felt amazing. He was going to cum. He knew that when Tess was sucking him, but now no one was giving his cock any manual attention and he still had the same sensation. He reached down with his right hand and felt his cock. It was sticky with precum. He stroked himself a couple of times, his ejaculation was not far away. Tess tasted and smelled wonderful. Dave had slowed his thrusts but the sensation in his groin increased. He released his cock and let out a long moan into Tess's cunt.

Dave heard Drew groan. He looked down and watched himself fuck Drew's ass. His own cock was now also ready to ejaculate. The tight metal ring around his penis had increased his rigidity but now the sensation was becoming too much for him to resist for much longer. Again Drew groaned as he pushed into him. He diverted his eyes to Drew's cock just in time to see a solid stream of ejaculate shoot from its eye and land between Tess's breasts. And now a second strand of cum shot just as far as he pumped into Drew's anus again. Drew was moaning continuously now.

Drew had felt his leg muscles tighten and his cock harden. He had no control of his ejaculation as the sensation of releasing his cum overtook him. He felt his cock pulsing in time with Dave's thrusting and was aware he was probably producing copious amounts of his white sticky fluid, but in the bliss Dave was creating for him he did not care. He was only vaguely aware that Tess was in the throes of her own orgasm on his face.

Drew's cock continued to spasm long after he had stopped cumming. Dave now was overcome with his desire to fill Drew's ass with his own hot cum. With one explosive rush his semen pushed past the tightness of the cock ring and was expelled deep within Drew. The extra work his muscles had to do to push past the cockring had surprised him as the second pulse produced another sensation in his groin. He held each of Drew's knees in a tight grip as he pushed his cock as deeply as he could up his ass hole. Dave's ejaculation continued to spew his cum into Drew for a full twenty seconds as he held his cock deep in the anus that was now gripping him.

Finally Dave was spent. He withdrew his still semi rigid dick with its metal rings and released Drew's legs from his grasp. He crawled onto the bed next to Drew who still had Tess sitting on his face basking in the afterglow of her own orgasm.

Dave's movement brought Tess to her senses and she lifted her leg over Drew's head. She then lowered her self so that she was now reclining across Drew's body, her head resting on her hand above Dave's chest. She stared into the faces of her men.

"You guys are amazing," she said softly.

It was a little after mid day. Tess was watering her tomato plants in the backyard when she heard the four wheel drive coming up the driveway. Drew and Dave were on the far side of the farm loading grain. She turned off the water and put the garden hose down. Walking to the end of the house she spotted Henry and Evelyn as they approached the house. She was quite excited to see them. She had become very fond of Drew's parents in the past couple of months.

Tess quickened her pace and skipped down the front steps to open the garden gate. Evelyn opened the passenger side door the moment that Henry shut off the engine. Tess was waiting to greet them at the entrance to her garden. Evelyn had wanted to sit and talk with Tess for weeks now. She had never had anyone she could talk to like she did with Tess. Nothing seemed to be off limits with this little nymph of a girl. She was like a breath of fresh air in Evelyn's life right now.

Evelyn stepped down and felt the dry grass crackle under her soles as she took the three steps to throw her arms around Tess.

"Hello Tess, my dear. How are you?" Evelyn asked.

"I'm fine, couldn't be better. My you look fabulous," answered Tess as she held both of Evelyn's hands and stepped back to look the older woman up and down.

Evelyn had had another haircut and this time it was even shorter than the previous one. She wore a pair of denim shorts and a cotton shirt. On her feet she had a pair of soft leather boat shoes.

Henry climbed down from the truck and stretched his arms and legs. He was feeling his age, a four hour drive for him was nothing in his younger days. But now he found it tiring.

He walked around the front of his vehicle and saw his wife and Tess in a loose embrace. He was again struck by Tess's looks. He had never seen a woman so small but so perfectly proportioned. Her blond hair and smooth golden skin complimented each other. She was wearing a simple top that had thin straps over her bare shoulders. She had not bothered with a bra, that was obvious. A pair of butt hugging shorts and flip flops on her feet and that was all she needed to look remarkably sexy.

Henry extended his arms as Tess spied him.

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She left Evelyn and came towards him.

"Henry, it's so good to see you," Tess said as she accepted his embrace, "Come on both of you. Inside out of this sun and we will have a nice lunch. I don't know exactly where the boys are at the moment, but I don't think they will be long."

