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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - chapter 17

"Friday night continues"

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The back seat of Tess's car was a little claustrophobic for Drew. His head brushed the roof lining, and his knees were in the back of the drivers seat. He realized he should have taken his suit coat off before getting in, but it was too late now. He wouldn't be able to remove it in the cramped confines.

Fiona sat next to him. The street lights illuminated her for a few seconds as they passed under them. He could see the skin on her knees and a couple of inches of her thighs. Her skin looked so smooth and soft. He would have loved to reach out and touch her, but he dared not.

He was becoming familiar with this part of the town and knew he only had to endure the cramped conditions for another five or six minutes. They were now sitting at a red light. His hand was on the seat next to his thigh, and then he felt Fee's hand gently and softly glide over his and hold onto his fingers. Drew looked down at their hands, then up at her face.

She was stunning. Her hair was up on the back of her head. Drop earrings with a small green stone in each, a matching necklace hung into her cleavage. She wore a dress that Drew found hard to describe. It was shoulder less and bone in color. It looked like a short evening gown. He did know that it showed off her wonderful breasts and taught figure to perfection. She turned to him slightly and gave him a half smile. That was all, a half smile. Drew's heart was racing and then melting.

Dave managed to find a park that was only a short walk to the entrance to the tower that was topped by Charles's restaurant. Drew was glad to get out of the car as he stretched his arms and leg.

Dave and Tess walked arm in arm to the revolving door, Drew and Fee followed. It felt a bit disappointing for Drew, he didn't want it to feel like they were two couples. He had so enjoyed being seen as a trio with Tess and Dave when they had gone out previously. He didn't want to be seen as in a 'normal' relationship again. But then he looked across at the stunning young lady on his arm and thought that he would be the envy of all the other men in the restaurant tonight. Apart from Dave that was, as the other diners would be watching Tess as well.

The elevator doors opened and, as they had expected, the view that confronted them was amazing. A million twinkling lights spread out to the horizon. They stood and took in the view for a minute or two and then walked to the lectern that was Stephens office and the boundary of the outside and his domain.

"Mr Bishop, how lovely to see you again," Stephen said in a friendlier than they were expecting voice.

"I have a table with a view for you. If you would care to follow me," he said as he turned and walked through the dining room.

Drew and Fiona followed closely, Tess and Dave took a little more time. They had noticed other diners were indeed looking at the party that had just come in. Dave noted a few of the other patrons were TV celebrities and prominent business people. He felt good as they were all looking at Drew, Fiona, Tess and himself. He could just imagine them asking each other if anyone new who this new party were.

"This is your table here," announced Stephen with a certain flair, "Seb will be your waiter tonight, so any thing you require just ask. And please, Charles has asked me to remind you that there will be no cost to you, so feel free to order anything you like. Now chef has left instructions that I must inform him of your arrival so I will leave you in Seb's capable hands. Enjoy your evening."

"Thank you Stephen," said Drew as he took the window seat after he had noticed that Fiona had been seated by Seb in the one opposite. The waiter left them with the wine list while he attended another table with the promise he would return in a few minutes to take their order.

Drew looked up as the others were reading and saw that Chuck had come out of the kitchen and was making his way toward them. At every second table he would stop momentarily and ask if the meal was okay and shake the diners hands. Eventually he reached their table. He was wearing his chef's whites and had that unmistakable smile on his face. Drew stood and offered his hand to Chuck as the chef halted between Tess and Fee on the other side of the table.

"Drew, Dave," he almost shouted, "So good to see you again."

He then turned, "And Tess," he welcomed in a much quieter voice, "Absolutely my pleasure to see you," and took her offered hand and squeezed it softly.

"And who might this delightful creature be?" Chuck asked.

"Fiona I'd like you to meet Charles. Charles, Fiona," answered a gesturing Drew.

"My pleasure indeed," said the chef, "And please call me Chuck."

