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Best female profile

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Active Ink Slinger
My wife's profile of course.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Artistic Tart
Quote by sprite
omg, i am so not an alpha anything

Alpha Kitty!

Also, I'm so hurt that you didn't mention me in your post, after all this work I put in.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by LadyX

Alpha Kitty!

Also, I'm so hurt that you didn't mention me in your post, after all this work I put in.

*giggles* i like that! i might have to add it to my bio!

oh, and yeah, i am such a bitch, i know. actually, i'm in the middle of compiling every single girl on lush so i can put them all up in one post - i'd hate to hurt anyone's feelings! it's taken me 2 days just to get to the C names!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Double Post Sorry!! Hope that doesn't hurt anyone too!!
Active Ink Slinger
OK then, I say all 100,635 profiles are equal!! I left mine out of course, or then someone may say I am vain. Sorry if I hurt anyones feelings!! Guess honesty isnt the best policy.
Alpha Blonde
Sorry I am getting to this party late. I was too busy knocking the 'betas' out of the way so I could get to this thread.

Ok, seriously though... the whole 'alpha reputation' isn't something that LadyX, Sprite and I have 'worked hard' to create. We don't have a 'burn book' and we don't all coordinate to wear pink to school on Fridays.

I think this thread is just supposed to be about profiles, not reps. As far as profiles go, I've filled in all the blanks, submitted an interview, stacked it with photo albums, have a playlist and have attempted to make it a playful space. Anyone can create a cool profile, it just takes a little time and effort. If my name gets mentioned here, then I give thanks for that. There are lots of great profiles on Lush... just that some might be more pimped out than others.

As for my answer to the Q... I would like to nominate... all the females on my friends list!! .... And I will now be handing out consolation lollypops in the cafeteria if you are a female on this site that isn't on this list yet and are now experiencing hurt feelings. School counsellors will be on hand to help you through... lol

Relax everyone... just have fun.
Active Ink Slinger
I have a lot of favorites too ... Nikki703 always cheers me up NO MATTER WHAT. I will actually go to her page and minimize it, after I check her wall out and post. I minimize it, for her ALWAYS badass music selections.
Thanks sistah love!
Active Ink Slinger
How come there's no "Best Male Profile" anywhere on Lush?

I mean, man boobs are sexy too right?

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
Oh, man. I didn't check this thread again until this morning, and I sure did not expect this thread took such a sharp turn. Now I feel bad to nominate DD at the first place because for sure I didn't want to cause anyone any trouble.

That said, I do admit I nonimate DD because she's my most favorite female member here, plus she got a very cool profile. And I admit that being here only 2 months, there are some veyr cool profiles I haven't checked out yet, like Sprite, LadyX, Maza...what I put there is just my very personal opinion. If my post hurts someone here, I sincerely apologize.

And, like DD mentioned, it's just a game here, for fun. In RL we're all quite stressed already, so let's all just relax and have some fun here.
Welcome to visit my tumblr page at for erotic arts. Or for non-erotic arts.
Active Ink Slinger
Dancing_Doll does have a wonderful profile page. Kudos girl on a job well done!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Sorry I am getting to this party late. I was too busy knocking the 'betas' out of the way so I could get to this thread.

Ok, seriously though... the whole 'alpha reputation' isn't something that LadyX, Sprite and I have 'worked hard' to create. We don't have a 'burn book' and we don't all coordinate to wear pink to school on Fridays.

I think this thread is just supposed to be about profiles, not reps. As far as profiles go, I've filled in all the blanks, submitted an interview, stacked it with photo albums, have a playlist and have attempted to make it a playful space. Anyone can create a cool profile, it just takes a little time and effort. If my name gets mentioned here, then I give thanks for that. There are lots of great profiles on Lush... just that some might be more pimped out than others.

