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3 days ago
Straight Male, 50
0 miles · North Dakota


Rookie Scribe

I have been searching for 2 related series of stories to no avail. The stories don’t come up under any of the known information. Hoping someone can help. It is not clear how to effectively use multiple search terms at the same time. It’s sad to me that Literotica’s story search function is superior to the one on Lush.

The first series was about a pretty teenager that works as eye candy in a motorcycle shop, 85% sure her name is Heather. A wealthy, charismatic, slightly older man comes in and buys an expensive custom bike, 100% sure his name is CJ. He asks her out, thinking she is older than H.S. age, they have sex, and she gets pregnant. The rest of the series (about 18 chapters) follows her pregnancy and features characters like her dad, CJ’s parents, Heather’s friend that has a crush on Heather’s dad, and Heather’s protective coworkers.

The second series follows Heather after she gives birth. She continues to live with her dad. Through a misunderstanding about a video baby monitor, dad accidentally sees her naked and then she puts on a masturbation show for him. The teasing continues until Heather and dad ultimately become sexually involved. This series was shorter at about 12 chapters.

Rookie Scribe

26 years with my wife. Last slept in the same bed and had sex on April 1. (No we aren’t separating, it’s just that cleaning off her side of the bed isn’t important to her.)

Never had successful sex anywhere except bed at home, in-laws, or a hotel room. Tried twice in a vehicle, plus once outside on a blanket, and it just didn’t work.

Rookie Scribe
Quote by LakeShoreLimited
Quote by NatashaTsarinaErotic

Usually the mod tells you whats wrong. I also suggest you dont mix genres. If you are writing it should be in the genre for example.

It's interesting that on this site it's called " Fantasy." Isn't it already a fantasy because it's a story? Or do they mean that a character within the story is having a fantasy about it? (A fantasy within a fantasy?)

between blood relatives doesn't interest me at all. But other sites have numerous stories about sexual relations between relatives. (Mother-son couplings seem particularly popular.) Just wondering what the category means.

It’s just the site clinging to a false narrative for legalistic reasons, like pretending that no teen has any knowledge of sex until they turn 16. It is clearly and knowingly a false narrative because there are entire series in the fantasy category that ARE presented as true life stories.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by WillHarty
Nay, no one knows. It would be a lot more fun if the right people did. But my wife and most of the family are far too uptight to openly let their passion show. Sex is in every aspect of our lives. It is a shame not to embrace and enjoy it.


"Excuse me, Mister"  - bondage

"Pontiac Bonneville" - memories and Karma

"Let's Give It to the Boy" - first sex 

How does someone who writes a bondage story end up with a woman so uptight they won’t read erotica? Doesn’t sound like a recipe for happiness. 
Rookie Scribe
Quote by kistinspencil
Quote by Lurker411
Quote by sprite
Quote by Lurker411

Someone told me that poetry has to have a regular rhythm to its lines. I wonder if anyone told Emily Dickinson, T.S. Eliot (Nobel Prize), and Sylvia Plath (Pulitzer Prize).

"someone"? and your point is...?
Why does everything have to have a point? It was someone on here, but why did you feel the need to respond? As I’ve been told so many times in the last 2 weeks: if you don’t agree with it, move on. 
So you were just spitting on the sidewalk just to spit? Gee, thanks.
If the only posts allowed on the forum had to have a point that everyone agreed was important, there wouldn’t be much here. 
Rookie Scribe
Quote by sprite
Quote by Lurker411

Someone told me that poetry has to have a regular rhythm to its lines. I wonder if anyone told Emily Dickinson, T.S. Eliot (Nobel Prize), and Sylvia Plath (Pulitzer Prize).

"someone"? and your point is...?
Why does everything have to have a point? It was someone on here, but why did you feel the need to respond? As I’ve been told so many times in the last 2 weeks: if you don’t agree with it, move on. 
Rookie Scribe

Someone told me that poetry has to have a regular rhythm to its lines. I wonder if anyone told Emily Dickinson, T.S. Eliot (Nobel Prize), and Sylvia Plath (Pulitzer Prize).

