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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop -chapter 15

"Tess makes a series of phone calls to set up a sex filled weekend."

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Tess was restless. Dave was driving and she had been dozing in the passenger seat. They had been on the road for three hours now and still had an hour or so to go until they were home. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed Fiona's number.

"Hello, Fiona speaking,"

"Hi Fiona, it's Tess here, how are you?" Tess asked.

"Oh, hi. I was trying to call you earlier but your phone must have been turned off or something," Fiona replied.

"No we have been up to Drew's farm for the weekend and there is no mobile reception there. Sorry I didn't get in touch with you last week, I have just been so busy. How have you been?"

"No mobile reception. How far away does he live? Yes I'm good. How are Drew and Dave?" Fiona inquired.

"The boys are good, we have just had a lovely weekend, Dave and I are just on our way home now. It's a long drive though," said Tess, "I'd like us to get together this week some time, that is if you want to."

"Of course I want to," answered Fiona, "But I have to go interstate for work until Wednesday night, so it will have to be later in the week I'm afraid."

"Well Drew is coming to stay on Thursday, so how about I ring you on Thursday night and we will arrange something. It maybe that we might all have go out together, I can't promise just girl time."

Fiona's heart fluttered a little with the news that Drew would be in town again and she may have a chance to see him again. Although she was very turned on by Tess she had been fantasizing about a sexual encounter with Drew. Indeed with the three of them. She now regretted not fully experiencing group sex with Tess, Dave and Drew that last weekend at the apartment. Her reluctance then was to be expected, inexperience with men and the fact she had just met these people had made her reluctant. Since then she had done a lot of thinking and wanted to expand her sexual horizons.

"That would be fine with me Tess, I really enjoy being with you guys," Fiona replied trying not to sound too excited, "There will be time for just you and me when Dave is away, I don't mind being with you and the boys."

She hoped that Tess had taken that the right way, she didn't mean it to sound sexual, but thought if it was taken that way she had planted a seed and Tess would let her know if she was out of line.

Tess listened to Fiona and in her minds eye could see the younger woman's perfect breasts and lovely big clitoris. Tess had never seen such a large clit and had decided that next time she was with Fiona she would thoroughly examine the wonderful organ. Tess was getting wet just thinking of Fiona.

"Okay that sounds good, I'll have a chat with the boys and call you Thursday," Tess said.

"Great, I will look forward to your call and seeing you again, goodbye for now then," Fiona said.

"I'll ring Thursday and see you on the weekend, bye," Tess replied and ended the call.

"How is the lovely Fiona?" asked Dave.

"Yes she is good, she sounds keen on seeing us again."

"And why wouldn't she be keen. She gets to have sex with the most perfect woman on earth," Dave replied.

"I don't think it's just me she wants to have sex with. Do you think it would be a good idea to allow her to sleep with all of us? I know she wants to experiment with you guys, she needs to work out her sexuality." Tess said.

"Do you want to continue seeing her?" Dave asked.

Tess realized this was turning into one of their honesty sessions. She wanted to be frank with Dave, it excited her to talk about having sex with other people during these conversations.

"Yes Dave I do. I hadn't been with a woman for years before last week and I found it terribly exciting. She is a very sexy young thing and she really turns me on," Tess confessed to him.

"Well say no more, keep seeing her," Dave replied.

"I will, it's just that I don't want her to complicate the relationship between you, me and Drew. I'm only interested in her for fun and sex, a lesbian fuck buddy, no strings. But I know she wants you guys involved now that her interest has been sparked," Tess said.

"Well shouldn't you leave it up to us to decide if it's a good idea. She's already given me oral, and I don't think it had an adverse effect on our relationship. If Drew chooses to have any sort of relationship with her, which I'm pretty sure he doesn't really want, I think he'd prefer us to be with them. For Drew and I it would only be sex with her. Probably good sex, but just sex," Dave told her.

Tess listened to Dave, it made sense that as men they would have sex with her but not want to have any binding commitment. Why wouldn't they want to have her, she was gorgeous. And when all was said and done she herself only wanted to spend time with Fiona to satisfy her own sexual cravings, there was no great romance brewing between them.

"I am going to have to talk with her, I have to know if we all had an affair with her that it isn't going to hurt her in the end," Tess said.