Henry picked up the two overnight bags from the rear of his car and followed Tess and Evelyn into the house he had called home all of his life.

Once into the cool darkened lounge room Tess turned to him and Evelyn.

"We have done a bit of work on the back bed room for you guys. Come see what you think," she said nervously.

In the previous couple of weeks she and Drew had painted and redecorated one of the spare rooms in preparation for their Christmas visitors.

Tess had chosen the paint colors and had brought new bed linen, a floor rug and curtains to compliment the color scheme. Dave had cleaned and polished some antique furniture items, a small table and a chest of four drawers that had been in the room as long as Drew could remember. Drew then polished the floor boards and hung some old photographs of the farm and family members he had reframed. The end result was that the room was now bright and airy and had that new smell that paint gives. But with the old furniture and the pictures on the walls Henry and Evelyn would still feel at home.

Evelyn and Henry loved the bedroom. Henry was pleased that they had been put in the back room. With his new found sexual prowess that Viagra had given him he didn't want to let any opportunity for sex to pass him by. He knew that Evee would want to be discreet while visiting.

"Well if you like the bedroom, you are going to love the back yard," Tess told them.

The older couple followed Tess back down the darkened passage way, through the kitchen and out onto the back veranda. Henry's face split into a huge grin as he saw the gazebo containing the hot tub. Tess stooped down and turned the tub on to show them the swirling water as they crossed the connecting veranda and entered the new building.

"It's not quite the same a swimming out at the rock pool or over at the weir pond, but it is heaven after a day in the garden," Tess said as she sat down on the edge of the tub and plunged her arm into the swirling water.

Henry and Evelyn admired the new building and then they were ushered back into the kitchen for chicken, lettuce and mayo sandwiches washed down with mugs of hot tea. Tess had figured they would be hungry and thirsty.

"Ev, did you buy me a Christmas tree on the way through town?" Tess asked.

"Yes Tess. Henry said he would put it together for you this afternoon," Evelyn answered, "You have left it to the last minute to put one up though."

"We have been so busy with the painting I only sort of thought of it yesterday before I rang you. I didn't think their were many real conifer trees around here so I opted for the next best thing, a fake one. It's not Christmas without a tree," Tess replied.

As they ate their sandwiches and chatted they heard the truck and tractor come down the track from the rear of the farm. The engines eventually quietened. Now they could hear Drew, Dave and Geoff talking and laughing as they washed their hands under the garden tap in the backyard then kicked off their boots on the back veranda.

Drew stepped into the kitchen. He had a smile on his face as he placed his hands on Evelyn's shoulders and kissed her cheek as she sat at the table. He now moved to Henry and again placed his hands onto his father's shoulders and gently massaged them.

"How are you doing Dad?" he asked.

"Good now my boy?" replied Henry.

Dave and Geoff now came through the door and greeted Henry and Evelyn.

'They could all be brothers,' thought Evelyn as she watched them sit down and prepare themselves a sandwich.

Dave and Geoff were laughing and making fun of Drew who had the misfortune to discover a snake under a silo this morning.

"Even the city doctor didn't carry on as much as you did," Geoff laughed, "We thought you were going to faint you turned that white."

'The city doctor wasn't worried because he was high up in the tractor and wasn't getting down until the snake was well and truly gone,' thought Dave. But he still played along with Geoff and teased Drew.

"What sort of snake was it?" asked Henry.

"Long and angry," answered Geoff.

"It was a brown snake I'm pretty sure," Drew replied.

"Well be careful around the place then. Brown snakes are pretty poisonous," Henry said stating the obvious.

"Well I'll go and empty the trailer into a silo then," said Dave as he finished his cup of tea, "Then it will be knock off time for the Christmas break."

"Oooh, he's been on the job for fifteen minutes and now he is calling the shots," chided Geoff.

Dave rose from the table, he was smiling.

"I'll give you hand," offered Henry and he also stood up.

Dave stooped and kissed Tess on the cheek, then with out thinking turned his head and did the same to Drew as he was sitting next to her.

Henry bent down and gave Evelyn a peck on the lips. He didn't know what to make of his son being kissed by a man. He was glad that Dave was comfortable enough in their company to do it though.

He caught up with Dave on the back veranda as he was pulling on his work boots. They walked across the yard together towards the tractor.