Rookie Scribe
Quote by Twisted_Skald

The verifier isn't your enemy, they're not out to crush you or make you feel like crud. They're genuinely interested in  nurturing new talent to achieve their potential. I've had work rejected and it wasn't a pleasant experience but instead of letting it make me quit I reached out to the verifier and asked questions.

Yes some things are a matter of opinion but I found having serious critique helped me improve enormously. If you're finding it hard to find a way through,  then send it to me and I will do my best to help you to tweak it a little.

I'm proud to support and to be a new writer on Lush,  I'm willing to help if you're willing to let me.

I have yet to have an interaction with an administrator that I would describe as “nurturing new talent.” Why haven’t ANY of the 3 verifiers responded to my messages for clarification and assistance? Why did I have to seek out answers on the forum? I have yet to get a response to my 2 emails asking why my poem was rejected in BOTH categories. It was just: this isn’t a poem, rewrite it in prose, make it longer, and resubmit as a story. I was trying to understand what qualifies as a poem. They should remove the description on the Erotic Poems page that states EVERYTHING ELSE is published there if it isn’t true. 

If the person that rejected my first piece had responded, we could have avoided 2+ weeks of very hostile forum and email discussion about underage characters. All kinds of threats and vitriol could have been saved. I finally got an answer from a random person in the forum that made sense yesterday, 3 weeks after my piece was rejected. Most people just told me to shut up or leave the site since I couldn’t follow the rules. It never occurred to me that characters can’t even know sex EXISTS until they turn 16. 

Rookie Scribe
Quote by dlcalguy
Quote by sprite
Quote by dlcalguy

Nobody has the authority to say what is and what isn't poetry. To do so is the height of presumptuousness. 

we do have the right to decide what is publishable and what is not on this site. not always a popular choice, but we do try to maintain a certain standard here. 
From the top of the Erotic Poems page: 

"Poems with a primary focus on sensuality and passion are better suited to our 'Love Poems' category, anything else is welcome here."  
Apparently not absolutely anything. One man's John Donne is another man's William McGonagall. Judging from some of what DOES make the cut, nobody has a clue which is which on any given day.

Here's one that won't pass muster:

The submission process is scary
Just post it with a hail-Mary
The approval we seek
From the ruling clique
Is sometimes quite arbitrary.

Excellent limerick. Yes, I saw an “erotic poem” posted that was all about having to remain closeted, and it was political. It wasn’t romantic or sexual in any way. Yet my poem about meeting and falling love online didn’t make the cut in either poetry category. It is completely random and unknowable if anything submitted will ever be published. 
Rookie Scribe

The disconnect between reality and the way the laws force online sites to operate is laughable but serious. According to the law, and by extension Lush, all children are innocent virgins with pure minds who have never heard or spoken of sex. Nobody experiences pleasure or has lustful urges. 

Then they turn 16 and the chastity belts, cock cages, blindfolds, earplugs, etc., are removed and they can fornicate like rabbits. At long last, masturbation is discovered, pleasure is had, sex ed is obtained. They are adults overnight.

It is because of these attitudes that we continue to have young people getting their sex information off of the Internet or from equally ignorant friends. Adults are embarrassed to discuss it so they make it illegal and assume it will go away. It’s also why we have teen pregnancies, STDs, and the added complexity of statutory /close-in-age laws. 

Rookie Scribe
Quote by NicolasBelvoir

Lurker is mis-describing the issue with his story. I pointed this out to him on another thread (which now seems to have vanished).

His story has the girl talking explicitly about sex at two points, which is obviously not within the guidelines if she's under 16.

If anyone else wishes to engage (which I don't recommend) please have a look at the story before commenting here. 

But I think there is a need for a clear statement of what is and isn't acceptable in a story. I've just searched around the site and can't find anything. The terms and conditions and the Acceptable use policy don't help on this question. 

Thank you, that is the first answer I have received that makes sense. I hadn’t considered that perspective. I accept your wisdom and cede the point. Thanks for reading the story before commenting. 
Rookie Scribe
Quote by dlcalguy

Nobody has the authority to say what is and what isn't poetry. To do so is the height of presumptuousness. 

