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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - chapter 23

"Two couples have dinner."

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The melody of the mobile phone's ring tone woke Drew from his slumber. Tess and himself had woken early this Friday morning and gone out to breakfast together. They then walked through every shopping strip that Tess could find. They had arrived back at the apartment in the late afternoon footsore and tired. Tess had laid her head on Drew's lap when he sat on the couch next to her and they had both nodded off to sleep. He gently shifted Tess's arm off his and picked up the noisy hand piece.

"Drew Bishop," he said into the phone with out checking the caller id.

"Hello Drew. What are you and Tess doing for dinner tonight?" said the familiar voice of Geoff.

"Oh hi Geoff. I don't know. We haven't planned anything yet. Why, what's up?" Drew asked.

He hadn't been expecting to hear from his neighbor until Sunday morning and was somewhat surprised that he had made contact so early. Tess stirred from her slumber and fingered the outline of his cock through the material of his short pants as she looked up into his face. It was more than a little distracting.

"I've met a nice guy and we want to go out for dinner. I wondered if you and Tess would like to join us. We want to be a bit inconspicuous, my friend isn't out and he is sort of well known. Any suggestions on a gay friendly discreet venue?" Geoff said.

Geoff was trying not to blurt his news out all at once. He felt he was the mature one in the fledgling relationship with Jackson. He wanted to act as this sort of thing happened all the time.

"Hang on, I'll ask Tess," Drew answered.

Geoff heard a muffled conversation through the phone as Drew and Tess discussed his proposition.

"Okay Geoff, we are thinking that Mario's Bar and Grill. It's the place I told you about, would that be alright. The foods good and the crowd is a nice mix. It's a bit out of the city, you'll need a taxi. How does that sound?"

"Great, we have a car. We can call by and pick you up. What time?" Geoff responded.

"Say eight," answered Drew looking at the clock in the kitchen, "That's three hours, I should recover from Tess's shopping trip by then."

"Excellent that will give us time to go out and get me something nice to wear, I'm sick of looking like a farmer in the city. We will swing by and get you, I can remember how to find the apartment block," said Geoff.

"I'll let the security guys in the foyer know and you can either come up or they will call us when you get here," Drew said, "See you later."

He hung up the phone.

Tess sat up, "So who is his friend? Will I know of him?" she asked.

"I didn't ask, we'll just have to wait and see who it is," Drew replied.

"Now I'm going to be all excited until I find out who it is. I hope it is some one famous or at least I have heard of him," Tess said.

"Come on, I'm going to have a proper snooze on the bed for an hour or so before we shower and change. Care to join me?" Drew asked.

They went and lay on the bed together and dozed off in each other's arms.

Geoff asked Jackson as he put his phone away, "Do you think you could help me shop for some decent clothes? I don't want to look like I'm in clean work clothes all the time."

"Sure, I'll have you looking a bit more trendy in no time. Let's go," answered Jackson.

Fortunately there was a large shopping mall located not far from the zoo. So after a five minute drive Jackson parked the car and turned to Geoff.

"Ah, what's the budget and what do you want?" he asked.

"Well I'm not worried about the money within reason and I just want some nice designer jeans and a few shirts. What ever you think is in fashion. And shoes I can't wear boots all the time." Geoff said.

The next hour and a half saw Geoff and Jackson searching out clothes that not only fitted Geoff's skinny six foot three frame, but also looked good on him. Two pairs of pants, three t shirts and two dress shirts were already in carry bags as they now looked for some nice shoes that would match.

"You are going to look fantastic, I can't wait to see you all dressed up to go out later," Jackson said to him, "What about a hair cut to finish off your new look?"

Geoff had never worried about his hair too much. He was due for a cut, he usually got the local barber to run the clippers over his head every few months

"What do you have in mind?" Geoff asked him.

"Well I don't think it should be a ten dollar cut that I can see you usually have. Lash out, I'll find some one to style it for you, come on." Jackson said.