"Drew and I talked about it in the shower that night after she watched us. We both agreed it was hot having her with us, I don't see any problem with her joining in, if you and her would like that. The one thing she has to know is she is just a fuck buddy for us guys. We have our love and that is you," Dave answered.

"I'll call her before Thursday, maybe Tuesday night and tell her what you just said. Then she will know how you guys feel and there won't be any confusion," Tess proclaimed, "Thanks Dave, you have cleared a few questions from my mind. We can have a lot of fun with Fiona, she has the biggest clit I have ever seen and her tongue work on my pussy was exquisite."

Tess only added the last couple of snippets to prick Dave's curiosity. She was feeling a bit naughty and wanted Dave to talk dirty with her to pass the time as they continued their trip home.

Drew stepped from the shower and heard the telephone ringing. Grabbing his towel he brushed it over himself and crossed the hall to the bedroom and picked up the hand set next to the bed.

"Drew Bishop," he stated.

"Hi Drew, how are you darling?" said Tess in reply.

It was eight o'clock on Tuesday evening, Drew wasn't expecting to hear from Tess or Dave tonight but sat down on the bed so he could play with his cock while he listened to Tess's voice.

"I'm fine now you have called me. Gosh I miss you and Dave so much. I wish you were here," Drew replied to her.

"What have you been up to today?" Tess asked.

"I spent the day over at Geoff's place, we had to service the combine harvester. It was a fairly large job, I've just gotten home and showered. I was dirty and dusty," Drew explained to her, "But we are on schedule for the harvest now."

"Drew why I rang was that Dave and I were talking and we want to know where you stand with having Fiona joining us for sex. We both sort of think it would be good to have her occasionally join us and would like to know if you would be okay with it if it happened?" Tess asked him nervously in a quiet voice.

Drew was taken by surprise. "You mean all of us together?"

"Yes. Dave and I want to and Fiona was hinting at it when I spoke to her the other night. Depending on your answer I want to ask her if she is interested in a no strings relationship with all of us. I think I'm getting to old to be pussy footing around, if it's going to happen get it out in the open then move on." Tess said.

"Well Tess you have surprised me with this. I hadn't really thought about her much. As she's your friend and so much younger than me, I didn't think I should have sexual thoughts about her. She was coming on to me quite strongly the other weekend and I was tempted. She is very good looking, we don't even really know if she is interested in men. Do you think I'm ready to have another partner for sex?" Drew rambled.

"Drew would you fuck her if Dave and I were in the bed with you both?" Tess asked bluntly.

"Yes," was all Drew could muster for an answer.

"Okay I'm going to call her later and see if she wants to come out with us on the weekend. So it is alright with you?" Tess asked.

"Ask her to come to the restaurant on Friday night, I'm sure Chuck wouldn't mind," Drew offered.

"Hey good idea, she will be impressed," Tess answered, "Do you want me to ring and confirm the reservation for Friday evening, I don't mind doing that."

"Yes that would be good. You don't think I'm took old for Fiona do you? Like I said I was tempted last week but it just didn't feel right. I didn't know if it was like I was cheating on you and Dave or if it was the age difference." Drew asked her.

"No, you aren't that much older than her, you look younger than you are. Nobody is going to look at you as her sugar daddy that's for sure. I will set her straight that it's just sex and no one is after a relationship," Tess answered, "Who knows, she might think we are a bunch of sex maniacs and tell me to fuck off. We won't die wondering that's for sure."

"Ah well count me in if it happens. Let me know how the call to her goes," Drew said.

"I'm going to ring her now, the restaurant reservation is a good excuse to call her out of the blue. So I'd best go, love you Drew, I'll call back later,"

"Yes I love you too and kiss Dave for me, bye," Drew answered.

Tess hung up and exhaled loudly. Dave was working late again and she had been bored before the call to Drew. At least now she knew where her two men stood with having Fiona join them for sex. They both wanted to but weren't going to go outside of the relationship to do it.

'It's funny,' Tess thought to herself, 'Fiona makes me really wet, she is so hot, but the way I'm planning this is so clinical, it should just happen in a flurry of clothing and sex.'

She picked up the phone and dialed Fiona's mobile number. It was answered on the second ring.

"Tess! How good to hear from you," Fiona exclaimed, "I wasn't expecting you to call."

"Hi Fiona, how's your work trip going?"

"A travel expo, boring. I wish I didn't have to do these things, it's the down part of my job. Now I'm back in my hotel, my feet are killing me, I'm tired and I was lonely. Gee it's good to hear your voice," Fiona gushed.