"If you could just drive the tractor and trailer around the back to the silos I will go around and climb up and open the hatch," Dave said.

Fortunately the silos were casting a nice shaded area at this time of day and Dave and Henry sat in the coolness as the auger was turned by the noisy motor on the rear of the trailer.

"So are you still enjoying the farm?" Henry asked Dave.

"I really am," replied Dave enthusiastically, "I take over the practice three days a week in town next month but I should be able to still put in enough hours here to try and be of some use to Drew."

"Don't worry about that too much, I can see that you and Tess have done him the world of good,"

"Yes but I'd still like to learn as much as I can about the farm, I love to be here with Drew," Dave told him.

"I have to thank you for those tablets that Tess sent us too," Henry said in an embarrassed manner.

"Ah, how did it go for you? Were you happy with the end result? No adverse effects?" asked Dave in his doctors voice.

"No everything was good thanks, just fine," answered Henry.

"You can talk to me anytime if you have any questions about Viagra or if you have any problems," Dave offered to the older man.

"Yes I know I could, it just isn't easy for men of my era to talk about these things," answered Henry.

"Yes I know, but if there is anything just ask," Dave replied.

"Well there is one thing," Henry said, "If you don't mind me asking?"

"Fire away Henry," said Dave as he chewed on a piece of straw, thinking it may be easier for Henry if he dropped the doctor persona.

"Well we have only used the tablets twice, but afterwards I'm not sure how long it is safe for me to stay hard for," Henry said.

"Henry the Viagra works in a way that as long as you are being physically stimulated you will stay erect. There is only a problem if you stay hard after the stimulation is discontinued. I have heard of men having four hour hard ons. Now that's not what I'd consider normal or safe."

He paused to take in Henry's reaction. He seemed comfortable talking with him.

"Yes, you can do most anything you want within a reasonable time frame. Just keep track of how your feeling, your not becoming stressed and you don't get any pains in your chest."

"So you think it would be okay for me to go again after Evee and I have done it once?" Henry asked.

"Yes of course, so long as it is fun. Enjoy yourselves with it," Dave answered.

"Thanks Dave, I just wasn't sure that's all. I felt like a bit of a sex fiend wanting more sex after I had just done it. But you think it would alright to go again if I want to?" Henry asked innocently.

"So long as Evelyn is willing, anything is okay for you when it comes to sex Henry," Dave responded, "The Viagra just chemically rewinds your body clock. Most teenage guys and men in their twenties can manage another erection soon after a climax. If you can do it too, use it is all I can advise you," Dave said to him.

Dave heard the tone of the motor change. The wheat had all been transferred from the trailer into the silo and the auger now spun with no weight in it.

"Just a moment Henry, I'll shut off the motor," Dave told him.

Dave walked from the front of the tractor where they had been sitting down, to the rear of the trailer. He had not noticed that Henry had followed him.

"I'm glad you are comfortable enough in front of Evee and myself and that you can be intimate with Drew," Henry's voice said to him, "It didn't shock me when you kissed him."

"Yeh, I sort of forgot you were his parents and were in the same room, sorry," said Dave.

"No, don't be sorry," Henry said quietly, "I have been putting a lot of thought into the relationship that Drew has with you and Tess. I wasn't too comfortable with he and you at first. But the more I have thought about it the easier it is for me. I realized that even if he was gay he is still my son and I'd still love him."

"Well I'm glad you feel that way, it makes it so much easier if we are all comfortable," Dave responded.

Dave started up the ladder on the side of the silo to close the hatch.

"Henry could you just run the tractor around to the shed? I'll just close up and meet you there," asked Dave.

Dave completed his task and then walked around to the front of the machinery shed.

"Well I'm going to shower and put on some fresh clothes," Dave said as Henry fell into step next to him across the driveway.

"I have a Christmas tree to erect and then I will bet Drew and Geoff will want to have a bit of a drink to celebrate a good harvest and the holiday season," countered Henry.

Tess and Evelyn, meanwhile had settled themselves on the veranda.

"You look fantastic Ev, you are positively radiant," Tess complimented the older woman.

"Why thank you Tess. I must admit I am feeling the best I have in years," she answered, "It's as if the clock has been wound back twenty five years only we don't have the worry of work or a child to raise."

