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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - Chapter 14

"Drew, Tess, and Drew continue the weekend on the farm."

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Dave and Drew jumped from the top of the boulder into the clear water below for the second time and then swam back towards Tess.

Tess watched them as they waded toward her. The two lovers with their athletic bodies strode through the shallows, their cocks and scrotum's swinging as they came towards her. She could feel her pussy becoming moist at the sight of them. She stayed in her chair luxuriating in her nakedness. Her skin shone in the sun with the coating of sun block she had spread on herself.

As Drew's feet hit the dry sand he called out to Tess, "Are you hungry? I'm starving. I'm going to start lunch cooking."

"Yes I am, I've been waiting for you guys to come back. Where did you get to?" she answered.

Drew didn't answer but walked to the bikes and he picked up the food box and carried it back closer to the fire. He noticed the burning logs had died down now and we're glowing coals under the hot plate. The water in the percolator was bubbling, so he took it off and placed it upright in the sand. He thought a beer would be more appropriate with lunch, he'd make coffee later.

Dave walked toward Tess, and as he got closer to her bent down and put his hands on her knees which she parted as he knelt between her feet.

He kissed her and in answer to her inquiry he softly said, "Drew just gave me the best blow job I've ever had from a guy."

Tess now gripped his rib cage with her knees, it was an attempt to stop him moving away before he had told her more. Dave had no intention of leaving her, he wanted to talk with her.

"We also told each other that we love each other," Dave told her, "I know how you feel now Tess, loving two people, and I'm sure Drew does also."

Tess could tell that Dave was quite emotional and she leaned forward in the chair and embraced him. Her heart was singing. They were now the perfect love triangle. This was what she had been hoping for from the first night they had spent together.

Dave kissed her neck and she did the same for him.

"This is perfect Dave, I don't quite know what to say," was Tess's response.

They held each other for the next few minutes until they heard and smelled the meat and onions sizzling on the hot plate.

Drew busied himself by putting the lamb chops on to cook, gave them a couple of minutes to seal and then the sausages joined them followed closely by the onion, capsicum mix. He observed Dave and Tess in their embrace and wondered what had prompted it and what they were saying to each other. As he flipped the chops and stirred the onions he saw them stand and walk hand in hand toward him.

"Nothing like the aroma of frying onions to get people interested in lunch," he quipped as they approached him.

"Could you put the lid on the box and put it up near the chairs? We can use it as a table to eat our meals," he asked Dave.

"Sure thing," anaswered Dave.

He picked up the box and placed it in front of Tess's chair, took out the plates and cutlery, then replaced the lid.

"I have a cold beer or two in there if you'd like one," Drew called out to Dave and indicated the cooler bag to him.

"This BBQ surely can't get any better," Dave said as he jogged back down to them in mock desperation.

Tess took the plastic plates from him while he opened a can of beer, which he handed to Drew and then opened another for himself.

He held the can toward Drew and said, "To us."

"To us," repeated Drew and they clinked the cans together then both took a long sip of the cold beer.

"Oh I left my drink up in the shade, I want to toast with you," complained Tess.

"I think we will have many, many more toasts over many, many years together, Tess, so don't stress to much," Dave said.

"Amen to that," Drew chipped in.

Drew considered their meal cooked, and served the meat and onions onto the plates as the others held them for him. What was left over for the time being he put to the side of the hot plate where he thought it may be cooler.

They returned to the shade carrying the food and beers, Tess sat in her chair and Drew and Dave moved their chairs so that they could use the 'table'. Drew remembered the salad in the cooler bag and the bread in the box, these were placed in the center of the table for them to share. They all ate heartily as no one had eaten breakfast that morning.

After they had finished eating and Dave had eaten seconds, Drew allowed them to feed the meat scraps and bones to the dog. He didn't usually feed him during the day, he was a working dog and not a pet. Until Tess had come along and the dog had fallen in love with her.

