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Caitlin Through The Looking Glass

"A single mum’s World Book Day takes an unexpected turn."

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‘Okay, I think we’re done,’ Caitlin said, pressing the stop button on her treadmill and looking over at her friend.

Sara was already leaning on the control panel of her machine, her feet on the sides letting the track run between her legs.

Caitlin laughed. ‘Or do you want to do another five minutes?’

Sara shook her head, still breathing hard. ‘Note to self,’ she said. ‘Do not hit the gym the morning after your husband says he has tomorrow off and opens a bottle of red wine.’

Picking up her towel, Caitlin stepped off the treadmill. ‘Is it the hangover or the vigorous shagging that’s wiped you out?’

Pressing her stop button, Sara waited for the track to come to a halt. ‘I can handle the shagging, that’s like an addition to my workout. It’s the wine.’ She flipped her towel over her shoulder. ‘We’re thirty-five, drinking is a young person’s game.’

Caitlin nodded. She had decided a couple of years ago that her drinking days were over - perhaps a beer on a Friday evening, but that was her limit. She preferred to get up early and spend Saturdays doing nice things with her daughter Becky. And she knew she only had a few more years until Becky wouldn’t want to spend weekends with her mother. Once she hit her teenage years she would want to be with her friends, so she was making the most of it. Not that she had a husband to drink with anyway, or to give her a good shagging either. She missed that more than the alcohol.

‘Are you working today?’ Sara was asking, drawing Caitlin out of her thoughts.

‘Yes,’ she replied as they walked through the changing room doors. ‘I have an online meeting with a new author at one o’clock and then I’m looking over some manuscripts.’

Caitlin had worked as a publisher since she’d graduated from university, but it had only been since her divorce that she had been working from home, which gave her the flexibility to do the school run and be there for Becky.

‘I’m also working on some events for World Book Day next week.’

Sara rolled her eyes. ‘Urgh.’

‘What?’ Caitlin asked. ‘Don’t you like World Book Day?’

‘No, I think it’s great,’ her friend replied, pulling her vest top over her head. ‘I just hate thinking of a costume for Dylan to wear to school.’

Caitlin laughed, stripping off her leggings, shoving them into her gym bag. ‘It’s not just the kids this year,’ she said, glancing at the full length mirror, taking in her profile. Despite having a nine year old daughter who loved junk food she was still in good shape, her bottom high and tight and looking good in her sports thong, her stomach flat, and her breasts firm.

‘What do you mean?’ Sara asked.

‘It’s also the parents this year,’ she said, turning away, taking her wash bag from her locker and following her friend to the showers. Sara looked over her shoulder, a question on her face.

Caitlin shook her head. ‘Don’t you read the school newsletters? The school is having a WBD party next Wednesday evening, and they want pupils and parents to dress up as their favorite characters.’

‘Oh fuck my life,’ Sara said, her head dropping back as she pushed open the shower door.

Stepping into her own shower cubicle Caitlin laughed, turning the tap, dropping her thong and sports bra to the floor, stepping under the hot water.

Sara’s voice drifted over the sound of the showers . ‘I bet you already know what you’re wearing, don’t you.’

Caitlin hesitated to answer; sometimes she annoyed herself with how organized she was, but as a single mum she needed to be on top of things. ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ she said, running her fingers through her long blonde hair.

‘Of course you are,’ Sara sighed, squeezing shampoo into her hand. ‘And I suppose you made the costume yourself. Although I do think it’s a bit of a cop-out given that you’re already blonde.’

Caitlin squeezed her shower puff, making her body wash foam up before soaping up body - she wondered if it was strange to be talking to her best friend whilst touching herself in the shower, but as it happened at least three times a week she reasoned that it was pretty normal. ‘No, I bought it online.’

‘Oh,’ Sara said suspiciously. ‘So it’s a slutty Alice in Wonderland costume.’

‘No,’ Caitlin sighed, rolling her eyes. ‘I bought it from a proper fancy dress site.’

‘Hmm,’ her friend said, closing her eyes and letting the warm water rinse shampoo from her face.

‘Mummy, mummy, can I change my costume for World Book Day?’

The playground was loud and chaotic and Caitlin had to dodge two boys who were sprinting towards the gate.

