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Brea's First Time At The Club

"Brea tries out the club and finds her desires fulfilled."

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Author's Notes

"Look for other stories featuring the Club. Huge thanks to my proofreader and friend freespirit13."


Brea was roaming around the house by herself. Her husband was gone on a business trip or, if truth be known, he was probably out screwing some young thing somewhere exotic around the globe. Brea had only been married to him for a few years before she found out he wasn’t interested in being faithful. She was fifty-eight-years-old, but you would never know it. She worked out regularly to maintain a shapely figure. Most men assumed she was in her thirties.

Her skin was a that of a soft tanned color, showing just slight signs of age and wrinkles. Her breasts were smaller in size which helped them to stay firm and not sag with age. She always felt her greatest asset was her legs. At just over five-feet-eight-inches tall, she had long legs compared to other women her height. She was always getting hit on by the young men at the gym.

Even with an asshole of a husband, Brea hadn’t been quite as unfaithful as he had. She would visit websites and chat with men. She always avoided attempts at in-person meetings though. During one of these chats with a guy, with the screen name of Happy2screwU, she learned about a local club that catered to men and women that were wanting attention without complications. Brea had thought about going there numerous times but always chickened out.

She was thinking about the club again today and decided it was time to go see what it was all about. She did a little internet surfing and found out the club was a discreet members-only place. Even to check out their site you had to become a member to get past the intro page. Brea decided what the hell, in for a penny in for a pound. She filled out the new members form with the required info and waited to be verified.

A few moments later she got the email with her member number and an access code to be used on the site and at the club. She logged back into the site and accessed the member’s area. Listed there was some of the things the club provided for their members. Private lounges, social areas, a fully staffed bar area, and private bathing areas. This left her wondering about what sort of place this club really was.

Brea spent the rest of the day doing some shopping, looking for an outfit for her club trip. She visited a couple of boutiques that had some very sexy outfits. She finally decided on an outfit that had a form-fitting top that hugged right to her small breasts. It made them look much larger than they were. The only cause for hesitation came when she realized that there was no way she could wear a bra. That brought her second concern, that her nipples would be plainly visible sticking out in the top.

Shelving these concerns for a moment she slid the short skirt on that went with the top. It was tight as the top and hugged her hips and ass very tightly. As with the top, she realized panties of any kind would be out of the question. It was way shorter than it had appeared. If she bent over too far, she would be totally exposed to the world. Gathering her courage while looking in the mirror, she decided to hell with it. I can get by in this and love the look. Her color choices were simple; she got the skirt in black, her favorite and a red top that looked great against her tanned skin.

With most of the day spent she jumped on the computer for some social time. She found Happy2screwU online and started chatting with him. He was always so hot to talk with. If even half of his description and pictures he shared where true, she would let him screw her any time, any place. He had a way of getting her juices flowing with very little effort.

It was time to get ready to go, but chatting with Happy2screwU had excited her a bit too much to get ready right away.  After peeling off her clothes, she sat down on the bed and pulled a drawer open on her nightstand. Reaching in she pulled out her favorite vibrator. It was very thick and about six inches long. She also pulled out her favorite anal toy. A butt plug with ever increasing sized balls stacked to spread and fill her anus. 

She loved using it on her anus. Her asshole of a husband, when he wanted to have sex with her, wouldn’t do much more than hump her till he came. Typical of the bastard he was, he never tried to fulfill her needs or desires. This was always left to her own hand.

Reaching back behind her, Brea pushed the pillows into a pile in the middle of the bed. She then shifted around so she was leaning back on them as her feet rested on the quilted headboard. She had discovered long ago that this was an ideal position to be in to masturbate. Just by shifting how far from the headboard she was, she could lift her bottom off the bed to gain easy access to her anus and with her feet spread wide apart it would open her pussy up so she could play with even her biggest toys.

Today she chose to play with her pussy. Scooting herself around on the bed until she had her feet spread wide apart resting on the headboard. As she settled into position, she looked up into the mirror mounted over the bed. She could see her pussy spread open wide. Already excited, her clit was already peeking out of its normal hiding place in her folds, but it really didn’t take much to bring it out of hiding.

Watching herself in the mirror, she reached out to her pussy and ran her hand over her it, dragging her fingers over the folds until she came to her clit. She gently teased it with her fingers, pulling and rubbing it between them causing herself to moan. She so loved to do this as she masturbated. As she continued to play and tease her clit, she took the vibe in her other hand and started running it over her nipples in a low setting, causing them to instantly harden to little pebbles.