"What is his real name?" Tess asked, " I don't think I have ever heard you call him anything but Dog."

Drew looked at her, then his eyes lowered to the red kelpie sitting next to her.

"I've just always just called him dog," Drew said.

"What? How can that be? How old is he?" Dave asked.

"I bought him as a pup, four years ago. Then I sent him to a trainer for twelve months to learn the art of sheep herding. That was about when Dianne started to get seriously sick and when I got him back she was really bad so I just never got around to thinking up a name for him. He doesn't care though. He doesn't know his name is his species, he comes when I call to him."

"I can't believe you could have a dog for four years and not take five minutes to think up a name for him." said Tess as she leaned over and scratched the animal between the eyes, "Oooh you love that don't you smoochie."

"My goodness, I paid three grand for a sheep dog, another grand or so to have him trained and you guys are going to ruin him in one afternoon!" Drew said with false horror in his voice.

They cleared away the scraps and put all the trash into the box.

"Well I'm going to have another swim and wash some of the barbecue of myself," announced Drew, "Anyone going to join me?"

"It's about time you went in Tess," Dave said, "It's a long way to come and not enjoy the water. Come on it's not as cold as last time."

"I will, I'm fairly warm now, the sun is very strong," she replied.

They all went for as swim together and ended up treading water in the deep pool.

"Look how clear the water is, you can see the pebbles on the bottom easily," Tess remarked, "But I'm afraid I'm starting to shiver already, it's back to the sun for me."

They all swam back to their picnic spot and Tess dried herself on one of the towels and sat back in her seat.

"Could one of you guys reapply some sun block to me please?"

Drew and Dave looked at each other, neither man wanted to miss this opportunity. They both turned their backs to the water and crossed the strip of sand to where she sat. Drew picked up the tube of sunblock and squeezed a large blob into the palm of Dave's hand then put the same amount into his own.

Dave got down on his knees in front of Tess and started to rub her legs with both of his hands coated in the lotion. Drew meanwhile went and stood behind her and starting at her shoulders and worked the sunscreen over her skin gradually working his way down to her breasts

Tess lay back in the chair with her eyes closed and let the two pairs of hands massage her. Drew was putting the slippery sunscreen over her breasts and her nipples were hardening under his touch. Dave started on the front of her thighs, he had gone down her calves and was now working his way back up her inner thighs towards her pubic area and stomach.

As Dave finished her legs he pushed up and around her pussy lips, his hands meeting just above her clitoris and then spreading again to rub her flat, firm stomach then down around her hips and back up to her pussy again.

Drew kept working on her pert little boobs, the nipples were now hard little berries as his fingers ran down the soft flesh and over the sensitive areola.

Tess moaned a little and parted her legs to encourage Dave to slide his hands over her mons pubis. She now felt his tongue flicking the end of her engorged clitoris. She moaned a bit louder then bit down on her own lip.

Drew's hands were sensational on her breasts but she wanted his dick in her mouth. Turning the upper half of her body slightly she reached for his penis and led him to where she could receive him in her mouth. Now Dave was running his tongue along her slit and she had the head of Drew's cock in her mouth with as much suction as she could muster on it. Dave continued to lick her clit and run his fingers along the outside of her pussy lips.

Drew was trying to rub her breasts while receiving her mouth on his cock but soon gave up on trying to massage Tess at the same time as it just became too awkward. He now turned his gaze to the magical effect Dave was having on Tess with his tongue. Her beautiful pussy lips were puffed with arousal and her clitoris was erect and exposed to the elements. Her skin was wet and glistened in the dappled sunshine as Dave's tongue slid over it.

Tess now put her mouth over Drew's cock. She felt the need to have something to muffle her moans of pleasure. Dave's tongue on her clit was making her pussy muscles contract. She now slid one hand along the crack of Drew's ass and with the other she pressed the back of Dave's head into her groin in an attempt to get more pressure on her clit.

