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My Darkest Desires Part 1

"Conservative girl to submissive slut."

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It had been a long winter and it was finally starting to get warm, I grabbed a light jacket and decided to go for a walk in the park. I picked up my phone, turned the music on, plugged the headphones in and set off to the park.

A few people were walking around and most of the benches were empty, so I decided to sit for a bit and enjoy the scenery. I was leaning back against the bench with my eyes closed, it felt so good with the sun beaming down.

Something blocked the sun, casting a shadow over me. I opened my eyes and was startled when I saw a man standing in front of me. He was very handsome, at least six foot tall. He was wearing a black suit and tie, I could barely keep my eyes off him. I removed my headphones and asked how I could be of assistance.

He smiled and asked if he could join me.

I looked along the bench and said, "Yes."

He sat looking at me. 

"I’m sorry to bother you," he said, "but I just took a chance, hoping you’d talk to me. I’d like to get to know you. My name is James."

"Do you always come up to strange women like this?" I asked.

He smirked. "Actually, no. This is the first time. Not to brag, but I always have girls trying to throw themselves at me and I saw an opportunity to meet a beautiful woman."

My face started to turn red at that, and I turned away from him. He reached over and gently took hold of my chin, guiding me to face him again. His eyes and smile were intoxicating.

He cleared his throat and asked, "May I have the pleasure of your company at dinner tonight?"

I was speechless. I wasn’t anything special, and I thought this guy could have just about any woman he wanted. Why me? I was dressed in an old pair of jeans, sweater, boots, and a jacket. I’m only five-foot-four inches and a hundred pounds.

"I gladly accept your invitation," I managed to tell him.

He asked me to write my address for him, so I did. He smiled at me, stood and leaned in to kiss my cheek. When he was upright he said, "I’ll be by to pick you up at eight sharp. Be ready."

I smiled and nodded as he walked away. 

I sat there amazed at what just happened. Realizing it was already a little after six, I quickly hurried home.

I took off my jacket when going into the bedroom and started rummaging through my clothes looking for something appropriate to wear. I chose a black pencil skirt that nearly reached my knees with a white blouse to go with it. Then, of course, I had to find my white lace bra and panties. I was nervous trying to pull myself together. I laid the clothes on my bed and went into the bathroom to shower. 

Afterwards, I dried and dressed. I put on a pair of black heels and went downstairs. It was close to eight already and I had butterflies in my stomach. 

At eight sharp, there was a knock on the door. I brushed my skirt down and opened the door. He was standing there in a different suit, but just as handsome. "You look absolutely beautiful," he said.

I blushed again. He took my arm as we left the house. He opened the car door for me, then got in and drove for about half-an-hour to a very nice restaurant. He pulled up and came around quickly to open my door, once again taking my arm as we walked inside. 

He spoke to the host. We were then seated at a very nice private table in the corner. We talked through dinner about anything and everything. I felt very comfortable around him and really didn’t want the night to end. After just over two hours of sitting, eating, and talking, he motioned for the waiter to settle the bill. 

He then stood, extending his hand to me. I took his hand, stood, and we walked arm-in-arm out of the restaurant. His car was already waiting for us and he drove me back to my house. We sat for a minute, and then he asked if he could see me again.

I gave him my number and told him, "I’d like that very much."

He got out of the car, and opened my door, held my hand to help me out. He lightly hugged me and softly kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening," I said.

"It's been my pleasure to spend it with you," he said before getting back into his car and driving off.

I went into the house and sat on the sofa, kicked off my shoes, and smiled. 

After a couple of days, I realized that I only know his first name. I had no way of contacting him. My mind has been on that evening ever since, and all I can do is sit and wait to hear from him. A week passed, and I heard nothing. 

I was sitting on my couch in my sweats and a t-shirt watching TV when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door while asking who’s there. To my surprise, I heard his voice saying, "It’s James."

I got nervous and asked him to wait just a second. I rushed to the mirror to take my hair down and do my best not to look so frazzled. I hurried back to the door, unlocking it. As I opened it and saw him standing there looking so handsome, I couldn't help but smile. I moved aside asking him to come in and make himself comfortable.

We sat on the sofa, he looked over at me then ask, “Would you like to go out this evening, I’ll give you time to prepare yourself?”

I smiled as I said, “Yes, I’d love to.” 