Tess asked, "Would you be interested in dinner with us at Charles Peters rooftop restaurant on Friday night. We've been invited by the chef himself and it will be a good night out. And here is the kicker, it's on the house, free."

"Really! That would be excellent," exclaimed Fiona, "I have always wanted to go there but could never afford it."

"I'll take that as a yes then shall I?" Tess asked.

"For sure, what time?"

"I'm going to ring and confirm for eight pm. after we have spoken. I'm taking Drew shopping on Friday afternoon and we'll be home about five, so come over for a drink before we go out," Tess told her and then brazenly added, "You are most welcome to spend the night with us, so you could bring a change of clothes for Saturday if you like."

Fiona's mind went into a bit of a whirl. Tess had just invited her to spend the night with them, not her them. Should she say yes? She wanted to. Could she possibly mean this included sex with the guys? She hoped so, but could she go through with it?

"Yes I might just do that, it would save me going home the next morning a disheveled wreck like I did last time," Fiona answered and then regretted saying it.

"Good, the guys and I are looking forward to seeing you again," Tess countered.

"I probably can't get to your place till 6pm. I don't finish work until 5.30, is that okay?"

"Look pack a bag for the weekend and come straight here after work and change. We can all have a drink in the spa bath and whatever then dress before we go to dinner. Classy chic is the dress code for the restaurant." Tess suggested.

"Okay, ah what is the whatever?" asked Fiona with a hint of trepidation in her voice.

"Well I have been wondering if you have given any more thought about experimenting with one or both of the guys. I just want to have every one on the same page. Don't be scared to tell me to piss off," Tess replied with her fingers crossed.

She was glad she had put it out there for Fiona. She didn't want to scare her off but wanted to have an answer one way or the other.

There was silence for a few moments.

"Well I have been thinking about it a lot. I was so happy with myself after I watched the guys and even touched Dave with you, and what is it ten or twelve days later and it still excites me thinking about it. I sort of think that if I were strictly lesbian I'd be repulsed by sucking a cock, don't you?" Fiona asked.

Tess could sense that her young friend wanted to commit but needed some reassuring before she would.

"Yes, I think that if you are still curious about my men then you aren't lesbian, maybe you are bi like us," Tess encouraged.

There was silence from Fiona's end of the phone.

"Drew, Dave and I had a bit of a chat about you. They are both very interested in helping you 'come out' for want of a better way of putting it. But they don't want to do it outside of our threesome. That is if anything happens between you and one or both of them it would have to be in a foursome situation. Believe me that is their rule not mine. And they said it will be no strings attached. Understand?"

Still silence from Fiona.

Tess continued after a long pause, " I don't want to make it sound as if I have a set of rules for you, it's mostly the guys. They don't want to see you hurt at all, they just want you to know it will be just sex with you. Sex and fun,"

Fiona found her voice, "Understood Tess. I'm still not sure I can go further with a man but I'd like to try, I know that. What do you say if I come over for the weekend and if it happens it happens. If it doesn't you and I can still be best friends with benefits."

"Of course, I'm sorry I blurted all that out at once but I had to let you know our thinking. Fuck I wish I could hold you now, I'd really like that." Tess answered.

"Me too. In fact I'm quite moist talking to you about sex with men, and that really surprises me. I might have to masturbate after this call," Fiona confessed, "I'm so glad you called, I know where I stand now, it's up to me if I'm willing I guess."

"Right so we'll see you Friday after work and the ball is in your court. If you don't want to see or be seen nude by the guys let me know, you and I can still enjoy each other," Tess said, "Sorry I have to go and book the restaurant before it gets too late."

"For sure, see you then," Fiona said, "One thing though Tess, would you please call me Fee, Fiona sounds so formal to me."

"Sure Fee, see you Friday night honey, and bring an open mind and that beautiful wet pussy, bye," Tess said.

"Bye Tess, see you Friday," said Fiona as she flipped her phone shuts ending the call.

Tess now rang the restaurant and confirmed a table for four at 8 pm. on Friday. She had wanted to speak with Chuck but snooty Stephen refused to put her through, so she just made the booking for four people and didn't worry about the ramifications.