And yet my 300-word piece about a passionate one-day online affair is judged neither a love poem nor an erotic poem. I doubt that I will ever submit anything again. When you’re told twice you’re not good enough, it’s time to leave. 
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Jen
Quote by Lurker411

Still missed the point. I was never given the chance to change the category to reflect the change in age and character. The story was finalized and published before I got any feedback. I would have changed the category from True to Humor, Outdoors, or Quickie Sex. I wish the contest deadline had already passed and I never submitted the damn thing. 

You can edit and change things once a story is published. We would generally make a small change like that and publish a story to save us rejecting and holding up getting it published, especially if it was a competition piece.

But if you want to change it once published, that's fine. 

The person that edited my story never responded to my messages for help, and still hasn’t more than 2 weeks later. This was before the Migration happened. As a first-time author submitting my first piece I had no idea how things work, and I still don’t.

I don’t know anyone on the management team on here to ask. I hate bothering the only 3 authors that respond to my messages. The forums are spotty at best for meaningful help. I have been asking about this for over a week, and this is the first suggestion that I can still change something. This is, of course, a topic that would be covered in an FAQ page, if Lush had one. 

The only thing I’ve gotten is the vague threat of account termination and being told to go elsewhere if I don’t like the rules on Lush. This is no way to treat the people that supply the product for a community allegedly centered on stories. Not chat, not swinging, not cam girls, not dick pics, but stories. 

I still don’t have all of my emails from the folders I created before the migration. Are they lost? Are the favorite story lists lost? Will we ever be free from dodging hook-up matches? My location is set to a small isolated island in the Pacific Ocean and that I’m not seeking anyone, yet I still have 48 matches. 

Rookie Scribe
Quote by Ensorceled
Quote by Lurker411
Quote by Ensorceled
Quote by Lurker411

And again, you miss the point. It’s not even so much about the underage character anymore. Age 15 is TRUE, age 16 is FICTION. It was published in the TRUE category with FICTIONAL information. And yes, it matters that much to me!!

There are all sorts of scenarios where the truth makes for breaking TOS, breaking the law, or simply bad writing. It being TRUE is not the same as it being PUBLISHABLE.


Hey, I'm no mod. And I get it - I once had a true story get turned down about a kid (me) who discovered a Playboy left on an airplane, presumably by someone who'd been reading it. Not only did Lush say no, but Magical Felix made fun of me. Do you know what I did? I wrote the story anyway. Do you know what I did with the story? Nothing. Because is wasn't a very good story. TRUE doesn't alway mean GOOD.

Write it with fifteen in the text. Then search-and-replace fifteen with sixteen. YOU"LL know the character is fifteen. But you won't break the TOS you've already agreed to.

Still missed the point. I was never given the chance to change the category to reflect the change in age and character. The story was finalized and published before I got any feedback. I would have changed the category from True to Humor, Outdoors, or Quickie Sex. I wish the contest deadline had already passed and I never submitted the damn thing. 
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Twisted_Skald

Best advice is don't tell a story, describe emotions and thoughts.

Prose is better for actual plot,  verse is better for conveying how something makes you feel.

I find taking a single moment in time and putting down the bare bones of the situation before showing how that makes me feel. The swirling emotions after an argument,  the joyful burn of being blissfully happy together.

If a piece doesn't work without serious rewrites leave it as it is and make a new piece. It's saved me a whole lot of hassle being able to walk away.

It seems a shame to write about falling in love with someone and having it denied over one person’s opinion. I’ve seen lots of pieces about the emotions of falling in love with strangers across a room, online, on the train, etc. I can’t believe that a stranger reaching out to you and teaching you to open up via chat doesn’t have a category that fits. 
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Ensorceled
Quote by Lurker411
I guess we are supposed to be mind readers about what to fix. 
About two hundred people have told you it's the underage girl on the far side of a door where sex is going on. You don't need to be a mind reader. A reader of words would suffice.
And yet a young child barging through an unlocked door and seeing her parents seconds after they finished having sex was published. Mom was naked under the covers full of cum and dad was only wearing boxers. They could hear the kid’s footsteps in the hall while they finished up. The kid had heard them having sex and was running to see what the noise was. One second quicker and the kid witnesses sex. What’s the difference? The age wasn’t explicitly stated, but taking the overall story, it was clear the kid was under age 10. Is that really the takeaway, that anything goes if the age isn’t stated?

