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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 42
0 miles · Beirut


Advanced Wordsmith
This is a fantasy site, so you would expect to find a larger women audience here, but it is not the case:

I swear that almost every time I click on a woman's profile here I see one of the three cases:

- A married woman seeking for fantasy stories.
- A lesbian woman.
- A BISEXUAL woman yet DOESN'T want men (and often put in capital NO MEN NO GUYS...etc).

I have a feeling that straight single women here are SO extremely rare on this site, why is that?
Advanced Wordsmith
Mods, I request to delete this thread.

To all those who are kidding "I am not my avatar" - I am repeating this for the millionth times and it was clearly stated in the op, I was not talking about random avatars, I was talking about those who use amateur pics and telling people here it's their own pics while they're not.

I know plenty who use their real pics here tho.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Tranquil
Reading forums here on this subject I see mostly you have all answered its visual that excites you. may I ask what the other attributes are?

What do you enjoy about the feel within her mouth. being hot from natural warmth or cold from something held recently in her mouth (ice cube/cold drink)
How does the sucking effect you (can this be too much? or never enough?
only holding the head of the penis jn the mouth and using hands is this still exciting or is it less arousing?
Licking the penis shaft? do you enjoy the sensation of her following the ridges to the base?
How does it feel for her to hold the ball sack within her mouth? can this be too sensitive/erotic? or does nothing for you?
feeling her moans as she takes you in. the vibrations against you, how does it feel
and of course the deep throat (is this an overwhelming tightness?)

i Thank you in advance for any responses on these questions

Your questions turned me on lol.
The answers are really in your questions.

I don't enjoy deep throtting the girl tho.
Advanced Wordsmith
And for everyone who is saying "This avatar isn't me"

PLEASE PLEASE! READ the first lines of the topic well:

Note that I am not including anyone who's using the avatar of a celeb/cartoon/symbol without claiming she's the one in the pic, I am talking about people who deliberately put a non-famous internet beautiful woman with a full album of selfie pics of her, yet claiming she is this woman when asked about it, and there are plenty of them here

Anyone with a cell of brain can tell your avatars are not you nor are intended to give that impression, there is a huge difference between those who use a single pro porn/erotic/model pic as avatar (and posting different models/erotic pics in their albums) and those who use a whole set of non-pro pics of one person giving the impression it's her/him.

Is there anything clearer than that?

And just because one feels unattractive, it doesn't justify identity theft and asking guys (or girls, I don't know what the equivalent men ask women to do here) to jerk off on "her" (the girl in the pic) without the permission of the real person, there are a lot who come without pictures at all yet still can get cyber and compliments.
Advanced Wordsmith
I was also in a room where you told a member after looking at her profile and seeing she was lesbian, you were (not just going to stop talking to her, but) going to block her.

I wouldn't stop talking with anyone or block anyone just because their sexuality, there was certainly another reason for that reaction which I don't recall but surely was not because she's lesbian.

Adele, stick to the topic or stop inventing/modifying stories about me.

Or better, stop interacting with me altogether.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by adele

Sorry dani, but this guy picks fights in the chat rooms all the time. This just looks like he found another place to trash females.

I even wonder what sort of guy is upset by getting a hug from an av that looks like mine (and no it isn't me as I clearly state in my profile). Most guys beg me for a hug.... or more.

lol seriously, all this grudge because I said no to your unsolicited hug? Don't you always react the same to unsolicited virtual whispers from guys? Don't you usually tell them "Do you whisper to strangers in the pub?".

Since you are in the "Lush is 100% fantasy" camp then you shouldn't equate virtual fantasy whispers to whispers in a pub. The reason why I refused your hug is to make a point, not because of your av lol.

And before accusing me of something adele, check my friend list, they are all ladies, I dare you to ask them if I ever spoke with them impolitely or showed any sexist attitude toward any of them. It seems to me you are the sexist one who believes that males are creatures who must beg for hugs from you and supposedly to automatically accept unsolicited hugs from anyone; you're simply projecting.

