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1 day ago
Pan Trans Female, 24
0 miles · Seattle


Active Ink Slinger

I came out to my parents as trans when I was 6. I didn't know the name for what I was but I knew I was a girl inside. I am forever grateful for my understanding parents and family. You can read about my coming out in this post in this thread:


First let me start by saying I am not a crossdresser I am a transgirl but you asked about Halloween so.... At 6 I said I wanted to be a princess for Halloween. My parents were reluctant but my sister said she'd help me with my hair and makeup before school that day and take me trick or treating with them in the evening. Like I said, my parents were really reluctant, my mom more so than my dad but they agreed to let me. For the entire month of October I was thinking about how I might look and feel . When that day/night night came around it was magical (no pun intended). A few days before we got my costume, a lovely pink and white satin princess dress with a tiara. My sister bought me some matching shoes a little girl's clutch purse and clip on earrings. In another bag were some underthings. A little white nylon slip and a pack of girls panties. She asked me if I wanted to wear that stuff too and I nodded. The clothes and outfit was so soft and so different than my boy clothes and i loved how i felt walking in it with the material caressing my legs. I got up 2 hours early because I was so anxious that I couldn't sleep and I was told to be up an hour earlier than normal. My mom and my sister helped me get dressed then my mom went to work and my sister did my makeup and hair and showed me how to powder my face and reapply lipgloss then that stuff went into the clutch purse and she drove me to school. A lot of kids made fun of me but not everyone, some girls thought i looked really good and didn't know who I was at first thinking i was a new girl in the school. That made me feel really good. They asked me questions about my hair and makeup and I told them my sister helped me. They asked me to sit with them at lunch (normally I sat alone). I felt accepted on some small level as another girl. That night my family took me trick or treating and no one in the neighborhood knew who I was, they thought I might be one of my cousins. After it trick or treating was over, my mom was like "well you had quite a day, let's get you out of that costume" and I asked if I could keep it on and she asked me why since Halloween was over and I said because I felt I was a girl inside and I liked how it felt and I wished I could wear dresses every day. And kind of stunned she just walked out of the room, got my dad and asked me to tell him what I told her. I did and my dad kind of just nodded like he expected this and the two of them walked out of the room before coming back and saying I could keep it on until bedtime. I began wearing those panties under my boy clothes and my parents asked if I'd like to see someone to talk about my feelings. I said yes. The rest is history, I started seeing a child psychologist and she recommended i be allowed to play how i wanted and dress how i wanted at home after school and on weekends or vacation. A year later my room was repainted in all disney princess colors pink and lavender and i got a girl's bed and night stand set. I got clothes handed down from my sisters and some new things my mom bought towards the end of the year. At 12 they realized it wasn't a phase and I started testosterone blockers and we got my name legally changed. I also went to school wearing a dress for the first time since that Halloween. A year or so later I began estrogen hormones and 5 years ago I had surgery. I'm 22 now and in college and no one knows I'm trans.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by MakeMeDoAnything

. I have never been passable as I have a manly large frame and face. i am not into men per se but into gurl cock only. Does it make sense that I am not gay but more into feminine gurls with cocks? Am I a sicko? Just love girly feminine underwear and every thing under them!! I suppose I that I am loving what I am and searching for that feeling with another gurl. Oh to dream...!!❤️

I don't think you're a sicko. It's pretty common for straight guys to be turned on by us transgirls. Especially ultra feminine ones. And for you, I think there may be an aspect of seeing what might have been your path in pretty t-girls. I think you might close your eyes in your solo masturbation sessions, imagining you're them so it's sort of like you're living vicariously through us? does that sound about right?

Active Ink Slinger

Imagine asking this question on this site lol. Of course I do.

As t-girl, when I was pre-op I had some very advanced ways of masturbating without touching the sexual organ I no longer have. In my teens I used to masturbate every day.

Now I do maybe once or twice a week. I love using my hitatchi magic wand or other toys on my girl parts. Right after healing from surgery I did masturbate a lot more because I was fascinated and exploring my body in ways I couldn't before.

Active Ink Slinger

This has changed for me. Before surgery it was when he first entered me. But now with my vagina it's when he is fucking me fast and his balls are hitting and i can feel all the sensations of pleasure building up inside me as i feel my muscles down there contract around his cock which just makes me tighter and more fun for him to fuck.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by SexyCDMonica469
I haven't done this in a while but I used to lie on my side in bed, put my dick between my legs, and when it got hard squeeze my thighs until I'd cum. I also used to lie on my back in bed and kind of squeeze my thigh muscles so I could lift my dick up off my belly a little bit over and over again. Brushing against the coners would make me cum.

When I was still preop I would tuck it back and sometimes when I'd be feeling really sexy I'd squeeze my thighs together like you are talking about and I'd cum, usually i'd be wearing pantyhose.

another thing I'd do is put a pillow between my legs and squeeze.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by nycdoc319

Yes, I remember when I was 5 her dressing me. I protested but secretly loved getting dressed and having lipstick put on my lips

did you ever tell her you liked it?

