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Over 90 days ago
Male, 154


I've joined Lush partly because I'm interested in erotic literature and also because I'm writing a novel and I'm interested in getting some feedback from members here. The story is quite complex and unless I find a connection with someone here that I feel I can trust and share my ideas with then I will just post excerpts that deal directly with the nature of this site. So far I have just over 150,000 words which equates to 500+ 'novel' sized pages. Based on what I have in mind to complete the story I imagine there are about 20 to 50,000 words to go. To put it simply, in order to give any readers some context, the entire novel deals with good vs evil with regards to human sexuality. There are intensely brutal encounters (that I doubt would be allowed on this site) contrasted with intensely loving and physically joyful ones that I will post. If I am allowed to post the former then I may but the intention is to horrify the reader rather than titillate them so, as I said, probably not appropriate for this forum. The theme of the novel is that we've got it all wrong and if we had a chance, we'd start over again. The story is far more complex than a series of sexual encounters however I use them to make a case and if I am able to have it published readers will most certainly take sides.
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Symon And Emma Satisfy Their Addiction

Two people satisfy their craving for each other.

Every so often Symon and Emma would get together for one of their ‘conferences’ as Emma liked to euphemistically call them. There was something about their bond that was impossible to break and Sarah and Ricky had become used to the inevitability that the magnetic field between Symon and Emma would intensify until they took the necessary steps to de-magnetise. It would begin with a look and depending on the circumstances,...