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lush convention

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on another (non-adult oriented) forum i used to post on, we occasionally discussed the idea of having a convention for interested members to get together, meet in real life, and spend some time together. it never materialized, i suppose because those things can be incredibly difficult to arrange, but i was thinking about how that same idea would apply to lush. while it's mostly a thought experiment (as i said, these things tend to be more trouble to try to plan than they're worth) two questions intrigue me about the idea:

1) where would it be? this is the same question we always ran into on the other forum. there were members there from all around the world, and that's true on an even bigger scale here. would we aspire toward a "central" location for the most members, would there be small cons scattered all around the world--what would be the best way to get a good group of people together?

2) how would we act around each other in real life? this is the question that intrigues me the most. how much of what we talk about is *just* an online persona and nothing more? i could see it being an entirely hedonistic weekend, or a normal gathering of friends who just happen to know each other from an adult forum, or i could even see everyone being shy and awkward around each other. i know i have a confidence on here that i certainly don't have in the real world, and i suspect that confidence would go out the window if any of you met the "real" me. i don't know if i'm the norm on that point though.

share your thoughts?
Active Ink Slinger
1) where would it be? this is the same question we always ran into on the other forum. there were members there from all around the world, and that's true on an even bigger scale here. would we aspire toward a "central" location for the most members, would there be small cons scattered all around the world--what would be the best way to get a good group of people together?

Maybe New York, London, Ibiza, Miami? but realize that as much as some people would love to attend, there would be hesitation. Would you run into someone you know in real life or depending on where this is held, how would people, who may not be so open minded think about this little "field trip"? For those who are involved in a relationship and the partner knows nothing about this place, how do you deal with that?

Look at the interaction as if you were going on a blind date. Nerves, excitement, hesitation, a mix of every emotion, and to be honest, there are some who are extremely free who may behave hedonisticly, but I would bet it would not turn into a Roman orgy. Even really confident people sometimes lose their stride or they have two faces. To the world they have it together, everything is perfect and personally or privately, there's the self-doubt, dislike, about themselves. If people are truly honest with themselves you will find a lot of us deal with that issue. I think you are being too hard on yourself, we all are our own worst critics.

So, there are my thoughts.
you raise some interesting points, and i wonder the same things. i'm not tied down to anyone romantically, and my job allows me to get away on my own schedule, and even i would have reservations about such a trip. i'm sure my parents, friends, etc. would ask me where i was going, and what would i tell them? now add several layers of difficulty for the many here who have the complications you mentioned, and i wonder if you could ever get much of a "crowd" together.

as for the interactions, i think it would probably be something between the roman orgy, and everyone standing in their own corners. hell, it might not be much different than the average bar convention. i think i'm comfortable enough with many here that i'd enjoy meeting and spending time together as friends, and if i can do it, anyone can. thanks for your input. smile
Rainbow Warrior
Have it on a cruise ship! ...a Lush Cruise! I can just see all the Lushies who can never get along in the Forums and are constantly arguing with each other in the threads, getting into knock-down, drag-out fights on board ship, until the cruise line called the Coast Guard and asked them to bodily remove the more boisterous Lushies. Seriously... as anonymous as so many try to be here, you'd be hard-pressed to sign up enough people who weren't worried about their membership on Lush being discovered by their wives, husbands, co-workers, bosses...

But I volunteer Sprite to organize the whole thing, and make it work! (Just don't book us on Carnival, Rach!) lol
that's a pretty accurate prediction i think. if even i am hesitant about actually attending, i wonder if you'd ever get more than just a very small group together. maybe that'd be preferable though? smaller number, fewer fights? who knows. on the other forum i mentioned, anytime this was discussed, everyone just fought over where it would be until everyone dropped it, lol.
Quote by tiemeuptiemedown
1) where would it be? this is the same question we always ran into on the other forum. .... there would be hesitation. Would you run into someone you know in real life or depending on where this is held, how would people, who may not be so open minded think about this little "field trip"? For those who are involved in a relationship and the partner knows nothing about this place, how do you deal with that?

