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11 hours ago
Lesbian Female, 36


Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Jasmine_x
So about a week ago, a new update introduced Clubs on Xbox Live, these are a little place to hang out and share your epic moments that sometimes get overlooked in the friend feed. It also let's you play with people without cluttering your friends list with people that you may only play with once.

I've been thinking of making a club solely for Lushies that game, but how many of you would actually join it?

Ahem I'm a Gamer, but you already knew that :P I don't really like telling i like video games. It might turn guys/girls heads the wrong way. A girl liking video games. I have since was 4 yrs old when super mario came out for regular nes. lol Played every console, except atari, sega dreamcast, Game cube that was it, played everyone of em else.
Advanced Wordsmith
I know telling a story from the first and third point of view but, I have never done one from the second point of view. Is that like someone else telling their character's story thoughts, dialogue? I usually feel comfortable doing my stories in the third point of view. I guess you can call it a comfort zone. I'm sure everyone has a comfort zone and a point of view they like writing from more. I did attempt writing as If i was telling it from 1st pov but, it felt odd to me. What is different about the second point of view from the first, and the third point of view?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by oceanrunner
I think it depends a lot on the story you want to tell, and how you want to tell it.

Sometimes I want to be able to have the narrator's voice tell us things about a character that a first-person narration wouldn't allow for, (even if the third-person narration is mostly focused on one character.)

Completely agree w getting out of your comfort zone, even if it results in a lot of drafts and aborted ideas that never see the light of day. Your writing will improve.

I've also found that since I've been writing (and this is my only outlet for any kind of creative writing), I find myself reading differently, paying attention to how writers I like do things in a way that I didn't used to when I was simply absorbing the story for my own enjoyment.

I get what you're saying believe me, but what if you are so, used to writing in the same Point of View you do like and feel comfortable with and it works for how you write. You probably have Point of view you always go to for when you are writing. Most of my stories are fictional novel types. I have tried to do one in First Person point of view, but I always kept mixing it up with 3rd person. Because I was so used to Third person point of view. I never even attempted the second person point of view. Usually, my stories are kinda long because I like developing the plot, character, things like that. Not rush and gun kind of way to sex right away, Like the build up to it. Seems more interesting I guess. One more thing, My fictional stories, are usually a character based on me. Or someone that inspires me
Advanced Wordsmith
I ask this to any that was a rookie like me author me I still categorize myself as, a rookie but getting better I think. That has written since or before they came here. Which would be the best way to write a story? From the first perspective like, you're telling the story or from a 3rd Person point of view. I don't know why but, it's like a keeping going to 3rd pov. Like feel comfortable and it's my comfort zone from telling it from a narrative story. I have been trying and thinking about writing one from the first person but, don't know which way to about it. I know I'll end up switching them with 1st and 3rd point of view. I don't really know what the 2nd point of view is like? Got any pointers or suggestions. If you have had the same trouble as me?

thanks.. open to any suggestions.
Advanced Wordsmith
That is a good question actually, It guess depends on the mood you're in, way your feeling, and the time you want to spend in writing. The stories too. It may take me maybe 2 or 3 days write just 1 chapter alone. Not because I want it to be perfect, but for the readers to understand the story, plot, character development. Also, how they could identify with the character. Some say I have a good mind for writing. But I don't see it. I write just for fun and pass time. I am no ace author or one in real life. I find it fun writing. The truth is I never did like writing at all when I was in high school. When I came here to lush maybe 3/4 years ago. I tried it once just to experiment see how my story would turn out. Seemed to be pretty good I started to like it then. When I do write I am either listening to music to keep my frame of mind, could be either oldies 80's, 90's, country, Mostly older country. I still make mistakes in writing to smallest ones. The damn commas I usually try to figure out where they should go, but I end up putting them in the wrong place. Maybe it's habit or writing quirk. Also, I worry about 2 things the damn tenses and word limit when posting. I know I've been told it's 10,000 words on here. But I don't want readers getting to bored, Mostly it's the male readers I find. No offence..
Advanced Wordsmith
I want to get this from strangers perspective, It is a little complicated, just don't know what to think, even though I only found out about it this year. It goes like this or 28 years of my life even though I am 29 now. But yeah 28 years I thought i was an Only child. Never dreamed, thought I would have an older brother. I never knew about at all. I know my mom's reasoning was her own. I probably would have never found out. If some family members, from my mom's side. I am sure you have those types ones that start shit etc. I think my mom only told me because she didn't want them telling me first. She told me that she had him when she was 19 but gave him up for adoption, she told me it was her decision. I wanted to ask more but i couldn't find the words to say or ask. Am I wrong for not pushing it and asking more, I do want to but don't want to hurt her or anything like that. Only thing i remember asking was his name. she didn't say anything. I doubt my older brother who was put up for adoption. don't know about me, I really said something stupid when i was 6 years old I told my mom i wish had a younger brother or sister. Now I regret saying that Not knowing I had one the whole time. Only thing i said no matter what her reasoning was she's still my mom. But it is bugging me to know more about him. But just afaird to ask. What would you do in my shoes??
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