Without waiting for an answer he turned and started down the mall towards a salon that he had seen earlier. Geoff, still trying to make up his mind and loaded down with shopping bags, followed in his wake.

Jackson found the hairdressing salon that had struck his fancy. He pushed the glass door open and waited for Geoff to enter before he let it swing shut.

Looking about the salon appeared not to have any customers at that very moment and Geoff thought it looked very gay. On the walls were pictures of topless male models in exaggerated poses showing off muscles and hairstyles.

"What can I do for you boys?" said the male hairdresser in a very camp voice as he came from the back room.

"My friend here wants a new look. What can you do for him?" Jackson said as he took control for Geoff.

"Sit yourself down here sweetie," said the hairdresser, "My name is Dion and I'll be your stylist today. Anything in particular you'd like?"

Geoff was a bit amused by Dion, instead of saying, 'Just give me a hair cut,' he decided to play along a bit.

"No, I have no set ideas, I might just leave it in your hands."

He sat in the chair as Dion poked and examined his unruly hair.

"Well it's a blank canvass at the moment, isn't it. Gosh!" Dion exclaimed, "Okay, trust me."

He threw a smock over Geoff's body and then sprayed his hair with a mist of water.

"Here we go, this will be an adventure for both of us," he remarked, "Honey, you won't know yourself when I'm finished with you."

In the next twenty minutes Geoff was clipped, snipped, primped and more than once had Dion's crotch rubbed against his arms as the mass of hair now lying on the floor was cut away.

"Next time you make a booking and I'll give you the full treatment, I'd love to cover up all those nasty grey hairs for you," Dion remarked as he reached for the blow dryer, "And what I could do for those eye brows!"

As the hair dryer was turned off and Dion shook off the cape covering him, Geoff looked in to the mirror.

He liked what he saw. His hair was now shorter and the part he usually had combed into it when it was longer was gone. It was sort of spiked on top and short on the sides. It made all the difference to the look of the rest of his face. It made him look more angular, very masculine.

Jackson came over for a look as he sat there studying himself.

"What do you think?" asked Dion to him.

Jackson reached out and touched Geoff's chin with his thumb and forefinger. He pushed his head to get a look at his profile and then pulled him so he now had a front on view.

"You wouldn't have time to do something with the eye brows would you?" he asked Dion.

"Sure. Just a trim and a bit of shaping? I use the more modern threading method instead of waxing. Relax I will have you finished in no time," Dion said as he disappeared into the back room.

Geoff was about to protest. A haircut was one thing, eye brow plucking he wasn't too keen on.

"You are going to look so hot for me tonight," whispered Jackson into his ear, "I can't wait to get back to the hotel so I can dress you and see what we have done to you."

Geoff now thought better of protesting. Dion came back to 'do' his eye brows.

It only took a few minutes and when Geoff opened his eyes he looked in the mirror again. He now looked much different to when he had come in. Dion had shaped his brows perfectly. He hadn't gone overboard and given him feminine brows, he had just gotten rid of the long hairs and contained his brows to where they were supposed to be.

Geoff stood up and brushed himself off.

"Well thank you Dion. I feel fucking terrific," Geoff said. "Honestly I do. I will be coming back here next time I need a cut. I'll even be sure to make a booking in advance."

Geoff knew all of Dion's work would not come cheaply and he wasn't surprised when the cost was revealed to him. But he paid without any thought of complaint, he was happy with the way he now looked.

It was now six thirty, they would have to hurry a little to be on time to pick up Tess and Drew. They were lucky to find a street park near the hotel after they had gone and collected Jackson's suit case from his friend's place. There was nobody home there still and Jackson did feel it was a not really the right thing to leave without an explanation. He left a note saying he had met some one and was staying with them. He said he would call around tomorrow and see the two guys who had provided him with accommodation. He would make up some story. If being gay in the football world did anything, it made you a good liar.

Back in the hotel room Jackson laid out on the bed the new designer jeans that Geoff had brought and then played mix and match with the new shirts. He eventually found a combination he thought was the best then added the new suede lace up ankle boots.