‘I beg your pardon?’ she said, smiling as her daughter ran over to her, her friend close behind.‘I couldn’t hear you,’

‘Me and Mia -,’

‘Mia and I,’ Caitlin corrected before she could stop herself.

Becky sighed. ‘Mia and I want to dress up as Gansta Granny.’

‘So you don’t want to be Mary Poppins?’ Caitlin said, the logistics of producing a new costume with less than a week to go rushing through her head.

‘I’m sorry,’ a voice said from Caitlin’s right. ‘That’s probably my fault.’

Instantly recognizing the voice, Caitlin turned, her stomach fluttering. The owner of the smooth baritone stood at six feet, a good six inches taller than the pretty single mum, an easy smile across his handsome face. The creases it formed around his eyes a feature rather than a flaw and the only thing that hinted at his forty years.

‘I told Mia that I was coming as Burt from Mary Poppins and now she thinks it’ll be embarrassing to be associated with her boring old dad.’

‘Oh I’m sure you’re not boring,’ Caitlin said, laughing, silently chastising herself for what she thought sounded like gushing - the word making her think of what Sara would say about Simon and gushing.

Simon laughed easily. ‘Well, apparently I am, and that’s why they want to be Gansta Granny. Sorry.’

‘So can I change my costume?’ Becky said, tugging on her mother’s coat sleeve, making her realize that she had been staring at Simon, taking in the smart business suit made casual by the open collar and loosened tie.

‘Hmm?’ she said, looking down at her daughter. ‘Oh, yes, I’m sure we can come up with something over the weekend.’

The two girls cheered, high-fiving each other.

‘So what are you coming as?’ Simon asked.

‘Mummy is coming as Alice in Wonderland,’ Becky said before Caitlin could answer. ‘Because she has beautiful blonde hair.’

‘Oh?’ Simon said, his eyes twinkling. ‘That sounds like fun. I look forward to seeing you in that.’

Caitlin felt her cheeks flush and she hoped they weren’t as red as they felt.

‘Oh, I don’t know about that,’ she said, looking down and fiddling with Becky’s ponytail. ‘It’s just one I bought online.’

Another smile started to form at the corners of Simon’s lips. ‘Specially for World Book Day? Or have you had it in your wardrobe for a while?’

Caitlin’s eyes narrowed in mock suspicion as she regained a little of her confidence. ‘I bought it last week for the school party,’ she said. If the two girls noticed the flash of electricity between their parents they didn’t show it.

‘Well I can’t wait to see you in it,’ Simon said, holding eye contact with Caitlin. She held his gaze for a moment before blinking slowly and looking away.

‘And I too in your chimney sweep costume,’ she said. ‘Have you made yours from scratch?’

Simon laughed. ‘I would love to say yes, but my artistic talents end at drawing the curtains,’ he said. ‘I actually went to a Peaky Blinders party a few months ago so I’ve just adapted that costume.’

‘Well I’m sure you’ll make a very dashing cockney swimney cheep…. chimney sweep,’ Caitlin said, hoping he hadn’t noticed her spoonerism. ‘But I thought Wednesdays were the night Mia spent with her mother,’ she said quickly, trying to gloss over the moment.

‘That's right,’ Simon replied, gallantly ignoring Caitlin’s awkwardness, ‘but I’ve negotiated the night with her so we can attend.’

If Simon picked up on Caitlin’s admiration for him as a father he didn’t show it, remaining modest under her soft gaze. ‘Well we should get going,’ he said, reaching out for his daughter’s hand. Caitlin nodded, doing the same to Becky.

‘Well, Burt, if I don’t see you before, I’ll see you on Wednesday,’ she said.

‘Yes you will, Alice,’ Simon replied, holding her gaze, touching the peak of his imaginary cap before turning away.

‘Are you ready, mum?’ Becky called from the bottom of the stairs.

Standing in front of her full-length mirror Caitlin tugged and brushed at the pale blue dress and white apron. She had been fine with her costume choice until she’d run into Simon, and now she wasn’t so sure. Was it too short? Did it cling too much? Was the black hairband a little too - something? But how could it be? That’s what Alice wore. And she’d definitely ordered it from a legitimate fancy dress site and not Anne Summers or Love Honey, so she knew she hadn't been inappropriate when she had placed her order. This was all Simon’s fault, she thought. Him and his broad shoulders and perfect smile - no, not perfect, perfect was boring - dashing.

