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RUMPLATIONS: Awesome Honky Tonk and Cyber Bar How Y'all Are?

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Simple Scribbler

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Good morning, Lion, Ape, Kat, and Kimmi!

Yes, Lion. We Canadians are laid back. After all, it's better on top, eh?

Kimmi's partly right – the hardcover and paperback are on the market, but the ebook has been held up by "technical glitches" whatever they are. Kindle won't say.

I was going to hold off telling everyone until all three were available.

There will be an audiobook as well, That's being recorded now (I hope), but probably won't be available for up to two months.

I have to say, it's been harder getting the book published than it was writing it!


I'll keep y'all posted.

Market day, so I'm gonna grab a mug of tea in a to-go cup.

I'll be back!

Take care out there, y'all!

Oops, sorry I spilled the beans early, Bear! Me just excited!!! worship :worship:

Active Ink Slinger

Good morning y’all. Whew, what a busy week culminating in our event last night. Now it’s time to enjoy the weekend. What’s this about a book? And what’s going on with weddings? I need to get some coffee and read back over the last few days of posts.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by ebonysummer
And what’s going on with weddings?

Same things as always.

Person A says "Will you marry me?"

Person B says, "I will but sign this prenup first." 😜

Quote by JamesLlewellyn
I have to say, it's been harder getting the book published than it was writing it!

Thanks for the warning. looks long and hard at retirement plan

Good morning. Happy wet weekend (for me and Kat, who's not far from me this weekend, at least). Though it is brightening up a bit after some heavy rain earlier.

Been cussing out Hewlett Packard. For some godawful reason, my wife's computer has 3 Displayport monitor ports but no HDMI. I know HP had a bit of hard-on for Displayport for a time but you'd think they could have put one measly HDMI port on. Now I have to run to a local computer shop to pick up an HDMI to Displayport adapter for her new monitor. (Yeah, I know, first world problems).

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. And a cupcake.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Whistling on my journey

Well it’s Sunday y’all

First In Lights On

Big Beautiful Bertha

wake waiting to give forth the nectar of Gods.

Copper Tea Kettle whistling her pleasure too.

Mix of doughnuts and sweets placed on side bar.

Back with music shortly

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Whistling on my journey

1st tune

Let's Do It Again

Steely Dan

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Whistling on my journey

By playing the "long version" of Steely Dan gave me time to check on Kimmi's boy toys

Now for a request from our own Summer


Raul Malo

may this give you a quiet smile


My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Whistling on my journey

To close this circle


Raul Malo w/ The Mavericks


But before I leave I have to post this from yesterday football game, KC Chiefs vs

Detroit Lions. Nothing spectacular till Mahomes shows his talent connecting to Kelce

Can you say "Talent on loan from God?"

Lion Out


My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Oh noes. Kelce is playing in the US and Taylor is stuck in Britain making money hand over fist. I mean, singing. Whatever shall they do?

(Disengages sarcasm mode)

Good morning. I keep coming up with ideas and then realizing they are stories I have done before. Admittedly, it's often old ideas dating back to my early Lush days but still seems a bit of a waste. And those stories died in my meltdown so revisiting them is perhaps justifiable. Still, feels like a director remaking his own films (which has, in fact, happened).

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Whistling on my journey

Quote by Seeker4

Oh noes. Kelce is playing in the US and Taylor is stuck in Britain making money hand over fist. I mean, singing. Whatever shall they do?

(Disengages sarcasm mode)

Good morning. I keep coming up with ideas and then realizing they are stories I have done before. Admittedly, it's often old ideas dating back to my early Lush days but still seems a bit of a waste. And those stories died in my meltdown so revisiting them is perhaps justifiable. Still, feels like a director remaking his own films (which has, in fact, happened).


Morning Ape!

enjoy a cup of tea and a boston creme and help to a few cookies to go too.


My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Good morning everybody!

Thank you Lion for the setup.

Ape, as Marci Lipman once said, "Of course it's been done before. Everything's been done before! So do it different, do it better!"

That's my motto and I'm sticking to it!

Summer, catching up on this lot is a bit like catching up on Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck – You may have missed something, but it's probably not important.

Yes, I'm working on a book. If you want to contact me directly, I can bring you up to speed.

Kat, you picked a problematic time to be in Ontario! We've had drenching rainfall yesterday, plus more promised for today. Toronto broke an all-time record for rain! I'm sure they won't be happy about getting more now. Still, you're on the banks of Lake Huron – about 2 hours away from Lady Jay and I – so maybe it won't be as bad there today, although your forecast is for scattered t-storms until late afternoon.

Anyway, I'm hoping to do some work on my Blue Site comp entry today. If I can figure out how this rhyming thing works!

Take care out there, 'K?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by JamesLlewellyn
If I can figure out how this rhyming thing works!

Meh. Rhymes are for wussies. I'm focussing on meter. 😊

Quote by JamesLlewellyn
Ape, as Marci Lipman once said, "Of course it's been done before. Everything's been done before! So do it different, do it better!"

Yeah, I know. Still, I always feel like going back to a much used well suggests lack of depth or something. I know my disinterest in kink (well, mostly) is part of it, since it kind of limits what kinds of sex I am inclined to use.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn
Kat, you picked a problematic time to be in Ontario! We've had drenching rainfall yesterday, plus more promised for today. Toronto broke an all-time record for rain!