"Right shower time and careful you don't wet your hair," Jackson said to Geoff as he pulled his own clothes off.

They showered together and it was all they could do to keep their hands to themselves. Geoff dried himself, his heart was thumping. He wanted to look and feel good. He had never had anyone help him express himself with the way he looked.

He picked his newest pair of white briefs and made sure that he tucked his cock in so that when he was finished dressing it might show as an outline in his jeans. Jackson reclined on the bed and watched him dress. 

Next his jeans and the t shirt that Jackson had chosen for tonight. Then his shoes, no socks he was instructed and he was done. He looked in the only mirror behind the wardrobe door. He liked the what he saw.

Jackson now decided he should dress and got up and put on his clothes. His clothes were in the same style as Geoff's.

"How would you like to do something a little daring?" Jackson asked, "It won't take long."

"What would that be?" Geoff replied.

Jackson went to his toiletries bag and fished around. He returned with a small vial and a pencil.

"I rarely do this, but it makes me feel good when I do," Jackson said.

He stood in front of the mirror and with the pencil he carefully drew a fine line along his eye lids. Next he took a small, fine brush and painted his eye lashes so that they become thicker, more defined. He did it quickly and expertly. It wasn't garish or brash just a subtle change to the way he looked.

"What do you think?" Jackson asked as he turned to face Geoff, " Do you want to enhance the look of your new brows?"

"You don't think it might be to much change for my friends all at once?" Geoff asked.

"No, you might as well go all the way now, they probably won't even notice this with your new brows," he answered.

Geoff had always wanted to express his homosexuality. At home he could have, but no one would see him so he never bothered. He couldn't have done it comfortably in his home town, it just wouldn't be accepted.

"I'm in," he said, "Could you apply it for me, I've never worn make up before. Not too much okay."

Jackson had him sit down in an arm chair and he applied the eye liner until he thought it looked good. Next the mascara was gently brushed on.

"Check it out ," Jackson said.

Geoff looked at himself in the mirror. He was instantly pleased.

Geoff felt good. He was dressed like he had wanted to be for a long time. He wore what other guys he had lusted after in the past were wearing. His hair and eyes were new. He looked good and he new it.

"We had best get a move on and pick up Drew and Tess," he said to Jackson.

He leaned forward and kissed Jackson on the cheek. "Thanks for helping me with my shopping," he said.

"No problems. God you are gorgeous!" Jackson replied.

During the short drive to pick up Tess and Drew, Geoff rested his hand on Jackson's thigh. He liked to be intimate with this guy and know that it was appreciated. Jackson was easily stimulated by his touching, Geoff knew this young man wanted him.

They parked in a ten minute parking place out the front of the apartment block and both went in to the foyer.

Joe Security was on the desk and after Geoff had introduced himself and Joe had rung the apartment they were granted access to the elevator and the eight floor.

Tess opened the door to the apartment as the elevator arrived down the hallway. As Geoff and Jackson walked towards her she held out both arms to Geoff.

"Welcome Geoff," she said as she kissed his cheek, "Come in."

Drew was sitting on the couch with a beer. He rose as Geoff and a stunning looking young guy followed Tess into the room.

"Tess, Drew this is...."

"Jackson Walters," interjected Drew. He recognized him instantly.

Drew shook Jackson's hand and then turned to Geoff, "And goodness don't you look different."

Tess walked a full circle around Geoff eyeing his new clothes, hair cut and shaped eye brows.

"My, my Geoff, this young man has been a good influence on you," she said in a teasing voice, "Now introduce me properly."

"Tess this is Jackson," Geoff said rather formerly.

Tess stepped forward and took Jackson's offered hand, she then tip toed up and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm very pleased to meet you Jackson, what a lovely couple you two make," she flattered them.

Tess was not disappointed, she had heard of Jackson and did know of his prowess as a footballer.

Jackson instantly liked Drew. He could see a lot of the traits that had attracted himself to Geoff mirrored in Drew.