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Yael_L

I never had anyone to help me dress until I was in my 50s and went for a professional makeover. I really wish that I had an older sister that could have helped me. I started dressing around 10 when I have the house to myself. I had the pleasure of being told most of my early life that I was supposed to be a girl by my mother.

Do you think your mom would have helped you if you told her you wanted to dress as a girl after she told you you were supposed to be a girl?

Active Ink Slinger

i'm kind of odd. i'm in my 20s but i love slips. i'm a trans girl and one of the big moments in my life was when my mom accepted me was when i was 7 and she gave me some of my sisters old clothes including some slips which she said my sister never wore. i loved how soft and frilly they felt and how feminine i felt wearing them under a sundress and my mom seemed pleased they didn't go to waste and told me that i was more of a girly girl than my sister. ever since that i've associated slips with being feminine and i feel sexy wearing them or a chemise.

today i love wearing all silky and soft lingerie but slips and chemises have a special place and they can still arouse me wearing them

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by SexyBeth

I'm post-op and I don't miss my penis at all

Same! Sex is sooooo much better now and not having to tuck... it was very liberating for me.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by SexyBeth

I'm post-op and I don't miss my penis at all

Same with me. I swear sex is 1000 percent better after surgery.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by SexyBeth

My deal? My deal is I'm a post-op trans women.I was born a male but thanks to modern medicine I have been reborn female.Not a surgeon but my penis was turned inside out and I now have a vagina

Nice to meet another post-op trans women here. 😉

Active Ink Slinger

Now days i have a hitachi magic wand and some other toys. to stimulate my clitoris and put up inside me.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Linda_4fun

You look lovely my dear❤️

She likes satin nighties. I think a lot of us do! ❤️

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by 808Stories
I've been on lush for a while, but never came into the forums. So this will be my first post on here.

I began dressing as a young kid. Encouraged at first by my parents. But after a few years, they took my girl clothes away and told me to grow up. So I have had to hide it since I was young. I have never dressed as a sort of fetish thing. Only to feel "right". Dressing as a girl, affirmed my identity. As I got older, the opportunities to be that girl again were fewer and fewer, until I was able to live on my own. But since I had been made to feel like I wasn't "normal" if I dressed, I still hid it. I am a very masculine man, who enjoys male activities - hunting, sports, working with tools, etc. But when I have the opportunity to transform my body with clothing, my brain changes with it. I think like a girl, and immediately recall the way I felt when I was young - being told how pretty I looked - and all the positive attention I got by being that little girl.

I'm so sorry they took your girl stuff away. I was encouraged when I started dressing and I loved being told how pretty I looked and the positive attention I got as a little girl too. The difference with me is that that support was never withdrawn and now I'm just another college girl who happens to be trans. You can read a little about how it was for me growing up. here:

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by 55btmguy
Personally I prefer the real thing but would not have an issue with dating a post op as long as she was willing to use a strap on, but then again that's why I love trans women as it is the best of both worlds

I don't think you understand how dysphoric you could make someone feel by asking someone who specifically had surgery, to wear a strap-on. Just don't.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by daisyphoenix
As a transsexual girl the first question I always get asked if I have a penis. I always tell them truthfully that I still do have my penis, which gets them all excited.

Frankly, I'm a woman, and don't really like talking about my penis. That is why I tuck it away when I get dressed.

I'm wondering what will happen after I get surgery. Is the only thing others like about girls like me is what I have down there?

Full disclosure, I had surgery 5 years ago, love life and never have looked back. My experience was that I felt inhibited when I still had mine. Also my dating was limited. If you're okay with guys who fetishize us because we have a penis that's fine but I wasn't because I wanted nothing to do with my penis. So to answer your question yes a lot of people only like us because of that body part but there are others who like us for who we are. It's so worth it to find the latter unless you're just looking for someone to have some quick fun with.

Today I do not date "t-girl chasers" at all as I don't really need to and almost no one at my college knows I'm trans.

Active Ink Slinger

Back when I used to have to tuck (before surgery) I'd get thongs which were purposely made for tucking. You can find them online. These fit tight made of cotton/poly and push all your stuff back and up. I was not very big and these made me nice and smooth in front and i could even wear a swim suit and no one would know.

One thing I'd caution against if you're like me would be satin, silk or even very soft nylon. Those presented a problem for me because I loved how they felt against my skin so much that i'd get hard sliding them up. Sometimes i'd get hard even before i reached in the drawer for them. Like I said, everyone is different but if you're like this, save yourself time by saving the sensual panties for sexy time smile

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Guest

It gives a girly feel that is sexier in itself, reasoning in an erection.

^ this... when i still had a penis and it was tucked back i'd often wear pantyliners or thin pads for the practical reason I said above and it was also reminder that i was a girl and that was sexy to me

Active Ink Slinger

I'm a transgirl who has dressed since I was 7. At 12 I was able to finally go to school as a girl and in my early preteen-teen years the thrill of just wearing something really pretty would still regularly arouse me to the point of depositing precum in the middle of panties where i was tucked back so i wore pantyliners and always kept some in my bag.

Active Ink Slinger

I'm a post op transgirl so to answer your question...

