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9 hours ago
Lesbian Female, 36


Advanced Wordsmith
(4) nu uh huh, That seat belongs to Moi, I'm letting Donna, Vivien and Bonny keep it warm for me till I return. I know my throne is in good hands with those 3 around.
Advanced Wordsmith
on second thought I don't think the throne will be to comfortable, but I know something else to would be ummm like my lap :P that's only throne you can sit on,
Advanced Wordsmith
I think that throne your keeping company is for me. Don't worry I;ll look after it for ya smile
Advanced Wordsmith
Hmmm 3 ladies below me, I wouldn\t turn either of them down, even though I don't know melissa_r lol yes and yes to gina and Ginger smile
Advanced Wordsmith
Hmmm what about me, above i dunno I'll think about it, bats eye lashes smiles innocent (an)
Advanced Wordsmith
Hmmm Yes I would! if someone has the same interests as me, and bit of a anime/manga and video game nerd. I'd jump in with both, Like that saying " You jump, I jump"
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't know you, but I'll stay in just to keep you company, and things interesting ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by MaryKath
I know I said it before but he is

This one is for you MK, Blue eyed Beauty.
Advanced Wordsmith
Okay, for the 3 that I missed, 1st Ssprincess, Dashing 2nd MK, baby-faced beauty, 3rd GGGina, Professor Regina-- Elegant and Totally awesome!
Advanced Wordsmith
I had an idea for a character name that involves a lady, The name I choose to go with was two options. The first one was Shawna I dunno if I spelled it right, give me a little credit. The second name I came up with was. Sasha, I was told that the name Sasha can be mistaken for a male since it is originally a Russian name, I though some ladies Liked the name Sasha since it's different and unique. So would most people take Sasha for a guy more than a girl?
Advanced Wordsmith
Thank you, you've all been a good help. I wanted to ask about an idea I had in my head, I did have an opinion when I asked a friend about it, wanted to get a second opinion from readers or story mods whoever sees this. I wanted one of my stories to take a dark turn or twist involving abuse. No, not sexual abuse more like physical. I'll give you an example; like bruises scratches on the arm, or a black eye. I was not sure if I could write that in my story. Since is kind of touchy to some people. I won't write how it happens, just mention the bruises, scratches, etc. I know you have to be careful writing about stories like that on here. I'm not sure if stories containing a little violence is okay. Even though I was told I could write about anything I wanted. with a few limits like age and other things. I still wanted to be sure.
Advanced Wordsmith
Instead of describing what's happening in a story, could I have a story based on character dialogue, naughty, sex scene. I don't always want to base a story of what's happening, So what kind point of view would you recommend? I tend to stick with what works. It is the third person point of view. Is it possible to mix third person point of view and first person point of view? I heard someone tell me that if I did it, would mess up the story. I started with the third person but not sure if I should switch to the First person for a certain part. Just so i get it right when a character is talking in a story do I always have to space it to a new paragraph? I know it starts with this " and ends with " I seen some stories you didn;t really need to space it when a character is speaking in the story.
Advanced Wordsmith
I have been wrestling with the idea, of doing a story based on Harem type story. I am sure you know where I am going with this. I am a long time anime/manga fan and I always wanted to write a story based on a harem for here but, I am not sure If I am allowed to do one like that. I mean i was told I can write anything I want. Just want to double check or make sure.
Advanced Wordsmith
I do not know if some of you, have the same trouble as I do sometimes. I do find it easier telling a story from anything else like, describing what's happening in the story, what the character is thinking that sort of thing. But, when it does come time for doing a pleasure scene or doing sex or intimate scene I usually freeze up or mess it up. I try to be particular as I can. Just so I'll know what some mods would look for in a sex scene? I'm asking these I am still a Rookie writer. I don't think anything is wrong with asking these questions, is it? Like it is easier doing sex part when you are playing with someone on here in black box chat or private chat. You don't have to worry too much. But when I do a sex scene in a story you have to be very careful and delicate with it.

( p.s I'm not being very particular right now with my grammar, so I hope some of you know what I'm asking or saying.)
Advanced Wordsmith
Hm Having a couple of moonshine with Vanessa26, driving her nuts a little. teasing her with my legs, Right Vanessa Samabiggrin Hm, what else Poking Mrs_gurantee's Forehead Uchiha style, Oh yeah and I'd do the same to Vanessa26 too like this.. watch at the 0:55 mark and watch from here 2:40 to 2:47 (that kind of forehead poke)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by browncoffee
To be honest, I don't think what anyone says here is going to affect you at all. You're going to make your own decision and that's fine. You're soft, you're naive, you're the victim, it's all good. Don't blame yourself, blame the woman you've never met. An online relationship is ONLINE. Who knows, you'll probably be chatting to her again tomorrow (considering how sweet you are) and I really couldn't care less.

All I want to know, is how does someone miss a birthday three times a day? Genuinely, I don't understand what that means. Do you have three birthdays all on the same day?

All the while I've known her, each time my bday falls on nov 21th, she's never been around, it was always some excuse, had work, travel, or needed time to herself, family member ill or she was ill. I could understand the work travel part, sure some all need a break from being online. This place would drive you fucking crazy, pardon my french. Plus it would of been the thought that counted, even if she had to come on for 5 or 10 mins, just say happy bday would of been enough for me.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by SereneProdigy

If I may ask, what exactly are you accusing her of? And which promise(s) has she made that she didn't keep? You don't even mention any sort of clear relationship that was ever established between the two of you, you simply present her as a girl that you've 'known' for 4 years. Because quite frankly, I fail to see how she's been any dishonest or two-faced: from your own description, she actually seems to have been pretty consistent in the way that she behaved toward you.

