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Bad Kitty!, Chapter 3

"In the dungeon now, her punishment begins in earnest..."

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Author's Notes

"Readers: The punishment my character goes through in this chapter may seem extreme to some, but she is a pain slut and as such needs to be hurt to enjoy herself. And he does stop when she calls her safeword and cares for her afterward. So there is love in this story as well as the pain. In fact, it is because he gives her what she needs that she loves him. J."

The next morning he woke before her and went in to shower and get ready for the day. After he took his shower and got dressed, he went into the kitchen and got the coffee going. He had just sat down to enjoy a morning cup of coffee when she came around the corner, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Good morning, slut! I was wondering if you were going to join the living today!" he said.

"Sorry, Master… I guess I slept later than I thought! I will get breakfast going right away," she said.

"That's fine. How did you sleep last night?" he asked.

"Oh, Master! I slept wonderfully! I always sleep better when I am here with you. I feel safe and protected as well as loved and wanted. It beats my cold, lonely apartment anytime!" she said, smiling broadly.

"You have spent more than a few nights here since we first started this and I became your Master, haven't you?" he said.

"Yes, Master and I have loved every one of them. To be honest with you, I feel more at home here with you than I do in my own apartment. My apartment is just someplace I got to after I get off work when I can't find something else to do. I have spent many hours in the library or walking in the malls or whatever just to keep from having to go home to my apartment. The problem is that eventually everything closes down and I have to go home."

"Well, I am glad you feel so at home here, slut. I enjoy having you here. This house too, can get awful quiet when I don't have the sounds of another person to liven the place up," he said.

"You, Master?" she said, surprised, "I would think that you have your pick of women to come and keep you company!"

He laughed, "Silly girl! No, your Master isn't quite the Casanova you make him out to be! Actually, I only have a couple of girls I use with any regularity… you and one other. And more so with you than her. I have a couple others that drop by from time to time, but it's very sporadic… sometimes I will go almost a year before seeing them again."

"So this other girl… is she… as good as me? Better?" she asked, concerned.

"Oh no! You aren't going to get me in that quicksand, young lady!" he chuckled, "Let's just say you and her are different people with different wants and needs. When I am with you, I am with you. And when I am with her, I don't compare you to her. You are individuals and I treat you as such. It's apples and oranges, and I like both fruits equally!" he said.

"Well, I'd rather be a peach; a nice ripe peach… velvety soft on the outside, and juicy and sweet on the inside!" she said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Okay, peach… hurry up with breakfast, I'm starved and we have things to do today!" he said swatting her on the ass. She squealed and scampered into the kitchen looking back at him as she rounded the corner of the bar counter.

About twenty minutes later, they were sitting down to a breakfast of ham and cheese omelets, hash browns, toast, and juice. "I hope you like your breakfast Master. I'm not really used to cooking for anyone but myself, and that usually consists of something in the microwave or ordering a pizza or Chinese take out!" she said.

"It's delicious, slut, don't worry. I usually just grab a cup of coffee and a bagel or something on my way to work and on the weekends I got out to a coffee shop or something for a little more breakfast. So having a home cooked meal is a treat for me," he said.

"Well, for this weekend you are going to eat like a man, not a mouse Master!" she said with a big happy smile on her face.

"I guess that means I will have to work off all those big ole' calories then! Hmmm, I wonder what I can do to lose those extra home cooking calories. Any ideas, slut?" he said with a smirk. They laughed together and finished up their meal.

After breakfast, she cleared the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher to get clean, wiped off the table, and cleaned up the kitchen after cooking. When she was done cleaning up from breakfast, she went into the living room where he was sitting watching the morning news. Kneeling at his feet she looked down at the floor "I have cleaned your kitchen, Master, and put the dishes to wash," she said softly.

"Very good, thank you slut," he said, "Come sit," he said, patting his lap. She scrambled to her feet. It was a rare thing to be able to sit in his lap - normally they don't have the luxury of time for cuddling. But this weekend was going to give them a chance to connect on a more intimate level than just a quick spank-and-fuck session. She curled up in his lap and laid her head on his shoulder, softly purring her contentment. They watched the news and weather report together with her wrapped comfortably in his arms.

Once the news was finished, he turned the TV off. "Well as comfortable as this is, slut, there is another matter which needs to be addressed, and I believe you know what that is," he said.

