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Rating stories

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Rookie Scribe
As someone who has given scores of a "3", I will give my personal reasoning. I consider a "3" to be average, which is a well written story and to be expected. I don't consider a "3" to be a sign of failure on the part of the author. For a story to receive a "4" from me, it has to be above my expectations and a "5" requires an almost emotional response when I read it. If writers find my scoring too harsh, too bad. I have received messages from writers who I have given a "3" and I explained my reasons. I have also been blocked by a few so I can't score any more of their stories. Personally, I think a number of writers on this site are very thin skinned individuals. I'm sure their vanity will let them know exactly who they are. I don't think I've ever given a story a "1" and I have rarely given a "2".

Maybe it was my education in the school of architecture that made me realize that "average" is the norm. To be above average is what we always strive for, but it's usually not achieved - at least not in the eyes of the viewer.
what are we scoring for?. Good English? more sex? slow build up? quick build up? multiple partners? type of genre ie wife watching cuckold gay? Everybody,s opinion differs. Perhaps the number of times a story is read might be a better judgement.
I'd be grateful if someone could tell me where I went wrong with my first story, The Repoman, since someone has taken it upon themselves to vote it a "1" without leaving any feedback as to why they thought it was poor.

Look, I'm eager to learn and improve my writing. How am I suppose to improve if people don't tell me where I'm going wrong?
The Almighty Space Potato
I personally don't have an issue with people scoring my stories. The only times I have truly been annoyed with it is when someone who had me blocked was scoring my stories low and when someone rated me a "1" and gave no constructive criticism whatsoever, just gave the description of his "1" rating.
Quote by Jasmine_x
when someone rated me a "1" and gave no constructive criticism whatsoever, just gave the description of his "1" rating.

That's what someone did to me. People should give feedback when scoring "1". It's blatant trolling, done by some balding, middle-aged man who lives in his mother's basement, with an axe to grind about the story's content. I bet they don't even read the story.
The Almighty Space Potato
Quote by shansky

That's what someone did to me. People should give feedback when scoring "1". It's blatant trolling, done by some balding, middle-aged man who lives in his mother's basement, with an axe to grind about the story's content. I bet they don't even read the story.

The story where I got a "1", I understand it wasn't my greatest work but to rate it 1 then just put "poor" in the comments is like a kick in the teeth. If he told me why he didn't like the story and how I could edit it to improve it then I'd be more than willing to change it.
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by shansky
I'd be grateful if someone could tell me where I went wrong with my first story, The Repoman, since someone has taken it upon themselves to vote it a "1" without leaving any feedback as to why they thought it was poor.

Look, I'm eager to learn and improve my writing. How am I suppose to improve if people don't tell me where I'm going wrong?

You can force readers to leave comments with their scores if you are so inclined. There is a tickbox in your account settings:

Quote by Jasmine_x

The story where I got a "1", I understand it wasn't my greatest work but to rate it 1 then just put "poor" in the comments is like a kick in the teeth. If he told me why he didn't like the story and how I could edit it to improve it then I'd be more than willing to change it.

They wouldn't be able to tell you how to improve it because they probably never even read it. People just do that sort of thing to be a pain in the arse. They're just jealous -- that's what is -- jealous because they can't write a story themselves and are crap at everything. So we have the last laugh at the end of the day.
Quote by Liz

You can force readers to leave comments with their scores if you are so inclined. There is a tickbox in your account settings:

But it's like Jasminex just said. They'll just vote it 1 then leave a comment saying "poor".

What is the internet coming to when you can't even get away from trolls on a pleasant little site like this? It's a crying shame, it really is.
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by shansky
But it's like Jasminex just said. They'll just vote it 1 then leave a comment saying "poor".

What is the internet coming to when you can't even get away from trolls on a pleasant little site like this? It's a crying shame, it really is.

We've tried forcing people like that to write honest feedback before but it didn't work out. Apparently, moving a ball-peen hammer back and forth slowly over their bare feet whilst they're tied to a chair just makes them wet themselves and pass out. Even the tough guys couldn't take the 'this little piggy went to market' bit. Out like a light.

Quote by Liz

We've tried forcing people like that to write honest feedback before but it didn't work out. Apparently, moving a ball-peen hammer back and forth slowly over their bare feet whilst they're tied to a chair just makes them wet themselves and pass out. Even the tough guys couldn't take the 'this little piggy went to market' bit. Out like a light.


Ohhhhhhhhhh 5!
Quote by LYFBUZ

Ohhhhhhhhhh 5!

Thanks for the feedback on my story. It made me laugh as well.

I reckon the person who voted it "1" probably found the subject matter a bit disconcerting. They've probably had a similar experience recently where a bailiff has come to their door to seize goods to offset a debt and they've had to suck and fuck a big brute in order to keep their laptop, only to have the laptop taken away regardless of how good their sucking and fucking was.

Anyway, thanks again!
Was going to ask if the 1 on "Repo Man" came from derekdoors, since I just got a 1 on my last story from him, and his profile showed a vote on Repo Man as well. But the writer of 'Repo Man" seems to have turned into "guest" and the story itself is gone.

But in any case, well done Derekdoors. I hope you get feedback that somewhat more useful than the type you give out yourself.
Scarlet Seductress
Interestingly, it now appears 'Shansky' was probably a plagiarist and decided to delete her account before getting found out.