As for my answer to the Q... I would like to nominate... all the females on my friends list!! .... And I will now be handing out consolation lollypops in the cafeteria if you are a female on this site that isn't on this list yet and are now experiencing hurt feelings. School counsellors will be on hand to help you through... lol

Relax everyone... just have fun.

speak for yourself, i have a burn book, bitch. Oh, and that reminds me, can we go with red this friday? all my pink stuff is in the hamper and i'm not sure i'll have time to do the laundry between now and then. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

speak for yourself, i have a burn book, bitch. Oh, and that reminds me, can we go with red this friday? all my pink stuff is in the hamper and i'm not sure i'll have time to do the laundry between now and then. smile

Girls!!!! Why don't you all join me in a 'no panties' Friday and then maybe we could meet for tea. Long Island Teas!!!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by MissyLuvsYa

Girls!!!! Why don't you all join me in a 'no panties' Friday and then maybe we could meet for tea. Long Island Teas!!!

actually, Friday is the one day i DO wear panties! i like to show them off too... as for drinks, i'm not allowed the hard stuff anymore, not since the incident at the Hard Rock Cafe and no, we don't talk about that, so don't ask! *giggles*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Ummm when I said alpha, I meant number one, not as in bitches as it seems to be taken??? It was not meant to be offensive.

And if anyone objects to members have feelings, well, what can I say except bye bye friendly forums - go ahead and make all the jokes you want to now and always - geez
Artistic Tart
The whole thing, including most importantly the original poster, was intended to be fun, much like the forum in general. Then we got the pre-emptive "but what if somebody's feelings get hurt?" poster, without whom frankly there's no issue at all and people post the profiles they want to give props to. If people choose to display their butthurt over that, then that truly is their personal issue.

There's a member here who makes a blunt and valid point near the top of her profile about the necessity of a sense of humor in a place like this. That's all that's really required here, instead of fishing for something else.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by LadyX
The whole thing, including most importantly the original poster, was intended to be fun, much like the forum in general. Then we got the pre-emptive "but what if somebody's feelings get hurt?" poster, without whom frankly there's no issue at all and people post the profiles they want to give props to. If people choose to display their butthurt over that, then that truly is their personal issue.

There's a member here who makes a blunt and valid point near the top of her profile about the necessity of a sense of humor in a place like this. That's all that's really required here, instead of fishing for something else.

screw you, i don't need a sense of humor, i am ALPHA KITTY! *gigglefit* oh, god, i am going to pay for that, i just know it biggrin heart <3 <3

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

screw you, i don't need a sense of humor, i am ALPHA KITTY! *gigglefit* oh, god, i am going to pay for that, i just know it biggrin heart <3 <3

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX
The whole thing, including most importantly the original poster, was intended to be fun, much like the forum in general. Then we got the pre-emptive "but what if somebody's feelings get hurt?" poster, without whom frankly there's no issue at all and people post the profiles they want to give props to. If people choose to display their butthurt over that, then that truly is their personal issue.

There's a member here who makes a blunt and valid point near the top of her profile about the necessity of a sense of humor in a place like this. That's all that's really required here, instead of fishing for something else.

I'm sorry, but I took this as maybe the op wanted to find hot profiles considering this is in the 'Ask the guys' and 'Relationships' and not in the 'fun' forum games.

Thank you LadyX for bringing up my profile, it was very gracious of you. The thing is, is that my blunt and valid point is that to have a sense of humor and have fun doesn't necessary mean make nasty remarks and jump on members and then say it was 'all in fun'.

Fishing for something else??? I'm not fishing for anything but how about a topic where people can voice the opinions without getting mobbed attack as MsYumm and then I did.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Fugs

I'm sorry, but I took this as maybe the op wanted to find hot profiles considering this is in the 'Ask the guys' and 'Relationships' and not in the 'fun' forum games.

Thank you LadyX for bringing up my profile, it was very gracious of you. The thing is, is that my blunt and valid point is that to have a sense of humor and have fun doesn't necessary mean make nasty remarks and jump on members and then say it was 'all in fun'.

Fishing for something else??? I'm not fishing for anything but how about a topic where people can voice the opinions without getting mobbed attack as MsYumm and then I did.

I think the OP just wanted to post a thread asking guy's opinions on profiles.

Nobody is *attacking* anyone in this thread. I don't see the premise of this thread as any different than the "Lushies you most want to have sex with" (of which I think there are about four variations scattered through the forums). I don't see anyone being upset about not being mentioned in those threads so I didn't expect this one would cause any issues either. There are no ranks here and no prizes. It's just subjective opinion and a bit of fun.