She always thought her nipples must be the on switch to her pussy because no sooner than she had started teasing them, she could see her juices forming along her pussy. She loved being wet and would often just rub her nipples to make herself wet. But now the wetness was for a more practical reason. She moved the vibrator to her pussy, running the thick tip along her lips, gently pushing it through the folds as she had done with her fingers.

Not able to contain her need any longer she pushed the vibe deep into her pussy. As she did, she quickly pushed the speed button on the end of it until it was humming away at its fastest speed. Brea slowly started working her toy in and out at a steady pace, all the while continuing to tease her clit with her other hand. The feeling this was sending through her pussy was quickly pushing her to a fast orgasm.

All the sudden she felt the overpowering wave of release spread through her body. She pinched her clit hard as she forced her toy deep. Her pussy clenched around it like it was trying to crush it. She felt her juices flowing from her pussy, running over fingers that were squeezing her clit. It felt so wonderful to her as she slowly relaxed. She released her clit and slowly withdrew the vibrator from her pussy, feeling more of her juices trickle down her pussy and across her clit to puddle on her skin.

Brea laid there staring up into the mirror for sometime enjoying the look of her body. She could see her clit red and swollen from her play. Her pussy gaped open from the toy being pulled out and her juices glistening on her skin. Her only regret was this all had been done by her own hand and not that of a lover. After relaxing on the bed for a while Brea finally got up to take a shower and get ready for her trip to the club.

Off to the club!

After getting ready for her night at the club, Brea decided to call a car service instead of driving. Her ride showed up right at 9 pm sharp to whisk her off to the club. She was feeling nervous about going, but even after a long warm shower, her pussy was still damp with excitement when she got dressed. She wasn’t sure where this would lead but knew she wanted it.

Arriving outside the club, the car pulled up to the curb in front of the club. Brea looked out at the entrance. It was a single glass door with a young man standing next to it in a tux. This made her feel a little better about coming here. She had been worried it would look seedy and run down even though all the photos online were very nice, but you could never really trust things like that.

The young man in the tux stepped up to the car, opening the door for her and offering his hand to help her out. Brea looked up at him, placing her hand in his. Being in her short skirt, she couldn’t help but flash the young man some extremely high thigh as she slid around to step out of the car.

Her first thought after standing up in front of him was, he was absolutely gorgeous. With him helping her out, she found herself standing close enough for him to study her as well. She could have sworn he licked his lips while looking at her. Imagined or not, this sent an instant jolt to her pussy, making her already damp state that much wetter. After releasing her hand, he showed her to the front door of the club. She could see a small plaque on the wall beside the door that said, ‘Club Excite, The Place Your Excitement Is Full-Filled.’

As they approached it opened from the inside automatically revealing a pretty young lady in a black cocktail dress waiting to greet her. Brea exchanged greetings with the young lady and was escorted to a reception area to finalize her membership. She was surprised to see the woman behind the desk was just as sexy as her escort. Not really being into women Brea still couldn’t help but imagine what either one would be like in bed.

Completing her membership, Brea was given a simple silver bracelet to wear either on a wrist or ankle. She was told it was waterproof, damn near indestructible, was also for her billing and would she please wear it on her person anytime she was in the club. The young lady that had brought her in, had waited for her to finish and escorted her out into the main part of the club.

As they entered the main area Brea’s head was on a swivel taking it all in. She could see a large bar area at one end of the room, a large seating area in one section with comfortable looking couches and chairs. Then elevated above the seating area at the far end was a dance floor.

Also, taking in the way everybody was dressed relieved her anxieties a bit. Brea was afraid the way she had dressed would’ve been a little too slutty, but now she saw that her worries were for nothing. She saw women with almost no clothes on and men dressed as casual as you could be and still be clothed. Her online friend had said, “It had been a place a woman could hook up,” and he was right.

The young lady escorting Brea asked, “Is there was anything else I could do for you?”

Brea replied, “No, I think I’ll just start with a drink, thank you.”

Brea wondered towards the bar taking in the surroundings as she went. The place wasn’t packed but was pretty full. She noticed there seemed to be more men than women currently. She finally arrived at the bar and was just about to ask the young lady behind it for a drink when a gentleman sitting at the bar offered to buy her drink.

Glancing over at him she said, “Thank You.”

“It’s my pleasure for such a beautiful lady like you,” he replied.

Brea blushed a bit at his compliment but slid onto the stool next him taking the time to look him over. She guessed somewhere in his late forties or early fifties in age. Not a big guy but seemed well toned under his polo shirt.