He held her hand a little longer than seemed normal to Drew, but who wouldn't have if they'd had the chance.

"Have you ordered anything yet?" asked Chuck.

"No we were just going over the wine list when you came out," Drew explained.

"Would you like champagne? I know we just got some lovely magnums of Moët in," he asked as he scanned their faces for an answer.

"Why sure, but Moët, isn't it a bit extravagant?" asked Drew.

"Nonsense Drew, they haven't stopped making it and I'm paying," Chuck laughed, then turned and shouted across two tables to the barman, "Jessie, some of that new Moët for my friends and an ice bucket please."

Drew thought it was hardly the image that Stephen would want, the chef yelling in the dining room like that. He was also acutely aware that all of the other patrons were looking at their table wondering who these 'celebrities' were.

Jessie, the bar manager his name tag called him, promptly arrived with a large bottle and five champagne flutes. He popped the cork poured a little wine into one and Chuck took it from him.

Chuck took a little sip, "Ah, nectar of the gods," he said.

He then indicated that the bar manager should pour them all a glass each.

Seb arrived with an ice bucket, "Would chef like a chair?" he asked.

"Chef would love one, but I'm afraid chef has to go back to work for a while," he said to the waiter.

He then turned back to the table and said, "Don't hold back on your orders because you are my guests. I have to get back to the kitchen, but I will be out later, and we will have more drinks and a good chat. So please hang around and wait for me."

"Of course we will, and thank you for your hospitality Chuck," answered Drew.

The rest of the evening was divine. They all ordered and ate from the extensive menu. Drew had a bit of trouble deciphering some of the ingredients on the menu, but with Seb's guidance he had a wonderful meal.

Fee spent most of the time staring at Drew. He really was handsome and a gentleman. As they finished the deserts and were relaxing with the champagne, she slipped off her high heeled stiletto and put her foot up into Drew's groin. The alcohol had emboldened her, she hoped this was not a step too far.

Drew was talking to Dave, about of all things, quad bikes as she did this. Without skipping a beat in the conversation or even looking in her direction, she felt his hand rub her foot and then slowly, softly massage its way up her calf to as far as he could reach. This continued for several minutes until Chuck arrived back at their table with a chair and a bottle of white wine.

"How was the meal?" he asked as he placed his chair between Fee and Tess.

"Absolutely wonderful," answered Dave, as all the others agreed.

"Good, now I'm going to have my after work Friday drink with my new friends, but just a minute of business first," was Chucks response.

"Drew, the manager of the meat works rang me yesterday. He told me your lambs were of outstanding quality and size. They had been inspected and passed and now they are hanging in the cold room. I just checked with my accounts lady and you were paid this morning for them, directly into your account as agreed. So here is to our new business venture," Chuck said as he held his glass up for a toast.

They all clinked their glasses together.

"Now Fiona, where do you fit into with this trio?" Chuck asked her innocently.

Fiona had no idea he knew of the others being a trio. As he didn't.

"Call me Fee please. Oh, I'm just their travel agent. They have just taken pity on me and allowed me to tag along tonight," she said in a playful way.

"Really a travel agent?" he asked, and when she nodded in the affirmative he continued, "Well that is a coincidence. I have to start planning a couple of trips to Europe I have to make in the next few months. Do you have a card? It's always easier to do business with some one you know."

Fee quickly rustled through the small clutch purse she was carrying and found the one and only card she had with her. It was an old one, dog eared and creased, not really professional looking. She handed it to him.

"I'm afraid it is in a bit of a sorry state, I wasn't expecting to do business tonight. We came out for dinner," she apologized.

"It's fine, Fee," he said, "And next time you come here have a few on hand, you never know. Networking is the key. Half of the deals in big business are done in half a dozen restaurants in this town. And I'm happy to say this is one of them. Networking. I'll be in touch next week for you to work out my itinerary, if that's okay."