"You even look a lot younger than when I met you, and that was only two months ago," Tess replied.

"I think I have Drew and his new loves to thank just a little for my new found wellbeing," Evelyn confessed.

"Since we came for the visit in November I have changed. I was stuck in a rut. I really felt I was just Evelyn Bishop, wife of a retired farmer. Then when I met and got to know you and Dave and saw the difference that you had made to Drew I knew that my attitude to life had to change. My life wasn't over because I was over sixty five years of age. I could be a little like these sexy young people. I realized it is all in your mind set. Even Henry has changed. I love how we are now. But I still want to change more. Do different things and go to different places. It's exciting!" Evelyn babbled out.

Tess could see she was excited. She had noticed that both Evelyn and Henry were wearing new more fashionable clothes. They didn't look odd, but weren't dressed as you would think people in their sixties would be.

"After Christmas we are going down to the city for a few days. We want to see a show, eat in restaurants, just enjoy ourselves. We have never been keen on the city but now both of us want to find out what we have avoided for so long. You told us that Drew was enjoying city life when he was staying down there with you. He was the last person I thought would take to the city lifestyle," Evelyn continued.

"Well Drew, Dave and I were going to speak to you about just that thing. I'm sure Drew won't mind me telling you now. What we were planning is that you and Henry stay with us at the apartment. We are going down next week and wondered if you'd like to stay with us. We can only stay a week but you can have the apartment for as long as you want. It just sits there empty. What do you say?" Tess proposed to her.

"That sounds wonderful! I will have to speak to Henry of course. And are you really sure you want us old folks intruding on you?" Evelyn asked.

"Don't be silly, of course we do or we wouldn't have asked you to join us," Tess replied, "I will just have to make sure the boys put on some pants before they make my morning coffee," Tess joked, "And anyway I was wondering if we might be cramping your style. Have you and Henry tried the tablets we sent you?"

Evelyn felt her face blush a little.

"Yes we have. I can't thank you enough. It has made all the difference in the world to us. Henry is just so much more confident in himself. I can't get enough of him! And I love it!" she said.

"It shows. I saw it as soon as you stepped out of the car," Tess observed, "You just look sensual, I hope that is the right word."

"Well thanks Tess, a compliment like that from you means a lot to me. Yes I think sensual is how I'm feeling lately, and I love that too," replied Evelyn.

Drew stepped back into the kitchen. He'd had a quick shower and changed into a pair of shorts and one of his city t shirts. His hair was still wet. Geoff was at the kitchen table and had helped himself to a beer from the 


"You all set for your trip to Perth?" Drew asked him.

"Yep, I'm driving down to the city on the fourth. I'll spend the night there, go back to that hairdressing place and get cleaned up a bit then fly out the next morning," Geoff responded.

"Well we are planning to go down next week. Could you mind the dog? We promise to be home on the third,"

"Sure, he is no problem. I won't be doing much anyway," Geoff answered.

"And Tess and Dave have told me they would like you to use the apartment any time you are in town. Just let them know and it's yours," Drew informed him, "Now come on let's sit out back in the shade."

"Geez that's generous of them," Geoff exclaimed as he stood up.

Dave opened the door from the outside, "Who's being generous?"

"I just told Geoff that you would like him to use the apartment when he's in the city," Drew said as he passed a couple of beers Dave.

"Are you guys for real?" Geoff asked.

"Yes. It only sits there empty for weeks at a time. You might as well save a few dollars on accommodation. You'll probably be down there more often than us if everything works out with Jackson," Dave told him.

Geoff stepped across to Dave and gave him a bear hug.

"I don't know what to say. Thanks. I can't believe you'd do that for me,"

"Just enjoy being there, treat it as your own. And change the bedsheets when you leave," Dave said with a smile.

The three men retreated to the veranda. Henry was passed a beer and the family sat in the relative coolness talking and making plans for tomorrow and the coming weeks holiday.

Henry disappeared into the lounge room to erect the plastic Christmas tree as Dave returned after showering. He was juggling four wine glasses and a bottle of red wine as they crossed paths in the doorway.

"A glass of red Henry?" Dave asked.

"Not until I have completed my task of building this tree, thanks," Henry said.

Dave settled the glasses on the table and half filled three of them with the Cabernet Sauvignon. He passed a glass each to Drew and Geoff.