“Do you come here often?” she asked.

“As often as work allows me. I love this place. I haven’t seen you before, you must be a fairly new member here,” he said, adding “My name is Rob.”

“Hi Rob, my name is Brea. Why do you think I’m fairly new around here?” she asked.

Before he could reply the bartender brought over her drink and Rob a refill on what he had been drinking already.

“Well, I don’t want to give away secrets, but you have a silver bracelet. It’s still shiny like it just came out of the package. Only the newest members have silver, once you’ve been here for a while and experienced some of the finer things the club has to offer, they give you a gold one. Then eventually you will get a specially engraved one if you stay a member long enough,” he told her.

Without really thinking about, she glanced down at his wrist to see what color bracelet he had on. It had a tri-color effect to it. Brea guessed it was one of the special ones he mentioned.

“You must have been a member here a long time. That looks really expensive.” She said, nodding at his bracelet.

“I don’t tell a whole lot of folks, but I’m interested in getting to know you better tonight, so I’ll level with you. I’m a founding member of the club and we all have these tri-color bracelets. They were given as a gift to everybody by the folks that started the club,” he replied.

His honesty pleased her immensely and helped her relax a bit more as they continued to talk. They discussed life in general but not much in the way of personal things. They just shared some experiences and as they consumed a few more drinks the discussion turned a bit more towards why they were both here in this club.

For Rob it was simple, he was a widower and didn’t want a complicated life. He had the opportunity to have sex as often or as little as he wanted with any number of partners.

Brea confessed she was married to an asshole who found having sex with anybody but her more appealing. She explained she had carried on internet relationships but had always resisted requests to meet in person from the guys. After she found out about her husband’s latest affair, she decided it was time for her to find somebody that would please her.

Rob listened as she related her story and if she had known how many times he had heard that story from women in this club, she probably would leave and never come back. Just about every older woman in here had that same story.

“Do you dance? Would you like to?” Rob asked standing up and offering her his hand.

She took his hand and he led her to the dance floor. They danced close as the songs played. Brea relaxed and was almost molding her body to his by the end of the fifth song. Sensing she was relaxing to him, he let his hands wander her back until he had one on her upper back and the other cupping a cheek of her ass. He smiled to himself when he didn’t feel any undergarments and knew she could be his tonight.

After dancing for nearly thirty minutes he led her over to a couch off to the side. He raised his hand to a young lady in a shimmering blue dress. She acknowledged his wave and brought them drinks. Rob couldn’t help but glance at this girl’s backside as she walked away. Yet he quickly returned his attention to Brea. She was his for the taking and the new girl Tonya was not, not yet anyhow.

As they got comfortable on the couch, he pulled her to him and kissed her softly. Feeling her reaction, this got deeper and deeper until they were dancing with their tongues as they had danced on the floor.

Knowing what he wanted, he made his opening move. As they continued to kiss, he slid his hand over her top until he was cupping her breast. He could feel her hard nipple against his palm. Pressing against it, he rubbed it gently. He felt her stiffen and moan as they continued to kiss.

Taking this as a positive sign, he curled his fingers around the nipple and massaged it through her shirt, not knowing this would be Brea’s instant-on button. Brea felt him slip his palm and then his fingers around her nipple. She knew he was opening her flood gates and she would soon be flooded.

While continuing to exchange long, deep hard kisses, Rob slipped his hand from Brea’s breasts to her thigh. As short as her skirt was, he didn’t need to try very hard to be under the edge of it and at her pussy in no time. He was all too glad to find out he was right, no panties. He worked his fingers over her mound, feeling her lips and the little bulge of her clit that was already becoming excited. He was really surprised by how wet she was already.

After stroking her for a short while, slipped a finger through her lips, gently opening her to him. She moaned into their kiss as he slid a second finger into her. Finally, unable to keep up the kissing, she laid her head back on the couch as he started moving his fingers slowly in and out, working her close to an orgasm but knowing he wouldn’t let her reach it. He had other plans for her tonight and just wanted her receptive to them.

Each time he would bring her close and then slow down until he had her begging to cum. It was then he leaned down and whispered into her ear, “Would you like to go someplace more private to finish this?”

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“Please, yes, I so need to cum!”

He stood up and grabbed her hand and pulled her up to him. She was a little weak in the knees and Rob had to support her. They walked towards the back of the club where there where a set of elevators. Rob just raised his wrist with the bracelet and the door slid open. He decided the room he wanted was on the third floor and pushed the button. The doors slid shut and with that, Brea was on her way to a night she would never forget with a man she would come to know a lot better.