'So darling you say the hotel booked for the convention is in the middle of the desert?'
'But I thought Area 51 was highly restricted, and certainly no hotels there!'

Quote by mrd82
... as for the interactions, i think it would probably be something between the roman orgy, and everyone standing in their own corners. hell, it might not be much different than the average bar convention. i think i'm comfortable enough with many here that i'd enjoy meeting and spending time together as friends, and if i can do it, anyone can. thanks for your input. smile

Nicola is booking rooms for those attending the Lush conference and needs to know who is sharing with who and when.
Multiple rooms can be booked in hour long blocks.
Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Gingerbread Lover
Theoretically, I love this idea.

In practice, however, I would probably only attend a small gathering of certain people (if I knew who they were beforehand). And even then, I'd probably chicken out, even if it was literally just drinks at the pub.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Bonnet Flaunter
I'm on another (non-adult) forum where there are plenty of successful meet ups all over the globe. A Lush one (or more, depending on geography) would be vastly entertaining, especially if we had all had name badges with our user names on them. Not so much for hook ups, but in order to identify squabbling forum members and head them off before live arguments ensue... ;)
Quote by Shylass
Theoretically, I love this idea.

In practice, however, I would probably only attend a small gathering of certain people (if I knew who they were beforehand). And even then, I'd probably chicken out, even if it was literally just drinks at the pub.

spot on.
Active Ink Slinger
So it appears you're still at square 1 Mr. D!! I love the suggestions and the Area 51 comment made me laugh and reminded me of a situation. Keep trying.
Active Ink Slinger
This gets brought up from time to time over the years I have been coming here and nothing has ever happened. I think it would be great to have a get to gether.
"Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen

"I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." Samuel Goldwyn
Properly done, this could really work. We could have seminars, ("Publishing your ebook"; "Writing For Comp"; "Moderating For Lush Stories" etc. Also, we could have Author interviews. I'd love to hear Nicola speak about the genesis of LS and how she developed it. Basically like a regular literary festival except in the evenings we'd all take drugs and fuck each other.

Nic: "You took it too far, Sweetie..."

xx SF
Rookie Scribe
My wife has been to meets set up by the online gaming site she likes (cribbage and backgammon). They had various tournaments and some instructional meetings. They met in Nashville one year and Minneapolis another. I think the sites were chosen based on who was in charge and also the lower costs of these smaller cities.

She was pleased to see that people who argued all the time online became fast friends in real life- although they were happily squabbling during games just like they did online.

Both times, she roomed with friends that she had flirted with online. I am sure she had a good time!

My real point is, put someone with organizational skills in charge. Let them determine how many people would actually show up and what those people would want to do. The organizers will pick the right venue, and we can all go have some fun smile

PS I won't go. People might tell me what they really think of my stories, and my ego would be crushed!
Quote by bad_mann_ers
My wife has been to meets set up by the online gaming site she likes (cribbage and backgammon).

i think the difference here is that a lot of people would feel pressure (for various reasons) not to attend because of the nature of this community. that being said...

Quote by bad_mann_ers
My real point is, put someone with organizational skills in charge. Let them determine how many people would actually show up and what those people would want to do.

this is one of the best points so far. if someone with more organizational skills than myself were motivated to put some planning into it, i think there may be enough of us to take a serious look at getting together.
That is actually great idea that was brought up over the years few times, as Tubby said. I am buying ticket for that, as long there is some good bartender and no one will go Bill Cosby on anyone.
sorry guys for dp. not sure if my internet is a wee off or lush is acting up.
Quote by She
That is actually great idea that was brought up over the years few times, as Tubby said. I am buying ticket for that, as long there is some good bartender and no one will go Bill Cosby on anyone.

lol, i will add "going bill cosby" on someone to my vocabulary. biggrin
Quote by mrd82

lol, i will add "going bill cosby" on someone to my vocabulary. biggrin

yeah, this one has quite bad connotation to it, although I was giggling writing it down.
and I really hope I used my new word correctly.