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Beauty of Vaginas

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Active Ink Slinger
I have heard from several women that they detest the appearance of their own and other vaginas. Disgusting, revolting, etc., are some of the actual adjectives used. I happen to find most of them attractive, interesting, and some, beautiful. I consider them flower blossoms, and Georgia O'Keefe did too.
So, ladies, what do you think of the appearance of them?
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I've seen pretty vaginas. I've seen weird looking ones. They come in all shapes and sizes.

As far as how mine looks, I've never really given it much thought. Appearance-wise, there's nothing extraordinary or strange about it. It just looks normal to me, and I like it.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
They remind me of oysters, they taste better than they look!
Active Ink Slinger
I think it looks odd in photos.

But have been told it's looks beautiful.

I think it does look odd..

I've seen prettier.

Mine's brownish as opposed to pink...

I don't know - they just are. Not sexy, not ugly though, I guess. If I'm watching porn t's for the action, not the imagery of the pussy. I don't find images of them to be arousing unless tgere's something else to see - some suggestion of sexual activity.

This question has me thinking of the vagina scene from Fried Green Tomatos. "Today, ladies, we're going to look at our vah-ginas." LOL
Head Nurse
Quote by Metilda
I don't know - they just are. Not sexy, not ugly though, I guess. If I'm watching porn t's for the action, not the imagery of the pussy. I don't find images of them to be arousing unless tgere's something else to see - some suggestion of sexual activity.

This question has me thinking of the vagina scene from Fried Green Tomatos. "Today, ladies, we're going to look at our vah-ginas." LOL


this sums it up for me too. BUt I have the same feeling about the penis. both parts are sexy for me in their actions. not in their looks.
Active Ink Slinger
I think they are absolutely beautiful.
Beauty is in the eye of the vagina-holder?

They are all unique, and everyone has their personal taste... I have always been self-conscious and until I got on Lush and perved around a bit haha, I thought I was not normal because I have showing labia minors, which isn't the norm in porn... Now I know that I am perfectly perfect, no nip tuck required...

As for my taste, I am straight... they are nice to look at I guess! I would never taste or touch one that isn't mine
Quote by Tiepinkraider
I have heard from several women that they detest the appearance of their own and other vaginas. Disgusting, revolting, etc., are some of the actual adjectives used. I happen to find most of them attractive, interesting, and some, beautiful. I consider them flower blossoms, and Georgia O'Keefe did too.
So, ladies, what do you think of the appearance of them?

I don't understand women who do not like their vaginas and find them repulsive...All vaginas are unique and beautiful and worth worshipping...One should treat them with the greatest care, love, tenderness, affection cause they are sensitive creatures smile)
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by blueiris

I don't understand women who do not like their vaginas and find them repulsive...All vaginas are unique and beautiful and worth worshipping...One should treat them with the greatest care, love, tenderness, affection cause they are sensitive creatures smile)

I agree.

I don't really feel any particular way about mine. But I take good care of it, and the appearance of it definitely doesn't repulse me.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
I love mine; it has been a good friend and playmate. Looks fine to me and had plenty of others tell me it looks great. Fact is, they are all beautiful; just different, like faces.

While on this topic, I must say how totally opposed I am to magazines digitally altering the labia in nude photos. The magazine editors are making all grown women look like they have no labia at all which is creating anxiety in young women who have normal protruding labia. This is leading to a rise in many young women seeking labiaplasty (the surgical removal of the labia) so they can look like what they THINK is normal. This is completely unnecessary and those money grabbing surgeons need some controls placed on them as well as the bastard publishers who promote this falsehood.

Feel much better now thanks.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LuvitAll
I love mine; it has been a good friend and playmate. Looks fine to me and had plenty of others tell me it looks great. Fact is, they are all beautiful; just different, like faces.

While on this topic, I must say how totally opposed I am to magazines digitally altering the labia in nude photos. The magazine editors are making all grown women look like they have no labia at all which is creating anxiety in young women who have normal protruding labia. This is leading to a rise in many young women seeking labiaplasty (the surgical removal of the labia) so they can look like what they THINK is normal. This is completely unnecessary and those money grabbing surgeons need some controls placed on them as well as the bastard publishers who promote this falsehood.

Feel much better now thanks.

Luvitall I agree with you completely, it need to be said.

All I can say is I am happy with mine and it has had lots of visitors so they must have thought it was OK also.
Active Ink Slinger
I think most Pussies are beautiful. But like everything else, every once in a while you see one that is kind of weird looking. I have never seen one that was really bad in person but have seen some pics online.

As for mine I like how it looks and from their reactions I assume everyone who have seen it liked it too.
Men seem to like them a whole lot! A whole lot! ;)
The only time I do NOT like mine is when it is that time of the month. Lol. smile

With that being said I find them beautiful and unique.
Active Ink Slinger
I have a friend who is a RN and has seen many more than most..... particularly in materinty.
In her opinion - - she hasent seen a pretty one yet!.
From my point of view - So long as they are clean I dont mind what they look like, so long as they taste nice.
I have been told mine is pretty. I dont care really so long as it continues to give me the pleasure I seek from it.
I just checked mine in the mirror ... I would say "cute" and "kissable" ... yes definitely "kissable" [why do Lush Moderators keep removing my phone no. ???]

I have never seen one that was not alluring.. pretty.. and more and more beautiful the closer I got..

For close inspections phone me on .. [ they removed it again!!!! ]

Seriously... there is no such thing as an ugly one.. each has its own beauty and its own fascination... [I apologise for drooling .. well no I don't ]
Active Ink Slinger

Wow - I hadn't realized that so many women apparently detest the female form. As far as I'm concerned - I've never seen an unattractive vagina, not that I've seen that many up close and personal (a few), but they're unique, each with its own personality. I imagine its like guys and their cocks - i've seen my fair share of cocks, and the guys theyre attached to are far more concerned with their size than how they look, but a few have been downright revolted by the sight of a cock. Each one is different with its own personality, which makes it a wonderful playmate while cuddling with a friend.