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How do you feel about hairy men?

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Active Ink Slinger
Two of the men I have dated (this includes my current partner) had higher than average amounts of body hair. Both were also pretty self-conscious about it. Body hair is quite clearly a non-issue for me, regardless of the person's gender. So, ladies, how do you feel about fuzzy men? I find it pretty hot, actually.
I love body hair on men. It's actually one of the first things that grab my eyes when watching people walk by. I have to say, as shallow as it sounds, I can't see myself with a man without body, at least chest hair and facial.
I'm proud of my body hairs... specially my beard and chest hairs smile
I love men both ways!

Though massive back hair..not a few not my fav thing

But if I loved the man I would love his hair

Or lack of it
Bonnet Flaunter
Depends on the guy, if he's naturally smooth chested that's nice; and just as nice if a man is naturally hirsute, just all part of the sexy, individual package. But am not all that fussed on back rugs either...
Depends on the guy, and how hairy.

As a general rule, I like hairy armpits and natural pubic hair - don't like shaved at all.
I love body hair on men, its one of the biggest turn ons for me
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SensuousLover
I'm proud of my body hairs... specially my beard and chest hairs smile

Super glad to hear that! I feel bad for all of the lovely fuzzy guys who don't share your mindset. sad
not a fan. back and chest hair is kind of gross
i hate body hair on me, and definitely not on the other person. there is nothing more disgusting than chest hair.
i hate body hair on me, and definitely not on the other person. there is nothing more disgusting than chest hair.
Not a fan of:

- back hair
- lots of arm hair
- lots on toes

Like chest hair, just not a forest. Like facial depending on the guy. Prefer down below trimmed or shaved;)
I love men with hair on their body!
Especially chest hair. So sexy!
Rainbow Warrior
Since I prefer girls, the more a guy looks like a girl, the better! Give me the hairless twinks and pretty-boys! Unfortunately, most of the guys I'm attracted to are gay! Masculine traits just don't arouse me in the least.
Active Ink Slinger
All things in hair but not too much hair.
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Secret Little
Kiss My Wiggleass Baby
Prefer a lil greying hair on the chest, everywhere else hair is fine but not on his back and if im gonna be waxed then he sure as hell is gonna take care of that too, none on the toes or coming out of his ears or nose though, god that would be a deal breaker for me
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
I'm 56yo, so I am from a different generation than todays young people. Consequently, my expectations for what a man should be, and how a man should look, is completely different. My husband was/is an athlete. He began lifting weights at 10. He was shaving at 11. He had hair on his chest at 13. I remember girls, who were seniors, walking up to him, when he was a freshman, and unbuttoning his shirt, right in the school hallway, and running their hands over his muscular chest and six-pack abs while oohing and aahing over the hair and muscles. I would hear them afterward, when he was not in ear-shot, commenting how sexy they thought his chest hair was. In my generation, men were expected to look like men, have hair on their torsos with a v-taper and broad shoulders with muscular arms. They were expected to be competent, responsible, stable, humble, kind, and genuine. They were supposed to make a woman feel like there was nothing they couldn't do, no problem they couldn't fix, no situation they couldn't handle. They were expected to fix the family car, and the family house. My husband is all of that, and then some. He can do all of that, and a whole lot more. I feel sad for todays young women because it appears to me that todays young men can't do those things, and aren't even interested in doing those things. They don't want to be men, or to toe the line that a man should toe. They want to look like pre-pubescent boys, rather than men, so they shave their bodies. Although some are willing to build enviable physiques they seem to do so out of insecurity, which isn't sexy at all. They spend their time playing video games, and talking about their gaming exploits as if they are impressive, real-world, feats. I don't get it.
I realize that I deviated from the scope of the original question, but, just like there is so much more to me than my tits and ass that makes me sexy, so too is there more to a man, than hair and muscle, that women from my generation find sexy.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by Entire_essence
I have to say, as shallow as it sounds, I can't see myself with a man without body, at least chest hair and facial.

Don't worry. Being unable to see oneself with a man without a body is not all that shallow at all.


I'm proud of my chest hairs & full beard
any ladies interested ? . ;)
Active Ink Slinger
My look is, if you are horny and naked, they are horny and naked. Who cares? Have fun.
Bullet Club For Life
Never been with a hairy guy..
Active Ink Slinger
Hair doesn't bother me in the least as long as its trimmed a bit so I can see what he's working with. Chest hair I find pretty sexy.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
i have a hairy pussy so if a man is hairy i do not mind. i reallly like beards
Quote by sexynerd187
i have a hairy pussy so if a man is hairy i do not mind. i reallly like beards

I've full beard, would you like it feel on your soft flesh ? ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Generally, not a fan. However, there are some guys who pull off the facial-hair look really well. Personally, I'd prefer clean shaven though. smile
Rookie Scribe
prefer smooth, i am a very oral girl and love smooth, jelly xxx
I love hairy men, very hot and sexy.
Princess Popsicle
I LOVE hairy men. Like, if you can comb and part you chest/ tummy hair then get in my bed.
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In-House Sapiosexual
I'm not into grossly hairy men. Hair on the back and things like that turn me off.
I do love well manicured facial hair as long as it isn't too much
and of course a well groomed man down there.
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