Thursday afternoon saw Drew turning his truck and trailer into the meat works. He spoke with the gate man who directed him to the stock yards at the rear of the plant. He was then instructed to reverse up to one of the pens and his sheep were unloaded. He was handed a receipt for the ten lambs and then he parked his trailer in the truck park and secured it with a chain and padlock.

His working week was now officially over. He climbed back into the F250 and got back onto the freeway into the city. In half an hour he'd be in the apartment, he'd shower then would shop and cook Tess and Dave dinner.

Tess punched in the code and the apartment door swung open. Immediately she smelled food. Her house never smelled of home cooking when she returned from work. Drew stood on the far side of the kitchen bench. He was doing something in the sink, music was playing from the stereo and he didn't hear her enter.

Silently she tip toed across the room and placed her arms around his chest. She pressed her head into his back and inhaled his scent.

"Hi Drew, it so good to see you," she said.

Drew spun around and carefully put his elbows on her shoulders so his wet hands wouldn't stain her clothes. He leaned down and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

"Hi Tess, I'm so glad your home, I've missed you," he said softly.

"What's cooking?" Tess asked.

"Roast duck and vegetables, I hope you and Dave are hungry. I might have gone a bit overboard with the quantities," Drew replied.

"Well I swear, duck has never been cooked in this kitchen before,"

"I've never cooked it before, I just saw it in the supermarket and thought I'd have a go at it. I hope it turns out okay," Drew said, "I hope you didn't have other plans for tonight."

"I'm sure it will be fine. No my plans are I'm taking the whole day off tomorrow, we'll sleep in and have sex. Then we will shop all afternoon. Dave will be jealous but he will have you all to himself in a couple of weeks, tomorrow your mine," Tess announced.

"Fantastic," said Drew.

"I have invited Fiona to the restaurant and then to spend the night with us. She is coming over at six," Tess informed him.

"I'm sort of looking forward to that. Mainly to see if I have the guts to do anything with her. Excited but a little apprehensive I suppose," Drew now confessed to her.

"Well just let it come naturally, don't force it, go with the flow," Tess advised, "And you are mine all day first remember."

Tess went into the bedroom to change out of her work clothes and Drew continued with his kitchen duties. As he basted the duck in the oven the front door opened again and Dave entered the apartment.

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He immediately smiled broadly, dropped his brief case in the office doorway then crossed the room to embrace Drew.

Hi Drew, God I've missed you, let's go to bed now," Dave announced still smiling.

"Not now dinner is almost ready, control yourself for an hour or two," replied Drew as he reached down and gave Dave's penis a little squeeze through his suit pants.

"Must I behave? I'd rather be naughty," replied Dave.

You go and change, dinner in five minutes. Roast duck. Would you like a beer or wine tonight?"

"I think white wine tonight. Back in two seconds. Where's Tess," Dave asked as he headed for the bedroom.

"She is changing, don't you two get distracted and ruin my cooking, just change clothes and come and sit down," Drew scolded.

Drew now began serving the meal and transferred the steaming plates of food to the dining table. He poured three glasses of wine and sat down just as Dave and Tess returned hand in hand from the bedroom.

'They really are a beautiful couple,' Drew thought to himself.

The trio ate the meal that Drew had prepared for them. They talked and laughed as they enjoyed each other's company. It had become so easy for them to be themselves, no one was left out of the conversation. They lingered around the dinner table and opened a second bottle of wine, which had the desired effect of loosening their tongues somewhat and eventually the subject of their conversation turned to sex.

"I can't wait to see what happens with us and Fiona tomorrow night," Tess blurted out, "I would love to see one of you guys fuck her for the first time."

'Where did that come from?' thought Drew, 'She must have had more wine than I have realized.'

"Tess! Don't be so blunt about it," Dave scolded, " I would hope it happens a bit nicer for her than you just described it."

'Dave is such a nice guy,' Drew thought.

"Well yes, I hope it is nice too, but it would be so hot to see her loose her virginity. Technically she is a virgin when it comes to men," Tess replied, " I can't even remember losing my virginity it was that long ago."

"What do you think about sharing a bed with Fiona, Drew?" Dave asked.

"Well since Tess rang the other night I've thought about her a bit more and it does excite me. She flirted with me badly the other week, but now I have yours and Tess's consent, as you both have mine, I won't avoid her like I did, at least I don't think I will," Drew replied earnestly.

"Well Drew if it comes down to who is going to, as Tess puts it, fuck her, I want you to be her first. I will take a back seat as I saw the way Fiona looking at you and I think she wants you," Dave said.