For me, I approach publishing as an act of sharing, not an act of service. I'm not being paid by the readers or the site to publish my stories here, and therefore, I don't feel a particular obligation to give the people what they want. Anyone who is bitchy about the direction I take my stories (male, female, trans, or whatever) can fuck off, as far as I'm concerned. There are plenty of stories on the site for people who just want a quick and dirty sex scene. I try to do more with my stories. They may not all be successful, but I've never published anything that I wouldn't want to read myself, and they all seem to find readers who appreciate them the way I do.

That said, I'm always happy to get a reader's personal reactions to a story. Like I said in another post somewhere in the forums, 'don't tell me what to do, tell me what I do for you.' On the other side, I usually only give advice when it's asked for (like responding to this thread, or in private). Otherwise, I'm in the 'if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all' camp. It sucks when people come unsolicited and just shit all over your story (and I agree, male readers seem to do this more often than females.)

That's pretty decent of you, not all men do that just a scatter one, will help someone out. That being said about critics some women do it sometimes too, but only if some are being trolls haha. Like they would score/rate your story on purpose to give you a bad rating. I know my stories are not for everyone's taste. I mean I am no ace author or professional. I mostly do it for fun and a hobby. The truth is I never ever started writing any story until I came here to lush. About three years ago. Saw everyone publishing writing stories. So, decided to say screw it I'll try my luck and see what happens. Didn't really think I would be any good at writing anything. I haven't written anything since 2004/05 When I finished high school. I did read few times. It was here that I wanted to start writing. I would always have story in my head, have everything planned out. But when time to write/type I'd loose what i had planned, then writer's block etc. or something else get's my attenion. haha
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

It's your story. You can do what you want with your characters. Transfer them, kill them, have them abducted by aliens, it's up to you. Instead of worrying about what the audience wants, write for yourself first. Write the kind of story you'd want to read. If you feel you've entertained yourself, chances are, your story will find its audience.

Actually, it is mostly the Male readers that are kinda bitchy about my stories sometimes. Either some are too impatient for the sex scenes or want the sex scene right off the bat. I am sure they've read in novels, some don't put many sex scenes right away until maybe chapter 4/5 even. The male readers are always quick to critic me. Women readers are not too bad. Some female seem to think my stories are good cause it's me writing them. I do tell them not to be biased cause they are friends with me. They wouldn't do it to any other writer.
Advanced Wordsmith
Also, one more thing Could I write a character out of the story, Not killing one off. But doing it like this, for example, Jamiee got a call from the head office that she is being transferred to another company. And a New boss/Manager is being assigned as her replacement. Then you start working on the new character when Jamie leaves the story. Would some readers get confused by that or pissed off? Since some may be invested or Like the character was originally designed for the story.
Advanced Wordsmith
I have a lot of different music taste's from Oldies, country, pop, to modern times. So, right now I am listening to

The script- Hall of fame ft. Will I. Am. (catchy song and motivational.)
Advanced Wordsmith
Alright, I've seen plenty of video games that eventually, came out with movies. Mortal combat, Resident evil, I think came out 1990's for ps1 and N64 Also, some movies eventually were made as video games. Do you think Assassin's Creed should stay as original a video game or movie of it? But also, the games that came out as movies always seemed to disappoint except for resident evil, I do want to see Assassin's creed the movie, but not sure if should keep my hopes up. I think Video game has more of a better story.

