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General Opinion About Men?

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Cryptic Vigilante

Greetings again,

What is your general opinion about men?

Do you believe they are horny creatures who only act according to their penises? Can they be trusted?

Do you think a man can be interested in you for other reasons than sex, or always has hidden intentions?

You can be as general as you want ; your answer doesn't have to concern sex only...
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by SereneProdigy

Greetings again,

What is your general opinion about men?

Do you believe they are horny creatures who only act according to their penises? Can they be trusted?

Do you think a man can be interested in you for other reasons than sex, or always has hidden intentions?

You can be as general as you want ; your answer doesn't have to concern sex only...

My general opinion of men is that they are all individuals. I form an opinion on individuals by how they treat me and the people around them.

Men are different to women in many ways, but they are still people who don't always fit stereotypes. I have known men who think only with their willy, or only with their brain, and some who do both. I don't trust anybody fully. It doesn't matter whether they are the opposite sex to me or not.

I don't feel men are interested in me in a sexual way at all, so my male friends must be interested in me for other things (probably the gingerbread I usually have close). Generally, my male friends like my female friends for more than just sexual things, so I couldn't lump them all into one only-thinks-about-sex box.

People are just people, whatever their biological design might be, and I accept them as such until they prove they're knobheads. In that case, they're just knobhead people.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by Shylass
My general opinion of men is that they are all individuals. I form an opinion on individuals by how they treat me and the people around them.

Men are different to women in many ways, but they are still people who don't always fit stereotypes. I have known men who think only with their willy, or only with their brain, and some who do both. I don't trust anybody fully. It doesn't matter whether they are the opposite sex to me or not.

I don't feel men are interested in me in a sexual way at all, so my male friends must be interested in me for other things (probably the gingerbread I usually have close). Generally, my male friends like my female friends for more than just sexual things, so I couldn't lump them all into one only-thinks-about-sex box.

People are just people, whatever their biological design might be, and I accept them as such until they prove they're knobheads. In that case, they're just knobhead people.

Thanks a lot for that answer. I kinda expected that someone would answer 'no two men are the same' at some point. I agree with that in the most part, but men still have a general common nature.

A girl can become very friendly with a man in an asexual way, but might still think 'well he's still a man down below'. Speaking for myself, I try to avoid the 'I have no desires for you whatsover' kind of bullshit with attractive girls. It always helped raising their level of confidence with me, and our friendship. Of course my sexual desires can influence the way I'll interact with girls, but it's far from being the only factor that governs my behavior. But it's still a factor that most men have in common.

Also, a girl might had negative experiences with men they initially thought were sincere and friendly. After such experiences, it can be hard for them to have any confidence in men, even with the 'no two men are the same' mentality.
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by SereneProdigy

Thanks a lot for that answer. I kinda expected that someone would answer 'no two men are the same' at some point. I agree with that in the most part, but men still have a general common nature.

A girl can become very friendly with a man in an asexual way, but might still think 'well he's still a man down below'. Speaking for myself, I try to avoid the 'I have no desires for you whatsover' kind of bullshit with attractive girls. It always have helped raising their level of confidence with me, and our friendship. Of course my sexual desires can influence the way I'll interact with girls, but it's far from being the only factor that governs my behavior. But it's still a factor that most men have in common.

Also, a girl might had negative experiences with men they initially thought were sincere and friendly. After such experiences, it can be hard for them to have any confidence in men, even with the 'no two men are the same' mentality.

When I'm out with female friends, they often get chatted up by men and I am completely ignored. I've been assaulted by men. I've been called awful things in the street by them. I've been hurt by them.

The same is true of women. Both sexes have done those negative things. But both sexes have also treated me kindly and compassionately.

They are still people, whatever their sexual organs. Do gay men get thought of differently by women? Or do they need to know they're gay first? How would a gay man treat a woman as opposed to another man, and will it affect how she forms her general opinion of his sex? Is this about sexuality or biology?

Does it/should it make a difference? I don't think it does to me.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by Shylass
Do gay men get thought of differently by women? Or do they need to know they're gay first? How would a gay man treat a woman as opposed to another man, and will it affect how she forms her general opinion of his sex? Is this about sexuality or biology?

Does it/should it make a difference? I don't think it does to me.

That's a nice interrogation I also thought about. I think gay men are perceived differently by women, yes, in that they don't have any sexual desires with them to start with (provided they're 100% gay and not bisexual). Surely that's going to influence their interactions/perceptions.