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His firm and genuine handshake, his friendly, honest manner. Jackson could tell they were both country born and bred. He was a little embarrassed when Tess kissed his cheek. She was obviously happy that Geoff had found a friend. She cared for Geoff, he could tell. Her natural beauty struck him. Looking at her closely he could see she wore no makeup and her skin was flawless.

After a quick tour of the apartment Drew asked, "Would you like a drink? I have booked a table for eight thirty, we have time."

"I'd rather just get going," said Geoff. He wanted to be seen with Jackson by more people. He wasn't going to do anything daring that might out him, but it felt good that he knew Jackson and himself were a sexual couple and others didn't.

The party of four made their way down to the car parked on the street. Tess and Drew sat close to each other in the rear seat as Jackson followed their directions to the restaurant.

Drew had requested a booth when he had rung to make the reservation. After being seated and Drew had been to the bar for the first round of drinks Tess asked, "Where and when did you two meet?"

Geoff and Jackson looked at each other.

"Yesterday, at a sauna," Geoff replied honestly, "It sounds a bit sleazy but we liked each other more or less instantly so we went out for dinner."

"Oh don't be so judgmental, saunas are gay guys social clubs," Tess replied.

"Jackson's on holiday over here for the next week or so. He said he wouldn't mind coming up to the farm for a few days. He is a farm boy too," Geoff commented.

"That would be nice for you both," Tess said.

"Another tractor driver perhaps?" countered Drew, "The weather forecast is looking good, we should be able to start harvest Wednesday or Thursday."

"Yes I think we will be able to find something for him to do for a few days," Geoff answered with a smile as he took a longing look into Jackson's eyes.

"It will be good to be out of the city, a bit of peace and quiet," Jackson replied.

"Have you heard from Dave?" Geoff asked.

"Yes we rang him earlier. He is having fun playing farmer. He's taking it very seriously. He has checked the boundary of my place and went over to your place to make sure every thing is okay. He loves his new quad bike and is clocking up a lot of kilometers on it," Drew answered.

Over dinner and for the rest of the evening they sat and talked of many things. Farms, fashionable clothes and being gay.

"I love what you guys have done to your eyes with the make up," Tess complimented them.

Geoff shifted in his seat a little, he still wasn't comfortable wearing it in public.

"I don't do it very often, it's a bit risky for a gay guy that isn't out. I do like it when I do though," answered Jackson.

"You look so different Geoff, the clothes and make up," Drew said when Jackson went to the bar for more drinks and Tess went to the ladies room.

"I feel different. He makes me feel so sexy, he talked me into the eyeliner. It's something I have wanted to try for ages but haven't had the guts to do."

"Fuck Geoff, if you can't do that sort of stuff out at our places where can you? Do what ever you want I'm not going to judge you. Whatever makes you feel good, remember?" Drew advised.

"I could get serious about this guy Drew," Geoff said quietly, "I really feel a connection with him, it's a pity he is committed to be three thousand kilometers from here."

"Yes but he does come over here to play football a couple of times a month, you can meet up then," Drew offered as a suggestion.

"Yes, let's just see how things go for the next few days. But I have never felt like this about a guy before."

They decided not go to the dance room and after a couple of drinks at the bar the two couples left.

Both Tess and Drew noticed that Geoff had his hand on Jackson's leg and maybe even a little higher as they drove along in the darkness. Tess was feeling a little naughty and was stroking Drew's cock through his jeans as the journey home progressed.

"Are you going to come in for a drink?" Tess asked the two guys occupying the front seats.

"Ah no thanks Tess, I tired. Some other time maybe," Geoff responded.

Drew and Tess said their good nights as they stepped from the car.

"I'll call you tomorrow night," said Geoff to Drew.

"Okay, see you later guys," said Drew as he closed the car door.

The car pulled away.

"I'm so horny. I want to fuck you again. Get me up to the apartment quickly," Tess hissed as Drew watched his neighbor drive off.

Somewhat shaken by Tess's urgency Drew took her hand and they walked into the building.

