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Tips for dealing with a rejected story.

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Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by sprite

go to your room, put you nose against the wall, and stay there until i tell you otherwise.

Sorry, Sprite.

I didn't mean to cause a fuss. I'll just go a stand in the naughty corner.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MonsoonMicky

Sorry, Sprite.

I didn't mean to cause a fuss. I'll just go a stand in the naughty corner.

About Miss Sprite...

You are lucky she didn't and then . I have permanent scars on my butt from arguing with her. I'm an now!!

Seriously now ... I may joke a bit about SPRITE, but I find that she and the other story mods really do want to be of assistance in helping to maintain the quality standards of LUSH (and also Storiesspace). I really do appreciate their VOLUNTEER efforts and their caring / helpful attitude. I well remember "doing battle" with SPRITE before she approved a piece I had submitted (NIT-picking lil wench she is) and then her public comments as to why it was a "4" instead of "5". I truly treasure those critical remarks.

SO ... if SPRITE drags out her or her its because she (and the other story mods) really CARES about this site and us.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
This is advice is bullshit. The way to deal with a rejected story is to question everything you think you know about yourself and the world. Go on a three-week "vision quest" bender filled with Cystal Meth, Mescaline, and Vodka so cheap, it's intentionally misspelled Vaudca to avoid false advertising lawsuits. Then write a lengthy rejection of the rejection letter explaining in full graphic detail all the disgusting things you would do to the reviewer if you ever met them on the street. Be sure to use lots of racial epithets. If you don't know the race of the reviewer just sprinkle in a little of everything - something is bound to stick. Instead of sending it directly to the reviewer, post it on every possible message board you can, from this one to Craig's List to the Microsoft support site and Questions. You might consider printing physical copies to staple to telephone poles and construction sites. Then, get into a 1979 Ford Pinto, with Creedence in the tape deck, drive north, and go on a sperm bank robbery spree. Don't ask questions, just do it!

Wake up sticky and bleeding in a ditch, where a hobo is pissing in your face. Realize what a total wrong turn your life has taken. Go to rehab and get cleaned up. Come to the realization that you're not Hunter fucking Thompson. Then get back to your story. Take the feedback, which is probably not too bad after all, and use it to clean up your story so it's more readable and in line with the guidelines of this site before resubmitting it.

Or you could just start with that last sentence, I guess.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Charming as fuck
Quote by MonsoonMicky

So does adding too much emphasis on grammar and punctuation take away a little of that "je ne sais quoi" from a sex story?

Personally, I usually give up on a story with bad grammar and punctuation. It normally doesn't hold my attention long enough for me to get to the naughty bits because it just annoys me. Maybe it's worse for me, because the majority of the stories I read here now are ones i'm verifying, so i'm actively looking for errors as I read. It's very difficult to switch that off now.
I find it hard to get turned on when i'm picturing myself beating the author about the head with a frozen chicken leg because they don't know a "your" from a "you're".

j xx
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Smoocher

You are lucky she didn't and then . I have permanent scars on my butt from arguing with her. I'm an now!!

That sounds seriously kinky. I'm up for trying anything at least once.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Echelon

Personally, I usually give up on a story with bad grammar and punctuation. It normally doesn't hold my attention long enough for me to get to the naughty bits because it just annoys me. Maybe it's worse for me, because the majority of the stories I read here now are ones i'm verifying, so i'm actively looking for errors as I read. It's very difficult to switch that off now.
I find it hard to get turned on when i'm picturing myself beating the author about the head with a frozen chicken leg because they don't know a "your" from a "you're".

j xx

I agree that stories littered with errors are difficult to read. Those errors are a constant distraction and I find myself stopping every few seconds to try and work out what the author is intending to say.

Just recently, when reading sex stories, I've adopted a method that I call the "tingle test". What I mean by "tingle test" is, if a story makes my balls tingle, then it gets a permanent place on my Kindle.

There are people out there that know the bare minimum when it comes to grammar, but their creativity is incredible, a real God-given talent. More often than not, the most creative and arousing stories I read are littered with errors.

So I copy and paste those stories to a doc. file, tidy them up, edit them, iron out any errors, then convert them to mobi files and upload them to my Kindle. They're for my own pleasure, and they stay on my Kindle forever.

My point is: people who are inept at grammar and punctuation have something to bring to the table too.