Fiona was stunned. She'd just done a deal with the most sort after chef in town, and the only effort it took was to hand him a second hand business card.

"For sure," she answered, "My work and private number are there, call any time, I'm sure I can help."

Chuck then asked Drew about the farm and they had a long talk about the property. He was fascinated that Dave was going to stop practicing as a doctor to work with Drew and Geoff. He said that one day he would like to see where the meat he was buying came from. Drew offered an open invitation to him.

"Come up anytime, you have my number," was Drew's response.

They talked until nearly midnight, all the other diners and most of the staff had left.

Fee was getting restless, she wanted to go home and see if her advances to Drew had had the desired effect on him. She was certain now that tonight would be the night for her. She had never wanted to have a man before. Now it was all she could think of.

Eventually Dave and Drew stood up. The evening was drawing to a close. They thanked their host profusely and he ushered them to the elevator. Chuck shook hands with the guys, kissed Tess on the cheek and then Fee.

"Now remember I am calling you next week to do that deal," he said to her as held her hand.

Then they were in the elevator and heading for home.

Tess made sure the seating arrangements were the same on the drive home. Although Drew took his jacket off and sat behind her to have a little more leg room.

Fee held his hand the second they were in the backseat together. She caressed the skin on the back of his hand with her fore finger.

On arrival at the apartment, Dave excused himself for a minute and went and put his wet washing into the dryer. Drew was busting to urinate so went through to the main bathroom immediately. Tess and Fee were left alone in the kitchen where Tess was making them a cup of tea.

"How is this going to work Tess?" Fiona asked, " I can't work out how to be with Drew tonight."

"Look, I will take you to bed with me, when the guys come in, I'll make sure that Drew and you have the chance to do what ever you want. Once it starts happening, just ignore Dave and I, we will be having our own fun. Just go with my lead and be calm. And you are sure about this?"

"Yes Tess, I so want this now. It has to happen for me tonight I'm sure," she responded.

Tess wanted to be sure in her own mind she wasn't pushing Fee into doing something she didn't really want.

They sipped their tea and Drew returned, he had taken off his suit and now had boxer shorts and a t-shirt on. He poured himself a glass of water and sat next to Fee at the bench. She could smell toothpaste on his breath and his new after shave that he had put on earlier.

Tess got up and rinsed their cups.

"I'll just check on Dave and the dryer so he doesn't burn the place down while we sleep," she said and retreated into the powder room.

Now was Drew's chance for a private chat.
He put his hand onto Fee's.

"Is this going to be awkward or do you want me to just take you to bed?" Drew asked her.

"Do we wait for Dave and Tess? I don't want it to be awkward. I want you so badly," she answered, "I didn't know what to do."

"You have done everything perfectly," he replied and leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

Tess and Dave came into the room laughing.

Tess said, "I'm going to bed, who is going to join me?"

She took Dave's hand and then reached for Fee's.

Drew stood up from the stool and took Fiona's other hand and stepped toward the door. Tess watched as they went through into the bedroom. She and Dave waited a moment then followed.

Drew put his arms around Fee as they approached the bed.

She stopped and turned to him, "Can you give me a minute, I must use the bathroom."

Fee turned and picked up her toiletries bag from her suit case and hurried into the bathroom.

She had a piss, and washed her pussy quickly. Then she brushed her teeth and wiped the make up from her cheeks. She looked through her bag and found the three pack of condoms she had purchased especially for tonight. She had never had to used condoms before and hoped that it would be okay with Drew.

She looked at herself in the mirror, took a deep breath and went back in to here fate.

Tess and Dave were undressing each other, and Drew was lying on the bed in only his boxers now, watching them. As Fee came towards him, he swung his feet back onto the floor and embraced her around the waste. His nose went into her cleavage, and he inhaled her perfume and then sighed. Fee, for her part, wrapped her arms around his head and held him to her chest. She still held the condoms in one hand. She tossed them next to the pillows.