And again, you miss the point. It’s not even so much about the underage character anymore. Age 15 is TRUE, age 16 is FICTION. It was published in the TRUE category with FICTIONAL information. And yes, it matters that much to me!!

Mods shouldn’t send the story back with changes made and have it already published before the author can get feedback. At least change the story category for the author if you are going to change factual information. Some people care if an autobiographical story has lies in it. 

Rookie Scribe
Quote by Spitfire62

The bath of course, or the shower, or... well if we are being totally honest, on the sofa browsing the internet on the laptop.

In bed is the last sad pointer to the husband you are neglecting me, Nuts to you, I will do it myself. Have to admit it usually works.

You’re lucky. If I do it in bed, my wife tells me to turn off my phone and go to sleep. Of course, our sex is scheduled at least two days in advance so she has warning. So I just wait for her sleeping pills kick in and then I’m free to start again. Or I just do it sitting at my computer in the basement. 
Rookie Scribe

I thought free-verse poetry was a pretty open concept. My submission was rejected as a love poem, and an edited version has now been rejected as an erotic poem. I would have to heavily expand and rewrite in order to submit it in a prose category, as was suggested. That ruins the picture and voice that I had when I wrote it. Why do people try to be authors?

Rookie Scribe

If you have nobody willing to be intimate with you, what other outlet is there? If you are in an ice-cold marriage, should you suffer in silence and wither away? Should you go out and cheat rather than write/read stories or post/view pictures? What’s your expert advice? I’ve been married to a roommate for over 10 years now, closer to 16.

Rookie Scribe
Quote by nightwaves

As for all this kerfuffle on what is considered "underage", I've watched a similar thread go on and on into the sunset at another site.  IMHO, websites and moderators have their rules and we should abide.  This is NOT a democracy, and we're able to join and participate in this site with the permission of the owners.  One small difference, the other site's age limit is 18, while it appears this site's is 16.  Still, I think we can ALL write some sexy goddamn stories and stay within the stated parameters.  I'm working on mine right now 😉.

The point is stories are judged by parameters that largely go unstated. The interpretation of the “rules” appears from the outside to be random, based on what each mod likes. Authors don’t know rules about specific situations beforehand, so they can only guess what will be acceptable. And right now, there’s nobody providing feedback, or available for consultation. 

And I know nobody understands why I’m hammering away at this. My story had my teenage daughter knocking on our locked hotel room door and interrupting us. For some reason, the mod says that makes her part of the sex, which blows my mind. Anyway, I wrote her as 15-years-old, because it was a TRUE story. The mod changed it to 16, which makes it FICTION. I was not given the chance to change the category before it was published. I was also given zero chance to discuss my reasoning or get clarification.

The same is true with my second story being rejected twice now. Zero feedback and zero clarification. I guess we are supposed to be mind readers about what to fix. 

Rookie Scribe

I feel like Lush in a way told us that this site/interface would be part of our future when they sent out invite to play in the forums in Jan.16, 2019. Am I the only one that thought this? 

People knew of the Mobile site and instead of helping out, they complained about not wanting to have a profile on both sites. 

If you spend that much time on a site, then you can get to know how it functions. 

At the end of the day, Lush could have given us a yr to know of the change and this exact thread would have still been created. 

Given all the pushback and negative responses I receive, I am in the overwhelming minority in how I feel. It’s unlikely anyone else would have used such blunt and emotional language. And nobody would have pursued it with such vigor. 
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Jen

Hiya. The message about migration was also posted on the front page and every story page in the weeks leading up to it because we know not everyone uses the forums.

I'm sorry if you missed these announcements and that it has caused stress. I hope you feel better soon. I will see if the developers can clarify if favourite story lists etc are able to be migrated and if so, get a timescale on it.

I call BS on it being on the homepage and EVERY story page for months prior to the move. I am on here reading stories 8-16 hours every day, for at least the last 2 months. I have no other activities in my life. If the message had been on the home page, I would have seen it. If it was on the story pages, I would have seen it.
Rookie Scribe

I would very much like to read these winning entries. However, since neither member search nor story search work on my account, how can I find them?