The room for Brea

Rob with Brea in hand exited the elevator and moved down the hallway to a room with a simple green light lit next to it. Rob again held up his wrist with the bracelet and the door clicked open. Pushing the door open and leading Brea inside he looked around and decided yes, this would do nicely.

In the room was a full-size platform bed made up in bright blue satin sheets on one side. On the other was a set of poles with rings attached and various points. Next to the poles was a table that looked like a doctor’s examination table but lower. There were poles placed around it also with rings attached at various points. Then right in the middle of the room, there was a harness swing to be hung from.

All in all, Rob had picked the perfect room for what he had in mind for Brea. Now it was time to see if she was willing to play along or not.

Standing face to face with Brea, he slipped his hand back under her skirt immediately slipping two fingers into her pussy. She moaned out and tried to force them deeper. Rob held her to keep her from moving too much. Looking into her eyes, he could see the lust and sexual need building as he stoked it through her pussy. Deciding now was the time, he pulled his fingers from her pussy and backed away much to her frustration.

Looking at Brea standing there all worked up, Rob said, “Strip for me.”

Brea didn’t even consider saying no, she just reached for the edge of her top and pulled it over her head, dropping it to the floor. Then reaching to the side of her skirt, she grasped the small zipper and pulled it down. Taking her fingers, she grasped the waistband of the skirt and gave it a push to get it over her hips, then it landed around her feet. This left her standing there in only her heels completely nude to Rob.

Rob took in the sight and was very pleased with what he was seeing. He decided he couldn’t have picked any better playmate tonight. Stepping back up to her, he pulled her nude form into him kissing her hard and moving his hands along her body. He ran his hands down her arms and it was then he applied the padded restraints to her wrists.

Brea felt him slip the restraints on her and broke their kiss to look at her wrists. She then looked into Rob’s eyes.

“Trust me, you’ll enjoy tonight,” he said to her. With that, he started kissing her deep and hard again. She was giving into him tonight.

Finally breaking the kiss, he led her over to the small table and had her sit on it before gently laying her back. He took a small rope with clips and attached one to each of her wrists and the other to the poles surrounding the table above her head. This caused her arms to be spread comfortably without causing her any pain.

With her arms restrained, he moved to her ankles. He placed a padded restraint around each ankle, then clipped a rope line to each one. The ropes ran up through a ring on each pole and down to a tie off point at the bottom of the poles. Rob took the first rope and pulled it up, extending Brea’s leg. He then tied it off and worked the second rope. He did this in a couple of stages until he had Brea with her legs held up and spread as wide as she could comfortably stand.

Standing there looking down upon her, he could see her pussy glistening with wetness and her clit already excited was swelling. He let his gaze drop to her asshole that was also well nicely presented with her legs held up open.

Yet before he could partake in any of the fun that awaits in front of him, he had one more task. Looking into Brea’s wide eyes he said, “If you want to stop, just say the color purple and I will stop and get you loose immediately. Do you understand?”

Looking up at him spread helplessly, she simply replied, “Yes.”

“Then you are mine to do as I wish with for the night. Do you understand?”


With her final reply, he reached out and ran his hand over her pussy, slipping two fingers between her lips. This caused an instant moan from Brea that continued longer and louder as he started working those fingers in out, deeper with each push until he could go no deeper. He kept this up but never letting Brea cum for a good ten minutes. She was begging to cum when he pushed his fingers deep and reached out with his other hand to pinch her extended clit.

She exploded as she had never orgasmed before. She had never squirted but she let loose like a fountain, spraying all over Rob’s hands and even getting his shirt wet. When she settled down, she had her juices running down her ass to drip under her and puddle on her belly. He pulled his fingers from her and wiped them along her ass and thighs before walking away. Brea just laid there trying to recover from the most intense orgasm of her life.

Brea finally started to recover and was trying to see where Rob was. She couldn’t move her head far enough to see around her bottom that was so widely spread. She was starting to get a little anxious when Rob walked back into her vision completely naked. She quickly took the sight of him in. He looked like he had been sculped for a men’s fitness ad.

His chest was muscled, abs rippled, legs bulged with muscle but what finally stopped her wandering eyes was the cock dangling before her. She guessed he was seven or eight inches long and as thick as a beer can. She involuntarily gulped looking at, picturing it hard and inside her before long.