So should a movie be made into a video game? Yes,or No. Or Should a video game be made into a movie eventually?
Advanced Wordsmith
When I write a story that has chapters in them, Is it okay to name the chapters sometimes instead of just calling it Chapter 1 or 2? Can I give the chapter 1 and also the name of the chapter describing what the chapter will be about? So, readers will understand what the chapter will be based on? I have seen in novels, that sometimes chapters have sections in them before starting a new one. like the name of the author at the top on one page and the name, of the chapter on the other. Also, can I give the chapters in novel type story Chapter 2 part 1 and part 2 for example; deception for chapter name. Is it okay, on lush to split your chapters into two parts? Depending on how long they are? sometimes mine is usually over 2000 words, around 3000 ones. Cause I do write the development into the chapter instead of just rushing the quick/sex scene, don't worry. I do put sex scenes in them, I like luring readers into the story. I guess. It's comfortable and my way of writing, everyone has that I guess. I know not everyone likes those of kind of stories.

Also Just wanted to know. How explicit or vulgar can a female character be? How she thinks, talks, acts, and does swear quite a bit? example Lisa thought to herself, { God, damn It! I hate my fucking colleagues. I work my fucking ass of for this company. I get no thanks for it or a pat on the back. They all see me as a slut that got here based on my appearance. Not for what my work ethic is.}

that wasn't harsh for a female character's thoughts, was it?
Advanced Wordsmith
To Mili actually I would say write the way you feel comfortable with doing, Not everyone is going to like it. they can lump it if they don't. If my chapter or story is long i usually split chapters in two parts depending on how many words. or material i can get in.
Advanced Wordsmith
There also was one other thing, I wanted to know about. When you write a story in chapter form, Can I break a chapter into parts? Okay, I'll give you an example: If you read a book that has chapters in them chapter has, maybe 1 or 2 or 3 parts to it, and then It goes to a new chapter. can I include the second part of a chapter in my story? cause I fear of going over the word limit sometimes . I don't want it to be too short, too long. I never was told on lush I could do it just wanted confirmation on that. By the way, I thought this was ok the ask, someone told me once, No question is a stupid question.
Advanced Wordsmith
I had an idea for this name but I do not know if it would come across as guy's name or girls, for an example I wanted to use the name Blair, but should it be Blaire or just blair? Blair for guy or Blaire for girl. or if used the name Bobbie as girls name would readers think it's a guy?
Advanced Wordsmith
Oh ok, I thought someone would be a junior in a law firm l was thinking like, maybe either 23 or 24, and Senior would be like I'd say around 30 or 33, Since the one that's 30 that;s thier the longest would be considered the senior. Like the Boss or assistant manager is.
Advanced Wordsmith
Also there is one other thing I wanted to ask, the story mods was I know some a very particular. When it comes to grammar and puncation, and some spelling. Would I be able to get away with certain words like? Ok and Tho even tho you know their meanings put spelt different.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Jen
If you're quite clearly describing adults, then no need. If you're talking about students etc, where there could be ambiguity, then ages should be stated.
Please also note that people should act age appropriate, so you can't claim someone is 16, but have them act and sound like a much younger person (specific age play scenarios aside).

I wasn't thinking that young like 16 or younger girl none of my stories will be like that, was just wondering how old a Junior or senior personnel worker should be aged, Like Junior would be around maybe 23 or 24,not new but there pretty long time.Say around 3 months would that be considered a Junior,and Senior would be working there maybe years or longer but kind of young looking to be a Senior,around 29 or 30?
Advanced Wordsmith
I finished my story, I am a bit nervous about it tho anyways I wanted to ask if it can be necessary to include a Character's age or is that fine to leave out? Cause I was not sure if I could do that or if it wasn't necessary to put in. I did want to make an epilogue for the story on how each character I have in mind got their start in the business. or should I wait and leave those for after like a back story to real story.
Advanced Wordsmith
If there is any story moderators on or other writers which would sound better, in your opinion? This Karly mentally stated; angrily and irritated. " or " Karly mentally stated in angered,irritated tone."

