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You may notice the votes on stories changing

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Active Ink Slinger
I write for myself, and you enjoy it then so much the better, but I have to admit I was wondering who I pissed off lol.
Quote by mare24
I write for myself, and you enjoy it then so much the better, but I have to admit I was wondering who I pissed off lol.

He's targeting the entire site, I wouldn't take it personally. The man is a delusional schizophrenic.
Quote by Noreasonneeded
Maybe someone could just turn off all the electric to Brisbane?

Just Kidding, of course. smile
Thanks for all the hard work behind the scenes!

HEY! Don't you DARE do that .............. and no, I am not that person or from that area. Just sayin it would be not nice to punish everyone for the fucktardedness of one person silly

Yes, thank you to Lush for trying to fix this. It's been a long hard slog from what I hear.
God Empress of Lush
Maybe you could just tweak the programming to change all his four scores to fives?

Just a suggestion lol

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

I've noticed that my scores seem to have taken a hit across the board. I usually get that and I do have anonymous voting switched on, so I do leave myself open for that.
What did cross my mind was that there are a lot more members on lush now and that they will have come from other sites. I wondered if perhaps voting was just more honest these days, with less fives being doled out?
I'm all for honest voting, and less of a "friend" impact, when it comes to scores.

However, take a look at the IP addresses in the screenshot I posted Mazza. The same person has scored that particular story over half a dozen times. I don't care if they are all 4's or all 1's, it's the principle of the matter.

It's a mild irritation, nothing more.
Testing The Waters.
Noticed it as well when a couple of new(ish) stories plummeted.

I leave my voting wide open, so I expect it, really. There are always going to be people trying to game the system for one reason or another.
Quote by nicola
I'm all for honest voting, and less of a "friend" impact, when it comes to scores.

However, take a look at the IP addresses in the screenshot I posted Mazza. The same person has scored that particular story over half a dozen times. I don't care if they are all 4's or all 1's, it's the principle of the matter.

It's a mild irritation, nothing more.

Yes, I know...

I kind of like leaving my voting open so that anyone can vote (and I realise that this isn't the case with this guy) and I think that because of that, my votes are probably more realistic than a string of "forced" 5s with comments.

I always feel that open voting is inclusive of anyone who visits the site - who knows, maybe it will encourage them to join up, so that they can comment on stories too?

Like Sprite said before (and I agree) a 4 is a good vote and doesn't require explanation... 3 or below is not so good and if I get a vote like that, it would be good to get an explanation as to why...
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Mazza

3 or below is not so good and if I get a vote like that, it would be good to get an explanation as to why...

i don't like Scots. there. how's that? don't tell Clum! *giggles and runs*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Successfully wiped all scores, updated 1144 stories

That's one IP block taken care of, now for the rest.

Imagine how much time it would have taken to vote down all those, the scores wiped off at the touch of a button
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by Coco

Holy smokes, that's just ONE wipe?

And I thought I needed to get out more!
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
Gingerbread Lover
Out of interest, does this guy leave comments, too? Or just the scores?
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
If anyone is in the centre of Brisbane at the moment, you might be able to find him going about his business here right now - this is one of his favourite spots, probably a free wifi connection at the mall / bus station:

Another 102 votes wiped.
Gingerbread Lover
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
Quote by Shylass
Out of interest, does this guy leave comments, too? Or just the scores?


The comments are usually along the lines that the story has been stolen, or that it doesn't deserve the number of votes / score it's received.

Sometimes he delights authors with personal notes along the same lines, trying to cause disharmony.

I know the owners of some other sites which have similar lunatics, it happens everywhere.

They are a nuisance to society, online and off. I feel sorry for him most of all.
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by nicola


The comments are usually along the lines that the story has been stolen, or that it doesn't deserve the number of votes / score it's received.

Sometimes he delights authors with personal notes along the same lines, trying to cause disharmony.

I know the owners of some other sites which have similar lunatics, it happens everywhere.

They are a nuisance to society, online and off. I feel sorry for him most of all.

Ah, I just reported one, sorry, and sent a Contact Us message in saying I wasn't sure if I should have. I'm so fick that I wasn't actually sure what he was trying to say. But I understand now.

Illness is a terrible thing, but there are also limits. I truly hope he gets the help he needs, before the "help" he might find doled out is given. It's sad but true that cases like this often don't end happily.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
Candy Connoisseur
Quote by nicola
If anyone is in the centre of Brisbane at the moment, you might be able to find him going about his business here right now - this is one of his favourite spots, probably a free wifi connection at the mall / bus station:

Another 102 votes wiped.

Gee, Gav cant hack into the CCTV of businesses in that area can he?? I'd love to know what this fucktard looks like lol..what a waste of a cum shot this guy has turned out to be...
All hail Nicola and the team, I just like to read stories. So long as I can understand them I don't worry much about grammar and spelling, and I score them on my enjoyment and the tale that is told. The rest is for teachers etc. This unfortunate chap seems to have totally missed the point of the stories, and the site. FUN.

Nicola and team, thanks for a wonderful playground, and all the hard work you do to keep us kiddies safe.
Here's to ya,
Quote by SydneySider
I'd love to know what this fucktard looks like lol..

I sent you his Facebook page.
Wife: "where were you tonight?"

Neil V: "I was fighting for internet justice. I really have it in for this erotic story site, so on a Sunday night, I spent 4 hours at a wifi hotspot, voting down scores and leaving bad comments. That's going to bring them crashing to a halt."


Failed Mr V.
Just so people are aware, he's signing up via various free wifi spots, places we haven't banned yet, and has taken to spamming his comments on people's stories, claiming votes are rigged.
Why on earth would site staff rig votes on any story? This sad little fella is more delusional than even I'd anticipated
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by nicola
Just so people are aware, he's signing up via various free wifi spots, places we haven't banned yet, and has taken to spamming his comments on people's stories, claiming votes are rigged.
Why on earth would site staff rig votes on any story? This sad little fella is more delusional than even I'd anticipated

Maybe he's just not a pussy lover.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
I'm not wasting my time or anyone else's any more.

This thread was intended to highlight that we have a minor irritation trying to stink up the site, and that it's being dealt with.

That job has been done, the thread will now be locked.

That's his 5 minutes of fame. He kind of reminds me of this guy: