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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United States


Advanced Wordsmith
I love trimmed, but have seen some very feminim natural nests that were sparse and silky, as I prefer. Shaved has its own exotic appeal.
Advanced Wordsmith
I once had a lover accidentally (sort of) run her finger across my anus. It was like a lightning bolt hit me. Amazing turn-on.
I think a finger probing would heighten pleasure.
Advanced Wordsmith
Maybe it has to do with being a pleaser, but I get aroused turning on a lover, and if it is an artful tongue tease that gets her going, I'm all in. If it turns into a 69 proposition, all the better!
Advanced Wordsmith
" same thing that makes a baby cry will make a good man get up and
go.". Carla Bonoff
Advanced Wordsmith
I submitted this poem after going to "Poems" in menu bar, and upon hitting submit button got prompt -- "stories" must have 3,000 characters, though this isn't a story. Not my first submission of a poem, but maybe this is a new policy or the site is confusing poems/stories? Anyway here it is for anyone following me or interested. I hope it's ok to submit here... enjoy:

Commingled elixir... the ultimate mixer!


This glicerine flow
That you should know
Awaits your prowl
And sigh.

I'll introduce
My slickest juice
For your good use
And cry.

This creviced cream
It's all you dream
Cascading stream
On thigh.

This milky elixir
Warm silky fixer
Our perfect mixer
Oh my.

I'll coproduce
With buttons loose
Our wettest wants
No lie.

I'll clasp your head
As lips do wed...
We drink, we suck
We fly.