Click 'LushStories' at the left of the red banner at the top of your screen

Scroll down. 

Past the Top Genres box. 

Keep scrolling

Past the new stories


Past the popular tags box.

Now you can see 'Lush Categories'.

Click on the right-most option, 'Competitions'

Find the Competition you want to see the entries of. (E.g. Quick and Risque Sex)

Now you can select the winning entry

... except... oh no... you can't. 

Because the winner was entered early and the display only shows a limited number of stories and the unalterable order is most-recent first.  

Thanks for making my point. And don’t expect anyone to fix the problem. Oh well, my story was the second-to-last entry, so it made the competition page. That’s something. 
Rookie Scribe

The announcement and details of the migration should have been made by email. I have been here for a year and NEVER been to the forums. I was here for the stories. As such, I was blindsided and had made no backup of my favorite story list and followed authors, things that have now disappeared. I also would not have upgraded from Bronze to Gold a week before the move had I know it was happening. 

I am autistic and need time to process change. This site is an important part of my life and the drastic, sudden change has sent me into a meltdown. Which people may have noticed by my erratic and, at times, inappropriate forum posts and messages. I have been largely staying in bed and eating very little, to my physical and professional detriment. 

Don’t assume that everyone is a social butterfly that lives and breathes in the forums and the chatrooms. 

Rookie Scribe
Quote by nicola

I apologize for the lateness of the results being published. All the judges' votes were stuck in the ether until today!

I have them all now and the results are as follows:

1st Place ($150): Art Lovers, by Jaymal.

2nd Place ($100): Comet Q, by Ensorceled.

3rd Place ($50): Siren's Call, by Jen.

Rounding out the top 10: (S)Punk Rock Show, by el_henke.

Plumbing Her Depths, by WannabeWordsmith.

Nailed on the Rails, by techgoddess.

The Fertility App, by dronette56.

Vanessa Fucks The Tentacle Beast, by naughtyannie.

Dark Water, by VioletVixen.

Good Girl, by CuriousAnnie.

Congratulations to Jaymal, Ensorceled and Jen on your excellent winning entries. 

Well done to those who made up the rest of the Top 10!

Thank you to everyone who entered, voted and commented on the stories, to my shortlister and all the judges who took the time to go through them. 

I'll be in touch with the winners today concerning your prizes.

A new MEGA competition will be announced soon to celebrate the launch of Lush V2.0!



P.S. Now to figure out how to do the EP and RR's, create a Top 10 and issue badges! 

I would very much like to read these winning entries. However, since neither member search nor story search work on my account, how can I find them?
Rookie Scribe
Quote by davepornwriter

Just submit, you will be surprised how helpful the moderators can be. I learnt a lot from Tamara - I had thought that was merely immoral, not actually unlawful in the UK. Although not entirely sure about mother/daughter sex. I've included Molly (18, Domme) and her sub mum Justine in loads of my stories.

That’s just it, I have sent messages to 3 different mods and gotten no responses. I get that they’re busy with the data migration. But ignoring the users that support the site with memberships is horrible customer service. I wish that I had known about the transition so I wouldn’t have WASTED an upgrade from Bronze to Gold 6 months early. What good is a literature site if nothing by new is getting posted, and new authors can’t get any help with their questions?
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Stormdog
Quote by laminar_flow
Quote by ChumbaPoxwally
I think the fun is in complying with the rules, but bending them to your will! Follow the rules, of course, but have some fun teasing the rules, caressing them. You are the submissive that must follow the rules of the dom, but you also want to get off. Good luck.
I agree completely. As it turns out, I could not abandon the story. A much-revised version is now waiting for the moderator's blessing. I keep checking every day, but no verdict yet...

Seeker's note is correct; due to some remaining bugs, a number of us are unable to access the stories awaiting approval, and the queue has grown quite long as a result, so don't hold your breath. We'll be tackling it full-bore once things are worked out.

Chumba's advice, while well-meaning, is best ignored. Trying to flaunt the rules, constantly tug at the edges, or somehow get around them is a good way to find yourself receiving a warning or suspension - or, if continued, even have your membership revoked. 

The mods all have more than enough to keep up with without having to ride herd on a bunch of adults acting like 6th graders that think it's fun to try to get away with something. There are a million ways to write a story without breaking a few very clear and simple site rules - why is that so difficult?

But that’s my whole point. WHAT ARE THE RULES? My piece was rejected as “not being a love poem.” What does that mean? It was about meeting a person online, getting to know them, falling in lust, and having it change my life. It was not sexual, so didn’t fit in erotic poems or flash erotica. It was short, so it’s not a love story. It was true, so it’s not microfiction. She said to make it longer and pick a category. I thought the mod’s job was to look for errors and violations, not form and style.

And I won’t rehash the underage character thing again. But if the standard is NO CHARACTERS UNDER 16, it needs to be absolute and universal. If it’s no sexual characters under 16, define the parameters of what applies. How does an underage character interrupting sex without seeing anything make them a sexual character?

Rookie Scribe
Quote by verity100

Oh dear, that sounds all wrong to me, selfish even. You married for better or worse. How would you like it if your dick fell off and your wife said she needed another man to satisfy her? I like to look at things from both sides and I'm sorry if it upsets you. I'm only going by what you have said. I'd be very interested if hearing what your wife thinks. If you truly love her, look after her. If all you are doing is thinking about your needs, then she is probably better off without you.

If I became as sexually and mentally incapacitated as she is, I would absolutely encourage her to take a lover. I would do whatever it took to keep my 24/7 caretaker satisfied and keeping the household running. Move her prospective lover in with us if she likes. I would move into my own bedroom. Or I would be willing to run interference with our daughter so my wife could get away with him. 
Rookie Scribe
Quote by verity100

Oh dear, that sounds all wrong to me, selfish even. You married for better or worse. How would you like it if your dick fell off and your wife said she needed another man to satisfy her? I like to look at things from both sides and I'm sorry if it upsets you. I'm only going by what you have said. I'd be very interested if hearing what your wife thinks. If you truly love her, look after her. If all you are doing is thinking about your needs, then she is probably better off without you.

Your attitude brings to mind an apocryphal story about Winston Churchill. A society woman is supposed to have said, “Winston, if you were my husband, I would put poison in your tea.” To which Churchill quips, “And if I were your husband, I would drink it!”

And if I were with a woman like you … Oh, wait, I’d never be with someone so judgmental and self-righteous. But what can you really expect from someone vainglorious enough to fancy themselves Mary Poppins? (“Practically perfect in every way!”) I’ve already been dealing with almost no intimacy for 10 years. You’re telling me I should willingly continue for another 30+ years? I’m not a priest, I don’t have some higher calling to celibacy.  

I do all the housework, all the yard work, manage our (my) business, pay all the bills, and manage our finances (including her disability and my daughter’s survivor’s benefits). She has no clue about our bills or bank accounts, because she doesn’t care. Frankly, she couldn’t keep track of the bills and payments on her own. 

As an example, she went shopping yesterday with a list to get about 5 items, and comes back with 64 items having spent over $500. I made the mistake of talking about how much we got paid for work we had done. So she spent 25% of it in one trip. Without asking if that money was budgeted for something else. I sometimes only find out about her spending by checking her credit card statements. And I can’t take away her credit cards because she’s not deemed incapable.

If I died tomorrow, she would be screwed because she doesn’t know the logins or passwords to any of our accounts. She doesn’t know where our important papers are located. We have no wills or powers of attorney because she won’t cooperate. She wouldn’t know how to maintain her application for disability benefits because she doesn’t care enough to ask. I have money in bank accounts that she can’t access to protect our family. I have to keep her from spending us into bankruptcy with her addictions, since we have already declared bankruptcy twice in 23 years. And most nights I go to bed alone for my troubles. We are together 24/7 and she doesn’t even cook anymore. 

We don’t kiss or hold hands. She brushes me away like I’m diseased. I had to make the arrangements to celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary next weekend, including buying MY present. We will get her drunk (which is the only way she can be intimate) and try to have sex, but we’ve only been successful twice in the last six months.

I’m tired of being in loco parentis to my 48-year-old wife, and all I want is to relax and have some affection. I don’t want to leave her or divorce her, but my lack of an outlet is making me angry and frustrated.