He walked up to the side of the table looking down at her and said, “You’ve had your first orgasm, now it’s my turn.”

With that, he hopped up on the table and kneeled straddling her chest, his cock resting between her tits. He reached down roughly squeezed each nipple causing Brea to yelp but he paid no attention to it. Scooting further up the table until his knees were in her armpits and his cock was resting against her face.

“Open your mouth and take me in. You know you want it.”

With that, she opened her mouth wide and he guided his cock between her lips. She started licking the head, running her tongue around the whole thing. She worked the underside of his head, licking. He slowly started pushing more of his cock into her mouth and she continued working her tongue along the length as he went deeper until he completely filled her mouth with his cock.

Brea continued to work her tongue along his length as she started working her lips along his shaft. He pulled back as she sucked at his cock. Once he had pulled most of the way from her mouth, he leaned forward and pushed his cock back in deep.

Brea felt it hit the back of her mouth, trying to force its way into her throat. She had deep throated a cock before but it had been so long. She gagged a bit as Rob continued pressing against her. She was trying to relax her throat to allow him to slide in.

“Good girl, swallow that dick,” he said to her.

Finally, he slipped into her throat with her gagging just a little. He held his cock deep for a few seconds before pulling back and letting her catch a breath. He allowed her a few breaths before he slipped his cock back into her mouth, pushing deep again. This time being ready for it, Brea let it slip right into her throat this time. Rob kept up his steady pace of fucking her mouth, always pushing a little faster and a little deeper each time.

Brea’s face was covered in saliva. It was running down her chin and off her cheeks as Rob continued. He was giving her just enough time to breath before each time he would push deep again. He was relentless and the size of his cock was starting to tire Brea and she started to try to shift to limit how far he could push. She trying to get him to hurry and cum or quit but with her hands restrained all she could only move her head.

Rob was close and wasn’t going to be denied. He leaned forward and grabbed the sides of her head to hold her still. He shifted so he was laying over her face, forcing his cock into her mouth and truly started facing fucking her in full. He felt his orgasm coming and just as it burst forth, he pushed one final time into Brea’s throat, unloading stream after stream down her throat, leaving her gagging. Rob slipped his still pulsing cock from Brea to allow her to breathe and in doing so, let the last of his cum dribble on her lips and chin.

Brea just laid there with her head turned to the side trying to catch her breath. There was a puddle of Rob’s cum on the table where it ran out of Brea’s mouth. She couldn’t swallow it quick enough.

Rob slipped off the table and reached for a towel. He gently wiped Brea’s mouth and face removing some of the mess but not all of it.

When Brea seemed to have recovered a bit Rob said to her, “I hope you are ready for more? You still have two holes to be fucked before we are done.” With that, he bent over kissed her on the lips before turning away.

Brea again couldn’t see what Rob was doing but when he came back to her, he had several vibrators and anal plugs in his hands. He laid them on the table next to her and sorted them out the way he wanted them. All Brea could do was watch and wonder what he was going to do. She quickly learned when he picked up a sizeable anal plug.

“I think this will do nicely to stretch you for when I’m ready for that ass,” he said looking at her as he applied a large amount of lube to the plug.

He moved so he was standing between her outstretched legs, Holding the anal plug and lube in one hand, he squeezed a generous amount onto his fingers of the other. Moments later, Brea felt his fingers run across her anus and the cool sensation of lube. Rob worked the lube around the anal opening and when he was satisfied, he pushed a finger in her anus. He slowly worked it in and out, pushing the lube around and relaxing Brea. Satisfied, he placed the tip of the plug against her anus and pushed gently but then with some force. It slid in, spreading her anus causing her to let out a gasp and then a low moan.

Rob kept the pressure on as the plug slid deeper. The plug was only about five inches long when inserted fully but widened out to nearly three inches at it’s thickest. He kept working it deeper until it was fully inserted. He could her Brea pant a bit while overcoming the discomfort.

Now he had her anus being prepared, it was time to enjoy that pussy. He reached under her leg and grabbed a large black vibrator. Without any hesitation, he slipped it right into Brea’s sopping wet pussy, pushing almost it’s almost entire eight-inch length into her in one motion. Brea’s hips jumped at the sudden intrusion of her pussy, causing a catch in her breath.

“You liked that didn’t you?” Rob said looking from between her legs at her face.

Brea’s face showed every feeling she was having. It was contorted in both pain and pleasure with a large anal plug filling her in the back and now a large vibrator filling her pussy.