As for the others who are ridiculing me, you are totally free to have a different point of views and state your opinions but refrain from mocking and personal attacks.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dani

Yes, we know.

It's about users who come across some poor unsuspecting stranger's Facebook, or Twitter, or Tumblr, or . Or anything that gives them access to a wide range of their pics so they can have albums full of this person and pass them off as themselves.

Some people even use their much hotter friends' pics as themselves. Or even sicker...relatives.

Either way, proceed with caution. Not all pics are traceable...especially if you have private access to these pics that the general public doesn't non-public social networking profiles and such.

But as I said, common sense should play a big role. If people proceed with caution and learn to look beyond the surface, they should be fine.

No need to incite panic.

Using a friend's fb private pic...

lol that just adds one layer of creepiness, yes it is very probable too.
Advanced Wordsmith
hmm I see a lot of worms in the can that I just opened.

Don't you understand what you read people? The thread isn't about users who use random avatars. Why so defensive while the thread doesn't even concern you?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by kiera

WOW I'm wounded babes I thought my avatar was HOT lol...guess not huh

I didn't say you were sexist I said it was insulting that you are making a point of only the women who do it. I am straight and I am well aware that both sexes on here do, hell I've even seen women in the chat rooms with hot avatars that drive them me crazy who turn out to be men

I've also seen women here use avatars telling all that it is really them when Ive had a friend previously use the same avatar, there's no real harm in it, did I out them NO I privately told them so that they could save face, why embarrass them?

As SJ said its a fantasy not real you have to take everything with a pinch of salt. The majority of these people likely have a very good reason for needing the praise/attention and so long as its harmless what's the problem. Possibility is they are humungous 4ft mooses who are still virgins at the age of 49 and have never had a compliment in their lives, so so what if they want to come onto here and pretend to be beautiful its a fantasy. Or perhaps the person is recovering from say cancer, has lost all their hair from chemo?? again what harm are they doing coming here and getting a much needed ego boost and are in no way intending to be malicious.

That said yeah there are some, but such is life and such is the internet. Maybe try to be a little more cautious who you friend, get to know them as opposed to friending because you think their pics are hot. Just my advice hun I for one am not interested in friending someone because they think my avatar is hot, its not me which is why I'm careful who I friend and only then do they have access to my pics.

Anyway good luck and happy lushing.

You are only assuming one possibility why they might be using fake pics, I agree in this case it's totally harmless, but what if their goal is to gather pics/videos from guys in their horny moments?

Ok, gonna disclose a bit of detail here, there was a girl on my friend list (totally removed now) who had a set of amateur pics, she also posts links to videos of guys (who are members here) jerking off on "her" pics. In one naughty conversation, she kept strangely insisting on me to do a such video dedicated for her and to cum on one of 'her' pics - her insistence made me very suspicious so I checked her pics using a tool and found out she's a different person, If I recall right she was a girl on (different name, different country of the user); what if the real girl in the pics doesn't want guys jerking off on her pics in videos that may go viral?

And some girls here (with the fake pics always) insisted on me to show them nude pics with my full face? Why? But I am sure many younger guys might fall for it in their horny moments.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by kiera
Damn this thread makes me feel the need for honesty (takes deep breath) I confess ok my avatar is NOT me, damn that felt good to get that off my chest lol.

Seriously, why are you just warning the men of women doing this its insulting? I've lost count of how many men have claimed their avatar is them, which is hilarious when I've known for a fact at least 3 other people are using the same avatar. Not to mention all the ones claiming to be male models??\

As stated above, people claiming to be something they are not on the internet SHOCKER

LoL your avatar is obviously not you and not intentioned to give that impression, I was not talking about this type of pictures, yours surely doesn't reflect an intention of misleading anyone, I was talking about those who put a whole set of amateur pics in their album of one particular person (plus their av) and literally claim it's their pics.

As for why am I only talking about women and only warning men? Simple, I am straight, so my experience in that matter is only limited with women; and I have no idea how it is like with men here, so how am I gonna warn women about something I never experienced or know about?

There's no need to accuse me of sexism.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Liz

That people may not be who they appear on the internet?


