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1 day ago
Lesbian Female, 55
0 miles · New Jersey


Active Ink Slinger
Happy birthday Jersey girl . We do need to chat about balloons soon * smiles *
Active Ink Slinger
This situation is eerily like one I was involved with years ago that forever changed the way I look at online relationships. For the most part .. with one wonderful exception ( thank you Lauren and Chris)when the subject of meeting comes up I make sure it is understood I can't ( not won't) meet anyone. So my opinion is certainly bias .
Even if Stacey is perfectly correct in her analysis of this girls RL situation .. there are several red flags going on here. And what could happen while she's thousands of miles away from home with no one really knowing where she really is or what she is doing is truly frightening .. even if she thinks " I'll be fine " I'm sure that girl from my past thought that too (not being comfortable with telling anyone is a huge red flag in itself ) . I'm sure she thinks there are good reasons for ignoring the warning signs and all the wonderful advice given here. Is what she hopes to gain by doing this now rather than after a longer ..let's call it "courtship " .. worth the risk of what has happened to many young girls ... happening to her
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BewitchingBirdie

From you Mistress, I’ll take the steel cuffs. I’ve been a bad bratty girl.

* caresses your virgin wrists with the tips of my fingers * such lovely unmarked skin .. * takes each of your hands in one of mine and places them behind your back .. gently crossing your wrists then covering your eyes with a blindfold * your wrists stay where they are .. no matter what... understand??
Active Ink Slinger
Offers you two pair,.. in my left hand the soft .. padded with fur.. bedroom type .. in the right.. the hard.. made of steel .. BDSM type.. choose wisely . your choice tells me much!
Active Ink Slinger
Casually strolls up a few boxes to the man called lucifer... shows him the cuffs till his body language screams PLEASE!! winks ... then strolls toward ana leaving him to think about " what might have been "
Active Ink Slinger
When I noticed this thread I immediately thought of my lush experience. I never went into a chat room thinking I would meet the next submissive to add to my D/s family or the next equals lover for that matter. Each submissive is a gift and a treasure to be cared for and loved. I actually met and collared my first 2 submissives more than a year ago and though we have been separated once or twice we are all together again now. The most I've had at one time was 3 full time subs but even that limit wasn't planned. Having a fourth would have meant giving up some sleep but that is a sacrifice I would have been willing to make for the right partner. As for them, as any of my close lush friends will tell you, I am VERY possessive of my girls, so they are expected to give me their absolute obedience which includes being mine and mine alone!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by lucky7gal
Okay fellow GOTers what did you all think of the last scene with the red woman "undressing"....I have some interpretations but want to hear yours too. I personally think with John Snow dead she has given up on finding a leader for the a way her transforming from the red woman to the old "hag" witch is her giving up her power temporarily.

Hey Stacey
Your interpretation has has some merit but I'd like to offer another view. My thinking is that the "cloak" of beauty that the witch wears requires a huge amount of magical power to maintain and by taking it off and showing her real ..very old .. self she can recharge her batteries for her ultimate test.. Bringing back our favorite bastard and future Dragon rider.. Any other interpretations out there?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ChuckEPoo

I totally agree with you Ash. I think it's probably going to be Glen or Daryl. Now that Glen's baby has miscarried. Who knows? They keep teasing us. But they have to kill off some to make room for the new characters of Jesus and his group.

If you believe that the comic book ..excuse me "graphic novel" .. foreshadows what will happen in the series ( and from what I've been told if often does) one of the original Atlanta 5 will be among the characters eliminated
Active Ink Slinger
Anyone wish to hazard a guess as to which of the main character(s) will die during Sundays finale?