Dave took the hint as he had his head pushed onto Tess. He sucked her clit into his mouth and pressed the little button with his tongue and instantly felt Tess react by pushing her hips upwards in an attempt to get as much stimulation from his mouth as was possible. He now moved his mouth down and penetrated her with his tongue as he pushed on her clitoris with his nose. She bucked on his face as he did this.

Her orgasm was approaching as she sucked on Drew. She now straightened her body for her impending climax. In place of her mouth she wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroked his full erection. Dave's tongue had worked its way inside her and he was still applying pressure to her clit and now one finger was stroking toward her anus as she was nearly laying in the camp chair.

Tess felt her pussy muscles tighten, loosen and tighten again, she was now in the midst of her orgasm. He thighs clamped on both sides of Dave's head, her toes dug into the sand and she produced a squeal with her voice that was unmistakable.

Tess's hand had stopped working on Drew's cock as she enjoyed her orgasm. It was now replaced by Dave's. His hand was still well lubricated with the sun block lotion and it slid easily over the hard shaft. As Tess came back to reality she placed her hand on Drew's scrotum and gently fondled his balls. He came under the attention of both of them. His thick cream spewed from the eye of his cock onto Dave's hand and arm. Tess now took his balls and held them close up to his body as Dave stopped his stroking.

Drew needed to sit down. His orgasm had sapped him, so he slumped into the seat next to Tess. Dave stood up. His legs were covered in sand and he had the product of Drew's orgasm on his arm. He turned toward the water and jogged across the sand and into the water to rinse himself clean.

"I love this place and spending time here with you and Dave," she said to Drew and gently placed her hand on his forearm.

Dave came back to sit in the vacant seat beside them. Now they all just sat and enjoyed the sun on their exposed bodies.

Drew woke up, he didn't know how long he had been asleep or what time it was. He guessed by the position of the sun that it was mid-afternoon. Dave and Tess were both snoozing beside him.

He left his chair and quietly walked down to the fire and looked at the blackened, greasy hot plate. Taking the plastic salad box he went down to the creek and filled it with water then returned and tipped it on to the heated steel. Whoosh!!!! A cloud of steam erupted into the air as the cold water instantly cleaned the mess from the barbecue. He now placed the percolator on the plate and stoked the fire a little to generate enough heat to brew a coffee now that he had placed some ground beans into the pot.

When the coffee was done he poured it into the three plastic mugs he had brought along, then placed them onto the make shift table with the small flask of milk he had retrieved from the cooler bag.

Tess and Dave had stirred from their slumber when Drew had put the coffees on the plastic box.

"I hope this is okay," Drew said, "It won't be as good as your coffee machine in the apartment makes, it's the best I can muster up."

Dave took a tentative sip, 'Not quite up to the standard of city coffee but nice enough and it has woodsmoke flavor,' he thought.

"It will do for a bush cup," he assured Drew.

When they had finished their coffee Drew suggested they pack up their rough camp and start heading back to the farm. Before leaving Drew doused the fire with water and filled in the depression with sand to make sure it was completely extinguished.

Again Tess rode with Drew, Dave was stuck with Dog.

Back at the house they all had a quick shower together. They dressed and sat on the veranda with drinks and watched the sun set over the property.

"Well Dave. Geoff and I were discussing your start date for harvest and we sort of thought it would be best if you came up a week early. That would make it about the first week in November," Drew told him.

"That sounds okay," Dave replied, "That gives me enough time to organize the surgery. What I'm planning to do is to promote one of the nurses to sort of an office manager position, just to keep it running smoothly. She's a tough old girl and won't take any crap from the other doctors."

"We thought it best if you came up a bit early so we can teach you to drive the farm trucks and tractors while we are setting things up for harvest. There are lots of little things you will have to learn, just so that you are can do the job and we won't have to stop what we are doing to help you out," Drew said.

Tess suddenly felt a bit sad. It was only three weeks until both of her men would be here working and she would be down in the city alone.

Dave noticed her change of mood immediately.

