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The worst thing a guy has done on a date with u?

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Divine Rapscallion
Generally, it is best to include some text in the first post of a thread, even if you think the thread title is self-explanatory. Thanks.

Oh, and the worst thing a guy ever did on a date with me was to announce he was sterile 15 minutes into a first (and only) date. I told him he wasn't ever going to have the chance to prove it.
Maggie R
Active Ink Slinger
This has definitely been done before, I would suggest searching before posting a question.

Anyways, I went on a date with a Chinese guy who took me to a Chinese restaurant. I was nervous and not doing too well with chopsticks, I asked the waitress for a fork, and the guy told the waitress not to bring the fork, because I was going to have to use the chopsticks.
Kept going on about his ex. How annoying.
It wasn't just dropping her name in here and there either, it was constantly dribbling about her. How she used him, how she made him weary of women ect.
Honestly, get over it. Why even ask me out if you have this new found fear of women? I would have much prefered to be sitting in a bar with my friends than listen to this all night.

He also kept sending his food back where we were eating too, I have no issue with this if there is a problem with the food but he was just being difficult and rude to the waiting staff. I kind of hoped they somehow tarnished his food with a bodily fluid after being so mean to them.

The drive back to my house was a nightmare too, he drove way too fast and was abusive to the car in front (Who had a family inside) and kept driving up their arse. I hoped maybe the husband would stop his car, get out and give this guy a bit of slap but no, so this poor family had this deranged ape of a man continually critising his safe driving.

Needless to say I changed my phone number to stop any texts coming through from him and refused the offer of a second night out with him.
Candy Connoisseur
Quote by Lavish
Kept going on about his ex. How annoying.
It wasn't just dropping her name in here and there either, it was constantly dribbling about her. How she used him, how she made him weary of women ect.
Honestly, get over it. Why even ask me out if you have this new found fear of women? I would have much prefered to be sitting in a bar with my friends than listen to this all night.

He also kept sending his food back where we were eating too, I have no issue with this if there is a problem with the food but he was just being difficult and rude to the waiting staff. I kind of hoped they somehow tarnished his food with a bodily fluid after being so mean to them.

The drive back to my house was a nightmare too, he drove way too fast and was abusive to the car in front (Who had a family inside) and kept driving up their arse. I hoped maybe the husband would stop his car, get out and give this guy a bit of slap but no, so this poor family had this deranged ape of a man continually critising his safe driving.

Needless to say I changed my phone number to stop any texts coming through from him and refused the offer of a second night out with him.

As a guy, guys like that irritate the shit out of me. Is it any wonder they cant find a girl friend. If he was driving like that, obviously to prove how much of a man he was, I would have asked him to stop, gotten out and called a cab. No wonder girls are turning to be with other girls with dicks like him on the lose. Rant over...
Quote by SydneySider

As a guy, guys like that irritate the shit out of me. Is it any wonder they cant find a girl friend. If he was driving like that, obviously to prove how much of a man he was, I would have asked him to stop, gotten out and called a cab. No wonder girls are turning to be with other girls with dicks like him on the lose. Rant over...

Yes it was a nightmare. For about 3 weeks I was worried to sit with my back to the door in the local pub in case he came in to demand why I had been ignoring him.
The driving thing really annoys me, it wasn't just his safety losers like that put at risk, it's every other poor sod who happens to be using the road too. I should have got out but I was so eagar to get home that I just held back the tears and bit my tongue lol
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lavish
Kept going on about his ex. How annoying.
It wasn't just dropping her name in here and there either, it was constantly dribbling about her. How she used him, how she made him weary of women ect.
Honestly, get over it. Why even ask me out if you have this new found fear of women? I would have much prefered to be sitting in a bar with my friends than listen to this all night.

He also kept sending his food back where we were eating too, I have no issue with this if there is a problem with the food but he was just being difficult and rude to the waiting staff. I kind of hoped they somehow tarnished his food with a bodily fluid after being so mean to them.

The drive back to my house was a nightmare too, he drove way too fast and was abusive to the car in front (Who had a family inside) and kept driving up their arse. I hoped maybe the husband would stop his car, get out and give this guy a bit of slap but no, so this poor family had this deranged ape of a man continually critising his safe driving.

Needless to say I changed my phone number to stop any texts coming through from him and refused the offer of a second night out with him.

