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A TRANS Formation

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 1 - Bleak Beginnings

Lost is not a place... it is a soul in paralysis, waiting to feel moved.

It's a cold, rainy northern Iowa afternoon in 1973. Twenty-three-year-old Jerry Jansen sits in the living room of his parents' house. There was sad apprehension in the room as he sits there with his mom, dad, brothers and sisters. He was leaving soon to start a new life in Des Moines. Jerry was discharged from the Army three months earlier. He planned to come back to his hometown and finally begin his life like everyone e...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 2- A Crack In The Door

There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.

His first week in Des Moines is behind him, Jerry is back home for the weekend feeling pretty good about things overall. He's working again and he's got a place to live. Not bad progress for his first week on his own again.  His time with his family is not great, but okay. He's bored at home. Everyone is into their own individual dramas and not really concerned about what Jerry's doing at all. Saturday night, his dad is o...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 3 - Battling Demons

When the internal struggle ends.... Everything becomes easy.

The ringing alarm clock hits Jerry's head like a freight train. He rolls over and hits the off button. The only thing he wants to do is go back to sleep. His better judgment tells him it's a workday. Sleeping in is not an option. He drags his naked body into the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot. Stumbling back to the living room, he sits down in his chair and closes his eyes, trying to catch a few more zzz's before the c...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 4 - Acceptance

To the extent that my mind is at ease... Everything becomes easier.

Jerry wakes up Saturday morning and decides to roll over and sleep a while longer. It feels good to not have to get up. This is the first weekend he's spent in Des Moines since moving here four weeks ago. He has no plans for the day and he doesn't care. Today, he doesn't have to do a damned thing. Sitting in his chair, enjoying his coffee, his mind drifts back to the past week's events. Two days ago he started listening t...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 5 - Getting Acquainted

Jerry reflects on his transformative weekend and gets more acquainted with Allen

Morning comes gently to Jerry this Sunday morning. With thoughts of last night fresh in his mind, he walks into the kitchen to make his coffee. He pauses for a moment, thinking about the filthy kitchen he walked into yesterday morning. Today, he feels inspired by how clean it is. Cleaning his apartment yesterday is paying dividends in the way he feels. He hasn't felt this good since he got out of the Army.  Walking into t...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 6 - Date Night At The Club

Being open to new experiences expands my opportunities

Jerry wakes up Saturday morning, feeling the best he has felt since moving to Des Moines. Sipping his first cup of coffee, he recalls the emotional roller coaster ride he's been through, from the depths of despair after his first sexual encounter with Roger, to the heights of ecstasy last Saturday, when he felt Roger inside of him for the first time. Cleaning his apartment last Saturday put him in the good mood he's been...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 7 - The Reward

My Inner Being is always guiding me toward what I am wanting.

Jerry had fallen into a deep sleep after Roger left last night. His first experience at the Club exposed him to a level of sexual activity he hadn't expected. He must have dreamt about it all night, because when he starts waking up, he feels like he's still there. He doesn't want to wake up. The dreams feel good to him; he doesn't want them to end. He goes back to sleep and wakes up several times, before finally giving in...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 8 - The Transition... Part 1

Like attracts Like. Sex is one of those impulses that comes forth from within, and cannot be denied

Jerry watches the approaching storm clouds through the window of the print shop where he works. An hour before quitting time, he is finishing up a few jobs and getting his end-of-the-week clean-up duties done. His mind has not been on work this afternoon. He's meeting Allen after work, and it's all he can think about. Allen called him last night, telling him he scored the acid they will take tonight at Allen's apartment....

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 8 - The Transition... Part 2

Like anything else, you’ll never truly understand, until it happens to you.

Allen peeks his head into the bathroom. "Hello? Is anyone awake in there?" "Yeah, I'm awake. I've been having some really heavy hallucinations." Allen walks over by the tub, kneeling beside it. "How are you feeling, baby? I came in here earlier, and you were crying your heart out. I thought it best to not disturb you." "Oh wow, Allen... I was talking with this girl... she's inside me... I've seen her before. It was so inc...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 9 - The Day After

Her first day identifying as a girl, Jill experiences new fears and new pleasures.

"Good morning, baby." Allie says, kissing Jill's cheek, "Are you going to wake up today? I've got some nice hot coffee ready for you." Jill mumbles a few sounds, but they don't resemble anything intelligible. Allie kisses her until Jill opens her eyes halfway, revealing glassy pupils that can barely focus on anything. Jill manages to mumble out a few words, "What time is it?" "It's almost eleven, sweetheart." "In the morn...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 10 - Sunday Morning... Coming Down

Follow your light. Never do anything that doesn't make your heart sing.