"Yes, Master. Kitty needs to be punished for breaking your rules," she said.

"That's right. Now because we have an unusual window of time this weekend, we can make sure that this punishment won't have to be rushed like they normally are. So I have figured out a schedule of sorts to spread out the punishment and make sure all the necessary areas are thoroughly disciplined.

"Today, we will work your ass over good and proper. Tomorrow, we will move up to give your tits their punishment. And Sunday, we will concentrate our efforts on that naughty pussy. Doing it this way will insure that there will be a hole available for me to use, and by moving up to your tits tomorrow, it will allow your ass to recuperate a bit so when I spank that pussy, it will feel it more," he said.

"Yes, Master. Whatever you decide. I need to be punished and you are the Master. I will submit to whatever you decide. I trust you and know this is for my own good. I want to please you and I didn't, so I need to be punished'" she said.

"I'm glad you see it that way, slut. Now go make yourself presentable and then go down in the basement and wait for me," he said, "Be quick about it - the sooner we get started, the sooner we get done with this."

"Yes Master," she said, getting up from his lap and heading to the bathroom. While she was getting herself made up for her Master, she prepared herself for what she knew would be a real test of her endurance and her will to please him. 

Master knew how to bring her to the edge of her boundaries and give her a glimpse of what's on the other side. He had helped her expand those boundaries, showing her that she could do more than she ever thought possible. 

Now she was facing not one short session but three sessions each that could last for hours and hours! Could she hold out and endure what would surely be pain and suffering the likes of which she has never known? She would have to try. She loved her Master dearly - the thought of disappointing him was more painful than any whipping he could give her.

She finished getting ready and made her way down the hallway to the door leading to the basement. As she walked from the bathroom, she began to get strangely excited - she was after all a pain slut; she got the most intense orgasms when there was pain involved. She had developed an ability to turn pain into pleasure and add that to any real pleasure she was getting for an even stronger, more powerful orgasm.

As she walked down the hallway, her heels made a clicking sound on the hardwood floor. This clicking sound rang in her ears and with every step she knew she was getting closer to her punishment. The thought of what lay ahead of her made her panties damp then wet as she approached the basement door.

She turned the knob on the door and pulled it open. It opened easily and as it got halfway open it started squeaking announcing her arrival. She went down the wooden stairs her heels making even more clicking sounds… so much for making a quiet entrance! As her vision cleared the upper floor, she saw Master sitting on a bar stool waiting for her. 

Shit, she thought, He's been waiting here for me!

"I'm sorry I took so long, Master. I just wanted to look good for you," she said as she approached. She stood there with her head lowered and her hands behind her back, a sign of respect and submission.

"Well let's see what I waited for then," he said, raising her chin with his fingers. She did look quite fetching and she felt a wave of relief wash over her as she saw him smile approvingly. "You look quite lovely my slut. It was definitely worth the wait!" he said.

"I'm so glad," she breathed. "When I saw you down here already I got scared that you would be angry with me for taking so long."

"I knew that you must be taking your time to prepare for me. I didn't think you were stalling… first off you enjoy these sessions and secondly you know that stalling doesn't prevent me from punishing you, it only delays it a bit. Which gives your mind longer to fear it and it makes me more cross with you!" he said.

"Yes, Master and I don't want to make you any more cross than you are. I am in enough trouble without making things worse for myself!" she said, with a feeble smile.

"Well, we will take care of that shortly. First, though I want to talk to you. Now you know that I love you, slut and I only want the very best for you. I treasure your submission and would protect you with my life if need be and not give it a second thought. 

"The rules I establish and the punishments I dole out are carefully thought out with only your care and protection in mind. I do not like causing you pain, but I know that you are one of those rare creatures that needs it to feel complete. So I give you just enough to reach your needs but not so much as to hurt you permanently. 

"Now today I will be spanking and whipping your ass and most probably the backs of your legs. To do this I will employ my paddle, my belt, a riding crop, and my whip. It is going to hurt, I won't kid you about that. 

"But you have your safeword and you can use it if it gets too intense. With other submissives, I would probably use a gag, but because we are going into touchy territory, I won't use one today - I want to be able to hear you call your safeword clearly if you do. Now what is your safeword, slut?" he asked.

"Camaro, Master. It's the model of my car," she said.

"Very good. Now step over here and let's get you ready," he said. 

