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People on Lush

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Rookie Scribe
Hey y'all, just curious what most gals use this site for. I joined in hopes of connecting and getting to know new gals and yet there doesn't seem to be a lot of that going on? Is everyone really on here just for the stories?
Rainbow Warrior
I came for the stories. I stayed for the forums, and the friends I've made here. Actually, I came to write, but apparently I suck at that. So I just stick around to make a fool of myself here in the forums.
To finger myself.
Active Ink Slinger
I came for the poems mostly but now I have got some amazing friends here whom I adore! They are the most amazing people I have ever met.
I found the site looking for erotic stories, then found that I enjoyed meeting people and have cherished some connections. I have found that I also enjoy writing.
Quote by KansasKid09
...and yet there doesn't seem to be a lot of that going on?

Unfortunately it's true there's nothing going on here. Don't even know why am I here. I have great life, great husband, great kids, beautiful house with white picket fence, wtf am I doing here *slaps!* Alright stop that, not funny. At all

Quote by explore_yourself
To finger myself

Lol that cracked me up. You're funny. And oooh, loved that warning thing.
To read some stories first, then found the forums, then a few stories wot I wrote all by my own-self
Gentleman Stranger
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I came for the stories. I stayed for the forums, and the friends I've made here. Actually, I came to write, but apparently I suck at that. So I just stick around to make a fool of myself here in the forums.

Hi Bethany. I know we have our differences in how we view life, but that doesn't stop me from stating for the record that you DO NOT suck at writing!! Also, I noted that you somehow missed getting your "Famous Story" badge, despite having accomplished the difficult feat of getting 30,000+ reads on stories. Writers that suck don't get there, so hopefully that oversight will be corrected soon. And get your ass back to writing occasionally, would'ja?

[Edit: Hmmm... noted after the fact that all of the "Famous Story" badges seem to have disappeared. I'll pose a question about that in the appropriate forum.]
For the most part, I tend to stick with people that have no agendas, except to write. I have found one or two, and we talk and laugh, generally about writing styles. Although not gifted and deemed non-talented by one, I get the picture of what I am dealing with. For the most part, I understand the task that mods put up with.
Rainbow Warrior
Quote by Stormdog

Hi Bethany. I know we have our differences in how we view life, but that doesn't stop me from stating for the record that you DO NOT suck at writing!! Also, I noted that you somehow missed getting your "Famous Story" badge, despite having accomplished the difficult feat of getting 30,000+ reads on stories. Writers that suck don't get there, so hopefully that oversight will be corrected soon. And get your ass back to writing occasionally, would'ja?

Thanks so much! That was very kind. You noticed my Famous Story badge was missing before I did! It was there before, but now mysteriously disappeared. I must have pissed Gav off somehow. lol
Lady GlitterGiggles
I have a forum addiction sad
Quote by moon03
I came for the poems mostly but now I have got some amazing friends here whom I adore! They are the most amazing people I have ever met.

It is an honour and a privilege to be one of your friends. Hugs
for writing, reading, making new (author/reader) friends.
Active Ink Slinger
I actually found Lush by accident - and have never left. The Stories and Forum are only part of the pleasure.
Being a Bi-sexually oriented woman...and have been all my life, I found Lush to be somewhere I can interact and express my opinions and mostly get some reasonable responses.
Since beginning my sex life early I have found women to be more responsive and affectionate and being Bi I tend more toward the female friendships. All my friends are as like minded as I am. I do have three very wonderful true life male friends in a FWB relationship with two other women, and live with one of the women.
I have enjoyed writing many of my stories as my imagination runs wild at times.
I have made cyber friends with a number of people I have befriended on Lush - mainly other women. If we were to ever meet I believe the intimate relationship experiences would kill us all. What a wonderful death that would be.
I do attract a number of approached from older men who I believe are a little frustrated. My friendships are very critically considered and I reject far far more than I accept. Obviously many dont read your profile before they ask.
Lush is a site that I enjoy very much. May it prosper forever.
The Bee's Knees
i originally came to lush for the stories and then discovered the rooms. it was my naughty escape for awhile. then i started making friends and realized what a great community it is. my more carnal escapades are few and far between now, but i adore the site more than ever.

i took a glance at your profile and saw that it's blank. that may be the reason you're having such a hard time meeting ladies. the general consensus is that we like to see something there. fill out your bio or add some interests - or even better, both. people want to know there's another person behind the screen. good luck!

Say. Her. Name.

Chat Moderator
I originally came for the stories and read here for almost a year. Then one day, I realized that there was a chat room feature. Lush was the first chat room I'd ever been in. I learned quick...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by KindOfHeart

It is an honour and a privilege to be one of your friends. Hugs

The feeling is mutual my dear friend!!!
Snake Charmera
I found this site for the stories quite by accident. Now I've made some amazing friends and have a deep connection with many people. I honestly don't know what I would do without some of these people today. They are some of the best friends I have.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

Princess Popsicle
Came for the stories, stayed for the people. There really are some lovely folk on here and there's always something interesting to read!
If you like first time, bisexual or teen then please read this and help make it famous!

My First Time With a Girl
English Rose
I came for the chat, then found the stories and thought I'd give it a go. I have no illusions of literary expertise, but I've discovered loads about myself in my attempts to write sexy erotica
My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
You all suck lol
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
I came for the "stories", and found out how much of an exhibitionist I have become .... oh well.... I do enjoy seeing my photos on here and so many other's photos, too.
Lady GlitterGiggles
Quote by HeraTeleia

Hmm...that can be treated with, let me think...yah. Nothing. I have nothing. You'll just have to keep posting brilliant musings and truly funny (or truly scary) images in the forums until...forever?

Forever?!? That sounds like a long time
Active Ink Slinger
Read and chat. It became evident very quickly this is not a pickup site. Belong to some of those & while it can happen here its not the agenda of maybe 90% of the members.

Quote by CoFlamingo
I came for the "stories", and found out how much of an exhibitionist I have become .... oh well.... I do enjoy seeing my photos on here and so many other's photos, too.

That too. I am a bit thrilled when folks here admire my 62 y/o bod
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I came for the stories. I stayed for the forums, and the friends I've made here. Actually, I came to write, but apparently I suck at that. So I just stick around to make a fool of myself here in the forums.

Now stop that Bethany! You are brilliant and your posts are remarkable!
I joined this site by mistake lol. Found it through Facebook, can you believe that. I love the stories, friends and closer ones at that, since then...there has been no turning back. As luck has it, Dancewithme and I have rekindled an old fond friendship once again.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ElegantDreams
I joined this site by mistake lol. Found it through Facebook, can you believe that. I love the stories, friends and closer ones at that, since then...there has been no turning back. As luck has it, Dancewithme and I have rekindled an old fond friendship once again.

We sure have. We have lots of Elegant Dreams dancing with each other.