Jill wakes up with Allen's arms around her. After sleeping twelve hours, her body feels refreshed and recovered from the acid she took Friday.  She turns over and looks at Allen, still sleeping soundly beside her. A soothing calmness comes over her as she recalls the surreal weekend they have shared together. She softly kisses his neck, taking care not to wake him. Brushing her lips against his skin gives her pleasure, bu...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 11 - Realities and Choices

Her first week being a girl, Jill discovers new joys and new decisions she will have to make

Jerry thought about it all day at work. As soon as he walks into his apartment, he can't wait to get his boy clothes off, and put on a bra. Walking into the bathroom to look in the mirror, he likes the look, except for his flat chest. He thinks for a moment, then rips off a long strip of toilet paper and stuffs the cups of the bra. 'That's better,' he thinks, 'Now I'm Jill again'. After putting on the slip she wore last n...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 12 - Ladies' Night... Part 1

Think well before you start, because once you have started, you cannot turn back.

Allie and Jill wake up early Saturday morning with their arms still around each other. Allie wakes up first, and lightly kisses Jill's face, until she gently wakes her up. "Good morning, baby," she says with a smile. Jill smiles back at her, "Good morning to you, too, big sister," she says, "It's so nice sleeping with you. I woke up earlier, and you looked so sweet, sleeping with your arms around me. It just melted me bac...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 12 - Ladies' Night... Part 2

After being gang banged, Jill and Allie find themselves traveling the same path.

After crying in Allie's arms for twenty minutes, Jill has finally stopped shaking, and her tears of joy have subsided enough to where she can focus her eyes again. Sniffling her nose, and wiping her eyes, Jill composes herself enough to be able to talk. "I'm sorry I cried so much, Allie. I just couldn't help it," she says. "That's OK, my little sister. I'm here to hold you, whenever you need me." They sit up and hug each...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 13 - Let The Good Life Begin

Jill realizes her new financial freedom, and her relationship with Allie takes a new twist

Jill can't imagine how she could feel better than she does right now. For the first time in her life, she does not feel poor. The tips she earned getting gang banged at the Club have made it possible for her to have the things she's been wanting. Driving to the mall after work this Tuesday evening, she smiles. The reality of her new financial situation fills her heart with joy. She opened a savings account today, and depo...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 14 - Jill's First Date

After her first date, Jill realizes... Whores do it for money, sluts do it for free

After visiting her family over the weekend, Jill feels so relieved to get back to her apartment. Her life has gone through monumental changes since she last saw them. Yet, at her parents' house, everything is exactly the same as it was the last time she visited, four weeks before. In fact, it's exactly the same as it has been the whole time she was growing up there. As she gets out of Jerry's clothes and dresses as Jill a...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 15 - Allie's Submission

Allie's burning desire is fulfilled... with the best possible ending

Allie sits naked, in front of her vanity mirror, thinking about how her life has changed since she met Jill. She fondly remembers the night she and Jill got high on the psychedelic drug LSD, and went on a life-changing trip that began their journey together. A trip from which they could never return to the place from where they had started. Her hair is still wet from the shower she's just taken, and she lets her mind wand...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 16 - Allie's Rude Awakening

Allie wants Jill to move in with her, but she'll have to make some major changes first.

Waking up to Allie's kisses, Jill's first words are, "Good morning, Allie, I love you." Allie, in return, says, "Good morning, Jill, I love you, too." Their heads are still swirling from the emotional end of last night's hot sex date. That moment last night, when they acknowledged that they were, indeed, in love with each other. Putting their arms around each other, they exchange little love kisses back and forth until th...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 17 - Moving In

Jill's inner girlfriend tells her it's time. Time for her and Allie to live together.

"Hey lover, are you ready to wake up?" Jill whispers, as she kisses Allie's pretty face. "Mmmm... yeah baby, I'm waking up. Damn, it feels good to wake up with you." Allie starts to giggle. Jill giggles back at her, "I know... I was just thinking that. How good your skin feels against mine." She rolls over on top of Allie and kisses her as they rub their cocks against each other.  "Wasn't it fun last night, Allie? Fucking...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 18 - The Intriguing Dr. Walt

On her first date with Dr. Walt, Jill discovers some clues about her femininity...

Waiting for her at the door, Allie gives Jill a kiss when she gets home from work. They're both in very good moods, still emotionally high from their incredible weekend. A week ago, who would have guessed they'd be in love and living together? But yet, here they are, following their intuitions and letting their feelings guide their next move. Jill's been looking forward to her date with Dr. Walt ever since he asked her to...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 19 - The Erotic Makeup Lesson

Learning about wearing makeup, Carla and Rosy show Jill more than she was expecting.