When you mention the drive home. Is the exact reason why I never get into a car with a man when we are going on a date. I prefer to meet up with him, and when everything said and done we can go our separate ways. But there are other reasons why I don't let men come and pick me on a date, especially at my home.
Active Ink Slinger
Once, right after my divorce, I went out with this guy and while we were having dinner he was asking me questions about my sex life, which should have been a sign that he was a low life. I guess I must have given him the impression that I wasnt going to go to bed with him on the first date. After we finished eating, he excused himself to go to the bathroom and never returned.
Quote by sexi_virgin25

When you mention the drive home. Is the exact reason why I never get into a car with a man when we are going on a date. I prefer to meet up with him, and when everything said and done we can go our separate ways. But there are other reasons why I don't let men come and pick me on a date, especially at my home.

Ohh yes, I learned that very quickly that day.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nikki703
Once, right after my divorce, I went out with this guy and while we were having dinner he was asking me questions about my sex life, which should have been a sign that he was a low life. I guess I must have given him the impression that I wasnt going to go to bed with him on the first date. After we finished eating, he excused himself to go to the bathroom and never returned.

Damn, HOW many times do I have to apologize for that!? I really meant to return but that Irritible Bowel Syndrome is no joke. I never left the restaurant, but things took longer than I exptected in the loo.....

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
He suggested a waffle house, which was fine, ordered everything off the menu, outright admitted he didn't have cash on him, Then I was stupid enough to go play pool with him, where he promptly kicked my ass, which would have been fine if he didn't feel the need to "school me. He took me home on the subway - didn't exit the turnstile so he'll save a token, and asked for a kiss, which I gave, and it was like kissing a cold, dead fish.

What can I say- I was 22 and stupid!
It was probably when I was when the guy picked me up at my house in a really nice car. I was of course impressed by this....Anyway, we went out and he insisted we park BEHIND the restaurant we went to where there weren't even parking spaces..I found this a little odd and then dismissed the thought and just assumed he didn't want his car stolen or damaged, or something. Well, while he was driving me home we got pulled over. Ended up that the guy stole the car....I had to go to the police station and then get another ride home....he still tries contacting me...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AloneAndWaiting
It was probably when I was when the guy picked me up at my house in a really nice car. I was of course impressed by this....Anyway, we went out and he insisted we park BEHIND the restaurant we went to where there weren't even parking spaces..I found this a little odd and then dismissed the thought and just assumed he didn't want his car stolen or damaged, or something. Well, while he was driving me home we got pulled over. Ended up that the guy stole the car....I had to go to the police station and then get another ride home....he still tries contacting me...

OH MY GOD! Don't fool with that guy. If he stole a car, god knows what else he is doing illegally. Lucky enough you live in Ireland, Over here in some states of America, you would go down as a accomplice.
I foolishly went out with somebody I met through a dating website (I know, bad move)

When we met (amazingly) he looked nothing like his profile picture, but he wasn't too bad so I decided to go ahead with the date. I was hoping his personality would shine through and dazzle me. Sadly, it didn't and we spent a lot of time in silence as we ate.

The worst was still to come, he said he would cover the bill even though I offered to go dutch. Imagine my horror when his card declined. He didn't have enough actual cash on him to pay so I ended up paying on my card.

He even had the cheek to ask if I wanted to go back to his place afterwards! Needless to say there was no second date, and I have never internet dated again to this day.
The rudest thing a guy has done to me while we were on a date would have to be when I was on the first date with this couple. The last time they had seen me, I hadn't brushed my hair in any other way than a bun, no make-up, drabby clothes--- i was not prepared to pick anyone up. Unfortunately, he noticed that I put make-up on and had my hair shining and everything, which he says. "You've gotten hotter since the last time I saw you. Oh, you wore make-up? {Turns to gf of 7 years} Why didn't you wear any make-up?" And then continued to call me the "new, shiny" toy/thing the rest of the day.
Alpha Blonde
I guess my worst first date was with this guy who showed up with 3 dozen yellow roses for a casual drinks-date at a local pub/bar. He then proceeded to tell me about how he was a private investigator on the side and could find out anything about anyone and how he had all these nefarious contacts. It creeped me out a bit (something was off), so the date ended just after two drinks (still daylight outside) and I left the roses on an anonymous person's doorstep on my way home because I didn't want the association. Then, after telling him (during the next phone convo) that I wasn't interested in anything serious, he said ok, he understood. Then two weeks later, he hacked my email account, started sending me threatening/harassing messages under another name, stalking me, and as this went over a six month period, he sent an email that he was going to kill himself if he couldn't have a relationship with me. That weekend, he just randomly disappeared (after six months of intense stalking). I assume he 'offed' himself, but I never really found out. Anyway, at least the stalking stopped.
I once went out with this guy that I'd been 'after' for ages...