A cyber-friend unwilling to engage into anything more serious than a vague cyber-friendship isn't her manipulating you; it's you having inflated expectations and fooling your very own self. And considering how so exceedingly you seem attached to her and how you're refusing to let her go, you can't exactly blame her for still being part of your life and messing around with your head; you're likely the only person to blame for that.

You see, I'm the kind of guy who's not exactly afraid of presenting things for what they are. You'll certainly receive a few responses that will be quite a bit more comforting than my own, but it's unlikely that they'll do much more than validating you as a victim and perpetuating your torments. You've quite literally wasted some of the best years of your life building expectations over something that's not even tangible, I can't say I'm particularly thrilled to assist you in prolonging any of that.

So, here's me once again exposing myself as an asshole and yet possibly giving you one of the best advices you'll ever receive on the matter:

Move the fuck on with your life.

Of course, guys would never understand They can just shrug things off like nothing. Name one time someone meant something to you. Also, I have moved on thank you very much, for being such a prick.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by sprite
Lexis are bad news. trust me on this.

Honestly I didn't think she was the type to do it, I heard the stories about her from a mutual friend but. I guess I wanted to see for myself I was just blinded by the way i felt about her i guess. I was too soft or weak to catch on.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by noll

Err... ... nope, neither. I guess that part of my life must still be ahead of me.

Anyway, since you've figured out now that she's been manipulating you, I'm sure you'll be extra cautious/skeptical when interacting with her from now on, right?

Oh, you got that right I'd be running away in the other direction. What does piss me off about it, is.. that she was doing it for 4 years and I couldn't see past our bond I had with her.. Always giving her the benefit of doubt. If that makes me a Naive person, and trusting my instincts then I don't know what else I can say or do. It isn't easy cutting a bond with someone like that for 4 years, or maybe longer.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Silverslippers
you have a good heart and were misled. don't punish yourself for loving or trusting someone. lexi is the one who did you wrong. it is on her to say to you "I'm sorry"

But, She knows I'll say yes, I forgive you and expect it go back the same way as before. This is what's bothering me I am not as strong as most people would say or do in this sort of way. I am too soft.
Advanced Wordsmith
I ask that question about being a fool/idiot. Because I never realized until recently, after 4 years I was just being manipulated and used. It's a bit of long story so bare with me for a little bit. Try to see it from my eyes or point of view, I knew this girl named Lexi let's call her that. I've known her for 4 years. I am sure everyone has dated known or known of a girl named Lexi in their lifetime. Anyway, She was the exact same as I was, Kind, caring, pretty, seductive, liked the same playful side I did.

But her playful side brought a wild kind of way out of me that I didn't know existed. I know we probably would have never met in real life. But it was so fun just having someone the same as I was and be able to talk to about anything. She didn't judge me, nor did she get mad at me to much only if i messed up but always forgiven me, and I did same forgiven her. A few did warn me what she was like but, I never listened I wanted to see for myself. She didn't show any signs of me doubting her until. I saw that she would dissappear and reappear for couple months to year at a time. Always told me the same thing travel, work, needed time to herself, that I can understand but, work for 4 months out of year without a word. It seemed kind of weird. So I let it go untill she kept doing it more often I figure she moved on in real life with someone else so I moved on well tried to a few times. But each i did. She would come running back making sure I was still here and pick up where we left off.

The last straw that broke all the while i known her She missed my birthday 3 times a day that is important to anyone right. Even though I am still mad at her i feel like forgiving her. But I am too soft to stay mad. Most of you probably think being too soft is a weakness. She knew how soft i was around her. I just didn't realize she was manipulating me the whole time or i choose to ignore it. Also, How can you just shut off a bond like that with someone you known 4 years? It is easy for someone to say "oh you, could do so much better." I heard it before. I've never said openly how much this has bothered me since I've known her. I am the kind of type let it build and build untill, I can't think straight anymore. Also, whenever I try to move on to someone else, Lexi always is there to mess with my head and toy with it. I know it's stupid to let her do that. Maybe i wanted to give her the benefit of doubt see the good in her. It just makes me mad and feel stupid for trusting her it feels like I was just a game to her nothing more. So, I'll ask again Was I fool or an idiot to give her so many chances?

Sorry for going on so much, Guys/Women can answer. I am sure some have been in the same place I was and probably still am.
Advanced Wordsmith
Hm, It is a tough question to answer about Assassin's creed I have all accept revelations, Only thing that pissed me off about AC is that desmond dies. But, in The 4th they have you non-talkative, still call subject 17 though. heard a few theories that desmond didn't really die. made you think he did. Also, 4th they Have Shaun and Rebecca come back like they knew who you were. But you didn't know them. So My fav Assassin would have to be. Shay from AC Roque. If anyone can give me an idea what's the Assassin is like in Unity and the One in Syndicate which would pic to be better than the other?
Advanced Wordsmith
I recently bought these two xbox 1 games, Never played yet. Seen walkthroughs of Ryse but wanted to get other opinions about it before I play it and see for myself. From what i can tell it' looks fun but kind of difficult in some parts. Never looked at anything for AC syndicate even though it's a Gangster type era in that one. I have every AC game except revelations, the other ones rogue and black flag was decent, Is Unity that bad of game? If it's what is so bad about it. from what I saw gameplay looked pretty good. Must mean the story line is pretty dumb?