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This or That

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Active Ink Slinger


This long weekend, spend it alone or with company?

Active Ink Slinger

I like people, so with company

Did you shoot off fireworks, or go somewhere to watch them

Rainbow Warrior

We will tonight.

Fireworks show or drone light-show?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Drone show. I have gotten a bit weary of bangs and flashes. There's some really interesting stuff happening with those drone shows.

Use a paper calendar to keep track of things or rely on a calendar app?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Rainbow Warrior

Both, but my office desk calendar seems to get the most entries.

Own or rent?

Active Ink Slinger

Own or rent what? Although, I think we pretty much own everything we have.

Sex in a shower or sex in a pool?

Active Ink Slinger

Shower sex, yes please.

Sex before leaving to work or right when you come back home?

Rainbow Warrior

I more often have sex when I get up than when I get home.

Subtle cues that someone wants to have sex with you (that you may not necessarily pick up on), or overt statements that someone declares their desire to have sex with you?

Active Ink Slinger

Subtle cues can be fun, as it is all a big tease, but there would be something sexy to someone makes a overt statement that they desired me.

Listen to music on a streaming service, or listen to music that you own

Active Ink Slinger

I "have" my own music which I listen too.

Saturday night plans, stay in or go solo for dinner?

Rainbow Warrior

Stay in, cuz I usually have guests over on Saturday nights.

Mediocre sex with someone new or good sex with a usual partner?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Good sex with usual. Though the novelty of someone new might take things up a notch on its own. Still, having a regular that you can get comfortable with and know what they want has to make for better sex, I think.

Domestic trip to a state/province some distance away: Fly or drive?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Active Ink Slinger

Usually fly, unless there are things we want to see between here and there.

Ever been on a trip in a private aircraft?

Rainbow Warrior


Exhibitionist or voyeur?

Active Ink Slinger


Do you like to have sex with the light on or in the dark?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

I think I am good with either. Sometimes, I lean to softcore just because a good sensual love scene beats lots of graphic shots of body parts. But there is hardcore that can scratch that itch, too.

Written erotica or videos?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Active Ink Slinger

If I am masturbating, I usually prefer videos as I am a very visual person. If I am just interested in perusing sexuality then I enjoy written erotica.

Princess Diana or Princess Catherine?

Peanut it just taste better

Milkshakes or Smoothies?

Rainbow Warrior

Pool. Lakes can have brain-eating amoebas now.

Is your hair fine or thick?

Rainbow Warrior

Tough one, but I'll go with me on top.

Klondike Bar or ice cream sandwich?

Active Ink Slinger

Ice cream sandwich

Corn on the cob, or corn niblets

Rainbow Warrior

On the cob.

Peas or carrots?

Active Ink Slinger

cooked peas, but raw carrots

If you use some sort of foodstuff, i.e. carrots as a masturbatory aid either on yourself or a partner, do you wrap it in a condom or take it bare?

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Bedroom. In most places, the bed is the most comfortable horizontal surface. Bathroom is second because I think wet skin looks hot.

Show lots of skin or wear something tight that covers skin well but shows the figure?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Rainbow Warrior

In summer, skin. In winter, tight jeans and sweaters.

Trip to see the Egyptian pyramids or the Cambodian Ankor-Wat ruins?