"Don't worry Tess, it won't be so bad," he consoled her, "Drew will be coming down to stay with you every second Thursday, and the alternate weekends you can drive up here.

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And remember you can have some girl time with Fiona if you get lonely."

"Yes I know, it just sort of snuck up on me that's all," she replied, "I must call Fiona tomorrow night when we get home, I haven't spoken to her since last weekend, she'll think she has done something wrong."

"I can't wait to come and work here for a while," Dave said to them both.

"It will be so different to anything I've done before, the best thing is I don't have to battle through traffic to get to work, just wake up and I'm here," he said with a grin.

"What do you want to do tomorrow, before you leave?" Drew asked them.

"Sleep in," answered Tess, "And I must water my plants. You will look after them while I'm not here?"

"Of course, every day," Drew reassured her.

"We'll have to take Geoff's quad bike back," Dave volunteered, "And maybe you could show me all the bits of the farm I haven't seen yet on the way."

"Yes we can do that while Tess is having her beauty sleep," Drew said, "Who's hungry? I'm thinking toasted sandwich time."

The trio went inside and closed the door.

"Do we need a fire tonight?" asked Drew.

It was well and truly dark outside and Drew secretly just wanted to take the other two to bed. He had wanted to since they had showered together, the proximity of Tess and Dave's naked bodies had made him horny.

"No I don't think so," answered Tess, "I'd rather us all just went to bed after we have eaten. I'm tired and want to chill out with my naked men."

"Funny thing is that is exactly what I want to do," agreed Dave.

"Me too," said Drew, relieved that it wasn't just him and that he wasn't some sort of weird sex maniac.

They made themselves toasted cheese sandwiches, drank some more wine and had fruit for desert.

When the dish washer had been stacked and the kitchen squared away Drew went outside and fed and chained the dog. On his return Tess and Dave could be heard in the bathroom. Following the voices he saw Dave cross the hallway to the bedroom, he was naked already. Tess was still brushing her teeth as Drew joined her. As he finished his brushing he felt Tess's arms encircle him and her head rest on his back.

"Come on Drew, I want you to undress me and take me to bed," she said.

Drew rinsed his mouth and wiped his face and hands with a towel. He turned toward her and put his arms around her.

He lowered his head and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

He took her hand in his and led her into the bed room. Dave was laying on the bed reading a magazine, he looked up as they entered.

Drew positioned Tess by the bed and undid the buttons on her shirt. Next he unbuttoned her shorts and lowered the zipper. He now went onto his knees and slowly lowered them and her g-string to her ankles. He placed both of his hands on her butt cheeks and gently manoeuvred her pussy till it was in front of his mouth. He now kissed the smooth, puffy labia and finished with a small suck on the tiny, growing clitoris at the top of the cleft of her womanhood. Tess sighed as she stood in her unbuttoned shirt.

Dave placed his magazine on the bedside table and watched as Drew seduced Tess in front of him. It was very erotic to see and his cock started to harden as Tess moaned quietly. Drew stood up and circled around behind Tess. His hands now went to the front of her shirt and as he kissed her neck he removed her last remaining garment. He nuzzled the nape of her neck as his hands now cradled her tiny breasts. Her right hand now reached up and held him around the neck.

Drew's left hand now went lower and held her pussy, not rubbing just holding her close to him. Tess for her part moved her ass back into his cock, she could feel him hardening.

Tess now turned to face Drew. She unbuttoned his jeans and put her down hand into his silky briefs to hold his erection. They kissed again.

"Drew," she whispered, "Tonight I want you to have something special, I want you to have my ass. Would you like that?"

"Yes Tess, very much," he whispered back in a shaky voice.

She now lowered his jeans and briefs down to his knees and Drew pushed them off with his opposite foot. Tess pulled his T-shirt over his head then turned him so that he could sit on the bed. She straddled his lap and pushed him flat on to his back. His feet were still on the floor.

