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Please do not contact us about "low" votes on your stories / poems

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We now have filters in place to identify people who frequently vote stories down.

They are contacted privately, and if no justifiable reasons are given, are prevented from further voting.

It takes a long time to manually check up individual story / poem votes, and our admin team are already stretched to the limit.

If you have a problem with the voting system, there are plenty of ways to deal with it in your profile settings:

There will always be someone who doesn't like your story / poem, however good it is. There may be someone who doesn't like you, or is jealous of your talent.

As a writer, you have to learn to deal with these things, it's a hard part of the business of writing!
Active Ink Slinger
I love the new feature which makes someone have to post a comment in order to vote. I haven't changed my profile to that but it is an option. I have already written someone and asked them privately to refrain from commenting or voting on my work, I deleted him and blocked him and have been living a happy life ever since.

Thank you all for all of the hard work that you put into this site.

Rookie Scribe
I think the ranking of the stories should be based on the likely score rather than merely the average.

If a story has nine votes of 5 and a 1 it will have a lower average than one that has six 5's but the chances are that it is a better story.

I would also like to see the voting predict the type of story I am likely to like rather than ones that are merely popular among the people who like to read them.
Active Ink Slinger
Here here. I am glad you took this step. It's so childish to vote someone's stories down for some reason other than the work is just not good. Honestly, if I feel inclined to give a score less than four, I just don't vote. I'd hate to bring someone's hard work down.

But, yes, I know first hand that people do this, and have seen it done to friends as well. For my part, I just disabled voting. If ya don't like how I write, don't read it.

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

Her Royal Spriteness
what about high votes? some of mine don't deserve 5's. just saying.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Attention Whore
Quote by sprite
what about high votes? some of mine don't deserve 5's. just saying.

Well said, little sprite, I agree most wholeheartedly x

And would you like for me to come and give you a few 'appropriate' votes?


Xxx Xxx
Yes, you should have a hazard label on you, "warning CG will be your every fantasy"

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by naughtiestmommy
Here here. I am glad you took this step. It's so childish to vote someone's stories down for some reason other than the work is just not good. Honestly, if I feel inclined to give a score less than four, I just don't vote. I'd hate to bring someone's hard work down.

So, I hear what you're saying, but if you only ever vote 4 or 5, then having the voting be a 5 point scale - particularly with descriptive tags for the ratings - isn't helpful.

Netflix's movie ratings are on a 5 star scale, but the descriptions of each rating point are subjective, rather than objective ("Hated it / Loved it" rather than "Poor / Excellent"). At least that way, there's no arguing with the vote. You can disagree with someone when they say writing is "Poor," but you can't really tell them they're wrong if they say they "hated it."
My novel, The Society, is available now in the Kindle Store:
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by Sensei

So, I hear what you're saying, but if you only ever vote 4 or 5, then having the voting be a 5 point scale - particularly with descriptive tags for the ratings - isn't helpful.

Netflix's movie ratings are on a 5 star scale, but the descriptions of each rating point are subjective, rather than objective ("Hated it / Loved it" rather than "Poor / Excellent"). At least that way, there's no arguing with the vote. You can disagree with someone when they say writing is "Poor," but you can't really tell them they're wrong if they say they "hated it."

Oh, you can tell them. They just usually don't like it.

The system in place is not going to change any time soon, as far as I am aware, and there are ways to tackle it if you wish individually. Nicola has said elsewhere that it's pointless discussing the method.

Not everybody decides not to vote if they think it's deserving of less than a four.

The people who frequently vote down stories are either up themselves or malicious, and can be dealt with by the measures in place. I've had lower scores before, and all it does (apart from make me cry for a bit until I get over myself) is make me question why they did, and if it will help me to be a better writer. If people marking lower cannot give a good reason for it (or indeed reasons why they voted higher or at all), then it is clear they either just didn't like it (the same as "I hated it"), or they wish they had written it.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by CumGirl

Well said, little sprite, I agree most wholeheartedly x

And would you like for me to come and give you a few 'appropriate' votes?