"When I said I wanted to fuck you I meant I want to fuck your ass again. I can't stop thinking about last night," Tess said as they rode the elevator for eight floors.

Drew looked down into her eyes and then kissed her deeply.

As they entered the apartment Drew said, "Can I have a few minutes to get clean for you again. I'd feel a lot more relaxed about it."

"Of course," Tess replied, "I'll see you on the bed."

Drew went to the bathroom and repeated the process that he had done the night before to clean himself for Tess. He made a mental note to himself that he would buy an anal douche next time he was in an adult shop. It took maybe ten minutes until he could return to the bedroom.

Tess had turned off the lights and was under a sheet on the bed, so he slid in next to her. She immediately lifted her head and sucked on his right nipple. He held her head as she sucked and nibbled him. It was definitely arousing for him to have her suckling. He could feel his cock rising in anticipation.

Drew allowed his hands to wander over Tess's body. Her soft smooth skin further excited him.

Tess now pushed him flat on to his back. She moved up on to her knees next to him.

"Suck me Drew," she said softly.

Drew looked across. Tess had inserted the bulb of the dildo into herself before he had come from the bathroom and was now offering the cock end to him to suck on as if it was a real penis.

Drew placed his lips onto the end of the silicone cock protruding from Tess's crotch. His heart was beating hard as he took the phallus into his mouth. He tried to apply enough pressure so that it would move against her clit as he deep throated her.

She moaned after he had swallowed her cock half a dozen times so he knew his efforts were having the effect he wanted.

Tess looked down and watched Drew take her penis into his mouth. She felt the ribbed base of the dildo push on her clitoris and the bulb in her cunt push backwards. Drew was now fully deep throating her and his rhythmic actions and the visual stimulation was stirring her towards an orgasm.

She reached down and stroked his hair as he continued to suck on her.

'Enough,' she thought.

She pulled her hips back and pulled the cock from Drew's mouth.

Now she stepped off the bed and told Drew, "Move over here please."

Drew complied and wriggled over so his ass was at the edge of the bed. Tess and her dildo moved closer as Drew lifted his legs and held them with his hands behind his knees. His anus was now exposed to Tess. Standing flat footed on the floor Tess's dildo was at the perfect height to enter him.

Tess now coated the head of her cock with lubricant then rubbed it on the tight opening of Drew's ass. She steadied the dildo with her hand and rubbed it up and down. In the dim light she could see his muscles loosening as she moistened him. She pushed her hips forward a little to apply pressure to his sphincter.

She watched as the head of her cock slipped into Drew. She heard him grunt softly and then he started to push himself onto her. Slowly she started to push deeper into him and then withdraw. Quickly they synchronized their movements. Tess reached over and turned on the bedside lamps so she could see more. Drew's anus was taking her deeply and as she moved her hips back the dildo was stretching the skin oh his ass outward. His scrotum and erect cock were swaying as he trust onto her. She had never seen a man in this position before and could hardly believe that she was having this effect on him.

Drew looked at Tess. She was watching the dildo fucking his ass. She looked wonderful, her small tits jiggling in time with the thrusting of her hips as she fucked him. Now one of her hands moved to her breast and two fingers pinched a nipple. Her breathing was coming in short puffs as the bulb in her vagina and the shaft against her clit did their work.

Drew now felt more confident in his physical positioning. Tess's cock in his ass felt fantastic. He loved to be fucked. He released his grip on the back of his right knee and his free hand now went to his own cock. He wanted to jerk himself to orgasm while being fucked by her. As he stroked himself a couple of times he felt Tess squeeze some lubricant from the tube onto his hand and cock. Now he wrapped his hand around the hard shaft and the lubricant allowed him to fuck his fist as he and Tess maintained their rhythm. It would not take him long. He was extremely aroused. Precum was being ejected from the eye of his cock as it slid through his slippery hand. The fake cock in his ass periodically brushed his prostate and seeing Tess in her own world fucking him brought him to the edge.

