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Why do girls have a problem with brown men(Indian, Pakistani etc)

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Rookie Scribe
I have seen this happen a lot of times!
also has happened to me.

You have a good conversation going on and once you realize this guy comes from India/Pakistan there is no reply...

It is very annoying!
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by baddieguy
I have seen this happen a lot of times!
also has happened to me.

You have a good conversation going on and once you realize this guy comes from India/Pakistan there is no reply...

It is very annoying!

Hmmm... So you joined yesterday, this is your first post here, and already you are labelling all of the women with whatever your label is. Methinks you've been here before.

I don't care where a person comes from or what tone their skin is. I care about their attitude and how they speak to me. And I don't care for the attitude of your post, either.

This thread is not going to last, I can tell you that much.

Merry Christmas/Tuesday!

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Rookie Scribe
Did I mention this website?? I have been to a couple of sites and chat rooms and got the same thing a lot of times.

anywho, thanks for the reply and I hope a lot other women think like you!

Merry X'mas
If it's something that you've experienced on other sites, why would you post on this site in such an almost accusatory way?

Shouldn't you ask the girls who've done that instead?
I have no problem whatsoever with what colour a person is, or where they come from .. in any part of my life, virtual or real life. Agree with Shylass that it's the attitude etc. which counts, for me.

However, somewhat along the same lines, IMHO anyway, I see no reason why there is an "Inter-Racial" catergory in the stories here ? TBH I find it less than egalitarian.
The inter-racial category might be there simply because there are many people who are turned on by a specific skintone/race etc.

It falls along the lines of a fetish and is a matter of personal preference.

The category simply helps people find what they're looking for.

I don't particularly care about colour, I'm just explaining why I think the category is there.
Quote by one_winged_angel
The inter-racial category might be there simply because there are many people who are turned on by a specific skintone/race etc.

It falls along the lines of a fetish and is a matter of personal preference.

The category simply helps people find what they're looking for.

I don't particularly care about colour, I'm just explaining why I think the category is there.

Thank you for that, one winged angel (SO love ur name! btw). However ... I do know WHY the category is there ... but I still don't think that it is egalitarian, as a category. As, unlike the other categories, and/or fetishes which are catered for ... it is, by definition, discriminatory.
Quote by nymphonatalia

Thank you for that, one winged angel (SO love ur name! btw). However ... I do know WHY the category is there ... but I still don't think that it is egalitarian, as a category. As, unlike the other categories, and/or fetishes which are catered for ... it is, by definition, discriminatory.

Thanks, yours is interesting too smile

I don't really see how the category is discriminatory as most races are represented in there. It simply narrows down a search.

For e.g a lot of people love the image of being with the "Japanese-in-school uniform" type or a imagining two (or more) people of vastly contrasting skin color. I'm not condoning the thought process behind people with such a fetish, but different things turn different people on and as long as it's legal, consensual and between adults, is there really a problem?

On a side note, stories which contain phrases along the lines of "xyz race doesn't do it for me" or "xyz women are crap in bed" or "xyz men have tiny male parts" are not allowed on the site because those statements would be considered discriminatory.
The Linebacker
A lot of people are actually much more sexually attracted to someone of an other race than themselves. There is nothing wrong with that. Those people find the interracial category much more appealing. I like that we have our stories categoried as it makes it much easier for readers to find what they like.
Quote by nymphonatalia
I see no reason why there is an "Inter-Racial" catergory in the stories here ? TBH I find it less than egalitarian.

The Inter-racial category exists because people indeed desire to read such stories.

Even the most enlightened and liberal of us have pre-conceptions about people, races and even religions that are different to that which is familiar to us. Many of us harbour attitudes, interest and even a degree of fascination for people, cultures and mindsets which we have been taught to believe might be very different to our own. This interest is both healthy and the sign of an inquiring mind.

(In my own case, as an Irish Catholic, I was in my 20s before I ever dated a Protestant girl, in my 30s before I ever dated a Jewish girl and, (hopelessly) in my 40s before I ever dated a black girl.)