Rob, pushed the button on the end of the vibrator turning it on. He pushed it twice more setting the speed to a very fast rhythm. Then leaning down, he ran his tongue over her clit. Brea moaned and jerked against her restraints. He liked her reaction and continued licking around her clit as he started moving the vibrator in and out of her pussy. He drew her clit between his lips and sucked it hard causing her to moan as loud as she had so far the night.

Rob kept up fucking her with the vibrator and teasing her clit by licking, sucking and nibbling at it. She kept trying to raise her hips up to each thrust of the vibrator but being tied the way she was, Rob had all the control as he pushed her towards her second orgasm of the night.

The orgasm came suddenly surprising both Rob and Brea herself. It hit hard and she jerked her hips up as she let out a screaming cry of release in her orgasm. As she had done the first time, she erupted like a fountain again, squirting all over Rob and herself again leaving her juices running all over. Rob, took his time, licking up some of her juices. He pulled the vibrator from her and ran his tongue along her pussy, licking deep to catch all of it he could. All Brea could do was lay there and moan as she recovered.

Finally getting his fill, Rob started preparing himself for what he really wanted that night, her sweet tight ass. He let her recover as he took the lube and smeared it along his cock, making sure he was well coated. He knew from experience, he was a big man and a lot of women had trouble taking him without lots of lube.

After making sure he was lubed, he moved back between her outstretched legs. He laid his hand on her pussy and gently rubbed it as he looked down at her, saying, “Now I get to have my second hole of the night. Remember, just say purple and I stop.”

She nodded at him, knowing he was getting ready to fuck her in the ass with that big dick. She didn’t know if she could take it. She loved anal play but had only had anal sex once before. That hadn’t been very good because it had been with her worthless husband.

She felt Rob pull the plug from her anus and could feel she was very open. Holding her breath, she waited for Rob’s next move which wasn’t long in coming.

Rob pulled the plug from her anus, leaving it gaped open. He knew it wouldn’t stay like that long so he immediately stepped to slide his cock head into her. He pushed the head through the gaped opening causing Brea to jerk against her restraints and cry out a little. He continued to push with gentle pressure getting another inch or so in. Brea let out another cry followed by a loud moan.

Rob stopped for a few seconds to give her time before pushing deeper until he was about halfway in. Brea was squirming against her restraints as she panted and moaned. Rob kept pushing, feeling a bit of resistance as her inner sphincter muscle expanded. This caused the loudest crying gasp from Brea until she settled to just pant. Rob continued to push until he was fully inserted in her ass. His balls came to rest against her cheeks.

Rob wanted Brea to enjoy this as much he would and didn’t rush her. He let her get used to him and settle down before starting small slow back and forth movements in her ass. Brea was moaning in discomfort and excitement as he continued to move his strokes back forth in a longer and faster motion. Soon he was pulling three-quarters of the way out before plunging balls deep again.

Brea was moving against her restraints as far as she could with long loud moans coming from her. Every time Rob would pull away, she would try to force herself to stay with him. He had all the control of the rhythm with her restrained. She started encouraging him to fuck her harder. This felt so incredible to her.

Her encouragement is what he wanted to hear. Keeping up his quickening rhythm he was steadily plowing in and out of her. Holding her by one thigh, he reached down and grabbed the black vibrator and slid it in her pussy as deep as it would go, hitting the button to turn it on high. Brea let a screaming moan of pleasure as soon as it started, sending her into an orgasm causing her anus to tighten around Rob’s cock. Rob never slowed and could feel her orgasm and the vibrator working its way through her pussy and ass.

Within a few moments, he could feel his orgasm approaching. The sensations were just overwhelming between Brea thrashing about, the vibrator and her orgasm. He wanted to last as long he could not know if he would ever get to have her again. He could hear Brea working towards another orgasm and when it hit, it was all over for him too. He pushed as deep as he could and emptied his balls in her ass as she shook with her third orgasm.

Knowing she couldn’t take anymore, he pulled the vibrator from her and dropped it on the floor. He stayed deep in her still as they both came down. He slowly started softening and his he pulled away from her anus, a string of his cum dribbled on the edge of the table below before running to the floor. She laid there with anus gaped open, pussy awash in her own juices and breathing hard to come down from her own orgasms.

Rob released her legs and gently let them down until they were dangling over the edge of the table. He then went and undid her wrists helping her to bring her arms back to rest on her chest. Bending over he kissed her softly before standing back up staring at her in all of her post-sex glory before finally backing away.

As Rob just stared at her, he knew he wanted more of this woman.

Written by Road_Runner
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