Jill's first week living with Allie has been everything she hoped it would be. She loves getting up early with Allie and cooking breakfast. They love exchanging smiles and blowing kisses at each other every morning as they sit at the kitchen table.  She especially likes the ninety minutes between the time Allie leaves for work and when she has to leave. It gives her plenty of time to clean the kitchen, take a shower, and...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 20 - Another Day In Love

After little morning shower fun, Allie takes Jill to meet Jorge, the hair stylist.

In the shower and under the hot shower water, they embrace in a loving hug and cover each other with kisses. "Mmmmm... I've been waiting for this ever since we left the river," Jill says. "Oh yeah... Me too," Allie tells her. "I got so horny for you out there. Just stand there, baby, let me wash you." They've just gotten back to their apartment a few minutes earlier, cold and muddy from a Saturday morning of fishing. The...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 21 - Dinner Guests

While entertaining their lesbian friends, Jill and Allie have some unexpected fun.

In Jill's mind, this is a very important night. She and Allie have been working together all day getting ready to entertain their lesbian friends, Carla and Rosy. Naked except for a skimpy pair of panties, Jill is busy in the kitchen cooking while Allie cleans the apartment and takes care of the laundry. Stopping now and then to grab a snack and rest a bit, they enjoy a little sucking to give each other a hard-on before g...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 22 - Good Little Whores

New hair, new clothes, and a new friend. Jill is becoming a slutty little whore. And she loves it.

After what happened at work today, Jill can hardly wait to get home to tell Allie. As she changes into her girl clothes, she can't resist sitting in front of the mirror to brush her hair and admire herself. She loves the way Jorge styled her hair, and she feels extra feminine tonight. She feels so feminine that when puts on her bra, she decides to stuff cotton in the cups before putting on her dress. She likes pretending...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 23 - Dirty Little Whores

At their second Ladies Night together, Jill and Allie are a great team.

Allie and Jill wake up especially horny this morning. They planned to be especially horny this morning. They haven't had sex the past two nights, and only once this week. They've been letting their desire build inside them, on purpose. They want to be as horny as they can be, because today is Saturday, and tonight is 'Ladies' Night' at the Club.  Jill remembers a month ago, waking up in this same bed tormenting herself, n...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 24 - Little Worn-Out Whores

Last night's gang bang took its toll on the girls, and Jill uses her body to get what she wants

"Hey baby... wake up, baby... baby?" Allie says, shaking Jill's shoulder. "We need to get up." Jill's brain is barely functioning. "Huh?"  "It's getting late," Allie says, "It's almost ten o'clock. We need to be out of the room in an hour." "Oh, fuck... Gimme a minute," Jill mumbles. "I feel like shit." "I feel like shit too, sweetheart. But we can't stay in bed. C'mon, we'll feel better when we get in the shower," Allie...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 25 - Unplanned Threesome

On her date with Gary, Jill gets much more than she expected.

Jill's been dragging ass all day at work. She felt recovered and energetic yesterday, but the late-night sex with Allie took its toll on her body again. When he gets home, Allie isn't waiting for her at the door. Instead, Jill finds her sleeping on the living room couch. When she goes into the boy's room to shed Jerry's work clothes, she sees Allen's work clothes thrown on the floor. 'Hmmm...' she thinks to herself, 'my l...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 26 - Double Date

Double dating with Carla and Allie, Jill and Rosy give their virginity to each other

Jill and Allie have been looking forward to this Saturday for a while now. Tonight they're finally going on a date with their lesbian friends, Carla and Rosy. Waking up on the couch with their morning coffee, Jill tells Allie, "I feel so good today. It's nice we don't have much to do. We need to go grocery shopping and do a little house cleaning, but that's about it." "Yeah, we needed a break, babe. We've been burning the...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 27 - The Next Step

After sleeping together the first time, Rosy gives Jill the nudge she's been needing.

As she begins to stir from her deep sleep, Jill rolls over to see Rosy's smiling face. "Good morning... my stud," are the first words out of Rosy's mouth. "Morning, sweet Rosy. Damn, was that real last night?" Jill says. "I feel like I'm waking up from a beautiful dream." "It was real alright," Rosy sighs, "and yes, it was beautiful. You were so good, baby. You made me melt. I don't want to ever have sex with another man...

A TRANS Formation - Chapter 28 - Taking Care Of Business

The girls learn about money management, and Jill finds another way to look more feminine.

Monday morning finds four people waking up in states of complete joy. Saturday morning, they were just close friends looking forward to getting together and having some fun. Sunday morning, they had become lovers, especially Jill and Rosy. After giving their virginity to the opposite sex with each other, they shared things between themselves they never shared with anyone else before. They've become more than just lovers,...