We got very drunk, ended up back at my place, where he proceeded to vomit red wine in my bath, with the door locked - he fell asleep in the bathroom and I had to break in to see if he was ok... retch

Needless to say, I never had sex with him. He slept in my bed and it wasn't until he left the next day, that I realised that he had also pissed my bed...

I don't think I even spoke to him again, let alone had a second date!!!

(I actually have a story half-written about the whole thing... lol)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SydneySider
As a guy, guys like that irritate the shit out of me.

As a guy, I totally agree with SydneySider. Reading all those terrible things guys did make shake my head. I got to teach my son how to treat girls respectful and nicely when he's old enough to learn. Just drop by.
Welcome to visit my tumblr page at for erotic arts. Or for non-erotic arts.
Active Ink Slinger
A first date mind you that had not generated any sparks, I had a guy give me a short kiss while in the car then he proceeded to unzip his pants and pull his dick out and said, "Be kind." I jumped out of his car real quick and ran to my apt. and locked the door behind me.

He should be thankful that I was kind. I had a little pistol on my purse and I didn't shoot him.
Met my date at a high end restaurant. He showed up drunk, sat down before I could refuse. He was a jerk. Said he had a few drinks before hand to get the ball rolling. ??? Explain that! I told him he was suppose to try to get me drunk not him being drunk to start with. He didn't get it. He was a jerk to the wait staff and host. I put him in a cab and left after I tipped everyone and said sorry. Oh.. told the cabbie to drop the guy off downtown Seattle at the docks.
He called me a few days later, wanted a second date. Said he would not be drunk again but wanted a chance to get me drunk. I refused. He didn't stop calling until after my brother met up with him and explained the facts of life to him.
Wow, Interesting stories ladies. It can happen to the guys too.

I had my first date after being divorced 9 months to a woman I met off Facebook. I suggested Buffalo Wild Wings she suggested Hooters. we ordered dinner and a couple of brews, she downed the first and was off to the races. I had hardly consumed one when she had 3. Told the waitress she wanted wings, *dripping in sauce*, then got mad and told the waitress They were too wet. Held an empty mug on top of her head to get the waitress's attention when her mug was empty. Totally embarassing. I went to the bathroom looking for an open window only to find the bathroom had no windows at all. LOL
Constant Gardener
Quote by shanefalco16
Wow, Interesting stories ladies. It can happen to the guys too.

Been there, man. Were we trying to bang the same chick?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wine Connoisseur

I can easily remember my worst date. I was a junior office girl/secretary in waiting at the army defense barracks where I eventually met my future husband. One of the guys asked me out as there was a party on in the nearest town on the Saturday night. To begin with, he spent most of his time talking to his mates and neglecting me. I felt like a piece of shit. When it was time to leave, he was very drunk. I told him that he was not driving and to give me the keys. That way we would both get back to the barracks safely. He was slurring his words real bad and refused to wear the passenger side seat belt. Just before we got back he leaned across the seat and promptly threw up all over my skirt and top before passing out. Pathetic.
The Linebacker
Damn! These are all some awful dates!

Maybe the guys need to start a forum on our worst dates too. I have a few from the past I'd love to fix up with those creepy guys y'all had awful dates with. Hell, though, it probably be love at first sight for those weirdos.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MissyLuvsYa
He should be thankful that I was kind. I had a little pistol on my purse and I didn't shoot him.

HAHAHA!! There's a story in there somewhere Missy! I wish I had one of them on this date...

Back in my bartending days, I was setup with this guy, through friends. (I'm still wondering if they were my friends)
When he picked me up that night he made a comment about how the backseat was off limits *wink, wink* since he had 2 tires sitting in it (makes me wonder what he had in the trunk of his car if the tires were in the backseat) and could I take off my shoes since he didn't want me to mark up his new floormats. (They were nothing special as far as I could see)
Normally, I won't make any judgement on how people look, but for godsakes shower, comb your hair and wear clean clothes. I think he doused himself in Febreze and shitty cologne before picking me up.
He thought appropriate first date conversation was to talk about his "bitch whore ex" all the way to the restaurant.
He blew his nose and picked his teeth at the table while sucking back whiskey after whiskey. I lost count after the 6th one.
He was rude and surly to our server. He left a $2 tip on a $110 bill. As a bartender and a customer, the server did absolutely nothing wrong except tolerate his behaviour, but then so did I.
After dinner was over (I offered to pay half - just so I could slip the server an extra $20 for putting up with this dick) he insisted he pay since I'd "owe him", but I could buy the first round of jagerbombs and beer at the local dive bar he planned on taking me to.
I didn't have to fake an upset stomach - the guy was literally making me sick - I bolted from the restaurant and flagged down a cab.
I was told "You're just another stupid bitch" when I turned him down for a second date. I figured I'd be the stupid one if I said yes.
This didn't happen to me, (really!) but I was part of/ told this story by Michael, one of my very best friends, who was at the time of this story my flatmate. I'm straight, Michael is not. We were having drinks in a Dublin gay bar before I had to go to A DJ gig. Michael likes Bears, heavy set, hairy, usually bald, bearded men, and sure enough had soon scoped out a guy who sat at the other end of the bar.