After Tess provided the lube for him to jerk off for her she watched him. The bulb in her pussy massaged her 'g' spot. She was going to cum, but just for the moment she wanted to see Drew spray his sticky semen. He had his head back now, his cock in his right hand and the dildo she was using pumped into his ass.

She watched as he pushed his cock upright into a vertical position. He was so hard. Then suddenly a huge spurt of his cum shot up to her eye level and then spattered back onto his torso. She kept pumping into his ass, his cock would be sensitive not his ass. She wanted to fuck him through his climax. Again a wad of his seed shot high above his cock. This was the product of her efforts. She had made him orgasm with her double ended dildo. And now it was her turn to cum with him. Her pelvic muscles gripped the silicone intruder in her cunt as a rush of her fluids flowed past the dildo and her labia. A warm glow radiated from between her legs and spread through her body. She pushed hard against Drew and held the dick deep in him so that the portion in her pushed against the inner wall of her vagina. She came hard as she watched the last of Drew's ejaculation run down over his slippery fingers.

Drew was spent. He had to hold his knees up again. He didn't worry that his hand was messy, he was going to shower anyway. Tess was pressing against his ass as she orgasmed. He could now stay in this position until she was satiated.

Tess's climax was slowly abating. She loved to be the penetrator. She felt so in control. Drew had cum but this fuck wasn't over until she decided it was. He was in his position, her cock was in his ass and she would decide when to withdraw.

She now looked down at her lover and with her hands she rubbed the skin on his shins. She slowly withdrew a little and then made a couple of small, slow thrusts into and out of him. She couldn't quite understand how she felt. Dominant. Masculine. Feminine. Slutty.

"Stay like that for one more minute," she whispered to Drew.

She withdrew the dick from his ass and immediately dropped to her knees. His ass hole was that relaxed that it stayed open after her withdrawal for fully five seconds. She watched in awe as his hole slowly closed. Slowly she moved her mouth closer to him until her lips touched his anus. She then poked her tongue against his ass and felt it loosen, she entered him. Tess didn't move. She held her tongue in him until his muscle again tightened and expelled her. She took both of his balls in her hand and massaged the mixture of his cum and the lube into the skin of his scrotum. With her other hand she slipped the double dildo from her cunt and let it drop to the floor.

She now took his hands allowing him to lower his legs. She slid up onto his body until her mouth was over his and then she kissed him. A long wet passionate kiss.

Ten minutes later as the hot water of the shower ran down his back, Drew wrapped his arms around Tess and pulled her back against his stomach. He cupped her small breasts in his hands and nuzzled her neck with his lips. Tess stretched one of her arms back around his neck.

"Do you truly like what I just did to you?" Tess asked him solemnly.

"Yes Tess, I do," Drew answered, "Why, are you having second thoughts about it?"

"No! The opposite. I love the feeling I get fucking you. I just don't know if I should be happy feeling like I am dominating you," Tess answered.

"I don't see it as being dominated. I take it as being pleasured by you. If you feel dominant that is okay by me. Do you think I would cum like I did if I wasn't excited by you? It's new to both of us, you fucking me. I don't want it to be every time we are together, but I want you to do it with me again," Drew tried to explain.

"You really enjoy it that much?" Tess asked.

"Yes, and I think you do too. The only thing I'm wondering about is whether we tell Dave what we do," Drew said.

"Oh we have to tell him! Full disclosure, remember? He would love to watch and join in with us I'm sure. What do you think about that?" Tess said sternly.

"Full disclosure. I'll tell him on Sunday. He will ask what we got up to this weekend. It would be good to include him if he wanted to. It's another dimension to our love making," Drew agreed.

"And you wouldn't be embarrassed, me fucking your ass in front of another man?" Tess asked.

"Why, should I be? He fucks me and I fuck him. Why shouldn't you fuck me, or him for that matter," Drew said.

The two lovers dried each other then nestled into each other's arms on the bed.

"I wish Dave was here with us," Drew said softly, "I miss being a trio."

Written by Bipeep
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