Perhaps Lush could accept and have a special category for stories littered with mistakes. But then again, I'm probably just talking bollocks as usual.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
This is advice is bullshit. The way to deal with a rejected story is to question everything you think you know about yourself and the world. Go on a three-week "vision quest" bender filled with Cystal Meth, Mescaline, and Vodka so cheap, it's intentionally misspelled Vaudca to avoid false advertising lawsuits. Then write a lengthy rejection of the rejection letter explaining in full graphic detail all the disgusting things you would do to the reviewer if you ever met them on the street. Be sure to use lots of racial epithets. If you don't know the race of the reviewer just sprinkle in a little of everything - something is bound to stick. Instead of sending it directly to the reviewer, post it on every possible message board you can, from this one to Craig's List to the Microsoft support site and Questions. You might consider printing physical copies to staple to telephone poles and construction sites. Then, get into a 1979 Ford Pinto, with Creedence in the tape deck, drive north, and go on a sperm bank robbery spree. Don't ask questions, just do it!

Wake up sticky and bleeding in a ditch, where a hobo is pissing in your face. Realize what a total wrong turn your life has taken. Go to rehab and get cleaned up. Come to the realization that you're not Hunter fucking Thompson. Then get back to your story. Take the feedback, which is probably not too bad after all, and use it to clean up your story so it's more readable and in line with the guidelines of this site before resubmitting it.

Or you could just start with that last sentence, I guess.

i think i like you. in fact, it could be love.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
This is advice is bullshit. The way to deal with a rejected story is to question everything you think you know about yourself and the world. Go on a three-week "vision quest" bender filled with Cystal Meth, Mescaline, and Vodka so cheap, it's intentionally misspelled Vaudca to avoid false advertising lawsuits. Then write a lengthy rejection of the rejection letter explaining in full graphic detail all the disgusting things you would do to the reviewer if you ever met them on the street. Be sure to use lots of racial epithets. If you don't know the race of the reviewer just sprinkle in a little of everything - something is bound to stick. Instead of sending it directly to the reviewer, post it on every possible message board you can, from this one to Craig's List to the Microsoft support site and Questions. You might consider printing physical copies to staple to telephone poles and construction sites. Then, get into a 1979 Ford Pinto, with Creedence in the tape deck, drive north, and go on a sperm bank robbery spree. Don't ask questions, just do it!

Wake up sticky and bleeding in a ditch, where a hobo is pissing in your face. Realize what a total wrong turn your life has taken. Go to rehab and get cleaned up. Come to the realization that you're not Hunter fucking Thompson. Then get back to your story. Take the feedback, which is probably not too bad after all, and use it to clean up your story so it's more readable and in line with the guidelines of this site before resubmitting it.

Or you could just start with that last sentence, I guess.

Too bad we have no telephone poles around here.


"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by MonsoonMicky

I agree that stories littered with errors are difficult to read. Those errors are a constant distraction and I find myself stopping every few seconds to try and work out what the author is intending to say.

Just recently, when reading sex stories, I've adopted a method that I call the "tingle test". What I mean by "tingle test" is, if a story makes my balls tingle, then it gets a permanent place on my Kindle.

There are people out there that know the bare minimum when it comes to grammar, but their creativity is incredible, a real God-given talent. More often than not, the most creative and arousing stories I read are littered with errors.

So I copy and paste those stories to a doc. file, tidy them up, edit them, iron out any errors, then convert them to mobi files and upload them to my Kindle. They're for my own pleasure, and they stay on my Kindle forever.

My point is: people who are inept at grammar and punctuation have something to bring to the table too.

Perhaps Lush could accept and have a special category for stories littered with mistakes. But then again, I'm probably just talking bollocks as usual.

The authors might be interested in those cleaned up versions as well. Ever thought about sending them a copy?


The Linebacker
Quote by MonsoonMicky

I agree that stories littered with errors are difficult to read. Those errors are a constant distraction and I find myself stopping every few seconds to try and work out what the author is intending to say.

Just recently, when reading sex stories, I've adopted a method that I call the "tingle test". What I mean by "tingle test" is, if a story makes my balls tingle, then it gets a permanent place on my Kindle.

There are people out there that know the bare minimum when it comes to grammar, but their creativity is incredible, a real God-given talent. More often than not, the most creative and arousing stories I read are littered with errors.