The guy was huge, bald, bearded and dressed from head to toe in black leather biker-fetish gear. Leather boots, Jhodpur-like leather trousers, A leather SHIRT, leather biker jacket and shades.

In my innocence, noticing this Leather Queen in the mirror, I said to Michael, "Oooh, have you seen the big guy at the bar in the leather?" Martin looked at me witheringly. Staring pityingly at me over his drink he said, "Watch this, that guy will come over in the next two minutes...."

And sure enough, he did.... (I think gay men may have a weird kind of telepathy thing going on..... I've climbed into BED with women while still unsure if they really liked me....)

Turned out the guy was called Gunther, an East German man on a motorbike tour of Ireland. I chatted merrily about German re-unification as he stared at Michael. After about ten minutes I felt a kick on my leg. "What time is your gig? asked Michael. "Couple of hours, it's practically next door, I'm in no rush...." I smiled. "Best be off," said Michael. "You don't want to be late..." Then he silently mouthed, 'Fuck Off....'

I can take a subtle hint.

I arrived home to find my pale-as-a-ghost flatmate cowering by the fireplace nursing a large drink. He looked unwell but eventually explained what had happened with his 'date'.

Gunther had driven him home to our place on the back of his huge BMW motorbike. Upon arriving at the flat the German man asked he might bring into the flat his 'box of toys'.... Michael, intrigued and a little excited, agreed. Now like me, my flatmate worked in the music biz and was in fact quite a well-known musician and DJ. Our flat was filled with posters and passes, mainly Michael's in truth, from gigs he had played. Red Wedge, Anti-Apartheid Rallies, Miner's Strike gigs, Rock against Racism benefits.... As huge soul music fans, we also had album sleeves decorating the walls, Otis, Aretha, Marvin....

Thus Michael was slightly perturbed when this huge German produced a Swastika armband from his 'box of tricks' and put it on. Along with a Death's Head Nazi cap. He then donned several SS type rings and produced a pair of nipple clamps. Michael looked on wide-eyed, but it was too late to back out now.

Gunther looked around at the posters and album covers on the wall and turned to face my friend. "Ze problem wiz finks nowadays in ze West iz zat zhere are too many fucking softies..... Now get undressed, Irish Boy...."

I'll spare you the gorier details except to say that Gunther insisted, insisted mind you, that Michael, by then nipple clamped, cried, "Seig Heil" as the huge German made him come....

"YOU POOR THING!" I offered, "are you alright?"

"Yeah," sighed Michael. "And I'm seeing him again tomorrow night....."

xx SF
Active Ink Slinger
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
Gingerbread Lover
Good grief! I am beginning to think myself very, very lucky.

The worst I have ever had, having never dated, was in college, when a bloke I'd been listening to the woes of for the last three months asked me if I would be his long-term girlfriend. I thought about it, and said yes, thinking that for once, somebody actually liked me and fancied me! I was all happy and excited, until he informed me that he had to go and sort something out with one of my female friends. Being the trusting little pillock I am, I said alright.

An hour later, he still hadn't reappeared, and so I went up to my friend's room, to find her standing behind the desk and him sitting on the bed. He couldn't get out of the room fast enough after I appeared, and I found out from my friend (who had a boyfriend) that he'd tried it on with her. Turns out he asked me out so he could get closer to her.

But having read all your stories, I believe I really am luckier than I thought.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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This guy i met in high school we were friends, he asked me out to the movies. I said yes... let's just say he was 30 minutes late with no explanation... WORD OF ADVICE MEN... DO NOT BE LATE, that is a big no nosilly
Active Ink Slinger
oh, i have some doozies but the most recent one was a guy who had been pursuing me for months, takes me on a 'date' for drinks and then asks me to pay for my $2 coke!!!! yeah, a real gentleman. needless to say, i deleted him from my blackberry STAT! lol