Tess reached for the tube of lubricant on the bedside table and deftly flipped the lid open. She squeezed a quantity onto her fingers, then transferred most of it to Drew's now fully hardened penis. Her hand now went behind herself and she slowly inserted her finger into her anus to prepare and lubricate herself for Drew.

Dave was still watching them. He had not heard what they had whispered to each other but when he saw Tess wipe the lube onto Drew and then finger her own ass hole it dawned on him and it heightened his own arousal.

Tess now stood on the bed and turned her back on Drew. She placed a foot each side of his hips and then squatted above him. Reaching back she held his hard cock upright and lowered herself so that her anus now kissed the head of his penis.

Slowly she lowered herself as Drew watched his dick disappear into her. It was mesmerizing to watch, her control was perfect as the shaft of his penis was enveloped by her.

'She is so tight,' Drew thought, 'I've never felt anything so tight on my cock.'

Tess now had most of him inside her so she just hovered, allowing her muscles to relax and make it that little more comfortable. After a few seconds she raised herself up and then lowered her ass onto him again.

'This is unreal,' Tess thought, 'He's not as long or thick as Dave, it is actually a lot more pleasurable with Drew.'

She now warmed to her task and really wanted to fuck her own ass on Drew's cock. She looked across to Dave, he was stroking himself and watching intently. Her mind went back to the night she'd had both of them at once and suddenly that was what she wanted again.

Tess reached her arms back and placed her hands on Drew's chest to support herself. As she did this she took the weight off her feet and sat back on Drew, he was still in her but not as deeply as before. Her pussy was now accessible for Dave. She kept up her movement on Drew's cock, she wanted this so badly.

Looking across at her husband she said, "Please, Dave, fill me, I need you too."

Dave scrambled around to between Drew's legs, he had a clear view of Drew's dick sliding in and out off Tess's ass as she rocked back and forward on him. He reached down and put a finger into her pussy. She was warm and wet. He held his finger in her and could clearly feel the cock up her arse. He then withdrew and spread her natural juices around her pussy lips.

He now bent his knees slightly to align his dick with her vagina, and as she lowered herself onto Drew he pushed his cock into her.

Tess stopped her movements when she felt Dave's cock head contact her labia. She felt that wonderful full feeling as he pushed into her.

"Just hold it in there for a minute," she more or less ordered Dave.

Dave held still, his cock buried deep in her as she was fully lowered onto Drew's cock. She now had that amazing full feeling, only this time she felt fuller. Dave with his eight inches in her cunt and Drew's seven as far as she could get it up her ass was much better than their previous double penetration experience. As Dave held himself in her he reached out his hand and lubricated her clit with the copious fluid she was producing. Using his thumb he rubbed the little nub until he felt Tess starting to move on his cock. Taking her behind the knees with his hands he supported her and rocked her back and forwards, her hands still back on Drew's chest allowed her to swing onto and off the cocks.

This was a position for a slow rhythmic fuck. Tess was finding that zone of orgasmic pleasure that she loved so much. Apart from supporting her upper body she hardly had to do anything now that Dave had her knees and was providing the movements. She could feel an orgasm approaching and as Dave adjusted his position slightly his wonderful cock was now hitting on her g spot regularly increasing her pleasure.

Drew placed the palms of his hands under Tess's ass cheeks to give her arms some relief and to hold her buttocks apart to allow himself deeper penetration. His own orgasm was rising, the combination of Tess sliding up and down his cock, the sensations being transferred from Dave's dick in her pussy and the visual stimulation was becoming to much for him.Tess welcomed Drew's support and could now relax even more.

They were now in synchronization, each was helping the other but only to improve their own pleasure. Nobody instructed either of the others, the position they were now in evolved to create the perfect double penetration.

Her orgasm was building until, BANG!, it hit with a force she had never felt before. He body writhed and twisted on Dave's cock. She had no control of herself and her mind was overloaded with the pleasure she was receiving.