(Have you reverse image searched the photos on your own profile?)

Stalker :P

My av and another pic give you 0 results, and 2 others sex forums, one of them posted by some loser Korean who thinks she's playing some smart bet, I don't give a shit.
Advanced Wordsmith
^^ To warn fellow guys?

The point is in the title and in the bold part.
Advanced Wordsmith
Note that I am not including anyone who's using the avatar of a celeb/cartoon/symbol without claiming she's the one in the pic, I am talking about people who deliberately put a non-famous internet beautiful woman with a full album of selfie pics of her, yet claiming she is this woman when asked about it, and there are plenty of them here, yet the name and the country of the non-famous model they use often doesn't match at all their profile's first name and location info, there are plenty of model pics on the internet that appear genuine/realistic, naked mirror pics, bedroom pics, selfie pics and those people use these type of pics to give an impression their pics are genuine.

And no, they are not males in disguise doing some pranks, I did consider this possibility, but I've talked via voice (yet they never accept to use webcam, go figure) with many of those women (only to find out later their set of pics are not theirs), and you can easily catch a guy faking a female voice. Everything about them: their voices, their desires, their fantasies, the way they type and the way they react to compliments are 100% female. Why they do this is beyond me , but I find it extremely fishy especially when they demand naughty pics in return of the pics they're showing during the chat (OF THE SAME MODEL GIRL).

So guys of lush, use common sense, if the girl looks extremely attractive then it's more likely to be one of those, and use free tools to check the pics source (ie. tineye, Search Good with image" chrome extension...etc) before exchanging in a naughty chat with them
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by nicola

Flattery will get you everywhere.

Especially with the site owner silly.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by nicola
Thanks for explaining Liz!

As for "social suicide" - you never know, some people might see more action, from "accidently" clicking on the share links...

Did you know quite a few people have actually met / hooked up, and even married off this site? That's a lovely perk I hadn't expected

You're hooked up with yourself? :O

Well, not surprising, I would hook up with you.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Liz

If you are talking about the ones in the header under the red bar, these don't post/tweet anything. If you'd checked, you would see that they are just links to the social media profile pages for the site.

Even being logged in, they won't do anything if you click on them other than take you to a profile page.

Chill out.

Oh I never dared to check these lol.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Liz
As far as I know, they are only located on the footers of stories. In order for them to work, you also need to have your tweeter/facebook account logged in, and hit a confirmation button on the pop-up window.

I don't think we have ever had anyone who has 'accidentally' posted or tweeted a story link.

Not true, check your profile for instance, it has these buttons too.

Your profile, others' profile, the chatroom's main page, the stories page.... everywhere!

and people are usually logged on fb/tweeter on their smartphones/tablets due to the apps.
Advanced Wordsmith
Do you think the idea of FB/twitter buttons on Lush is wise? I mean clicking on it accidentally can happen especially if you're a browsing lush no tablet or smartphone and that would cause people unimaginable troubles, from job loss to social suicide, are their existence here really worth it to put users' lives at risk?

For the love of god(s)/God/Allah/Buddha/FlyingSpaghettiMonster, I kindly ask the site owners/moderates to reconsider the FB/twitter buttons on this site (whether they should be there or not).

I hope other members agree with this sentiment.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by annemarie85
definitely, yes ! even though it is the most stupid thing on here you can do ... anyway...glad I am not the only one...

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by LovelyLover13

what i'm trying to say is that you could try to help her through that process of being scared of your cock.

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by LovelyLover13
According to me,
I think I would be scared but you shouldn't come off as that person.

What do you mean?
Advanced Wordsmith
I've finally knew what to write as my bio; feel free to point me to any English mistakes.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by KateTheNewb

Obviously it is!!

I had a one night stand with a guy a couple of years ago and it was very uncomfortable due to his size. I didn't reject him, I took on the challenge so to speak and when we found a position that suited us both it was great. The next day however, was a different story. I still get the chillies (and not in a good way) when I see this guy.

That's why it's always recommended to orally wet both sides (penis and pussy) before any penetration. silly