I also try not to underestimate people's ability to have a general sense of humour in the forums. I think we're all relatively mature enough to handle it both ways. And we're also entitled to give our opinions in return without it being called an 'attack'. Plus when someone takes a jab at me, I just sic my Alpha Kitty on them. She's pretty scary once she gets out of her cage. Don't let her tiara fool you...
Artistic Tart
Quote by Fugs

I'm sorry, but I took this as maybe the op wanted to find hot profiles considering this is in the 'Ask the guys' and 'Relationships' and not in the 'fun' forum games.

Thank you LadyX for bringing up my profile, it was very gracious of you. The thing is, is that my blunt and valid point is that to have a sense of humor and have fun doesn't necessary mean make nasty remarks and jump on members and then say it was 'all in fun'.

Fishing for something else??? I'm not fishing for anything but how about a topic where people can voice the opinions without getting mobbed attack as MsYumm and then I did.

What an excellent job this is of making something out of nothing, given that there was, and is, no attack and, aside from this little crusade of yours, everyone seems to be handling the subject matter just fine. I'm somewhat disappointed in your sense of humor.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX

What an excellent job this is of making something out of nothing, given that there was, and is, no attack and, aside from this little crusade of yours, everyone seems to be handling the subject matter just fine. I'm somewhat disappointed in your sense of humor.

LOL and I am very disappointed at your mediating skills
Active Ink Slinger
All this because a few of us said Dancing Doll has a great profile!! Imagine if we said it sucked, LOL!!!

Maybe we should all just put up generic av's and no info, that surely will make the site better.
Artistic Tart
Agreed. Hot, interesting profiles can't possibly lead to anything good.

Fugs, that doesn't surprise or concern me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Well I am going tot through my in here.

AngelHeart01 has the best profile (in my opinion) wicked background pic, a comprehensive photogallery, a kick ass selection of poems. Damn how can you get much better!

Plus I love her ass!!

You just want to fuck her ass.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
double post

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Wild at Heart
I would have to say out of all the females on lush Dudelicious' profile is the best. It's very interesting. She likes to get fucked in her ass by lesbians and I like that. Its KINKY!. I find her devotion to colin ferrel cute.. She's young at heart. Like a sexy teen.


Dancing_Doll: Out of all the women I find that she puts the most effort into having interesting galleries with pictures that are uniquely her. Her music is interesting. Her stories are great. Stalking her forum comments is fun too because everything she posts has substance. She is a valuable member of the Lush community. Maybe the MOST valuable.

Angelheart01: It WAS cool when that Magical_Dildo guy used to post the funniest shit ever on her wall and there were LOL's to be had. But now its just full of generic bullshit from the beta males (kidding beta males) heart Her music picks give you good insight into her crazy brain too. Her poems are good. Magical alley cat is great though.

EDIT: I was just told dudlicious is actually a guy... fuck, I'm embarrassed now. I could have swore that the colin ferrel shrine was a chick in love..... Now I feel weird wacking off to her...fuck well him, getting analed. Sorry man...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

Angelheart01: It WAS cool when that Magical_Dildo guy used to post the funniest shit ever on her wall and there were LOL's to be had. But now its just full of generic bullshit from the beta males (kidding beta males) heart Her music picks give you good insight into her crazy brain too. Her poems are good. Magical alley cat is great though.

EDIT: I was just told dudlicious is actually a guy... fuck, I'm embarrassed now. I could have swore that the colin ferrel shrine was a chick in love..... Now I feel weird wacking off to her...fuck well him, getting analed. Sorry man...

First of all ... I could swear The Magical_Dildo said he had a man-crush on Colin.

Second ... That Magical_Dildo did indeed post the funniest shit ever.

Third ... That DILDO is putting smiles on many faces right now, and putting the Magic in many other places

The Magical_Dildo is no longer a Dildo since leaving my wall. He is the Hot and Sexy Jack. Jack is Back
Constant Gardener
I'm going with the safe route here. If there is one.

Those eyes,
Those lips,
Those nose ~
Ooooh la la
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.