I excused myself to my room to get ready for another remarkable night. 
Hurrying as fast as I can so not to have him waiting long for me. I quickly fixed myself up, changed into my black skirt and blouse, with red lace bra and panties. Walking back into the living room carrying my heels. He stood and walked over. 

I could feel how nervous I’d become. I smiled and said, “I’m ready.” 

I leaned down to put my shoes on.

He took my arm as we walked outside to his car. He helped me inside, then he got in. In the car, we talked about our hobbies and all the different things we like. I realized he had been driving for awhile and asked where we were heading? He looked over and smiled at me, telling me we were almost there.

We came upon a black gate surrounded by nothing but trees and flowers. The driveway took a good five minutes to reach the end of it. There was this beautiful cabin with a wraparound porch. He pulled up and we got out of the car. He took my arm as we walked to the door. Just as we reached it, it opened. A gentleman in a black suit greeted us.

As we walked in, I couldn't help but look around. It was all wood, and extremely beautiful. The fireplace was in the living room, and there was a soft fur carpet in front of it.

The gentleman that greeted you spoke, and my attention turned back to you. “Dinner is ready,” he says.

We walked into the dining area as James pulled out the chair next to the one at the head of the table, and I sat down. As he sat next to me, I stuttered trying to speak. Before I could get a word out, he welcomed me to his home.

“It’s beautiful. I didn’t know we were coming here for dinner though,” I smiled and said feeling a little unsure.

Just then another gentleman brought dinner out to us and asked if we desired some wine. Before I could say anything my glass was picked up and filled. We sat and ate dinner and just had general conversation. After we finished, a woman walked up and started to clean up the table.

He rose and extended his hand for me to take. I followed behind into the living room. He guided me to the sofa and sat in the chair next to me.

It was a little unnerving to me, being there. He looked over at me and asked, “Would you like to see the rest of the cabin?”

I looked at him and I nodded my head, “Yes.”

Following behind him as we walked through the house, I thought it was amazing. The second floor had a pool table, a bar, and a hot tub on the deck outside. We walked to the basement and there was an indoor pool with lounge chairs, and a door that led to the other half of the basement. I looked over at it.

He said, “It isn’t finished yet.” 
We went back upstairs, and I asked to use the restroom. We walked down a hallway to an open door. The tub was separate from the shower. The shower had three shower heads on the walls. I closed the door and stood in front of the mirror for a few minutes collecting my thoughts. 
I walked back to the living room and the fire was lit, soft music was playing, and you were sitting in the chair. I walked over and sat on the edge of the couch.

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I was about to speak, but the other gentleman walked into the room with another glass of wine.

“It’s starting to get late, maybe I should be heading home now James,” I said.

He smiled at me and told me, “Relax and drink your wine, you should enjoy yourself for a change.”
I sat back on the couch sipping the wine, listening to the music, trying to collect my thoughts. He rose up from his chair and sat next to me. I was holding onto the glass of wine that I had just about finished already. He took it and set it on the table.

He began by telling me that he has control over everything in his life and that he loves having power and control over everything.

“Over everything. What do you mean by that?” I asked, looking towards him, a little confused. 
A mischievous smile formed on his lips and his eyes pierced through me, but he didn't speak a word.

His hand reached up brushing the side of my cheek as he leaned in to kiss me. His fingers tracing down my neck. His lips followed them down, as he started unbuttoning my blouse. I was lost in my desire knowing that I wanted him, But I wasn't sure if everything was going too fast. I snapped back to reality as I moved my body away from his.

He paused and glanced up at me.

“It’s getting late, maybe I should be getting home,” I said as I buttoned my shirt back up and stood to adjust my clothing. 
It was pretty quiet on the drive. We reached my place and he walked me to the door. A quick kiss and he was gone.

I walked inside kicking off my shoes, my mind racing at the thought of wanting him. I sat on the couch and my thoughts turned to his statement of control and power. 

After two days of not hearing anything from him, I started to wonder if he had changed his mind about wanting to see me. That evening I got a text from him but it was just a link to a BDSM website. Curious about it, I clicked on the website and began reading. My thoughts about it were all over the place. After a while, I realized that I had been reading and going over all of it for hours and it was late. I put my phone down and headed off to bed.
The next day after work I decided to go back to the park. I sat on the bench with my headphones on and continued to think about what I had read the night before.