Just googled a line from that 'Repo' Man' story and found it published in 2003 by a guy named Bob on another erotica website.

Quote by oceanrunner
Was going to ask if the 1 on "Repo Man" came from derekdoors, since I just got a 1 on my last story from him, and his profile showed a vote on Repo Man as well. But the writer of 'Repo Man" seems to have turned into "guest" and the story itself is gone.

But in any case, well done Derekdoors. I hope you get feedback that somewhat more useful than the type you give out yourself.

Don't cry about it. I'm sure the vote of 1 will be removed, like all the votes of 1 and 2 on this site. The voting system's rigged. This site is a scam. It's not about stories, but attention seeking. Pathetic!!!

This story is one of many examples. The bar chart clearly shows a vote of 2, yet the average score is 5. This is the case with many stories on this site. Can anyone explain this?
The link didn't paste, but it's on the homepage, a story called Truth Or Dare by Forbiddenwriter.
If you think I've something to do with shansky, I'm sure you'll run my IP address to see if it matches.
Mountain Wolf
My two cents: it would be nice if when people score your story it would show their name and the score they gave, it might cut down on the people that just have an agenda. Whatever that might be. I know a lot of writers on here take their writing serious. And don't like being rated a 1 just because
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by derekdoors
This story is one of many examples. The bar chart clearly shows a vote of 2, yet the average score is 5. This is the case with many stories on this site. Can anyone explain this?

This has been explained loads of times. I'm not a mathematician but it has something to do with the way all of the scores are calculated out to give a weighted average. I think.

(Where's Clum when you need him?)

If you search around the forum I'm sure you will find the full and correct explanation somewhere. I think I last saw it in one of the 'Site Feedback' threads.

Edit: I found this post by Milik from a while back and it sounds about right to me.

In regards to how the voting system tabulates scores, it seems every individual score is broken into 20% of 100, with 5 being a perfect 100%

It is then broken into groups of 20 votes, and upon receiving the 20th, the lowest score is dropped. That is why 19 5,s and a 1 will revert to a 5 overall, just as 19 5's and a 4 will. This seems to be a built in protection against outliers in the the over all score

My obversavations indicate that this pattern holds true for each group of twenty, and the auto drop readjust each time. Therefore, if you have 97 perfect 5's and no other votes, you should be able to absorb the last three votes, even if they were 1's and still maintain a 5, assuming you've now gone over 100. It should take 6 lower voted overall to erase that cushion and lower your score into the high 4.9's

This may not be correct, but I've watched it long enough to be able to accurately predict my scores track as more are added.
Quote by Liz

This has been explained loads of times. I'm not a mathematician but it has something to do with the way all of the scores are calculated out to give a weighted average. I think.

(Where's Clum when you need him?)

If you search around the forum I'm sure you will find the full and correct explanation somewhere. I think I last saw it in one of the 'Site Feedback' threads.

You say my story's on Wattspad, but if you search hard enough, you'll see my story is on several different sites. I wrote it and uploaded it, and people have copied it and pasted it elsewhere.

I'd love to hear the explanation for the anomalies in the voting system. I think you lot are the cheats, not me.

Have you run my IP address for matches yet, Liz?
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by derekdoors
You say my story's on Wattspad, but if you search hard enough, you'll see my story is on several different sites. I wrote it and uploaded it, and people have copied it and pasted it elsewhere.

Not getting into a plagiarism discussion on the forum. That will be dealt with in private.

I'd love to hear the explanation for the anomalies in the voting system. I think you lot are the cheats, not me.

See above.

Have you run my IP address for matches yet, Liz?

I don't 'run IP addresses'. What are you talking about?

Switch to decaf, dude.
Quote by Liz

Switch to decaf, dude.

I'll switch to decaf and do a bit more research on average scores. I'll get back to you, babe.
Quote by oceanrunner

But in any case, well done Derekdoors. I hope you get feedback that somewhat more useful than the type you give out yourself.

I've changed the score on your story. I expect a thank-you kiss later, though.
Rookie Scribe
Personally, I don't expect a score or a comment, I'm happy to take either. Posted 5 chapters thus far and had 6 votes, a 3, a 4 and the rest 5's. The whole point about writing is that it's art and therefore its different things to different people. Some will love my work, others will hate it and both are absolutely fine. If we only write 1 acceptable way to get the most number of 5's and positive comments, then the genre's are going to get as bland and clique as pretty much all the free porn out there. That being said, I tend not to vote or comment sub 3 either on lush or anything because of the backlash it causes. Life's too short, read it and move on.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I get 1's occasionally, and I am perversely proud of them. I figure if I caused that strong of a reaction, I'm doing something right. And I often get 4's. Sometimes with a legit reason and criticism, usually not.

The complaining about scores gets a little tedious. No story is gonna please everyone. Suck it up. Be glad you have an audience. Try to write the best story you can, and then move on.

EDIT: The Mets lost last night and I am a little cranky.
Quote by HeraTeleia

Sooo...if the site is such a "scam" and is so pathetic, why waste your time here? Oh...the attention seeking. Right.

I just can't help it. See, Liz, Sprite and I have been playing this game for the better part of a year now.

They play the high and mighty, I knock them down a peg or two, they delete my account. We've been through this charade so many times now, we're like old compadres. But they love it just as much as I do, so why not.
I just started a thread exposing all the stolen stories, and guess what? It got deleted.

Sweep you dirty washing under the carpet. That's the way to do it.