"As Tess advised me earlier, I'm just going to let things flow and see what happens. Right now though let's clean up and go to bed and love ourselves, I have wanted to do that since Sunday night," Drew replied.

They hurriedly cleared the table, stacked the dish washer and cleaned the kitchen. Tess went to shower while Dave and Drew finished in the kitchen. Once everything was done Dave put his arms around Drew from behind and cradled his chest, his fingers eventually found the nipples of his partner and he deftly flicked each of them to arousal.

Drew pushed his buttocks back into Dave's groin and enjoyed the sensation of his nipples being stimulated. He could feel Dave's cock hardening behind him and suddenly wanted Dave to fuck him as part of their love making tonight.

"Dave, the other week I bought some cock rings. When you come up to the farm could I fuck you while I'm wearing them? The thought of that makes me so horny," Drew asked him quietly.

"Oooh yes, let's try that, you are getting a bit more liberal with your sexuality," Dave replied, "There is all sorts of things we can do together when we have time. Not that we can't here with Tess, but it will be our time alone and we can concentrate on learning more about you and I then. It is exciting isn't it. I've never lived with a guy I'm having sex with. I am so looking forward to it."

"Me too, promise you will screw me tonight, I really feel like I need you in me," Drew asked him.

"Since you have asked so nicely how can I refuse. Let's go to bed, Tess can catch up when she gets out of the shower."

Drew and Dave did just that. As Tess came out of the bathroom she was confronted with Dave reclining on the edge of the bed and Drew, his back to Dave lowering himself onto a rigid cock until he was sitting on his partners lap. She heard Drew suck in his breath as he took the full length of her husbands cock in his ass. Neither man looked at her, or seemed embarrassed that she was watching this most private act. Drew took a couple of moments before he slowly started to raise and lower himself the length of Dave's eight inch penis.

When he had a rhythm that suited him he signaled Tess to take the final couple of steps to them, which she did. Drew placed his arms around her and held the orbs of her small firm buttocks in his hands. He now stopped his movement up and down on the hard dick and hovered just above him to allow his ass to be pumped by Dave. Drew now took one of Tess's nipples in his mouth and sucked on the little bud until it was hard in his mouth. His hands continued to massage her buns and then allowed his fingers to gently penetrate the crack of her ass to delicately touch her anus.

Dave was now thrusting his cock into Drew's willing anus. He was well lubricated and loose and Dave was using almost his entire length. He was not setting a fast pace or being rough. His hands held Drew by the hips and he was using them to push and pull him onto himself. He could not last long at this he knew. Drew's tight ring of ass muscle was so stimulating on his cock and now he could see naked Tess being suckled by Drew as he was being fucked. Dave could smell Tess's juices, as they were seeping from here pussy lips and down her inner thighs, such was her stimulation.

Tess was immediately turned on when she saw her guys in the act of intercourse. She watched them for a few seconds until Drew beckoned her to come to him. She stepped between his and Dave's legs and Drew took her left nipple into his mouth. He then massaged her ass with both hands and touched her rosebud anus, gently softly and alluringly. Her hands went to Drew's head and she encouraged him to suck on the other nipple. She looked down at Dave behind Drew, he was concentrating on his rhythm and seemed oblivious to her. He was close to cumming, she could tell by his facial expression.

Drew felt like he would explode, his ass full of cock, his mouth trying to suck the nipple off of Tess's breast and his fingers touching her anus. He was nearly in sexual overload. His cock was stiff and leaking fluid. That was something he had never done before. He had always wondered why he didn't have precum, he had read about it and seen it in porn but never actually produced it himself. But since this wonderful couple had come along he was leaking constantly during sex. Anal stimulation was what he put it down to. The awakening of his ass and prostate, like never before.

Tess looked down at Drew's penis. He was hard and had a line of precum running down towards his balls. She broke free from the grip his lips had on her breast and lowered herself to her knees. She took the head of his cock into her mouth and sucked as hard as she could.

Dave saw Tess go down on Drew, he stopped his thrusting into the tight asshole around his own cock. Now he saw and felt Drew settle back on him. He looked down, incredibly Drew now had taken his entire shaft. Eight full hard inches were comfortably being concealed up Drew's ass. Dave had never seen his cock disappear up any one's ass so fully. He now felt Tess's chin rub against his scrotum, a by product of the head job he figured she was giving Drew.