The more I sat and thought about what I had read, the more my body was responding without me realizing it. I began to get very warm and could feel my panties becoming wet. At that moment, I could feel my face getting red from embarrassment, and I was happy I had put pants on today. 
After I snapped out of it, I stood and walked home. I reached my door and started to unlock it.

I was startled when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and he was standing there smiling. I took my headphones off and he leaned in to kiss me. I opened the door and we walked inside.

He didn’t hesitate to speak. “Did you get my text yesterday?”

I responded quickly saying, “Yes. I read the site for a couple of hours.”

He seemed pleased with my answer, by the smile forming on his lips.
I had always been a shy, conservative woman. Knowing that reading and thinking about the website had turned me on, it made me blush.

Turning and looking at me he said, “I would like for you to consent to start a relationship like that with me.”

I didn’t really know what to say at the moment. I was overwhelmed.

“I’ll give you some time to think it over and do some more research. I have some errands to run so I’ll see you later.”

It wasn’t really a question, more of a statement he was making. His hand reached for my waist pulling me to him. He kissed me and walked out the door.

I sat on the couch and picked up my tablet, fumbling to find more sites to read. The more I read, the more turned on I was becoming. I couldn’t believe the impact it was having on me.

The next day, I received a text from him telling me to be ready at seven. I was excited and nervous. I made sure I was ready beforehand and sat waiting. Hearing the knock on the door, I stood to answer it. 
I was surprised when I opened the door and it wasn’t him. It was the other gentleman from his house.

He smiled and said that he was here to take me to James' place. I quickly walked out locking the door. He opened the back door for me and I slid in. I was extremely nervous tonight. We arrived, and he helped me out of the car, taking my arm and escorting me to the door. He opened it and we went inside.

I walked over and sat on the edge of the couch and waited. I was lost in thought when James walked over to me. I shook off my distracted mood and stood up.

He leaned in for a kiss and sat down with me on the couch.

“Have you thought about what I asked you?”

After a few moments, I looked up at him, “Yes, I have, and I have decided that I would like to move forward."

He took my hand and smiled, telling me that it will be a learning experience for me.
“I will go over some rules with you, and we will take things slowly, to begin with,” he said.

He excused himself for a couple of minutes and came back in, asking me to stand. He had a small black leather collar with a silver heart attached to it in his hand.

“I will start with three rules. Rule one. Every time I come to you, or have you brought here, you will wear this collar. This is a consideration collar, and it will be worn until we both decide that this is what you absolutely want and deserve,” he was saying calmly.
He walked around me, pulling up my hair as he placed it around my neck. Then he moved back to sit in his chair. I started to sit on the couch until he stopped me.

“Rule two. Whenever we are sitting in the same room, you will kneel beside me, placing your hands in your lap for now,” saying a little more sternly, “I will get into the other positions for you to kneel in when the time comes. Rule three. Going forward you will start calling me Sir, so you get used to the idea,” he said. “Do you agree to these rules?” he then asked.

I walked over to the front side of his chair and knelt, placing my hands on my lap. I looked up at him smiling.

“Yes Sir, I agree,” I answered.

There was a passion deep inside me, a hunger he could see in my eyes. He tapped his leg with his fingers, and I stood up. Leaning forward in the chair, his hands moved around me pulling my skirt up some.

His fingers gripped my panties as he slid them to the floor. As he pulled me onto his lap, I could feel his hand on my thigh caressing me lightly. I felt his lips on mine and I lost myself in the kiss. 

His other hand lightly gripped the back of my neck holding me in place. I felt a wave of pleasure as his hand slid across my clit rubbing gently. His fingers traced down my slit capturing my wetness. 

One finger, then two slowly pushed into my pussy. My body was responding, grinding into his hand. His fingers plunged deeper inside of me. His thumb swirling across my clit. The moans escaping through my lips were louder and louder. 

My body tensed and trembled. My pussy began gripping your fingers tighter. I could take no more. Juices flowed covering his hand. He removed his fingers. 

My head slumped to his chest. He held me close until my body recovered. He then told his man to take me home.

“You have had enough for now. Go. And remember the rules,” he said as I was leaving with him.

He sat watching me leave with my wet panties in his hand. 

I never said a word. I just kept looking down as I followed his man out, wishing he would give me more. 

But I knew not to ask.

Written by AlwaysHisMuse
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