He took her to a wooden post that helped support the basement ceiling and first floor. Close to the top of the post there was an iron rod stuck through the post and connected by a chain to each end was a leather wrist cuff. 

He stood her there facing the post while he attached a leather cuff to each wrist. Her arms were stretched fully but not painfully up over her head. Then he took a wide belt like a weightlifters belt and wrapped it around the small of her back, pulling her up against the post and buckling her and the post together.

"There you are nice and secure. This belt will help protect your back in case of an errant strike. I thought about securing your ankles but I want to watch you dance around as I spank you!" he said.

"Yes Master," she breathed. She was already getting worked up just being bound like this. She could feel the roughness of the old post against her soft flesh and how it split her tits, nestling itself in the valley between them. She could feel the hardness against her pussy… she would have to use that when he began whipping her!

Once she was firmly fastened to the post, he picked up the bottle of baby oil that he had brought downstairs with him. He squirted a little in his hands and rubbed them together then applied the baby oil to her ass. 

"This baby oil with help protect your delicate skin from the abuse it will undergo today. It softens the skin and makes it more pliant and supple to absorb what is done to it. It also has a nice feature in that it holds the heat in and makes the burn last a lot longer - something I know you especially will appreciate!" he said. 

He rubbed the oil into her ass thoroughly, taking care to cover every inch of her ass and the backs of her legs down to her knees. She enjoyed the oil rubdown and as she moaned he made a special effort to make it sexy for her, slipping his hands between her legs and rubbing up to her dampening pussy. 

She wriggled her ass in enjoyment of his rubdown but this wasn't to be a pleasure spanking so just as she was getting aroused and into being played with he stopped, wiping his hands with a towel.

Leaving her frustrated, he went to the cabinet across the room and opened it. This is where he kept most of his tools and toys. He had a smaller "toybox" upstairs in the bedroom with a few things but most of his work was done down here. He selected a wooden paddle, to begin with, and brought it back for her to see.

The wooden paddle was a half-inch thick, three and a half inches wide and sixteen inches long including the handle. It was made of maple and was sanded perfectly smooth with softly rounded edges and a smooth multi-coat varnish finish.

"You remember this paddle don't you slut?" he spoke softly, as he stroked her naked ass with the paddle. "You remember this paddle and just what it does to you, don't you?"

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"Yes Master," she said her pulse already speeding up. She did remember this paddle; she had more than one experience with it. Sometimes she would be standing, sometimes bent over the stool or even over his knee (a particular favorite of hers), she'd had dealings with this paddle before. And it was very effective in getting her attention too!

"Tell me again, what's your safeword, slut?" he asked.

"Camaro Master," she said.

"Good. That's right," he said, "Are you ready to begin?"

"Yes Master," she said. He drew his arm back and she tightened up preparing for that first swat. He held back for a moment, waiting… When he saw her start to relax, he struck.

WHAP! The paddle landed solidly on her left ass cheek. She screeched in pain as the paddles effect raced up her spine. He gave it a moment to settle in before continuing.

WHAP! A second swat found its mark on her right ass cheek. Now she had a matching pair of red splotches in the shape of the paddle, one on each cheek. She howled again as this second swat reached the pain center in her brain.

The first two swats were aimed at the upper half of her ass cheeks and so he focused next two so they landed right below them, effectively turning the entire globe of each cheek a nice rosy pink. The baby oil was doing a wonderful job of holding the heat in too - her ass was already burning from just these four swats!

"How are you doing slut?" he asked.

"Fine, Master. May I have some more?" she asked. He smiled. She knew they were far from done and asking for more is what she had been taught to do.

"Very well," he said. But now he stepped things up a bit. Instead of the single swat and rest pattern he had been using, he gave her ten hard, rapid-fire swats, five on each cheek, alternating sides and locations. 

She gasped as the barrage began and the scream that followed lasted throughout the assault and afterward. She kicked her heel up in an effort to make the burn lessen but it did little good.

After the ten swats were done he paused, letting her catch her breath and letting the pain settle in. She was moaning softly now, the effects of the swats beginning to show on her. 

But she was still able to turn these swats into pleasure and she concentrated on doing just that. He could see it was working because her pussy was dripping now, the juices glistening on her pussy lips and a few drip spots darkening the concrete floor under her.

"How are you doing, slut?" he asked again. He checked on her periodically through these sessions just so he could judge her condition. He couldn't see her face, standing behind her so he wanted to know she was still okay.

