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Lush Stories 2.0. Please report bugs here

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jen

You can save stories as a draft and they will be held in your stories list as unpublished

You can then go in and edit as needed before submitting

That is reassuring to know because I thought that my Lush writing career might be over at 192 stories. Thank you. Paul

Charming as fuck
Quote by PlinyTheYounger

Forums are arranged illogically. When you navigate to the thread you’re at the first post, not the latest post. Typing the last page number in the box and submitting doesn’t always work.

Is there only 1 chat room now? 

Please admit this new iteration of Lush is terrible and return to the old format. It was logical and it worked.

Hiya, clicking on the thread name takes you to the first post. Clicking on the date the last post was submitted takes you to the last post. See screenshots.

I don't use the chatrooms, but I believe there is more than one. Certainly the intention is to have more than one.

The new iteration of lush is just that - new. It's still being built and will take time. The old version of the site will not be returning. I understand people's frustrations with the change, but it was necessary to keep the site going. 

High Lord of Darkness

I just emailed a support ticket due to functionality in the story editor. I used to be able to paste word documents into it and all the formatting was preserved. The new editor strips italics and centre formatted text, it probably strips everything from word but I haven't tried everything.

Any ideas when this can be fixed. It's stopping me putting stories into Lush at the moment, not a big deal - probably for the best really, but I'm not reformatting it all again. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't because there is no centre format icon.

"It's on the list and we have looked at it but it's not a simple thing to implement. It could be several months before we can find a workaround, Admin"

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

High Lord of Darkness
Quote by Mysteria27

You can’t search by the members name anymore.

How do we get rid of seeing peoples footers?  Not interested in seeing those.

We don’t have a list of the moderators and admin team anymore.  Will we be able to see that?



Searching members: Click the search icon, then click the advanced arrow and under advanced enter a username into the top field and search. I think you need to enter the full name and the correct one because I don't think it searches for part of a name. I could be wrong.

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

Active Ink Slinger

The story editor seems to have a number of bugs –

The space bar doesn't work consistently

The reverse delete button deletes the letter following the position marker

There is now way to link to previous stories other than to make them part of a series, which means going back and editing the original story and resubmitting it.

On an iPad it is impossible to cut and paste text form iPad apps, such as Word or Textilus.

On an iPad hitting the Submit button does the same as the Save button and does not send the story to a moderator.


"I have just put all of these on the bugs list, Admin" 

“Books are finite, sexual encounters are finite, but the desire to read and to fuck is infinite; it surpasses our own deaths, our fears, our hopes for peace.”

Series: The Eternal Joy Of Sex

A long erotic poem in 4 parts


Prolific Writer

A few of my stories and poems are in unpublished and were published years back.  I lost the views and comments on them.  

Should I just send them to the mods to get looked at again?

You can’t search for stories anymore and there’s no organization to the stories.  I have 950 and to just page thru them is unbearable.

I hate to sound like a broken record but if this is a story site first why did we seem to lose all the stuff key to writers?

I hope it improves because I don’t want to read or write with how it is now.  All the stuff that Gav did made our time here pleasant.  It just seems a mess if your a writer.  

There’s no pizzazz anymore.  I hate using my phone on this website.  I always use my computer or my iPad.  I’m being forced to use my phone which I dislike.

"We will look at any features you suggest, it's a website that is mobile friendly so you can use it on any device now smile , Admin"

Charming as fuck
Quote by Mysteria27

A few of my stories and poems are in unpublished and were published years back.  I lost the views and comments on them.  

Should I just send them to the mods to get looked at again?

If you don't mind, please don't for now. The verification queue is creaking at the seams!
Writius Eroticus
Quote by PJH

I am assuming that adding a picture or whatever is NOT essential to getting a story published.


Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Cummunist / Mod

When sending a message, is there a way to add more than one recipient? I couldn't.

"Yes just type in more names, but it will split them out it is not a group conversation. We will stick that on the wish list though, Admin"

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Charming as fuck

Hi everyone, thanks for continuing to post things that are buggy with the site.

The IT guys are still working on some of the site mapping that got a bit drunk and lost during the initial migration. Once that's sorted, they can look at migrating the rest of the data and then we can look at design issues.

If you're still having issues with location, logging on, staying logged in, chat settings etc, it's all currently still being looked at, so hang tight. Same goes for usability issues from different browsers or devices.

If you post something and I delete it, it's likely to have been mentioned already, so no offence intended, I'm just trying to keep this thread more usable for the developers who will scan it for technical stuff.

It would be helpful if you could have a read through things that have been mentioned already before posting. The login issues are not person specific.

On that note, a lot of the story verifiers don't have access to the story queue right now, so there will be a wait for stories to be published.

Thanks gang, and happy Friday.

Saucy Little Minx ♥️

Not really sure why this keeps happening no one else I have talked with is having this issue.  My IM (green) keeps changing it is literally changing all the time.  Sometimes it has the dots which will work then a few minutes later they are gone and I have not even touch my IPad. 😳  

"Being honest, the IM is crappy it's on the to do list, Admin"

Thanks again for all your hard work this must be totally exhausting for you guys.

Active Ink Slinger

good morning.  I haven't yet found where my favorite stories are located on my profile.
Also, will the page for story tags be coming back?

"There is no favourite stories functionality at the moment, Admin"

Rookie Scribe

not sure how to verify my status now (gold/silver).  I recently upgraded and charged but not seeing the upgrade.

❤️️🌹Elusive Enigma 🌹❤️️
Quote by DarkSide

I think there are groups that are missing from this new Lush v2. I recently joined a group on Lush v1 called Amateur erotica. I've tried searching for it and can't find it. I would appreciate if someone could check that out for me, please.

I went to your profile and clicked the Navigation tab then clicked on Groups (if you are using the desktop version then you'll have the Groups showing on your profile). When I clicked on Groups I scrolled down the list of groups you've joined. I found Amateur erotica at the bottom. smile  
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
Active Ink Slinger

Fairly minor mystery but my profile now appears with a USA flag next to my name. How can I change it to an Australian flag? My profile clearly says Australia (and like an earlier post, I was okay with my state but not really wanting to put my town - can that be amended too?).  Cheers

Sorry if this has been mentioned - you are all doing a fantastic job and trying to keep the site functional whilst also managing to migrate. I know messages are still in the process of coming over, but there is a minor inconsistency wtih the "unread" numebrs displayed. 

Eg. for me some screens show 429 (actual # from V1.0) - forums, stories landing page, messages, and some show 390 - profile, groups, gallery - just as examples. Not sure if that will fix itself up once migration is complete but thought to drop a mention. 

High Lord of Darkness
Quote by TheSensualLady
Quote by DarkSide

I think there are groups that are missing from this new Lush v2. I recently joined a group on Lush v1 called Amateur erotica. I've tried searching for it and can't find it. I would appreciate if someone could check that out for me, please.

I went to your profile and clicked the Navigation tab then clicked on Groups (if you are using the desktop version then you'll have the Groups showing on your profile). When I clicked on Groups I scrolled down the list of groups you've joined. I found Amateur erotica at the bottom. smile  
That's where I've been going wrong. I went to Groups on the main tabs and searched for it. The search didn't come up with anything. I shall have a look to see if it's in my navigation panel and whether it works. 


I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

Resident Otaku

I really hope the issue with chapters in a series is fixed soon. Clicking on "continue reading" will take me from chapter 3, to chapter 8, then I'll end up on 15 then chapter 2. It's impossible for anyone to read it in order, and the series button is disorganised too, hiding the chapter name with number.

"Working on this now, Admin"

Advanced Wordsmith

I’m not being notified when an author I follow has submitted a new story, nothing in my email account either.