But to be fair, I think even gay men maintain this general 'imperative horniness' that's common to most men. I've been approached by gay men in the past, and can testify. Most were very polite when they figured out I wasn't gay myself, but they were still inquisitive prior.

I'm asking for generalities of course. Not how women perceive 'all men', but which attitude they generally adopt when interacting with them, especially before they get to know them. If I meet a panthera face to face, I'm going to assume I'm a bit in danger even if I saw some that were docile in circuses.
Active Ink Slinger
My general opinion is simple
They are a more primal masculine version of us girls. some are in perpetual sexual motion and others are not
Active Ink Slinger
I love men having brothers has shown me (growing up) everything the good the bad the ugly the outrageously stupid things they do they did, interacting with their mates and with swam of girls that hung around (idiots) .. but the one thing that has always worked in my favour is my point blank honesty that way they can deal with the information as they please. I had their respect show respect and expect it in return. You only get one shot at this, fuck it up and you can fuck off. That's fair warning.
Even this is only for girls, women are the passive sex of life men are the more active sex.
Active Ink Slinger
My opinion varies according to who I'm dealing with.
If you act like a pompous, oversexed douche bag, I'm going to think you're a pompous, oversexed douche bag.
If you act needy and controlling, I'm going to think you're needy and controlling.
If you're polite and respectful, I'm going to think you're polite and respectful.
See the pattern?

*NOTE* All the above is null and void when a guy causes me pain and grief. Then the entire male species is at fault and there is no reasoning with me until after I've had copious amounts of chocolate, wine and/or vodka and have stopped hurting and came back to my senses.
This is not indicative of the entire female species. This is just how I deal with manipulative, stressful, antagonizing asswipes, such as my ex.
I will hate all men when I see the same traits and tendencies in them, as my ex.
I will think the only good man is a dead one.
Then one of my guy friends will come along and offer to kick his ass, or say something equally lovely and I'll get over it and let it go.
Active Ink Slinger
1 thing i've always liked about this site is that most of the (real) women here aren't jaded or out to attack. i like that.

i wish women on other sites were as intelligent to know it depends on the individual.
Active Ink Slinger
My general opinion is that I like them! Especially the ones with yummy bodies who make me laugh and giggle a lot and give me bundles and bundles of orgasms. Yup I especially love those kind. The kind that follow you around like a puppy dog and do whatever you say? Those kind not so much. Be romantic and sexual, but have a spine please.
Men are just people. Every man I've ever met, I think I've treat as an individual. Just like women, they come in all varieties, from the absolutely fantastic, to the " wouldn't go near them with a bargepole".

So, as men in general, I think I just see them as people. I'm drawn to strong, confident individuals no matter what sex they are. I don't think men are superior, although my feminine nature appreciates a more dominant alpha male.

I guess being predominantly heterosexual, I can't help but see qualities I might not notice as quickly in a woman. Things like his masculinity, the air he has about him, his confidence. Any negative things I notice about a man would have the same impact as negative qualities in a woman.

If the negative qualities don't impact on me, what's it matter? Nobody is perfect.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrFrost
Even this is only for girls, women are the passive sex of life men are the more active sex.

Ah yes, really? Just guess who is holding the hammer
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Laurelyn

Ah yes, really? Just guess who is holding the hammer

Absolutely. You get passive men and strong, dominant women.

Like, most people here have said, there is no black and white. People come in all varieties and you have to accept people as they are and understand as such.

For example, I am quite a bold, effervescant personality but I really like strong, powerful women.
Men are like women. They have feelings - they just have emotional issues. They tend to suppress rather than express smile It's true that sex is a topic that men like to discuss but who doesn't? I find that once our natural curiosity about compatibility is satiated - men can be friends with fact sometimes I think men make better friends as there is less emotion, drama, etc. I don't think that men are subject to their reflex to procreate and sow oats, per say...They just have preferential treatment but's not gender that it comes down to but our instinct as human beings.
I have to take this from someone else here.

"My general opinion of men is that they are all individuals. I form an opinion on individuals by how they treat me and the people around them".

I hope the guys I talk to in here and my other site feel the same way. My trust factor is not at 100%
The Resident Princess
Well they are all individuals; there background and up bringing, will always make a difference. I have been hurt by boys and some men...I trust to easily, and therefore have been taken advantage of. In general guys (the male species) scares the fuck out of and in real life...they are stronger, manipulative, and will do what it takes to get what they want. I was told on many occasions "do not take a mans position unless you want to be treated as such", so for years and years, I never said or did the things that I needed to I was scared that if I forced the issue physically I would be hurt so I just didn't. In the end, my relationships have suffered, rarely anyone knows how I truly feel, because I am afraid they will use them against me.