"I'm fine, Master. Thank you for checking on me. May I have some more, please?" she said. He reached a hand between her legs, feeling how wet she was. He rubbed her pussy for a moment giving her a brief moment of pleasure as he checked on her.

"Your pussy is sopping wet. Are you actually enjoying this, whore?" he asked mockingly.

"Yes, Master, I'm sorry. I know this is a punishment and I shouldn't enjoy it. I'm sorry," she said. He knew she wasn't sorry… he didn't expect her to be. This is what she wanted, what she craved and needed. He knew her too well to believe that she was actually sorry.

"Well, then slut, I guess we will have to make this less fun for you then!" he said, feigning anger.

He reached out and stuck the fingers of his off hand under the top of the wide leather belt to hang onto her and with the other hand, he got a better grip on the paddle. Then he laid into her ass with the paddle.

Ten, then twenty, then thirty swats with the paddle, not stopping between them and alternating sides. Her screaming, at the start loud and desperate, faded as the barrage of swats kept coming. Her screams turned to moans and her pain turned to sexual arousal as he kept up the onslaught.

After the thirty swats, he stopped. She stood there trembling and moaning as her ass glowed bright red. He ran his hand over the surface of her skin and felt the heat coming from it. At this point, most of the submissives he has worked with would be done, but he knew she was not most submissives. She needed more. And it was his job and his responsibility as her Master to give her what she needed.

He set the paddle aside and moved to the next part of the punishment. He picked up the belt, folding it in half with the buckle end and tip in his hand. This wasn't one of those cheap skinny dress belts; this was a full thickness, full grain, cowhide leather belt, an inch and a half wide.

"How are you doing, slut?" he asked.

"I'm… fine Master," she said between breaths. He noticed the change in her response. He rubbed her ass with his other hand, caressing it softly. She moaned at his gentle touch to her inflamed ass. He smiled at her response but knew he was far from finished with her. 

Rested some now, it was time to start back up again. He drew his arm back and let fly with the belt. Once again she found her voice, screaming as the belt ignited a new flame in her already smoldering ass. Then he settled into a rhythm, giving her one slap with the belt about every twenty seconds, keeping a regular but agonizing beat as the belt landed time after time after time.

With each belt strike, she screamed out stomping her feet or kicking up her foot. She was unable to do much more, with her hands in wrist cuffs over her head and the waistbelt holding her firmly to the post. 

He moved his aiming point for the belt down his ass a few inches at a time, laddering her angry red ass cheeks with red stripes as he moved down. He reached the crease of her ass and then moved onto the backs of her legs - fresh territory that had yet not been touched with the paddle. 

Assaulting this new flesh tore new, more terrible screams from her throat. He moved slowly down her legs with the belt stripes, and then back up to the top of her ass for a total of twenty lashes with the belt.

He set the belt down, finished with it now. He bent down to get a good look at her ass and the backs of her legs, inspecting them closely to see how they were doing. They were plenty red and the belt stripes were an even deeper, angrier red. But there was no blood so he knew that she would recover without any marks.

"I will be back in a moment, slut. I only need to run to the kitchen," he told her. She moaned a response and he went upstairs.

He was only gone for a minute or so before he came back. He brought with him a paring knife and a good-sized piece of ginger root. As he peeled it with the knife and shaped it to his needs he spoke to her. 

"This, my naughty slut, is ginger root. There is an activity - a punishment activity - that involves using a piece of ginger root shoved into the rectum of the misbehaving submissive. It is called figging. I'm not sure if you have ever experienced this, but we are going to give it a try. As always, though, I will be here watching for any signs of trouble and if it gets too severe, you can call out your safeword and it will stop. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master," she said.

He finished peeling and shaping the ginger root. It had become, in essence, a four inch long, one-inch diameter vegetable butt plug. He inserted his finger into her asshole to get her a bit opened and ready for the ginger root. 

He didn't need to open her very much, the ginger root had a bit of lubrication from its own juices. She moaned as his finger went into her ass - she loved being fucked in the ass and welcomed his finger, tongue or cock back there. She loved it when he paid attention to her ass.

When he felt she was ready he pointed the smaller end at her hole and slowly pushed it into her. He had whittled the end into a narrow rounded point and at the other end, he carved a notch around the perimeter. He pushed the root into her until her anal ring slipped into the notch. He knew then that it wouldn't accidentally slip further inside her and she wouldn't be able to push it out easily either.