Okay, just found another post about my report so changing to just read that I am also getting mod threads on my New Posts.

Bonnet Flaunter
Quote by bobbie8uk

I’m not being notified when an author I follow has submitted a new story, nothing in my email account either.

That's something that is on the substantial to-do list for the tech team. 😊
Simple Scribbler
Quote by KimmiBeGood
Quote by Jen
Quote by KimmiBeGood

I was able to pull up Darkside's reply to my comment (on his latest microfiction) and edit HIS response. 😲 However, when I hit SAVE I was logged out. 

Pls remove ability to edit others' comments on stories. 

Had it saved the edits once you logged back in? It shouldn't let you either way, but would be good to know if it worked. Thanks smile

It had NOT saved the edits, so that's good. 
Just circling back. This IS FIXED! Only "report abuse" thing shows up now when I click "more" on others' comments. Thank you!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by curvygalore
Quote by bobbie8uk

I’m not being notified when an author I follow has submitted a new story, nothing in my email account either.

That's something that is on the substantial to-do list for the tech team. 😊
Thanks for letting me know.

Site is looking good BTW

Carey’d away.

I mentioned this on the other side but it bears repeating since it's doing it here too - the birthday thing on my profile is wonky. 

I actually had to set it to the day after my birthday in order for it to show the proper date.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Writius Eroticus

Yeah there's quite a bit of one-off around the place. -1 sometimes when you delete all media from an album, 0s instead of 1s (or one value out) for message counts, one day out for birthdays as you say. Little idiosyncrasies that'll be added to the list no doubt. Thanks for the report.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

I'm pretty sure this has already been reported, but one good, one bad report, both related.

First, the good. There is a facility for seeing ALL the stories in a series from any story of that series. I can't quite remember how to do it, but now that I know it's there, it will help immensely. However, unless the stories are numbered (Chapter 1, chapter 2, etc.) there's no chronology to the listing.

Now the bad. Although stories in a series are linked, they are not linked properly. One series I'm co-writing, "Sara Surrenders" has, I think, 10 chapters. When I clicked the "Continue Reading" button at the end of chapter 2, it took me to chapter 7.

Not optimal.

I know this is not a crucial thing, but please add it to the list of secondary or tertiary things to fix.


An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Dirty Stop-out
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

I'm pretty sure this has already been reported, but one good, one bad report, both related.

First, the good. There is a facility for seeing ALL the stories in a series from any story of that series. I can't quite remember how to do it, but now that I know it's there, it will help immensely. However, unless the stories are numbered (Chapter 1, chapter 2, etc.) there's no chronology to the listing.

Now the bad. Although stories in a series are linked, they are not linked properly. One series I'm co-writing, "Sara Surrenders" has, I think, 10 chapters. When I clicked the "Continue Reading" button at the end of chapter 2, it took me to chapter 7.

Not optimal.

I know this is not a crucial thing, but please add it to the list of secondary or tertiary things to fix.


I think for a story site it is quite crucial.  If we are now a dating site, maybe not so critical. 

Also links between chapters that you haven’t made a series are not present. I have 6 chapters of Charlotte sometimes published. There is no linkage even though they were all linked before the move. I hadn’t made it a series as it was in the novels category and was clearly labelled chapter 1 etc. 

Also I thought in the old lush you had to have 3 stories to make a series so two part stories could not be serialised  now those links are missing too  

Also there is no read again button so if someone published part 3 of a series there is no easy way for a new reader to go back to part 1 and start at the beginning  

Hopefully full linkage will be restored soon. 

2 competition winning stories, 1 Famous story, a smattering of Editor's Picks, a handful of Recommended Reads and one Clitorides award are scattered amongst my stories.

One of a handful of writers to get the Omnium badge for writing in every category

For a book club with a difference... try this lesbian romp

Constant Gardener

The BLOCKING feature from previous Lush version did not / has not transferred over with my profile. Is Blocking something that is still a feature?

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.