Interviewer: Karen how have things been in the past couple of years on lush? Me: Well, that's an interesting question to ask if I had to sum it up it's been hit or miss lately. But all in all, things are okay. Interviewer; What happened to the last interviewer that questioned you like this? Me: Oh, you mean Paige? Awe she's fine she has herself a lovely girlfriend now. Bless her heart she finally isn't uptight anymore and she got laid! hahahah Interviewer: What are your hobbies when you're away from lush? Me: oh that's an easy one, usually I'm either playing Xbox, watching anime, or just goofing around. Sometimes I do sign on here but keep away from the keyboard when lush is boring tho, which Is a lot lately. Interviewer: Are you seeing anyone at the moment? Me: Hm, Yes I am couldn't be any happier. Interviewer: Who do you consider as your top 5 friends on here now? Me: Well there are only 2 I do consider as a top friend. At one time it would have been 5 sadly times change and people change with it. 1: Gina, 2 Bonny as top friends now. Interviewer: What is your favorite feature about women? Me: I spoke about that with the last interviewer, so most already know that answer. Interviewer: Do you still write stories anymore? Me: No not as much as I used to, Just started that to see how they would come out, but it's a lot of fucking around with. When you think your story is good and everything looks fine and dandy. The grammar cops on here have different opinions. Interviewer: thanks for your time BEL.. Me: to it was a pleasure..
Interests Video games, Anime, Movies, Tv shows, other women, girls with a sense of humor and good personality.
Favorite Books Death On the Ice, The wreck of the Florizel.
Favorite Authors Cassie Brown
Favorite Movies Transformers Trilogy, Blackhawk down, The Hobbit, LOTR, Jurassic park Trilogy, King kong, Apollo 13, Independence Day,
Favorite TV Shows Spartacus, Game of Thrones, Chicago Pd, Chicago Med, Chicago fire, Night shift, House, Psych, Bosch, If anime counts here is a few. 1. Naruto Shippuden, 2. Fairy Tail. 3. Detective Conan. 4. High school dxd. 5. One Piece. 6. Karneval. 7. The devil is a part timer. 8. Death note. 9. Giant Killing, (based on soccer/footbal) 9. Ace no Diamound ( based on baseball) 10. Kurkuo no basket, (based on basketball) one for good measure, a tie between, Rosario+Vampire and Hellsing. One more show, The newsroom (love that show)
Favorite Music Oldies, 80's 90's to modern era Music, Little bit of older country, bit of everything except screamo, and juggle junk music.