"Now that the ginger root is in place, the fun begins. I am going to use the cane on your ass. But I won't have to use it very hard. As tender as your ass is right now, even light blows will cause you to tighten your ass up. And when you do, you will bear down on the ginger root, squeezing the oily juice from it. And as you will see, ginger root oil on the soft delicate tissues of your asshole will make them burn quite nicely!" he said.

He gave her a sample of what he was saying with a medium-powered smack just below the exposed ginger root. She did tense up as he said giving a yelp as the cane struck. But at first, nothing more happened. He struck her three or four more times with the same reduced power above and below the ginger root. Then she felt it, the oil from the root began burning her rectum tissues.

"Oh, Master! Oh, it does burn! Oh God!" she exclaimed.

"Yes it does, my slut," he said. He gave her a few more strikes on the ass then moved down to give the backs of her thighs a few as well. By the time he was finished the ginger root oil had her anal ring ablaze and she was wriggling and moaning and stomping her feet in an effort to put out the fire.

A dozen whacks with the crop and he was done with the ginger root. It had done its work and any more would have a diminishing effect. So he slowly removed the ginger root discarding it in the trash. "We are done with that, my slut, but we have one more phase in this part of your punishment. Its time for the whip," he said.

She groaned. She had already been through hell. Her ass was an inferno and the backs of her thighs weren't much better. And now he was bringing out the whip! But she had little choice but to suffer through it; after all, this was her own doing. No one put her in this predicament by herself. She was the one who went with that guy that night and it was her idea to fuck him. Now she would pay the price.

He brought her nemesis around to show it to her. His whip - four feet of braided leather despair - was coiled in his hand like a cobra, ready to strike and inflict its own brand of poison misery. "Kiss my whip slut… kiss the tool of your own destruction!" he said. She kissed his whip and then he stepped back a few feet releasing the coils and taking a firm grip on the leather-wrapped handle. He shook it a bit to get it all straightened out and then with a swing of his arm the cobra struck.

"AAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!" She screamed. A terrible, wretched scream of pure agony. She kicked and stomped her feet as the whip laid an angry red streak across her ass. He retrieved the whip and let fly again. Another hideous scream was ripped from her throat as the whip laid another stripe across her backside. He laid a third and a fourth across her ass and thighs before he heard the word that made him stop.

"CAMARO!! CAMARO, Master! Oh God please stop!" she screamed out. His arm stopped in mid-swing and he re-directed it downwards so the whip struck the concrete floor instead of her. 

He dropped the whip instantly and rushed to her unfastening the belt first and then her wrist restraints. She collapsed into his arms and he picked his battered submissive up in his arms and carried her tenderly and gently upstairs and laid her in the bed. 

He laid down next to her holding her and softly stroking her hair. He cared for her tenderly until she was feeling better. Once he saw she was back with him and felt comfortable with leaving her for a moment, he went into the bathroom and drew her a nice soothing bath. 

He put in some eucalyptus oil to help heal her tattered body and ease the pain. He also got out the special soft washcloth that he had set aside for occasions when he needed to soothe the aches and pains of a submissive.

When the bath was ready, he went back into the bedroom and helped her to the bathroom. 

"Master! You drew me a bath? Oh, Master, you are so wonderful to me! Thank you, Master! Thank you!" she said, happily. He helped her ease into the water and get comfortable. Then he began washing her with the washrag, caressing her and using the washrag to soothe her.

She laid back and closed her eyes. "Oh, Master that feels so good! You take such good care of me, Master," she said.

"Well, I don't know about that. After all, you are in this bath because of what I did to you," he said.

"Oh, Master you can't blame yourself, please. I was the one who messed up. I was the one who broke your rules and had to be punished. You were only doing what had to be done, Master. You are not to blame here at all. Please don't blame yourself. I am sorry I broke your rules. I am so sorry," she said looking at him.

He finished washing her carefully then he sat with her as she soaked some more. When she was ready to get out, he helped her out of the tub wrapping her in a soft plush towel and gently patting her dry. Then he helped her back to the bedroom and put her to bed. He laid with her, holding her in his arms kissing her tenderly until she drifted off.

She before she slipped into the sweet arms of sleep, she whispered "I love you, Master. I love you very much."

Written by Master_Jonathan
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