Actually, it's been better down here. The worst crap stayed East of us (e.g. the tornado in Ayr). We had a couple heavy showers but by dinner time, it had mostly cleared up. And she's < an hour North of me so probably similar. Now this morning? Yeah, it's a Eurythmics kind of day. What does that mean?

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Active Ink Slinger

Happy lazy Sunday y’all. I think I’m all caught up lol. Any plans I had to be productive today went out the window pretty early. I’ve laid around texting a few friends, barely doing laundry, surfed lush getting inspired to…😊. Everyone needs a Sunday like this.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

I'm writing!! And progressing!! This is looking like a novella at least, too. There's some plot bits I still need to figure out and connect up but, hey, if it's going to be that long, I can handle that in later chapters.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Active Ink Slinger

I’m looking forward to reading 😊

OK, so it looks like The Lion Sleeps In This Morning…

In the bar, if not the jungle.

Let's get caffeine started, shall we?

Lights on, Lady Dryad has cleaned up the empty bottles and most of the drunks, so we're good to go.

Tea Kettle is refilled and steaming away. There are pots of Red Rose and Earl Gret available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned out, rinsed, and refilled, and is now perkin' away.

Today we're using Maxwell House, 'cause it was the first thing that came to paw.

I've put out donuts for the dozens, with Sara's sprinklies set aside with her sports section.

Plus I've got some strawberry pie! Oh me oh MY!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

And let's add some Espresso – from Sabrina Carpenter …

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Whistling on my journey

Morning Bear!!

first day of this week or it's

Moan. Daze

Lights On

Some housekeeping


wake up and feed our

Head of Security

Terrance,plumb Kansa grasshoppers.


warm up the jukebox

Then Take care of

Big Beautiful Bertha filled


Copper Tea Kettle filled

Mix of doughnuts and sweets placed on side bar.


Back shortly after checking on the "boy toys" till Kimmi comes in

Now start my trio of music

Head Cutting Duel

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

And now, let's get up and dance … with Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling, from La La Land … the little film that DIDN'T win an Oscar… It's A Lovely Night

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

And since I see that Lion has roared into the bar, I'll leave it to him, with his encyclopedic knowledge of music, to play the tunes for a sleepy Monday in August!

Take care out there, 'K?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Whistling on my journey


Touch of Grey

Grateful Dead

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Whistling on my journey

After the upbeat and happiness of The Dead, and Bear sneaking in the back I thought I heard a ruckus in the store room 😁

Last tune to close my circle of tunes


Taylor Swift w/Post Malone

That's all to start a week of what?,listen to your heart and DO right! try it y'all


Lion Out

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Active Ink Slinger

Happy Monday, my fellow Rumpettes. I hope everyone's week is off to a flying start. It's a cool day here, with a high of 61 predicted but sunny. I will be heading out for my bike ride on the 17-mile drive to get my day started. Hopefully, when I get back, I can stop in and have some of that strawberry pie if there is any leftover.


Whistling on my journey

Quote by ReesesPieces

Happy Monday, my fellow Rumpettes. I hope everyone's week is off to a flying start. It's a cool day here, with a high of 61 predicted but sunny. I will be heading out for my bike ride on the 17-mile drive to get my day started. Hopefully, when I get back, I can stop in and have some of that strawberry pie if there is any leftover.


After a rousing 17 mile ride, I've put a whole pie for you Reese. Take what you wish, I've placed Terrance to watch over your pie.


My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Active Ink Slinger

Hey y’all. Healthy bike rides and yummy sweets and pie and coffee! It’s almost mid afternoon here and I totally missed the morning. Ah well such is the life of a working girl. That didn’t sound right. I’m not a “working girl”, I’m a girl who works. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea 🤭

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by ebonysummer

Hey y’all. Healthy bike rides and yummy sweets and pie and coffee! It’s almost mid afternoon here and I totally missed the morning. Ah well such is the life of a working girl. That didn’t sound right. I’m not a “working girl”, I’m a girl who works. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea 🤭

No one would think our sweet Summer was the other kind of working girl! 😘
I'm just stopping in for something cold and a wave. Had a great time in Grand Bend with Sis and her fam this past weekend. (Left only footprints, Mr. Ape!).

Much to do before we head up to Michigan on Wed. Last-minute preparations are underway for our daughter's wedding! I remembered last minute I didn't have a suitable purse for the wedding. Bless you Amazon Prime!

Hope all is well. I'll do my best to catch up next week after the wedding! 😎

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by techgoddess
Had a great time in Grand Bend with Sis and her fam this past weekend.

So did you get a Biblical deluge like Toronto or just on and off showers like me? I have been assuming the Bend would be more like London. Glad you had a good time. Might be up there myself later in the week.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by fuzzy1954

After a rousing 17 mile ride, I've put a whole pie for you Reese. Take what you wish, I've placed Terrance to watch over your pie.


I think that pie just might taste better than mine....anyone want to do a comparison?

Whistling on my journey


First In

Lights On


warm up the jukebox


Big Beautiful Bertha filled

As our

Copper Tea Kettle filled

Mix of doughnuts and sweets placed on side bar.


Back shortly after checking on the "boy toys" till Kimmi comes in

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Whistling on my journey

1st tune

Riders On The Storm

The Doors

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Whistling on my journey


Lost and Found

Will Laut

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon