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Fact or Fiction

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As an author I base most of my stories on true events, dressed up a little for story purposes but based on real events. Who else writes like this ? or do most authors write mostly fiction.
Mostly fiction in my case. I'll nick a person or a setting or an event from life here and there but definitely not shooting for non-fiction. To me, erotica is about the fantasy. I know some have sex lives worth writing about but I am not one of them.
Her Royal Spriteness
my Alice series is based on actual experiences.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Testing The Waters.
Mine almost always have at least a little dash of reality in there somewhere. It may be something as simple as a silly line about buying multiple copies of Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy out of a Toys R Us bargain bin in the 90s ( Golden Rolls ) or something that's entirely based upon reality with only a few tweaks for readability. ( Long Distance Lust )

Even my fantasy stories have tiny little smidgens of things that happened in real life in there, because those nuggets were part of the adventures in my custom-made PnP role-playing game that the stories are spawned from.

I wonder sometimes if Christi or Alicia have ever stumbled across my stories, seen their names, and connected the dots. LOL There's really nothing of either of them in the stories beyond their names and hair colors, because I didn't know either of them well enough to inject any of their personality/quirks into the characters, but those names are reasonably unique enough that they'd be hard pressed to rationalize it was coincidence. I would hope that they appreciate their namesakes being sexy badasses if they ever do stumble across them.

Any time there's a camgirl or other type of distance sex work in a story, there's a lot of reality in there. I have an infinite supply of real experiences I was either a part of in some capacity, or heard first hand immediately after the fact. Camgirls need to let off steam, and as the SO of a camgirl and an admin on the site, I was a preferred sounding board for that kind of thing.

Blood Island from Kindred of the Wood was a real place, and portrayed exactly as I remember it. Same with the waterfall camp. Things getting thrown "over the hill" in Steward of the Wood and at least one other story were taken from my grandparents' place, where broken appliances, farm implements, chicken heads, fish guts, and pretty much anything that wouldn't burn went over the hill into the ravine next to the garage, to be used as target practice for rifles and shotguns. Most anything with unmanaged woods comes from memories of the woods behind my grandparents' house.

I'm sure that the river community of Dodge City with stolen street signs of every kind ( including a sign on each end of the community stolen from the outskirts of the real Dodge City ) and quirky ( to say the least ) residents will eventually make an appearance somewhere. Same with the not far away "Stink Road" where everyone cleaned their massive flathead catfish after showing them to everyone they knew and taking a ton of pictures. The heads and bones were left hanging from stringers along Stink Road as macabre trophy gallery of generations. Some had names and dates scrimshawed into the skulls, and they were often rehung when the stringers rotted away.

It's not hard to imagine how Stink Road got its name. A lot of huge ( 40-60 lb. ) catfish come out of the river every year.

There's a lot of real experiences in the sex scenes. Being with a bisexual camgirl leads to a lot of wild and interesting times.

TL/DR, I don't write much in the way of true stories, but there's bits of reality in virtually everything.
Mostly fiction with a little bit of non mixed in.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by RejectReality
Mine almost always have at least a little dash of reality in there somewhere.

Please change your username


Active Ink Slinger
All of mine are fiction. Having said that, Friendly Neighbor and My First Affair were both triggered by real, but mundane, events. I then took those and played with what could have happened. I must admit my fictional life is much more interesting that my actual life.
Active Ink Slinger
Our Lush stories and the books we've published are all based on Katie's real life experiences. She helps me write by explaining and detailing the sensuality and deep enjoyment she receives. Hoping to add some new ones after the lock-down is lifted.
Active Ink Slinger
I've written a few true stories, but most are pure fantasy.
Active Ink Slinger
My fiction is as real as my demon wings, my horns, and my retractable cock.

I'd say the emotional content of some of the stories is based on real events, but not the stories themselves.

"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.

Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory

Quote by wicked_jocelyn
My fiction is as real as my demon wings, my horns, and my retractable cock.

So it's all true?