Tess and Dave were naked now and were kissing as they both lay down on the other side of the bed.

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Dave flicked all the lights off bar a small one above the windows, just enough for the lovers to see each other but not be intrusive.

Drew's hand found the zipper on the back of Fee's dress and he lowered it. The dress slipped passed her hips and she let it drop to the floor. She was braless, and now he had her two firm, youthful breasts each side of his face. He turned and took her right nipple into his mouth and held it there, then ran his tongue around the bud.

Fee could feel herself becoming moist, Drew's passion for her and watching Tess as she lay on top of Dave kissing him was having an effect.

Drew now put his hands on her and tried to encircle her waist, his fingers nearly reached right around, such was her figure. He gently guided her back a couple of inches and lowered his head to nuzzle her clit through the material of her g string.

'Why didn't I leave that off in the bathroom,' was her first thought.

Drew now took the sides of her 'g' in his fingers and without moving his mouth away lowered the only article of clothing remaining on her body. His lips were now on her strip of hair, so he lowered them; he wanted her clitoris. He had wanted it since he had seen it earlier in the hot tub.

He licked upwards along her slit. Her clit was swelling, he could feel it in the puffy folds of her labia. Fee again put her hands to her groin and as she had done earlier in the evening. She pulled the lips of her pussy apart slightly and her clit was able to pop free of it's fleshy hood. She knew it was a gift to have a clit as big as hers and she also knew how it could be used to deliver great pleasure to her.

Drew now had another of his goals for the night. He sucked her clit into his mouth and ran his tongue around the shaft of it. He was unsure how rough or gentle to be so just kept up this action until Fee pushed into him a little harder. He heard her groan softly. The moisture he was getting from her onto his bottom lip tasted fantastic. He had found that Tess's fluid had an aphrodisiac effect on him, and Fee's juice was the same. He could feel his cock hardening in his boxers.

Fee now wanted more, she did not want another clitoral, oral sex orgasm. She had already had one of those earlier. No, she wanted to feel a cock inside her for the first time. And if it felt good she wanted it to fuck her.

Fee put a hand under each side of Drew's jaw and lifted him until he was standing in front of her. Now she took the elastic waist band of his boxers under his navel and as she lowered her head she pulled them down so his penis went straight into her mouth. She pushed her head down as far as she could take him into her mouth, she had been practicing this every night at home with a vibrator. She found it much easier and nicer with Drew's cock than the plastic fake from her top draw. She had now sucked two cocks in her lifetime.

As Fiona performed fellatio on him Drew was trying to distract himself a bit. He wanted to last and she seemed very proficient at cock sucking for a failed lesbian. He looked down and saw the condoms for the first time. Of course she wouldn't be on the pill, she had never had to worry about contraception before.

'How stupid of me not to think of that,' he thought.

Fee now released his cock, and he looked down at her as she crawled onto the bed. He stepped out of his boxers and on hands and knees straddled her. He gave her a long passionate kiss, her tongue explored and filled his mouth. His cock was brushing on her flat belly. She was now excited that it was on her body and getting closer to her special hole that was designed to take it.

With her left hand she reached down and encircled his penis, all the while looking into his brown eyes. With the other hand she reached for the condoms and, just as her hand settled on the pack, Drew's hand took them from her. She watched him flick the small package open and pulled one of the foil wrapped condoms from the box.

He now stood up onto his knees and with his teeth he ripped open the foil and took the lubricated rubber sheath in between his thumb and finger. Fee still had hold of his cock, just around the base now. She was very relieved that she didn't have to stop Drew and ask him to use the contraception. He was such a darling she thought.

She continued to hold his cock, she loved the feel of it in her hand. Drew now placed the condom over the head of his erection and rolled it down to the base as she released him.

He lowered his head so his lips were near hear ear and whispered, "I think you may be more comfortable on top for your first time. You'll have all the control. But it its up to you."