Although I'm obviously speaking as a straight white male, I believe what I'm about to say is universal.

Different races and cultures fascinate us BUT, because of how we are variously educated, we DO see different racial types as simply DIFFERENT, not less attractive, not lesser in any way indeed, but simply DIFFERENT.

And difference interests us.

(I confess, in the spirit of total honesty, that the first time I 'tasted' a black girl I was surprised that she tasted exactly the same as a white girl! Stupid? Perhaps. But I'd like to think I was simply rather innocent.)

It's an obvious truism that in the minds of Western Whites there is conception that African males are better endowed and more virile than white males. (A concept that threatens white men and rather more threatening to them INTRIGUES white women.) It's a fallacy of course, and yet, it's a fact. (That is, that Myth is commonly accepted as fact.)

The exotic, the different, THE FORBIDDEN, the , the unexpected, the unknown.... All of these spark erotic impulse in a specific fashion.

(I myself have a FASCINATION for Japanese women. I think they're beautiful. I also think that they are doll-like, obedient, rather subserviant, incredibly good in bed and docile, graceful, clever and charming. I've never dated a Japanese girl in my life. If any Japanese girl read what I've just written it's likely I never will, because even I know my cliched ideas are total bollox. BUT SOMEWHERE IN MY HEAD I KIND OF BELIEVE THEM!!!!!)

Very recently, I met the first Jewish girl I've ever gotten to really know and she's become a real friend. She LAUGHS at my preconceptions of what I thought a Jewish girl might be about, indeed she ridicules me for my ignorance. She sees nothing extraordinary about the fact she's Jewish.

But I STILL find it exotic and interesting to me.

(And she thinks I'm a fucking idiot because I do....)

But I do.

A common misconception is that ONLY MEN harbour such fascination.

This is untrue.

Many female black Lush writers write stories about white guys. Or indeed girls...

As an Irish guy, I've been the subject of cliche too; I'm a drunkard, I'm a hopeless romantic, I use words well, I'm a windswept, volatile, passionate and tragic artist, I'm doomed and beautiful and dangerous....

Now, as it happens, I AM ALL THOSE THINGS, but not EVERY Irishman is! (Actually they really ARE but I'm trying to make a point...)

Different is interesting, cool and dangerous. (And that's sexy.)

Interacial stories explore that.

xx Steph.

(When I lived with my black girlfriend, Samantha, I (gently) insisted that she always wore white lingerie. I loved the way it contrasted against her skin. Honestly, almost every time I undressed her, a little voice inside my head went, "Oh my God, you're having a black girl..." I'm NOT saying that's cools, I'm admitting that it's how I (deliciously) felt.)
Active Ink Slinger
As a person from one of the two countries you mentioned in your post, I can tell you that I haven't encountered on Lush any thing like you are mentioning in your post. I have made hundreds of friends here and most of them are gals :-) And yes, I do tell them my origins.

If you are respectful and interesting, people will chat with you. If you are annoying, people will not even bother to respond to you, and may even block you. So be nice, have fun and enjoy the site. Don't blame your origins when problem may be with your social skills (or lack thereof). Chill !!!

If you are respectful and interesting, people will chat with you.

(Kiss to that guy.....)

xx Steph.
Active Ink Slinger
Most likely for the same reasons we have problems with white men, black men, Hispanic men and Asian me. Your men and we are women and we do not march to the same drummer.
Active Ink Slinger
sometimes its not the skin color which makes people avoid people of other races.. it also has a lot of do with uncerainity about the unknown..
Such as likes and dislikes which are culture based...and people shy away from contacting people for the simple reason that they might offend the other person.. without knowing that they are offending them..


***In the West offering a hand shake to a Lady is totally acceptable.. you try that in Malaysia, or an Arab Country.. women will get offended.
***In the West if a guy does not look into a Ladies eyes.. she will consider him a liar... in India if a guy looks into a Ladies eyes.. he is considered rude...

These are just a couple of examples.. this list is very LONG!, a lot of people have heard a few of these and conciously or subconciously try to stay on fimiliar grounds... not out of hate but out of respect.