He now refilled Tess's and Evelyn's white wine flutes then sat in a chair between Drew and Tess.

Geoff sipped the wine. He wasn't usually a wine drinker.

'Mmm," he thought as he took another sip, "This isn't too bad at all.'

The afternoon continued into the twilight. More drinks were consumed. Lots of laughter was heard as Geoff and Drew confessed to some of their hi jinx when they were teenagers. Most of it was news to Evelyn and Henry.

Drew cooked some meat on the barbecue and Tess and Evelyn made some salads. They ate outdoors.

Tess was decorating her tree when the telephone rang. It was nearly nine o'clock. She was a surprised as it was Fiona.

"Merry Christmas Tess," said the voice on the other end of the line.

"Fiona! How are you? So good to hear your voice. Merry Christmas to you and Chuck," Tess replied.

"We were just wondering if you were coming to town for New Year's Eve?" Fee asked, "Charles and I are having a party, we'd love you guys to come."

"Yes we'll be in town, but we'll have Drew's parents staying with us," Tess replied.

"You can bring them too! Charles assures me you won't get a better view of the fireworks than from the restaurant,"

"Okay I'll say yes but will have to make sure with the others later," Tess answered, "I will ring you back after Christmas to confirm numbers, if that's okay?"

"No problems. I'm afraid we can't accommodate you for dinner though. The place was booked out months ago. But we plan to kick off after dinner service. Just friends and staff after the diners have been moved along," said Fee with a hint of humor in her voice.

"Sounds great. Everything going okay with you and Chuck?" Tess asked.

"It couldn't be better. Sometimes I think my life has turned into a fairy tale," Fiona replied, "The people Charles introduces me to and the places he takes me, it is a dream. It really is. And I'm sure he loves me, he treats me like a princess."

After Tess had talked to Fiona for a few more minutes and hung up she smiled to herself. She was happy for her friend and was pleased that Drew, Dave and herself had played a part in introducing Fiona to Charles. She realized that any sexual relationship with Fiona was now over. This made her a little sad, but she was more than happy with her men.

At around ten it was decided that Tess who had the least amount of alcohol to drink would drive Geoff home. Test jumped at the chance to as she loved to drive Drew's F250. The size of the truck did not phase her at all and she enjoyed the power the vehicle had.

Drew and Dave saw her and Geoff off along the farm track and then decided that bed was the best place for them, Henry had already retired.

Evelyn cleaned the kitchen and then poured herself another wine and sat on the front veranda and looked out across the paddocks to the highway. There was no traffic at all tonight and she sat and listened to the quietness.

Presently she spied the headlights and heard the engine of the truck bumping along as Tess returned.

Tess parked in the shed and then walked across the yard to the front gate. Evelyn was sitting quietly waiting for her. Climbing the three steps Tess sat in the seat next to Evelyn.

"I love this house. I'm glad you and Dave are living here with Drew. It is such a happy place now," Evelyn stated.

"I love being here. I can't wait for Dave and I start work in the surgery. Then I will feel we will be pulling our weight around here. But yes it does feel like home," Tess answered softly.

"Tess can I ask you somethings?"

"Sure. You know our little rule, nothing is off limits." replied Tess.

"Why is it that every time I come into this house now I feel sexy? When I have any contact with you three I become aroused. It's not like I was like this when I lived here. And it's not like I'm going to go in and jump on Henry tonight. It's just I feel like how you described me earlier, sensual. Why?" Evelyn said.

Tess thought for a moment.

"Maybe it's because your son is in an unconventional sexual relationship. Maybe it's because you and I talk about sex and you have never had anyone to do that with before." Tess said slowly as the answers came to her.

"Yes maybe that's it. I must admit that I am still very curious about your sex lives. And I do so enjoy talking with you frankly,"

"Do you like the feelings you are having?" Tess asked.

"Oh yes Tess, I wish I could wind back the years and been like this thirty years ago. Henry and I have agreed that we have wasted a lot of years. We actually appreciate each other a lot more now. And our sex life is fantastic."

"Sometimes we just need a little nudge in the right direction I suppose," Tess said philosophically.

"I suppose so," answered Evelyn, "But for now I think it's bed time, we have a big day tomorrow."

They went inside and turned off the lights as they went down the hallway.

"Good night Ev,"

"Good night Tess dear."

Written by Bipeep
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