(Do you realize what a hot image that is, esp. last item?)
"the Great God (snicker)" - James 'Bear' Llewellyn
Generally, it's complete bull... er fantasy.
But the events around the characters and stories I like to keep as accurate as possible. My Halloween story last year had a number of eclipses in, the dates and times of them were all accurate.
If I mention dates, I make sure I get the correct days, if relevant what the weather was like or what was on TV. The last chapter of my recently finished series, they chose between 2 films on TV on Boxing Day, both films mentioned were on.
If I mention lore or belief systems, I try to make them as accurate as possible.
If you know me, then you would probably be able to see bits of me sprinkled through my characters.
I do love my research

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
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Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by wicked_jocelyn
My fiction is as real as my demon wings, my horns, and my retractable cock.


so... what are you doing friday night? asking for a friend...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The Linebacker
Depends on the story. Some are based on real events and people, and some are just fiction, but some are fiction inspired by real events.
Sexy Seductive Siren
Quote by colin123
As an author I base most of my stories on true events, dressed up a little for story purposes but based on real events. Who else writes like this ? or do most authors write mostly fiction.

Almost all of my stories to date are based either on direct personal experience, personal experience in a fictional setting or indirect personal experience, experience told to me second-hand by girlfriends, etc.

I find it much easier to write from experience. When I branch off into the realm of true fiction, I have found myself getting in above my head and my stories have suffered from it. Not to mention my emotional state which some might say is already unstable enough.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by seeker4

So it's all true?

(Do you realize what a hot image that is, esp. last item?)


"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.

Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory

Rainbow Warrior
I actually use my own name in my stories that are based on real events in my life, so you will always know when one of my stories is fiction and when it is about an actual autobiographical event.
Lost in my own mystique
Snippets and vignettes of fact interwoven with fiction. Jimmy Buffet subtitled his first book " Fictional Facts and Factual Fictions". I attempt to emulate Bubba.
Active Ink Slinger
I'd like the reader to wonder if that really happened to the author. The reader can decide if anyone can really be that lucky, dumb, sexually acrobatic, deceatful, uncaring, prone to disaster, risk taking. Take a look at "It Was Only Dinner" or "She Deep Sixed My Rolex" and decide. But please read "In Flanders Fields." It is micro, will take you only a minute and I have something to say there.
Lovely reading all the different views. I have just released a new story based on a true event why not have a look.
"Jaq puts me on a lead" is now available to read.
Rookie Scribe
It is all fiction for me, too. I may get some inspirations from the real life, like someone I just met or something I saw in news. I think the real life stories would not be as compact and clear like the fictional ones, because there are a lot of bits and bobs.
Working on a new factual story, keep a look out for it
Active Ink Slinger
My latest story, Metamorphoses, about an opera-singing futanari, is of course purely autobiographical...

GrushaVashnadze's best stories:

Alison Goes to London (RR) - "love this... fun, and funny, and sexy" (sprite)

The Cursed Cunt (RR) - "holyyyyy sheeeiiit.... Your writing is fucking fantastic" (CarltonStJames)

A Worthless Filthy Fucking Smoking Trash Cunt Whore (RR) - "Brilliantly done. Of course." (naughtyannie)

Snow White and the Seven Dildos (RR) - "Fuck. It's perfect.... honestly genius and so fucking well executed." (VioletVixen)

Metamorphoses (RR) - "so imaginative and entertaining" (saucymh)

And There Came Two Angels to Sodom - "What a deliciously worded story! So juicy, so raunchy" (el_henke)

Fuck-Talk (with VioletVixen) - "Jeez. I feel rendered wordless by how much clever fucking fun this is" (Jaymal)

Rookie Scribe
I use a lot of real life knowledge and places in my stories.
The bookstore in Vellichor is a real place, there is also a cat there.

I do own some obnoxiously bright blue leggings. (Ice Cream)

The werewolf tale I am working on now is full of plant geekery which is 100% me. And the main character is constantly pushing her glasses back up her nose, which is a real life problem.
Rookie Scribe
I started writing ,a story of how I end up like I am ,got to 34,000 words ,and realized I cant submit it ,it is the true account of ,how my sister ,started dressing me as a girl. when I was young, I was a decade old, she was 4 years older , so can I tell the story if I am a of age ,reflecting back ?
Rookie Scribe
My stories are based on some real life experiences, but embellished too. They happened so long ago that I have to embellish since I cannot remember all the details like that, and one story is pure fantasy, which I agree that erotica is about fantasy at the end of the day! Unfortunately, due to work and other commitments I don't have much time to write.
Quote by oldCD
I started writing ,a story of how I end up like I am ,got to 34,000 words ,and realized I cant submit it ,it is the true account of ,how my sister ,started dressing me as a girl. when I was young, I was a decade old, she was 4 years older , so can I tell the story if I am a of age ,reflecting back ?

I'd suggest you kind of summarize the story and send a PM to any one of the moderators, asking that question. But my understanding is not if there was anything sexual under age 16, even reflecting back.