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Over 90 days ago
Female, 44
United States



Quote by submissivewhore19
i dated a few guys that have found my way of life difficult.... i am if you cant tell from my screen name a submissive.... i like to be controlled completly and yet they found it extreamly difficult to do... i guess my question is why they found it offensive.
all thoughts are appreciated!!!!!

Quote by submissivewhore19
the only part of my life that i am not subissive in is my job... other then that i am completly submissive you can choose to belive me of not that is your choice

You are not submissive, you are a slave - to yourself only. You are working to please yourself only, in that you wait for someone else to give you what think you want - to be controlled. This post, for example... You already know the answer to this question but you sought two responses:
A.) Assurance, from those blind to BDSM, that you are perfect the way you are.
B.) Humiliation, from those who live the lifestyle.

Stop begging for attention, its not even cute.
You are what you eat.

It is true that fruit will make your bodily fluids taste sweeter. Scientifically, this is true due to the amounts of natural sugars in fruit. The sugar in most fruit is primarily fructose, sucrose (human version of fructose) is processed differently in your body - which is why eating a cake will not make your fluids sweeter. Green grapes are the most effective, as they have the highest amount of fructose.

FYI - Women can use a natural herb called Fenugreek to improve breast health or increase the flow of lactation. It features a side effect of causing all bodily fluids to smell and taste like maple syrup.
Quote by Orgasmic
Men have been treating women as if they were a piece of land, or some currency notes

Men have reduced the woman from a being to a thing

Marriage is against nature

All promises for tomorrow are lies and marriage is a promise for your whole life, that you will remain together, that you will love each other, that you will respect each other till your last breath

And these so called Priests, who are the inventors of many ugly things, say to you that marriages are made in heaven, nothing is made in heaven

Wow. So if marriage is the ugliest, what is divorce?

In my world:
People are treated with respect.
Marriage is beautiful.
Tomorrow is not a guarantee.
Nobody is perfect.

I do have one suggestion:
Be careful who you breed with - as you will be attached to that person for the duration of your life.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?
Quote by WickedShads
I hope this wasn't asked before, since I didn't want to run through the 10+ pages of this thread.

Is it possible, other than the "report offensive post" link to allow an author to delete unwanted comments from their published stories, similar to the ability to delete users comments from your profile image gallery?

Beside each comment on every story should appear x delete. Clicking this will delete the unwanted comment.
Thank you! I am sure this passage will help me be brave enough to attempt a story. I am told that my poems are capable of painting the picture that you describe but I find that my stories lack that same skill. This was just what I needed.

Its easy to get to know Dancing_Doll, just check out her profile. I like how she uses complete thoughts as sentences. Its all in the details and this woman has them. Very nice, thank you.
I would like to be able sort my mail by user, subject and date or even just be able search it. Often times, important messages are on page 52 while I'm on page 3,459. That makes for a lot of scrolling.

Gav is the sexiest man here as it is by his hands that we are all here...
I just want to give you a hug Sprite! 60% doesn't have your courage.


You must satisfy the mind before you will have a chance at satisfying the body. Its not so much physical as mental. No amount of time or direction can assist in this. It is not knowing a body better, the act that women are so much better at is understanding the mental requirements of a woman.
It would be awfully handy for me to be able to search my Lush Messages.

When your passion is manipulated by the expectations of others, it is no longer your passion but their desire. If the desire of the others is your passion, no amount of money will make a difference. If your desire is to make money, nothing will stop you. This goes for any business, I think.

Money does not personally motivate me. If my heart isn't in it, I want nothing to do with it. If my name is on it, my heart is attached.

Is there a suitable substitute Gav? Can we stockpile on gum or something for you?
Quote by BudIce
Quote by TopThis
Quote by BudIce
I wonder just how long I could sleep if I tried?

Would you like me to read you a bedtime story?

I don't think Miss HollyWood would approve .........

Lush has that whole new audio book thing...
Quote by BudIce
I wonder just how long I could sleep if I tried?

Would you like me to read you a bedtime story?
You can't walk into a restaurant and just stand there, expecting to be fed. No one knows what you want unless you make that known. You also can't order something that isn't on the menu. So in interaction with the women that trust you, make your needs to known too. If she states a sexual problem that you think you can help her, speak up. All that she can say is no.

If you can't say it, write it.
Be yourself. Even best friends get laid. Earning the trust of a woman is not easy, if you are friend material you're halfway there.
Quote by gav
Nice work TT. You took the filthy image I had for a whale and replaced it with something sensible.

Naughty I tell you, naughty!