As Tess took his cock head into her mouth he sat back on Dave, it wouldn't belong before he'd cum. He felt so full and Tess's mouth was trying to suck the cum out of his cock.

Dave could hold back no longer. Although Drew was not moving on him, just the depth of his anal penetration had done its magic and he felt his semen rising and then explode through the eye of his cock and deep into the body clamping it's ass ring around his dick. It wasn't his normal spurting ejaculation but more a prolonged flow. He could feel every muscle that pushed semen out working. It was a very powerful orgasm.

Drew could hear Dave's breathing as he sat on the magnificent dick. He could feel the cock in his ass harden and reach that little further into him. 

And now he could feel Dave's cock pulse as he came deep up his rear passage. It all became too much for him too.

" I'm going to cum Tess. I'm cumming," Drew warned her.

Tess took his cock from her mouth and expertly put one of her tiny hands around it just below the head. She now stroked up over the engorged head, trying to pull the skin over as she often did with Dave's uncircumcised version. The act of pulling her hand over and stretching the skin on the upper shaft was enough, a thick white thread of semen flew high into the air and landed on her shoulder. It was followed by several more as Tess encouraged his penis to produce its prize for her with a few not so gentle pumps up and down his length.

Drew's orgasm was magnificent. He didn't think he'd ever had sex like he'd just had. Nothing had prepared him for how good it was this time. He finally felt like he had let go of all his inhibitions. He had wanted anal sex, and had got it from an expert. Tess was such a willing partner, she wanted to see him totally satisfied. He felt used, but like he had in turn used them for his own ends.

Gently he took Tess by the arms and stood her up in front of himself. He now started to stand thus allowing Dave's softening cock to disengage from his ass. He took Tess into his arms and embraced her. Dave now stood and wrapped his muscular arms around both of his partners. Freeing his left arm Drew placed it around Dave's waist and pulled him closer to himself and Tess. They held this naked embrace for several minutes, no body spoke.

Tess said, "Come boys, let's shower and clean up a bit."

They all had a quick shower together to wash away the perspiration and cum, then they returned to the bed. Drew observed that incredibly Dave was half erect again. He and Tess went down and sucked him to fullness.

"My turn now," whispered Tess to Drew as she released the cock from her mouth and swung her leg across Dave's torso. Drew guided her onto the eight inch cock that he now held in an upright position as Dave lay flat on his back. He slowly rubbed Dave's cock head along Tess's slit until her juices lubricated it for penetration. Tess was face to face with Dave. Drew behind her holding Dave's cock and watching as he wiped it over her pussy. He watched as her vaginal muscles relaxed and she lowered herself onto his cock. He could hear the slurping of her fluid as they set a slow tempo. Dave's cock penetrating her three quarters of it length then slowly withdrawing past the hairless lips, pulling some of the skin of her inner walls out as it did so. Then slowly, he would reenter pulling the moist folds tight again.

"Drew would you lick my ass please?" Tess asked him in a voice tinged with desperation.

As if to encourage him she reached back with one hand and ran her index finger over the puckered anus.

Drew shifted his position then lowered his head. He opened his mouth and spread his lips around her ass hole. He worked his tongue over the tight little hole surrounded by its dark skin. He felt her loosen and keeping up with their slow rhythm he pushed his tongue into her.

Tess felt him enter her ass. Dave's big dick in her cunt felt fantastic. Now the tongue in her was making all her nerves jangle. She pushed her pelvis back to get more tongue and that small shift in position caused her clit to touch Dave's cock on the down stroke. Two more cycles of this extra stimulation and she came. All her pelvic muscles tensed, her fingers gripped into Dave's chest, her head went back and she screamed loudly as both men kept up their stimulation of her.

Drew could feel her ass muscles clamp down and expel his tongue, he kept the licking motion of his tongue going on the outside of her anus. He now bought one hand to Dave's scrotum and cradled the balls it contained. His sac was tight and Drew enjoyed the way it felt, hairless, soft, but firm and full.

He now remembered the first time Tess had seduced him in the shower at the farm and how she had pressed on him halfway between his scrotum and his anus. He remembered the feeling and how it felt as if his cock was pushing further out from his groin. Carefully, slowly he lowered two fingers along until he felt what he thought might be the hidden end of Dave's penis. He then slowly but firmly pushed it inward. The effect it had on Dave was immediate.

