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What comes first for you, "I love you" or sex?

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Princess Popsicle
Of all the men and women I have had sex with I've only loved one. My husband and I met online and spoke on the phone for hours every night for weeks. When we met and went out for a proper date it sealed the deal- I loved him. Without reservation. We slept together that night. Took me three weeks to tell him I loved him though because I was worried I'd scare him off if I declared my emotions too soon.

But up until that point, I was pretty happy sleeping with guys and girls I found attractive and enjoyed spending time with, without being in love with them.
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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ChuckEPoo
I've been married twice, both times to virgins. So my track record says love first. However, that didn't assure an unbreakable relationship. I do believe sex and love are very different emotions and are amazing together. However, not exclusive to one another.

A very interesting point of view Chuck. Thank you.
Sex is the easy part, declarations of genuine love come way after the physical connection has been established. Trying to rush with love in the modern dating scene would be seen as creepy and off-putting.
Active Ink Slinger
Active Ink Slinger
honestly sex would come before a I love you
Active Ink Slinger
I would say that first and foremost, for me, there is the possibility of "I Love You" with a person.

I can't fall in love with someone without getting to really know them and the attraction to fuck them comes so quick and easy. Understandably, most of us just want to get to the good parts and as a result, sex beats out love. But for me, with that sexual attraction there is the desire to want to love this person. Sure, it doesn't always happen but the intent is present. And hey, if me and them happen to have some physical intimacy along the way, all the better.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Always need the "I love you", then it gets hot from there
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Katie12
I think first is the seduction of the mind. Which will then most probably lead to sex. But love is so much deeper than that.. So I would say sex and then love smile

"Seduce my mind and you can have my body.......Find my soul and I'm yours forever"--Anonymus

Well put indeed. Although being male, m mind is sometimes easy to lead
sex always come first. dont know why, never fallen in love before sex.
Active Ink Slinger
Currently it is "Put your mouth on my dick" with his thrusting his pelvis into my face. Sadly I have never had to romantic experience of "I love you" before sex.
Active Ink Slinger
Since chaperoned dating went out of style, I'd go with sex first.
Advanced Wordsmith
It was sexual attraction that brought us together. We started staying over at each others house after that. After about 2 months, we we're in love!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by 1nympholes
Sex of course, love take a long time. But sex can be just for tonight and maybe not that long.

Is love really necessary before we can have sex?

Strange way to live.

Without a doubt sex comes first! I can not image thinking the three little words "I love You" would have any meaning from a person you had not had sex with.

Sex and Love are not tied together by any means but Good Sex is a Wonderful Basis for Meaningful Love.
The first time the "I love you" came first.

After that, there hasn't been any other "I love you"... but it would come after sex. I think it's just the logical order of things.
Site administrator
Just what is wrong with people these days .. no sense of priorities .. sighs ... food/stomach first .. beer .. sex .. fine if you need to say those 3 words to get any or all of that Do It.

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Sex, typically.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Love at first site ? Never happened with me so far. So what comes next in the list? Sex !! Hahaha
Although sex at first site hasn't happened with me either !! Damn where is my fav guy.
Active Ink Slinger
Without emotion and love - what is sex? Love makes everything so much more relevant and intense. Definitely love first. You can do it without - it's just colorless and somewhat tasteless.
Active Ink Slinger
Sex and love are two completely different things. You don't need sex to love someone. You don't need to love someone to have sex. But I can't imagine reaching a point in a relationship where I would say 'I love you', without having already had sex, many times. So if you are talking about romantic love, sex always comes first.
Sex always comes first. Love takes time to grow. I don't think you can have love without having experienced the sharing and intimacy of sex.

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Love to me is true emotion. Sex although fantastic, is an act.
We had sex first. The words "I love you" mean very little to me because of how they've been misused in the past, but he demonstrates love by his actions and that's enough. Good thing, too, because we both have a block about using the phrase.
For me I would say I love you. But here's the kicker every girl I've been with has dropped the love word before we even have had sex. It's a mind fuck when a chick says shit like: I love you, I've never met anyone like you, you're the best. I don't want to know that stuff. If it is true then it should go without saying. It's difficult for me to have sex with someone I don't like. I don't have sex as a pass-time. I have sex because it is the heat of the moment. A heat of the moment situation can last a life time for me. Every girl I've made a connection with has dropped the L-bomb before I have--everytime. Women are like that they are more emotional while we guys are more sensitive. When I use the word sensitive I don't mean soft or prone to getting one's feelings easily hurt. I mean very aware. Though I will say now a days more and more guys are seeming to be more emo.
Active Ink Slinger
Both. We have quite a bit of one night stands. Brandie and I tell each other several times a day, "I love You". Even after almost 38 years of being married.

Sex you can have sex without love.
Love is completely different than sex.
Active Ink Slinger
Sex for sure, but sex with love is TONS better.
Daddy's baby girl
When I was young, I used sex to try and find love. It never worked. It just sucked.
I will never again have sex with someone I do not love.