So, people dont judge by skin color but like to stay in their comfort zone.. and yes there is a "Glass ceiling" when it comes to working / relations in other cultures...

You will have to try harder to blend in and break the glass ceiling ... but you have to do it in a positive way.. just look at this post.. you got slammed by a number of ladies for the way you approached the issue.
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
― Helen Keller
Orgasm Aficionado
I had a quick conversation with an Indian guy in one of the chat rooms and he thought it would be appropriate to send this as a follow-up:

"hey my sexy slut , hz u ????????????? wanna have a blowjob on my 7.5 nches cock ?????///// i can turn u on , add me , my little sexy slut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

If you're doing something similar, that is where you're going wrong.
Head Penguin
I thought it had been proven that race doesn't exist, so would never post in that category. It's ridiculous to suggest that girls don't like Asian men. People are just people irrespective of their ethnic origins

I don't come into contact with Asian men in real life so have no preconceptions.

Danielle xx

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Quote by AbigailThornton
I had a quick conversation with an Indian guy in one of the chat rooms and he thought it would be appropriate to send this as a follow-up:

"hey my sexy slut , hz u ????????????? wanna have a blowjob on my 7.5 nches cock ?????///// i can turn u on , add me , my little sexy slut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

You mean you weren't swept off your feet?!?!
Active Ink Slinger
The color or your skin does not matter we are all red blooded that's what counts.... countless times we meet guys online from India an Pakistan and its their attitude that is the problem not you race or skin tone.
Active Ink Slinger
Double posted, sorry
Active Ink Slinger
I only have problems with men (and women) who are rude,obnoxious disrespectful ASSHOLES!!! The color of their skin has nothing to do with it!!!
I dunno about this as a thread, although sweet to offer a non-christian (yeah making assumptions!) merry xmas.

But ignoring what it is meant to be about (and accepting the basic tenet that of course it is ultimately down to what comes out of the mouth rather than the colour around it) it does allow me to vent about the most annoying thing about Lush for me which is the inter-racial section. Sorry, justifications about it being about exploring other cultures, and the attraction of doing so, really is beau locks. Read them - it is just the worst type of stereotyping. Lose the category (damn now i know what i should have said in that recurring one thing that would improve Lush thread!) and let people introduce interracial sex (which sure as hell aint a big thing anymore) into their stories in whatever categories they want to put them.

Sorry, but in my dull aged liberal mind, keeping the interracial section is just pandering to bone headed racial stereo typing. Why it needs to be there with or i don't know. Wake up and recognise the 21st century and the modern world please!

Right, soapbox collapsing under my righteous bullshit!
Sorry to ignore the question of the OP but I think the subsidiary conversation is far more interesting.

When I was a story verifier, there was (and I think still is) a mod who refused to read stories submitted to the Interracial category. I respected that, in the same way that some refused to do stories or BDSM or (in my case) Anal. Everyone had their individual reasons for this and they were all valid.

Should the Interracial category exist? If there are people who want to read and write those kinds of stories, then yes. No one is forced to read them but there are some who will want to. Some say that race shouldn't be an issue but, in truth, sometimes it is. The stories in this category shouldn't be in there simply because people with different skin colours have sex in them; the stories, in my opinion, should make an issue of race - it should be a key device in developing the story. The sense of strange and new and, sometimes, can create the excitement and heat that makes an erotic story great.

A great example is Indian girls whose families are still very traditional and/or religious and to whom it would be a very big deal if she was in a relationship with a white boy. True, this is becoming less of an issue as time goes by but this does still happen (I know for a fact it does). There's a great story of forbidden love in there which would fit well in the Interracial category.

I've never written in that category, although I've used an Interracial tag and that was mostly because I imagined the story a very particular way and wanted the readers to get that. In general, I make no or little mention of race in my stories although most readers would probably assume the majority of my characters to be white (which is usually how I see them because I grew up surrounded almost exclusively by white people). Like I say, in general it isn't important but, to some stories, it is and there is nothing wrong with that (in my opinion).