And why hadn’t the costume company included the white tights shown in the photo? And more importantly why hadn’t she noticed their absence until now? The lack of tights had forced her to find her old sports socks from when she’d been part of a ladies' hockey team. Luckily they were still bright white and long enough that if she kept them pulled up the tops were hidden beneath her dress, but she still felt a little too exposed, especially given that she was wearing a thong. Should she change? Would a proper pair of knickers be more appropriate?


‘Okay, I’m coming!’ she called back, checking her watch. Taking one last worried look at her reflection she sat on her bed, slipping her feet into her sensible black work shoes.

The car park was already half full when they arrived, but Caitlin guessed that most of the cars belonged to the staff who had stayed on for the party.

‘There’s Mia’s dad’s car,’ Becky was saying pointing out the window.

‘Okay, just let me park and you can find her,’ Caitlin said as she maneuvered her SUV into a space. She hated to admit it but her stomach was full of butterflies at the thought of seeing Simon.

They got down from the car and she took Becky’s hand, being dragged towards the school entrance. ‘You’re not usually this eager to get into school,’ she said as they pushed open the door.

The school hall was already beginning to fill up with pupils and parents, all dressed as various book characters, and as they entered a teacher she recognized as the deputy headmistress handed her a glass.

‘Here,’ she said, an uncharacteristic twinkle in her eye, ‘something to take the edge off the proceedings.’

Caitlin thanked her, taking the glass.

‘Orange juice, with a little kick,’ the deputy head said with a wink. ‘Just don’t tell the children.’

Caitlin took a sip, the mild burn of cheap alcohol mixing with the tartness of the orange juice. Her eyes widened at the taste and the deputy head smiled.

‘Good luck,’ she said as she turned at the sound of the doors opening again.

‘There’s Mia!’ Becky said, rushing across the wooden floor towards her friend.

‘Hello Alice,’ a voice said just as she was about to take another sip of the illicit orange juice. She jumped, turning to look at Simon. He wore a pair of brown slim-fit trousers, lace-up ankle boots, an off-white pinstripe shirt, waistcoat, and a flat cap. He gave her a rakish smile.

‘Hello, Simon - I mean, Burt,’ Caitlin said, her stomach flipping. ‘I have to ask, have you read Mary Poppins, or are you the Disney Burt?’

Simon looked hurt. ‘I’ll have you know that Mia and I read it last year.’

‘Apologies,’ Caitlin said, with a contrite nod. ‘I underestimated you.’

Simon nodded. ‘Just because you’re a book publisher doesn’t mean you’re the only one who’s well-read. In fact, I decided to quickly read some of it again to get my costume right.’

‘Well if you were that well-read,’ Caitlin said, trying to stifle a smile, ‘you would know not to split your infinitives.’

Simon looked at her with mock derision. ‘So,’ he began, skirting around her cheeky comment, ‘are you through the looking glass or in wonderland?’

She looked around the hall which had seen the number of children double since they had started their conversation. ‘Well I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t Wonderland,’ she replied.

Simon followed her gaze. ‘So you’d rather be in wonderland?’ he asked, the forced innocence in his voice making him sound anything but.

Caitlin looked at him from the corner of her eye. ‘Wouldn’t we all?’

‘And what would that look like tonight?’ Simon asked, looking straight ahead at a teacher trying to stop two boys from dragging a third across the floor by his ankles as he laughed and clapped his hands.

‘I’m not sure,’ she replied. ‘I suppose it would depend on the situation.’

‘And what situation would you like to be in?’ Simon turned his head slowly to look at her. She could feel his gaze but she refused to look up at him.

‘I’m not sure this is the right place for this conversation,’ she said.

At her side, Simon held up his hands in surprise. ‘Hey, I was talking about being on a beach, or sitting by a pool with a cocktail.’

‘Oh you were?’ she replied suspiciously. ‘So there wasn’t a double meaning behind that question?’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ he replied trying to sound hurt.

‘Hmm, I’m sure you don’t.’

Simon looked at her. ‘It sounds like your imagination is getting the better of you.’