(the second part one i mentioned wanted to capture the readers mind of how the character feels and how she expresses herself?)

(every little bit helps me out big time.)
Advanced Wordsmith
what would be your favorite past time? could be many things really, Mine would have to be If I am not on Lush I am either playing x box watching Netflix,or something on you tube, or if away from computer gone for a walk or relaxing out in sun even tho I get sun-burnt it is all well worth it. and currently rediscovered writing stories even tho i have been out of the loop since 2014/2015 ha ha ha
Never thought writing could be so much fun.However slight problems with the comas and periods,also when using character dialogue to it gets tricky,you know having the whole story in your head seems easy and well played out,but the writing part is tricky and complex. Now I am not a particular type using grammar sometimes but i have slightly changed since it has to be perfect for lush and readers to understand it better. One more thing what is a proof reader? I figured an editor would be an easier way to check things over and make sure its presentable. the stories I mean.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Shylass

I'm afraid that not all your examples are actually words in the generally accepted sense. These are possibly the correct words:

1. Drastically

2. Horrifically, or horrifyingly, or in horror, or simply, horrified

Or did you mean "drastically horrifying"?

3. Frustratingly or in frustration, or, the right context, frustratedly as an adverb

It may be that the context of what you're trying to do isn't correct. Or maybe it is. Can you please give whole sentence examples so we can get a better picture of the issue?

yes can show you a little of what I am talking about,

(Karly began to calm down she glanced down at her watch.Karly gasped, horrifiedly, "Oh shit a brick I'm late!" she let slip silently under her breath, completely forgetting where was at the moment. She looked around carefully and somewhat embarrassed,And feeling as if she is being watched. She turned cautiously to see a lady serving at the at the lobby desk. "Oh I'm sorry I do not usually swear or curse." much she said.)
Advanced Wordsmith
I've been a little bothered when writing certain words in a story how come when you actually spell the words right,it comes back and says it's spelt wrong or a mistake in them I'll give you a few examples of what I'm talking about. example 1, drasticly horrifiedly example 2. frustratedly, Would i be able to use those words In a story?, I'm sure some can understand there meanings if would any story moderators accept those words in story??
Advanced Wordsmith
Can I show you what I am talking about i can mail you the story i have? so you can see for yourself where I'm comming from.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm having difficulty deciding what to do about the chapters In my story I'm working on, I know about the title and everything but i was not sure about if i could name the chapter and tell what the chapter focuses on, for an example, meeting the lobby clerk,That would focus on main character interacting with just the lobby clerk. and the 2nd part of the first chapter would focus on the main character's rival,, which would be the second in command like an assistant manager. But I'm not sure how long a chapter can be
Advanced Wordsmith
I just finished a story and I'm looking for an editor to glance over my work,and I need some recommondations because I dunno who is an editor on here? I havn't written anything in a while I'm still a greenhorn or rookie I made the mistake of sending a story in once when i first started here,and it got sent back, spelling grammar etc,that kind of thing was my only trouble about stories, I could have them in my head but writing it was the tricky part. anyway about my recommondation was wondering who is a good editor wanted to show my story see if they think what i got so far is good and what needs changing,or could be better or improved. One more question, can I name the chapter of my story as well ?
Advanced Wordsmith
Just one more thing,,can i mention a television show,or actor in my story and the name of the television show?? I dunno if lush will allow that so just double checking.
Advanced Wordsmith
Oh don't worry Sophisticate,I wouldn't give a half ass description like that of a character or their personality,I'm just trying to pick readers or writers brains on what would be good? cause Im still new to writing,some times it is a bit hard to write I'm not sure If lush allows you to put in a few swear words in,not like dirty ones,the one the usually hear every day..
Advanced Wordsmith
Also another thing I was wondering when I'm introducing the characters Can the writer or author describe a little bit about their character? For example their looks something to give the readers an idea of what she or he looks like,and also their personality or do I leave those two things to the readers imagination?