Dave felt Tess's pussy muscles contract. 'Her orgasm is here,' he thought, 'She was quick tonight.'

He watched as his wonderful wife retreated into her own world as her climax swept over her.

Dave felt Drew's hand cup his balls and cradle them warmly for a minute. It was a nice sensation and he could feel his second orgasm for the evening build deep behind where the shaft of his dick joined his body. He was trying to delay it for Tess, she may want to cum again. Dave now felt two fingers tracing a line down toward his ass hole. He wasn't sure he wanted to be fingered by Drew tonight.

Then with out any warning he felt the fingers push the concealed end of his penis, under and behind his scrotum. He felt his dick involuntarily thrust into Tess further and the pressure of his orgasm become to much as he pumped his jism deep in to Tess. Three or four pumps and he was done. Drew's fingers withdrew from his perineum and his cock started to soften.

Drew felt the hard spot under his fingers pulse a couple of times and new that he had caused Dave to cum. He only hoped Dave wanted to orgasm at that moment. Drew stayed in his position and watched Dave's softening cock slowly withdraw from Tess's pussy. When he saw the head appearing from within her he opened his mouth and moved so that the quickly deflating penis fell into his mouth. He now could lick and suck the combined semen and pussy juice from Dave. That done he placed his lips over and around Tess's labia and sucked as much of their combined fluid from her. He adored the taste of it.

At home the last couple of nights he had been reading on Internet sites about cuckold men. They watch their partners have sex with men, and then some are forced to have oral sex to clean the man and woman. It seemed pretty demeaning to Drew. He did not consider himself a cuckold as he participated in the sex. He wasn't forced to clean them, he just enjoyed the taste and sensation it gave him and he didn't do it every time. Dave also did it to him. So he saw no harm in this particular new sexual behavior.

Tess, Dave and Drew were just about exhausted.

"You were fantastic tonight Drew," Dave said quietly when Tess left the bed to visit the bathroom.

"You are becoming a brilliant lover, not just for me but Tess too," Dave complimented him, " You have lost a lot of your inhibitions."

Drew cuddled into Dave's side.

"Thanks," he replied, "It seems the more of the taboos I let go the more I enjoy sex."

"I've never fucked anyone as deeply as I did you tonight," Dave said, "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No not at all. I loved it. How far into me did you go?" Drew asked.

"Drew I was in you my full length. When you sat back on me I was completely in and it felt wonderful," Dave informed him.

"Really? Your full eight inches, hard. All the way in?" asked Drew.

Yes, like I said I've never had a guy take all of me before,"

"Well you are welcome to do me when ever, because I'm hooked on being fucked by you," Drew admitted to him.

"And I'm hooked on watching you two fuck," said Tess as she climbed back onto the bed.

"You have certainly taken to anal sex haven't you Drew," Tess asked.

Only slightly embarrassed to be confronted by this question, Drew replied truthfully, "Yes, since that morning in the shower with you. No one had ever touched me there before, and after my initial reluctance, that lasted about ten seconds, I have learned to relax myself and enjoy it so much. You guys don't think it makes me gay or effeminate do you?"

"No of course you are not gay. And no it doesn't make you effeminate or even submissive," Dave reassured him, "The way you have taken to anal has amazed me. I'm in awe. You genuinely enjoy it that much?"

"Yes, I do, even the initial penetration, before I can relax properly, it borders on pain for a second then turns to pleasure in about a instantly," Drew whispered to them both, " I hope you guys don't think I'm a pervert or something."

"Andrew Bishop, why would we think that. We introduced you to anal and we perform it on you and you on us, so why would we have negative thoughts of you because you have found something you enjoy sexually," Tess scolded him, "You just keep enjoying what feels good to you. Don't repress anything. Promise me?"

Drew looked into Tess's eyes, "I promise Tess, I have come too far to go back into my shell now."

"Good. Now I need some sleep, we have a big day and night in store tomorrow so good night my wonderful men," she said as she turned over to face away from them and pulled the quilt over her exposed body.

Dave let his fingers play over Drew's nipples for a couple of minutes then kissed him on the cheek and rolled the opposite way, he was asleep in moments

Dave lay between them staring at the city lights through the window. He was happy. He loved sex. And he wanted more of it. Anything this couple wanted to do with him.

Written by Bipeep
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