‘My imagination or yours?’ she asked returning his gaze. Their eyes locked for a moment until she turned away again.

‘Perhaps you’re right,’ he said with a shrug. ‘I have to confess, since you told me what your costume was going to be I’ve struggled not to think about it.’

‘Really?’ Caitlin said, returning her gaze to the hall. ‘And what were you thinking?’

‘Just what a sexy Alice you would make.’

‘Do you think that’s an appropriate thing to say?’

‘No one can hear us. We’re just two parents watching our children enjoy World Book Day.’

‘And you don’t think it’s inappropriate to call a fellow parent, who you barely know, sexy?’’

‘I’m not sure I called you sexy,’ he replied, taking a sip of his drink.

‘Oh, so you don’t think I make a sexy Alice?’

He smiled. ‘I think you make an incredibly sexy Alice. I think you make an incredibly sexy book publisher.’

‘Well that’s a sentence no one has said before,’ she smiled, raising her glass to her lips.

‘What about you?’ Simon asked.

Caitlin looked at him, questioning. He looked back at her.

‘Do you think I make a sexy Burt?’ he asked.

‘Are you asking if I would like to see your chimney stack?’ she asked looking away from him.

‘Possibly,’ he replied. ‘Or I might be asking if you’d like to ride my carousel horse.’

‘Oh! I’m sorry,’ Caitlin said, screwing up her nose. ‘That’s from the film, not the book. I’m looking for someone a little more intellectual than that.’

Simon grinned. ‘Intellectual? That's what turns you on?’

‘Of course,’ Caitlin replied. ‘I believe that the brain is a major erogenous zone.’

‘So you prefer to give mind rather than head?’

Caitlin chewed the inside of her cheek. ‘It takes a lot for me to do that,’ she replied.

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‘So I’d have to play the long game?’

‘You’d have to be in the game first,’ she said. Despite her cool bravado, Caitlin’s heart was racing.

‘So I’m not even in the starting blocks?’

‘Not even in the arena.’

‘I should just leave now, then?’

Caitlin’s heart dropped. She didn’t know what she wanted, but she didn’t want him to leave.

‘I didn’t say you weren’t in sight of the entrance,’ she said trying to keep her cool.

Simon fought a smirk at her comment and Caitlin narrowed her eyes at him. ‘The entrance to the venue,’ she sighed. ‘I was continuing the metaphor.’

‘Oh,’ Simon said resignedly, ‘I thought I was closer than I am.’

‘Do you realize how inappropriate this conversation is?’ Caitlin said. ‘Given where we are.’

‘I’m not sure what you mean,’ he replied. ‘I thought we were talking about sport and sporting venues.’ He looked at her from the corner of his eye. ‘Do you think you might have a dirty mind?’

She fought a smirk. ‘I was just responding to what you were thinking,’ she replied.

‘Oh, apologies,’ Simon said innocently. ‘I didn’t mean to offend you. Perhaps I got the wrong end of the stick.’

‘Hmm,’ Caitlin replied. ‘Perhaps you did. I’m not sure what kind of girl you think I am.’

‘Well, I think that given you were the one who thought the conversation was inappropriate suggests that you were being a little naughty.’



‘I think if I was being naughty I’d have overlooked your mistake about riding your carousel horse.’

‘So would you like to re-visit that part of the conversation?’ Simon asked.

‘I would not,’ she replied.

‘Well that’s disappointing,’ he said. ‘I think you would look amazing if you were riding…a carousel horse.’

‘Really?’ Caitlin asked, turning to face him. ‘And what do you think that would look like?’

Simon considered the question. ‘I think it would be loud and breathy.’

‘I said look like, not sound like,’ Caitlin said.

‘Sorry. I think you would look amazing. I think you would be animated. I think there would be lots of eye contact and I think you would be wearing a lot less than you are now.’

‘Wearing less?’ Caitlin asked. ‘Do you have a Lady Godiva fantasy?’

‘No,’ Simon replied, holding their eye contact. ‘I have a Caitlin fantasy.’

The intensity of his look and his statement took Caitlin by surprise and she struggled to remain cool. ‘And how long have you had this fantasy?’ she asked.

‘Since the first time I saw you outside the school gates,’ he replied. ‘So about a year.’

‘A year? And this is the first time I’m hearing about it?’