Now that being said....I have a select few I trust with my life, literately....I know they will have my back no matter what havoc I may cause, and um being a princess I do tend to speak before I think. If you piss me off then you will get my wrath, but only and I mean only if I know that one my guys are standing behind me...

So to sum this up my general opinion is that.....They scare the fuck out of me.
Cheeky Chick
I don't think this is a men vs women thing, because all humans are the same, with that I mean, we're all different. No, not all men think with their penis, but a lot can. Just like women can do the same with their pussy. I guess I'm the type who doesn't like grouping people. Men vs women, blacks vs whites, adults vs kids, whatever. We're all different.
Active Ink Slinger
I know this is Ask the Gals but if I may, there is a book about why men and women do the things we do it has helped me so much in understanding my other half I can't even begin to explain. The book is Emotions revealed by Paul Ekman
It has alot to do with the mentality of us humans, I thought I would throw that out there for any ladies or men (whom are going to read this and may be interested in learning a thing or two)
Active Ink Slinger
Men are basically just life support for a penis, LOL!!

OK, just kidding!! Most guys are great. But like many things in life a few bad ones and bad experiences with them makes it hard to trust them as whole. It's very sad that is the my situation because I know there are many great guys out there.
Raised on Blackroot

Men are from Venus.

Take away our penis and skin-walker suit and we look like this.

Who really wants that shit?
Quote by SereneProdigy

Also, a girl might had negative experiences with men they initially thought were sincere and friendly. After such experiences, it can be hard for them to have any confidence in men, even with the 'no two men are the same' mentality.

Yup this about sums it up for me.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by Nikki703
Men are basically just life support for a penis, LOL!!

Thanks Nikki, that's the line I've wanted to hear all along. We can close this thread now.
Growing up being the youngest in the family gave me the opportunity to actually experience their protective (sometimes overprotective) nature. What I can say is that they can live, die and kill for the ones who mean a lot to them.
Some irk me with their chauvinism while others give me a toothache by being too sweet!
The best ones are those who treat me like their equal - we compete, share laughs (and sometimes more).
Men really aren't too different from women, I think. Different types exist, like what's been reiterated above.
Active Ink Slinger
I think all men are made of Legos and semen. And that's fine with me.
Active Ink Slinger
I love men as they are all different and that is the joy of them.

So often I get bored of hearing women moan about men , how they are all dick-led, untrustworthy, bastards, you name it, I hear it. It might be a case of having such low expectations if you except so little of men, in that case they will be proven correct!! I really think that men-bashing has got out of control and we as women are at times as bad as all the things we accuse men of being.

I like the way men have a practical brain and do not let the emotions get in the way of a decision-making-process, mainly this is probably because I work in a male-dominated industry as my other career and you do have to think on your feet. I also like the way men do not have that competitive streak as women sometimes do with one another.

Physically, I love the male form and all the pleasures it can deliver!
Active Ink Slinger
I love men as they are all different and that is the joy of them.

So often I get bored of hearing women moan about men , how they are all dick-led, untrustworthy, bastards, you name it, I hear it. It might be a case of having such low expectations if you except so little of men, in that case they will be proven correct!! I really think that men-bashing has got out of control and we as women are at times as bad as all the things we accuse men of being.

I like the way men have a practical brain and do not let the emotions get in the way of a decision-making-process, mainly this is probably because I work in a male-dominated industry as my other career and you do have to think on your feet. I also like the way men do not have that competitive streak as women sometimes do with one another.

Physically, I love the male form and all the pleasures it can deliver!
Quote by LondonTzarina
I love men as they are all different and that is the joy of them.

So often I get bored of hearing women moan about men , how they are all dick-led, untrustworthy, bastards, you name it, I hear it. It might be a case of having such low expectations if you except so little of men, in that case they will be proven correct!! I really think that men-bashing has got out of control and we as women are at times as bad as all the things we accuse men of being.

I like the way men have a practical brain and do not let the emotions get in the way of a decision-making-process, mainly this is probably because I work in a male-dominated industry as my other career and you do have to think on your feet. I also like the way men do not have that competitive streak as women sometimes do with one another.

Physically, I love the male form and all the pleasures it can deliver!

Wow, nice reply, very impressive and honest and can I just say as a man, thank you for not holding onto any preformed stereotypical opinions as well