Xxx Xxx

hey, wait, are you saying my stuff is sub par? *giggles* no, seriously, i know when i hit the heights and when i don't - i DO have stories i think push me as a writer, but i also have stuff that's just fun, and if i get average scores on that stuff, i'm ok with it - honestly, a 3 or better and i think it's an honest score. now, if i'm getting a 1 or a 2, yeah, there's something else going on - like i peed on someones carpet or keyed their car or something. btw, i USED to be super uptight about my scores, and really, who doesn't like praise, but now? it's all good - i love to write, i love to support the site, my ego is fed by the comments, and i have fun with it. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Gingerbread Lover
Quote by sprite

hey, wait, are you saying my stuff is sub par? *giggles* no, seriously, i know when i hit the heights and when i don't - i DO have stories i think push me as a writer, but i also have stuff that's just fun, and if i get average scores on that stuff, i'm ok with it - honestly, a 3 or better and i think it's an honest score. now, if i'm getting a 1 or a 2, yeah, there's something else going on - like i peed on someones carpet or keyed their car or something. btw, i USED to be super uptight about my scores, and really, who doesn't like praise, but now? it's all good - i love to write, i love to support the site, my ego is fed by the comments, and i have fun with it. smile

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Weaver of Words
I do look at the votes, but really, I am fed much more by the comments people leave.
Active Ink Slinger
what about a two-tier voting system?

One component is the technical competency of the story, how creative it is, how articulate/eloquent it is, minus spelling errors and grammatical flaws.

The second component focuses squarely on the erotic dynamic of the story.

Just a thought.
Head Nurse
Quote by apronedsamurai
what about a two-tier voting system?

One component is the technical competency of the story, how creative it is, how articulate/eloquent it is, minus spelling errors and grammatical flaws.

The second component focuses squarely on the erotic dynamic of the story.

Just a thought.

Spelling and grammatical errors are part of the technical aspect of writing.
Quote by apronedsamurai
what about a two-tier voting system?

One component is the technical competency of the story, how creative it is, how articulate/eloquent it is, minus spelling errors and grammatical flaws.

The second component focuses squarely on the erotic dynamic of the story.

Just a thought.

I think that literacy is part of writing, so I disagree with this. The writer's use of language and their skills are indicative of their writing ability, not just the content of their work. I have read beautifully crafted sentences over again because of this.
Active Ink Slinger
If your story is marked down for spelling mistakes then the new writer's. Trying for the first time would. Be put off as we are not all perfect writer's and some of the comments about spelling and layout have stopped me even trying to publish. Anything on here
Quote by blackpoolguy
If your story is marked down for spelling mistakes then the new writer's. Trying for the first time would. Be put off as we are not all perfect writer's and some of the comments about spelling and layout have stopped me even trying to publish. Anything on here

If you submit a story and spelling & grammatical errors are riddled throughout it, more than likely it would get rejected and thus would not be seen by readers. Mistakes that would subject an author to ridicule in comments and inferior scoring are caught by our editorial team. We understand that this is a site with mostly non-professional writers and the team understands this and work accordingly.

I encourage you to pen a tale for submission, we will do our best to always nurture the talent we have here. I hope that this makes you feel somewhat better and we see a story from you soon.

Good luck!
Internet Philosopher
Quote by principessa

I think that literacy is part of writing, so I disagree with this. The writer's use of language and their skills are indicative of their writing ability, not just the content of their work. I have read beautifully crafted sentences over again because of this.

As a writer who's Achilles heel is spelling and punctuation, I am in complete agreement with this. I am certain that my lack of ability to grasp the fundamentals of punctuation have cost me scores as well as other accolades.

What this has done is to drive me on in my goal to improve, and I honestly believe my writing is still improving with every attempt. No one ever said crafting a story was easy. It takes time and a great deal of effort to write something that can truly stand out here on Lush. There are simply too many excellent writers here for one to hope a lesser effort will appear as anything but that which it truly is.
Quote by blackpoolguy
If your story is marked down for spelling mistakes then the new writer's. Trying for the first time would. Be put off as we are not all perfect writer's and some of the comments about spelling and layout have stopped me even trying to publish. Anything on here

I'm sorry, this makes no sense whatsoever.
Flutterby Pharie
Quote by blackpoolguy
If your story is marked down for spelling mistakes then the new writer's. Trying for the first time would. Be put off as we are not all perfect writer's and some of the comments about spelling and layout have stopped me even trying to publish. Anything on here

I THINK this is what he is trying to say....

"If your story is marked down for spelling mistakes, then new writers trying for the first time would be put off, as we are not all perfect writers. And some of the comments about spelling and layout have stopped me from even trying to publish anything on here."

I'm sorry, this makes no sense whatsoever.

Does it make sense now?
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Thanks for the translation!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by blackpoolguy
If your story is marked down for spelling mistakes then the new writer's. Trying for the first time would. Be put off as we are not all perfect writer's and some of the comments about spelling and layout have stopped me even trying to publish. Anything on here

Should try "hooked on phonics" it wurkedt fur mee

Besides what has been rightfully already mentioned on this post regarding the low feedback of a story. I would like to add (as some comments that I have read) of lower scores because the story was not their cup of tea. Maybe the title deceived the reader so he/she felt unsatisfied, but that for sure must be an unfair comment.