Fee hadn't given that any consideration she just assumed it would be missionary. As soon as she had digested his words it did make sense for them to switch places she thought. She started to move from under him and in a fairly seamless maneuver she was suddenly on top of him, her knees either side and his cock sticking up against her butt crack.

She looked side ways. Tess was on top of Dave, he was looking the other way. Tess's ass rose and dropped in a slow tempo. They were obviously fucking in the same position. Tess smiled at her then closed her eyes.

Fee raised the top half of her body on her knees, it was now or never. She still wanted this, and so far it had felt fairly natural. She reached behind herself for Drew's cock and lifted her pelvis over him. She felt his hand come down to help her guide him into her. She could feel the lubricated, condom clad cock on the opening to her vagina now, so she lowered herself a fraction to hold him there. Drew held his cock at the right angle to enter her. With her hands she pulled her labia apart again and slowly, ever so slowly she lowered herself onto Drew's member.

Fee stopped the moment she felt any discomfort, she now lowered the top half of her body down and rested her elbows on the bed. Her breasts were laying on Drew's chest and the feeling she got from just that was so different from any other sex she'd had. She had taken three quarters of Drew's length into herself, it was more his girth than length that was uncomfortable she decided. She lay still like this for a minute or two.

'Drew is being very patient with me,' she thought.

As her pelvic muscles relaxed further she felt a lot better.

'I have had bigger dildos put in me than his dick, it must be just nerves,' she said to herself.

The longer she waited the better she felt until she summoned up the courage to move up on his cock a little and then slide back down. This she did three or four times and with each motion she took him deeper until she could not get any more of his cock into her in this position.

It was becoming very pleasurable for her now and her clit was coming into play on his pubic bone. She lifted her torso a bit and put her hands on Drew's chest. She used them to push back against his cock with a little more vigor.

"Oh that is feeling really good," she thought.

She now looked across at Tess again. Tess was sitting in a very upright position on Dave, her head was back and her blond her was hanging behind her. She had her arms straightened and they were holding her in position by pushing in to Dave's pelvic bone. Her small clit was erect and standing out. She would cum soon by the look of her. Dave for his part had his eyes closed. One thing she did notice though was that his hand was rubbing up and down on Drew's thigh.

She looked again at Tess and thought, 'She can take all of Dave like that, his cock was bigger than Drew's. Her cunt is tiny. I should be capable of taking all of Drew. I should be able to handle it.'

Slowly she sat back further and continued the slow rocking motion on her knees. Oh it felt good. She heard Tess panting and sucking in air. Again she looked over and saw Tess was in the midst of her climax. She had her hands up on her head and was now grinding her pubis into Dave.

Fiona decided to stop looking at the other couple and concentrate on herself and Drew. She sped up a little and heard hear juices squelching against him.

"Okay?" asked Drew quietly.

"Yes Drew," she answered her voice a little shaky.

On hearing her reply she felt Drew push up a little into her and the sensation deep inside her pussy was enhanced many times over. Now it felt like a living cock inside her. She involuntarily moaned a little. This gave Drew a little more confidence that yes she was enjoying her first fuck. He continued and increased the amount of his thrusting into her. It still was not full on screwing with no regard, but it was definitely a good fucking motion.

Fee sat upright as far as she dared. She didn't want this cock to slip from her wet slit now, this was too enjoyable.

As she sat right back Drew put two fingers to her clit and slid them over her as he thrust and she rocked on him.

Now she thought there might be an orgasm in this for her as she felt his fingers and cock at work together. She didn't know why but she also put her arms around her own head as she had seen Tess do. Drew's other hand went to her right nipple and gently rubbed against it

She had a climax building within, she pushed down on Drew and ground his hand onto her clit. His cock was completely in her now, her lubricating fluids ran from her and she moaned loudly. Then wham! She stopped moving. Her fingers dug into Drew and she came in waves, sucking air and almost sobbing. It was a prolonged orgasm. Drew was still hard and deep inside her but kept still now for the moment. He just watched her cum on top of him. He wasn't expecting her to.

