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Gals, do you date outside your race?

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Do you date outside your race?

If yes or no...why?
Active Ink Slinger
I date the HUMAN RACE. Though I can nit pick your question and assume you mean sub-race (gosh I sound like a Nazi)

Why ask, as long as the person stands on two feet, with hair and no feathers then yeah I do date my own race.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Active Ink Slinger
Well, I am married now but before I have dated men outside my own race.

Why? Uhhhh......Ummmm.... I don't think there is a reason Why, maybe if I didn't I would be able to explain. I guess just because I don't judge if I want to date someone by their race.
Cheeky Chick
Have I? No....

Would I? Yes....

Why haven't I? I've not met a man outside of my race that I ever clicked with and gotten to that point with.
Quote by MarySweets

Why ask, as long as the person stands on two feet, with hair and no feathers then yeah I do date my own race.

So plucked chickens are okay, then, Plato?
no i wouldn't. i don't believe in martians or space people. and whether you believe in god or darwin, we all started out the same and so we are all one race, one species and as hard as it is to believe, i might even have sex with a martian if she was cute.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ginger86
no i wouldn't. i don't believe in martians or space people. and whether you believe in god or darwin, we all started out the same and so we are all one race, one species and as hard as it is to believe, i might even have sex with a martian if she was cute.

Here Ya Go Ginger!! Enjoy

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LiquidMatthew

So plucked chickens are okay, then, Plato?

LMAO no I was being a smart arse dear. I only go for homosapieans. Gosh my spelling is
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Quote by MarySweets

LMAO no I was being a smart arse dear. I only go for homosapieans. Gosh my spelling is

It's a reference to Diogenes and Plato. Asked to define a man, Plato said it was a featherless biped, and Diogenes plucked a chicken and brought it before Plato, proclaiming, "Behold! A man!"
Active Ink Slinger
I have and always will smile im a gal that likes options, and being picky on the color of there skin, well that wold leave very few options for me lol
Active Ink Slinger
Haven't meant anybody from Alpha Centauri yet so can't really answer that. When I do I'll let you know.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes ~
~Crystal; PM Me.?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, because you could be missing out on so much if you don't. And you could be stuck in a rut with the same ol same ol hehehe
Active Ink Slinger
I haven't, but I do know some inter-racial couples who do just fine together
I am a mutt and have dated outside my races
Active Ink Slinger
no, i date only the human race
Active Ink Slinger
Of course. It shouldn't matter. People are people.
You seem sweet, mind if I lick you to make sure?
I never have, but I would if the chance came along.
yes, because all the humans are same creatures..
I have, and do.
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes I do. And I don't think I could ever date my own race again.

Not because I am racist. There are some sexy ass asian people out there. But I am far too western. I would never fit into an 'Indian' family or be able to compromise myself for that. I've had too many experiences where the fact I've been raised a Catholic as being an issue, the fact I don't like and thus do not cook Indian food. I'm never going to be the good little Indian girl that stays home and doesn't have an opinion or an independant life.
Active Ink Slinger
Dated a girl from Newcastle-upon-Tyne once, (I'm from Sunderland).
Active Ink Slinger
I am what you would call a Suburban Pedigree, once you work that out, you will know my answer
I find dating outside your ethnicity perfectly fine.... IF you truly happen to find someone who you connect with on many levels. But if you do it BECAUSE they are of another ethnicity, I find that distasteful. And even more so if you EXCLUDE your own ethnic background/group at the same time. I think CULTURE has more to do with it than anything else. And now days certain cultures cross ethnic lines all the time. I find that things tend to work out better if there is a CULTURAL similarity. Now it is true that for the most part culture and ethnicity tend to go hand in hand, but not always.

I know several women who chased after, and GOT men of a different ethnic background AND cultural differences.... and they wonder why they have SO many problems. Well DUH! You liked the IDEA of something, and it was exotic for you... you became sexually charged with the IDEA of being with the person. But once that fades you have to deal with all the other issues. So people should really think past their groins when choosing who to date (it is one thing to take care of urges and curiosities), or have long term relationships with. You MAY match up GREAT with someone of another ethnicity, but make sure your CULTURES are also a match.
Active Ink Slinger
I do and I learn a lot from each person.

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Cock Connoisseur
If there is that connection, race does not matter.
Active Ink Slinger
Just myself, but I never cared to date outside of my own ethnicity...and that means there were guys within my own racial group who did not appeal to me. I wanted to have a similar culture to the man I eventually married.

With that in mind my choices necessarily were exclusive of men whose cultures were not the same as my own and whose ethnicities were not the same as my own.

It doesn't make me a 'racist' and I reject that label outright as it proposes the notion that I'm supposed to fuck someone just to make some sort of political point. Thank you, no. I get to choose who I sleep with and marry and that's my preference and, for the time being at least, I still have a right to my own preferences.

It is the converse of my values that offend me with some women. They objectify men of ethnicities different from their own and they'll have sex with them just to prove how 'enlightened' they are. The result is that these women actually perform an act of racism by having sex with someone of a different racial group just for the sake of proving something to their peer group.

Call it sexual imperialism, it is as equally offensive to me as are men who go on 'sex tours' to take advantage of impoverished women.

Now if actual love is involved then that is a different thing.