So I copy and paste those stories to a doc. file, tidy them up, edit them, iron out any errors, then convert them to mobi files and upload them to my Kindle. They're for my own pleasure, and they stay on my Kindle forever.

My point is: people who are inept at grammar and punctuation have something to bring to the table too.

Perhaps Lush could accept and have a special category for stories littered with mistakes. But then again, I'm probably just talking bollocks as usual.

Lushstories is a site where those talented writers who lack the grammatical skills can learn and grow. We are a site for amateur writers. Story submissions do not have to be perfect, but the verifiers are here to at least make them meet a minimum standard before being published. Many writers improve dramatically in all phases while some just seem to tread water. We do our best to push them forward.

You are very right about this statement: 'My point is: people who are inept at grammar and punctuation have something to bring to the table too.'

It is very exciting when those people show improvement in their grammatical level to the point that it enhances their creative ability.
Active Ink Slinger
EDIT: Copy / paste from another thread thingy I read AFTER posting this. I added the BOLD.

sprite wrote:
hi, my name is rachel and i'm a story mod. i do it because i believe in this site. i do it because i see inexperienced writers grow into artists (hi Poppet!). i do it because everyone should have a place to have their voice heard, even if it's "only smut". it's not smut. it's erotica, it's people's dreams, their fantasies, their hard work, their imagination, and their talent. sometimes yeah, it takes us too long to get your story out. but, in the end, if you put in the work, it goes up on the front page. we do our best. we juggle careers, families, our own writing, our own time, in order to make it happen. sure, i know the excitement of hitting submit, the torment of waiting, the thrill of seeing your story on the front page. we do our best to make it happen, because we know that thrill too

are we perfect? no. do we strive to be? yes. that's all i can offer - doing my best, our best, to give you a forum for doing what you love. it's a small crew of dedicated volunteers and we try to treat all our authors with care - that means taking extra time for some. i like to think that we help people achieve their ambitions.

to everyone out there who has ever thanked a mod, and that's most of you, i/we sincerely appreciate it. it's a nice feeling. if you have legitimate complaints, my PM box is not hard to locate, and i will address them, ask anyone who has every sent me a query - i put those at the top of my to-do list when i sign in. that means skipping some of the personal stuff, some of the fun stuff, some of the non-worky stuff. i do that because i want to make your lush experience the best i can. simple as that. just remember, we're human beings, we have feelings, we have bad days, we deal with the same issues that you do - so when you send those queries to me, or any other mod, try to be nice, 'kay? smile


Quote by Smoocher

About Miss Sprite...

You are lucky she didn't and then . I have permanent scars on my butt from arguing with her. I'm an now!!

Seriously now ... I may joke a bit about SPRITE, but I find that she and the other story mods really do want to be of assistance in helping to maintain the quality standards of LUSH (and also Storiesspace). I really do appreciate their VOLUNTEER efforts and their caring / helpful attitude. I well remember "doing battle" with SPRITE before she approved a piece I had submitted (NIT-picking lil wench she is) and then her public comments as to why it was a "4" instead of "5". I truly treasure those critical remarks.

SO ... if SPRITE drags out her or her its because she (and the other story mods) really CARES about this site and us.
I think it takes time to get the knack of writing for LUSH. Every moderator is different. Some are very picky and others are not. It just depends who draws your story.

After you write the story, reread it at least a couple of times. Out loud is best. Then, do not be afraid to do some rewrite on the story.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by GrayGhost
I think it takes time to get the knack of writing for LUSH. Every moderator is different. Some are very picky and others are not. It just depends who draws your story.

After you write the story, reread it at least a couple of times. Out loud is best. Then, do not be afraid to do some rewrite on the story.

i'm only picky with Smoocher/Rick's stories. tough love, ya know? ;)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Quote by BiMale73
Too bad we have no telephone poles around here.

Only because you're not hallucinating hard enough.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Quote by sprite
i think i like you. in fact, it could be love.

It could be... or it could be the meth, vaudca, and mescaline.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

It could be... or it could be the meth, vaudca, and mescaline.

actually, with me, it's the mdma, lsd, and tequilla, but you do have a point.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

Only because you're not hallucinating hard enough.

I thought it was because of our sandy grounds that make it easy to hide cables in.


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