Seeing his wife in this state was unnerving for Dave, at first he thought she was being hurt, then he realized it was an orgasm like he had not seen her have before. He was also cumming, the sight of her had him rushing towards his ejaculation. He couldn't hold back and he shot his seed deep into her and almost screamed as his groin pumped and pumped.

Drew could not delay any longer, his cock jerked and he also fired his semen deep into Tess. The tightness of her ass intensifying the effect on him.

Dave withdrew from Tess allowing her to lay back on top of Drew. Drew's softening cock was still in her ass, so she squeezed down on it and ejected him and a quantity of his semen. She lay there for a few moments then rolled off the bed onto her feet.

Tess went to the bathroom to clean herself up. Drew followed after a few seconds.

"That was wonderful Tess," he said, "Thank you."

"It was rather special wasn't it," she replied with a cheeky grin on her face, "I'm really beat now, I think I could sleep for a week."

She wiped her pussy and ass with tissues and then a warm, moist cloth before returning to bed where she cuddled up to Dave.

Drew cleaned himself, his adrenalin was still flowing so went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of milk and sat at the table. His mind was replaying the sex they had just had, it was exciting.

He sat in the quiet for five minutes or so, alone and naked, thinking to himself.

Drew more sensed Dave's presence than heard or saw him enter the kitchen.

"What's the matter Drew?" Dave asked quietly.

"Nothing really, I was just a bit wound up after that," Drew answered.

Dave poured himself a glass also and sat opposite his lover.

"Where do you think we will end up, you, Tess and me? Drew asked him.

"I don't know Drew. All I know is that we all love each other and it feels good and right at the moment. I have stopped thinking to far ahead as it gets too complicated. The first couple of weeks of our relationship I nearly drove myself nuts with questions so I just decided to let it go and enjoy what we are doing now. The future will take care of itself," Dave said solemnly.

"Yes I just have all these scenarios going around and around, I don't know what to think. All I know is I don't want us to stop."

"That sounds like me. I just decided there are only a couple of things that would possibly break us apart, the main one that is worrying me is if Tess ever decided she wanted to have a baby. Her biological clock is ticking. She hasn't ever said she wants to, but I'm sure it is something she has thought about. Even then there would still be some way to get around the problem. They are just bridges that we'll have to cross. The same as any couple have. We are just a trio, that complicates things a bit more." Dave said.

"I have thought the same thing, it's more what people outside of here would think of us. I'm still trying to find a way to tell my parents. I'm going to have to, the old man loves coming back to the farm now and then. Your paths are bound to cross sooner or later. Mum will understand, and she will welcome you both. Dad is a bit more old fashioned in his thinking. It's not your normal relationship by societies standards. Not that I really care, it's just that they are my parents."

"No it's not normal, but that doesn't mean it isn't good. We aren't hurting any body. Is your father religious?" Dave asked him.

"No not particularly, Mum was, church every Sunday, prayers at night. She lost a lot of her faith when she came back here to help me when Dianne was sick. She told me no God of hers would let such a nice person suffer so much as Dianne did. She loved Dianne, I think a bit of Mum died with her."

"Well that is something that you will have to work out, especially if we are to meet them at some stage. We can hide our relationship from them if you'd prefer, but they will probably figure it out. You are an honest person, I know that, so you do what you feel is best for yourself and us," Dave told him.

"Next week when I come down I might do a big detour on the way home and visit them. It will add a day onto my trip but I will see if I can muster the courage to tell Mum at least. I know she will be pleased for me. She will see how happy I am," Drew replied, "I'll just test the water and see how it goes, drop a few hints."

Dave finished off his glass of milk, "Well don't think about it too much, you'll end up with a sore brain. I'm going to bed. Coming?"

"In a minute I'll just have this," Drew replied.

Dave stood up and put his glass on to the sink. He stepped across the room to Drew and put a hand on his shoulder. Drew looked up at him, Dave leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

"Good night Drew, love you," he said.

Written by Bipeep
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