Outside: When I am in a lovely sundress and a guy caresses my bottom or legs or plays with my hair or kisses me on the neck or lips.

Inside: When I slowly undress for him revealing my sexy lingerie and he pushes me back on the bed and starts the action.... sucking my breasts caressing my pussy either through my panties or inside them.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Guest
I was lucky, my sister gave me her old dresses and bought me bras and panties

Same. I didn't buy my first girl clothes until I was 14 but I had been dressing up after school and on weekends from the age of 7. Stuff was either handed down from my sisters or in the case of bras and panties bought by my sister or mom.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by AGuyNamedMark
I bought a few pair of panties online but couldn't have them shipped to the house so I had it shipped to Lane Bryant. When they came in i had to go into the store to pick them up. Two weeks ago I wanted to buy a bandeau so I went to the mall to the Torrid store and ordered it. The girl was real nice about the whole thing. Luckily when it came in she was there again to help me. When i picked them up yesterday she asked me if I wanted to look around for anything else. I was a little shy about that so I just said no. Maybe another time.

I'm a transgirl who during my first year of college worked in a thrift store and I could spot crossdressers from a mile away because of how shy some were about looking at clothes. I was always very helpful and even let a few know I was trans (to their astonishment) so they felt more comfortable.

Who knows, maybe that girl who helped you was trans or knows someone who is a crossdresser or trans that they care about.

More likely she just don't mind. It's 2022.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by viki39cd
'Love pats' panties at Thrifty Drug store. About 13 or 14 years old. Also bought L'eggs a lot back then, too.


OMG the first panties that were ever bought for me (I was too young to buy them for my self) were Lovepats. Were yours the nylon ones? Mine were. So soft!

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by latecomer91364
Not to 'label' yourself, but this group within the LGBT community has an extremely wide diversity, from occasional hetero dresser to post-op.

What's your deal?

22 year old Post-Op, transgirl who has lived as a girl since age 7 and never went through male puberty.

Active Ink Slinger

First let me start by saying I am not a crossdresser I am a transgirl but you asked about Halloween so....

At 6 I said I wanted to be a princess for Halloween. My parents were reluctant but my sister said she'd help me with my hair and makeup before school that day and take me trick or treating with them in the evening. Like I said, my parents were really reluctant, my mom more so than my dad but they agreed to let me.

For the entire month of October I was thinking about how I might look and feel . When that day/night night came around it was magical (no pun intended). A few days before we got my costume, a lovely pink and white satin princess dress with a tiara. My sister bought me some matching shoes a little girl's clutch purse and clip on earrings. In another bag were some underthings. A little white nylon slip and a pack of girls panties. She asked me if I wanted to wear that stuff too and I nodded.

The clothes and outfit was so soft and so different than my boy clothes and i loved how i felt walking in it with the material caressing my legs.

I got up 2 hours early because I was so anxious that I couldn't sleep and I was told to be up an hour earlier than normal. My mom and my sister helped me get dressed then my mom went to work and my sister did my makeup and hair and showed me how to powder my face and reapply lipgloss then that stuff went into the clutch purse and she drove me to school.

A lot of kids made fun of me but not everyone, some girls thought i looked really good and didn't know who I was at first thinking i was a new girl in the school. That made me feel really good. They asked me questions about my hair and makeup and I told them my sister helped me. They asked me to sit with them at lunch (normally I sat alone). I felt accepted on some small level as another girl.

That night my family took me trick or treating and no one in the neighborhood knew who I was, they thought I might be one of my cousins.

After it trick or treating was over, my mom was like "well you had quite a day, let's get you out of that costume" and I asked if I could keep it on and she asked me why since Halloween was over and I said because I felt I was a girl inside and I liked how it felt and I wished I could wear dresses every day.

And kind of stunned she just walked out of the room, got my dad and asked me to tell him what I told her. I did and my dad kind of just nodded like he expected this and the two of them walked out of the room before coming back and saying I could keep it on until bedtime.

I began wearing those panties under my boy clothes and my parents asked if I'd like to see someone to talk about my feelings. I said yes.

The rest is history, I started seeing a child psychologist and she recommended i be allowed to play how i wanted and dress how i wanted at home after school and on weekends or vacation. A year later my room was repainted in all disney princess colors pink and lavender and i got a girl's bed and night stand set. I got clothes handed down from my sisters and some new things my mom bought towards the end of the year.

At 12 they realized it wasn't a phase and I started testosterone blockers and we got my name legally changed. I also went to school wearing a dress for the first time since that Halloween.

A year or so later I began estrogen hormones and 5 years ago I had surgery.

I'm 22 now and in college and no one knows I'm trans.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Sweetaboo
Bottom. I don't want any attention whatsoever to the boy parts. I'd get rid of them if I could.

^ Exactly this.

I've always sat down to pee, never touched my penis when I had one, except to wash. I never went through a male puberty as I was on testosterone blockers at 12 and hormones not long after. I found interesting ways to masturbate with a pillow like many girls do, or orgasm by squeezing my thighs and shifting my hips while tucked. I've always wanted to be entered in any position. I had surgery 5 years ago and i love having my pussy fucked. So I am now and have always been a total bottom.