This pearly cascade
As we get laid
Free flowing made
Advanced Wordsmith
I can think of nothing hotter than two women who are into each other, but desire a male as the catalyst to performance and enhancement of the overall experience. I would love to have a female sitting on either side of me, as the starting point, as we mutually assist in getting the party started, or better yet, standing on either side of me in a hot tub! An orgy situation where I end up with two women, within the crowd, would also be one hell of a hot experience. Still keeping options open ;-) LOL
Advanced Wordsmith
While I've had some intriguing whites, I'm a fan of the more buttery, complex and spicey reds. Toss in a very subtle hint of chocholate and I'll revel in it just a bit. I usually let my nose do the "talking" for me, as it rarely lets me down. I love to experiment with wines from different parts of the world, and different parts of the western US. I use an aerator when available, to flush out the maximum complexities, but a good vibrant swirl will do the trick LOL. Once my pallet is ignighted and my senses are kindled, it's on to more intriguing executions of taste and sensory exploration eh? Can you say foreplay?
Advanced Wordsmith
I might start out in that direction, but only in order to initiate and titilate the other lying next to me, whose hand soon arrives in search of my honey-mead elixer and my moan. I usually place her free hand at her own source of wonder and awe, as our hands mirror and shadow each others. Morning might find a similar start, but with more devious and adventurous out-cums!
Advanced Wordsmith
Definitely an ass man! A fit firm well framed bottom always gets my pistons pumping. Of course a fully developed bossom with visable clevage, and maybe even a little hint of the window dressing below, helps move things in the right direction as well.
Advanced Wordsmith
The accoutrements used to "frame", the presentation, and the art of a skillful application... that's what counts in my book.
Advanced Wordsmith
Just 9 minutes more With all fours on the floor
Have a go with mine
Get your fill... all 9
Moans fill the night... this 9 is fine
Beg me baby... for more sublime
Here's 3, now 6, now 9 betwixt
Which one is best? You pick
There's more to cum, expect no rest
All 9 in time, your lolly-lick
Wet, thick, this full 9 prick
Arch low, hip high, good girl, good trick
Watch it grow, dipping slow
Arr she blow, this full 9 show
Just 9 minutes more
Like just before
Butt off the floor
My 9 for you
Full bore
Expect no rest, expect to be sore
Betwixt the minutes
You'll get 9 for 9 minutes more
Drilling and thrilling
9 without stall... that's all.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think with enough familiarity and after an established level of trust and mutual interests were discovered, uncovered, it could definitely be a great vehicle for taking the next step towards having that friends with benefits availability factor. Why not? We already know we're open minded in this community, it just seems natural if the fit is desireable.
Advanced Wordsmith
For me it's more a matter of how they're showcased... for maximum effect/arousal, but then... there has to be enough to showcase eh?
Advanced Wordsmith
Chanan, thank you for your input. Could you expound just a tad, as to properties of Anise seed that enhance libido? You did a bit of research prior, I assume. Would be curious to hear a bit more on this herb, if you would be so kind. I'm all about the natural, but want to be careful not to end up with negative side effects, as I mention above. Some recommended products, by an employee at a local healthfood store, had negative effects on the heart and eyes, as an example. Thanks again, look forward to a reply. Anyone else with knowledge, weigh in.
Advanced Wordsmith
Been scouting healthfood stores and online for libido boosters/enhancers that might add to a guys stamina and recovery time. I had a guy today direct my attention to a couple products - "sport" type products, one of the two was a form of hormone, or something to increase development, and both were supposedly "safe", but after reading the labels both stated that there could be negetive effects on the arteries or heart, or eyes. These were not your "old school" find-in-the-gym type herbs, mind ya, but still some of the same risks. I was disappointed. I do have some Maca and Rhodiola, and also take some Ashwagandha. I drink a little Yerb Mate too. I believe these to be very safe, though it's possible one of them is effecting my skin (breaking out some). Not to get off track, but anyone familiar with that as a side effect? I love the Rhodiola, but wondering if that's the culprit, or? So... weigh in, anyone been down this road or traveling my way these days? I hate the thought of going with one of the pharmaceuticals, as I prefer natural, if I can find a safe bet. Anyone care to contribute to the conversation. I'm a middle age guy who works out regularly and is in darn good physical shape for my age. I eat healthy and watch my colesterol/blood pressure (which are fantastic and I aim to keep it that way). Thanks.
Advanced Wordsmith
When I was in my 30's and 40's I used several "male endurance" products, mostly discovered via a gym I worked out at, but also found at a few "health" stores. I put the word health in parenthesis because the products I was using turned out to be horrible for my blood pressure and also ended up giving me a blocked artery. I should have done more research first, not after, but once I did my due diligence and homework/research, I discovered that if one looked deep enough into the subject that many of the usual products - often combined together in capsule form, did indeed prove to be damaging in such respect. I alerted the health stores of such and asked them if they were really into people's health or more into their bottom line. Some chose to remove, others didn't. So... older and wiser me, with libido needing a bit of a pep up (for real this time), would still like to maybe use something as I age to maintain my stamina and desire, but certainly don't want to impact my health again. I'm probably not alone here? Would there be any interested parties willing to weigh in on this subject? Thanks in advance. I lean towards natural products and remedies mostly in my life, fyi.
Advanced Wordsmith
I want to thank everyone that weighed in with their valuable experience and oppinions here, and encouraged me to continue doing research and homework. This is a brand new relationship and not too complicated yet, nor with a set expectation from either party, so this will be an easy decision for me. After doing my do dilligence, I am going to keep the relationship platonic for obvious reasons. I am a guy who has worked hard his whole life to be healthy and fit. It is part of my lifestyle, something I'm proud of. I also am a guy who revels in the senses... ALL the senses, and do not want to rob myself of the experience of a woman or a relationship in all it's nuances and "flavors", all it's subtle joys and experiences. I'm too hungry for exploration and new experiences to be limited. Life is short, live it to the fullest, but in manners to do no harm to others! Thank you one and all. I know what an important subject this is for everyone, so glad it came up, even if at the expense of my confession. I'll move on.

Original post:

I have a new girlfriend who shared with me that she has had herpes since she was in her late teens. She is in her late 40's now. She says she controls it with diet, as she does not want to endure the possible side effect of a repressed immune system with herpes medications. I'm just starting to educate myself. Are all herpes medications risky (as risky as unprotected sex with such a partner - don't have to warn me there)? Is she correct to worry. I'm all for natural anything if it can be successful, of course.
I have combined natural with western pharmaceuticals in the past. Also, she says she can tell when it's active ("rarely") as she gets symptoms, especially in her legs. She might have been trying to assauge my fears of oral sex in this case (which I have not practiced with her). Is there a cure yet? We want to practice oral sex for one thing. I can use a condome for intercourse, though I hate to (I had a vesectomy years ago). Any medical advice here would be appreciated, especially straight information, from perhaps a medical professional. Thanks.