Tess had finished her climax and was sitting on Dave and trying to rock him to ejaculation when she first heard Fee breathing deeply. Tess looked toward her and saw that she was into a really big orgasm. She was so happy for her girlfriend.

'Nobody has an orgasm the first time they have intercourse,' Tess mused .

Dave watched as his male lover fucked this young woman for the first time. He was proud of Drew, not just because he had managed to bring her to a climax, but because he had been so gentle and caring for her.

Fee's orgasm subsided, she knew the others were looking at her, she didn't care.

"Fuck that was unreal,' she shouted.

Fee now turned the top half of her body, Drew was still inside her and slowly starting to thrust gently again. She looked at Tess still rocking on Dave's cock. Fee put out her arm and pulled Tess's body closer to her and then gave her an open mouth kiss that was returned in kind.

Tess's hand now came up to caress Fees breast and nipple as the kiss continued.

Drew watched and felt her starting to rock again on him, he wanted to cum now while Fee and Tess were kissing. His cock was buried deep in her. She was rocking so now he thrust as he would into Tess. He felt his sperm laden juice building in his groin. He gripped on to what he found later to be Dave's fore arm and let his cock explode deep in this virgin pussy.

Fee felt his cock jerking and pulsing inside her. She stopped kissing Tess and straightened her posture on Drew and began to move on him again.

Tess had one arm around Fee's shoulders and the hand of the other on her breast.

"Are you cumming Drew?" Fee asked him.

"Yes," he grunted between ejaculations.

Fee immediately at the thought of him cumming inside her, felt a another smaller weaker climax of her own starting behind her clit and spreading. She came again sitting at forty five degrees over his chest, his cock thrusting up and leaving a large deposit of semen in its condom.

Tess rubbed her all over during this and only made it that much more sensual for her.

Tess straightened herself on Dave, "Cum in me Dave."

Dave wanted to, he had been holding off while he watched Fee and Drew.

Drew looked across at Dave on the other pillow. His dick was softening and Fee would soon loose him. She raised herself off him and he felt his dick covered by the condom full of semen flop onto his shaved area. He wished he had a towel or something.

With Fee still laying on his chest he put his finger under her chin and gave her a warm kiss.

"Happy?" he asked.

She smiled down at him and kissed him again.

Tess was doing her best to fill herself with Dave's seed. Grinding onto him until she heard him grunt and tense underneath herself. She felt the warmth of his ejaculate as he sprayed deep inside her, then she lay down on his chest and sighed.

It had been a good Friday night and tomorrow was Saturday. Should she send Fee home in the morning so that she could have her men to her self and they could have each other? Or, should she let her hang with them for another night and see what develops?

She heard Drew slip off the bed and go to the bathroom and clean himself off. He returned with some clean dry hand towels.

Drew passed a towel to Fee and put one next to Dave's hand.

Dave was flaccid but Tess still had him inside her. His dick was preventing his ejaculate from leaking from her.

Drew sat behind Fee and embraced her from behind. It was important he thought that he spent intimate time with her. He had been the first man to enter her vagina, he wanted her to remember this as a nice evening.

Fee lay back against Drew and enjoyed the warmth of his hands on her breasts. She was content now. Fucking a man for the first time had gone better than she had hoped it would. She was relieved; the nerves and the sexual tension were behind them now. She could lie back naked with Drew and watch Tess and Dave in their own after glow.

Fee realized that this was not the usual way that a female would lose her virginity, with another naked couple sharing the same bed, but she was glad that it had happened this way for her. She was with three people that cared for her and didn't expect anything from her.

Dave cleaned himself with the towel that Drew had left for him and then he cleaned Tess. He then cuddled into Tess's back as she lay on her side caressing Fiona's feet and calves.

Dave turned off the last light, "Good night," he said.

Written by Bipeep
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