I'm not a writer but that must hurt.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
I'm surprised that people are unwilling to vote less than a 4. It's nothing personal to get a low vote. If 4 and 5 are the only options, than people are just going to mentally readjust their standards anyway. As Yatzhee said, "But the cruellest thing you can do to an artist is tell them their work is flawless when it isn't." If a story is poor, I say so. If it's excellent, I say so. If someone gets all 5s because no one wants to hurt their feelings, what's the motivation to write an excellent story that deserves all 5s? You'll never know the difference either way. People need to be pushed out of their comfort zone if they're going to improve.
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by LiquidMatthew
I'm surprised that people are unwilling to vote less than a 4. It's nothing personal to get a low vote. If 4 and 5 are the only options, than people are just going to mentally readjust their standards anyway. As Yatzhee said, "But the cruellest thing you can do to an artist is tell them their work is flawless when it isn't." If a story is poor, I say so. If it's excellent, I say so. If someone gets all 5s because no one wants to hurt their feelings, what's the motivation to write an excellent story that deserves all 5s? You'll never know the difference either way. People need to be pushed out of their comfort zone if they're going to improve.

This thread specifically deals with malicious scoring, not because a story needs vast improvement (in the scorer's opinion). Reasons for malicious low scoring vary, from a spurned friend request, to jealousy over a great piece of work, to it being in a category the scorer doesn't like.

There is nothing wrong with scoring low. But if the scorer gives no idea as to how the author can improve their piece, then the scoring is redundant anyway.

The same goes for high scores, in a way. What makes the story worth a four or five? Let the author know, for future reference.

As stated, this thread is about malicious low scoring, not simply scoring low because you genuinely think a story is a pile of poo.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Quote by Shylass

This thread specifically deals with malicious scoring, not because a story needs vast improvement (in the scorer's opinion). Reasons for malicious low scoring vary, from a spurned friend request, to jealousy over a great piece of work, to it being in a category the scorer doesn't like.

There is nothing wrong with scoring low. But if the scorer gives no idea as to how the author can improve their piece, then the scoring is redundant anyway.

The same goes for high scores, in a way. What makes the story worth a four or five? Let the author know, for future reference.

As stated, this thread is about malicious low scoring, not simply scoring low because you genuinely think a story is a pile of poo.

Naughtiest Mommy said "Here here. I am glad you took this step. It's so childish to vote someone's stories down for some reason other than the work is just not good. Honestly, if I feel inclined to give a score less than four, I just don't vote. I'd hate to bring someone's hard work down." I was referring to that.
Artistic Tart
Quote by LiquidMatthew

Naughtiest Mommy said "Here here. I am glad you took this step. It's so childish to vote someone's stories down for some reason other than the work is just not good. Honestly, if I feel inclined to give a score less than four, I just don't vote. I'd hate to bring someone's hard work down." I was referring to that.

We're talking about two different things here. The action taken, per the OP of this thread, is to counteract and (hopefully) deter vote-bombing (i.e. scoring stories lowly, either as a retaliation or just for the mean-spirited sake of doing so). You're talking about voting stories according to your subjective judgement of quality, which is exactly what the voting scale is designed for. Therefore, this thread really doesn't apply to, or argue against, the act of scoring normally, regardless of how relaxed or strict your standards are.
Active Ink Slinger
I for one look for constructive criticism and think it would help improve my writing, but have noticed that those that score very low are those that don't leave comments and that makes me wonder if the low scores are just out of spite. I know I was so hurt by low scoring that it caused me to curtail my writing to the point that i don't even try any longer.

You put your all into writing and to be shot down by those that cant even be bothered to mention why they didn't like it makes it seem futile to put the time into trying to create something enjoyable.

I know I should be thicker skinned, but to a beginning writer, a one or two score is devastating.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by LadyX

We're talking about two different things here. The action taken, per the OP of this thread, is to counteract and (hopefully) deter vote-bombing (i.e. scoring stories lowly, either as a retaliation or just for the mean-spirited sake of doing so).

Didn't you do a video explaining that a while back? Maybe it's time to bring that out again...I thought it was pretty cool myself...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
I've been wondering this for a while: if I was to give someone a lower score than I wanted to (say the mouse slipped and I clicked on the wrong one), could that score be reversed, so that I can score again, properly this time? It has never happened, but I'm always paranoid that it might.
Rookie Scribe
I am thrilled that there is such a ranking and close observation of submitted stories. I enjoy the erotic writing process and strive to make my stories vivid. So many experiences to share and so many to be enjoyed. Just had a story rejected because of my haste, yet I know that with a little clean-up it, I'll be thrilling others. Personally, it is the comments that fuel my desire.
Thanks for making this happen!