Simon shrugged. ‘I was still coming out of my marriage. It was a complicated time.’

Caitlin nodded, sympathy joining her feelings of arousal. ‘And what does this fantasy involve?’

‘Lots of panting and perspiring,’ Simon said confidently. ‘You and I naked. Lots of moaning and some swearing.’

Caitlin shifted, suddenly a little nervous at his candor. ‘Well, that’s very forthright of you,’ she said. ‘Thank you for your honesty.’ There was a moment of silence between them.

‘Did I say too much?’ Simon asked.

‘No, not at all,’ she replied. ‘I can’t say I haven’t had similar thoughts.’

‘You have?’

She nodded, looking down, unable to hold eye contact.

‘And have you considered making those thoughts a reality?’ Simon asked.

‘Not really,’ she replied. ‘The fantasy is fun but the reality is more complicated.’

‘It doesn’t have to be,’ he said.

‘But it would be.’


‘Because it always is.’

‘Only if you let it.’

She shrugged.

‘So you’re going to go through life avoiding situations in case they become complicated?’


‘Well, that doesn’t sound like a life well lived.’

She looked up at him again. ‘So what would you suggest?’

‘Jump and look for a soft place to land.’

Caitlin smiled, looking down. ‘That sounds too easy.’

‘It is easy.’

‘I’m not so sure,’ she said sadly.

‘You won’t know unless you try,’ he said softly, his voice burrowing into her brain.

‘I’d like to,’ she said, ‘but I’m not sure I’m in the right place for a relationship.’

‘Relationship?’ Simon said, smiling his rakish smile again. ‘I thought we were having a naughty conversation.’

Caitlin looked up at him. ‘So you’re just thinking about sex? Your fantasy is us fucking?’

‘I’m sure many a good relationship has started with a good fuck,’ Simon said, smiling again.

Caitlin struggled to hide her smile at his honesty. ‘You might be right,’ she said. ‘Perhaps a good fuck is sometimes the answer.’ She looked up at him and he nodded slowly. ‘But I don’t think we’re going to find out,’ she said.

‘Really?’ Simon said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Caitlin nodded, but then shrugged, looking up at him. Their eyes locked. ‘I need the loo,’ she said, taking Simon by surprise. She held up her glass. ‘Can you hold this, please.’

The smell of the hand soap in the girls' toilet took Caitlin back to her time at school. She looked in the mirror, a mixture of arousal and embarrassment coursing through her; had she really been having that conversation with a man she barely knew whilst dressed as Alice in Wonderland? She rand her fingers through her hair and looked at her reflection again. She had to admit, the costume was quite sexy and so was Simon. No, not quite sexy, hot as fuck, as Sara would have said. And she couldn’t deny that that’s exactly what she wanted to do. But she wasn’t going to. Too complicated, even though it had been a long time since she’d been fucked. Or made love to, for that matter. She adjusted her hairband before turning towards the door.

Out in the corridor, she followed the sound of the music and children having fun back towards the hall. As she turned a corner, a figure stepped in front of her, startling her.

‘Simon!’ she gasped. ‘You scared me.’

‘Sorry,’ he replied. ‘I didn’t mean to frighten you.’

‘It’s okay,’ she said, smiling. ‘Listen, about earlier. I think things were getting out of hand and I’m sorry. Could we start again and have a conversation that isn’t like two horny teenagers?’

Simon smiled. ‘We can,’ he replied.

Caitlin looked up at him, almost regretting her request.

Seeing her pause Simon stepped closer. ‘But if we do, I won’t be able to do this.’

He leaned closer, taking his shot, waiting for her to pull away or slap him. Instead, Caitlin waited for his mouth to reach hers. Their lips touched softly but in a second their kiss became hard, intense. Simon pulled her to him and her hands went to the back of his head, her fingers tangling in his thick hair, tilting his cap forward. Their tongues met and a moment later Caitlin felt herself being pushed back, her feet almost slipping on the polished floor and she waited for her back to hit the wall. But instead she felt Simon release one hand, reaching behind her and then she was stumbling backwards into darkness.

The store cupboard was almost empty, just a bucket and some boxes on the shelves. Caitlin’s heart raced as their kisses became more frantic. Kicking the door closed behind him, Simon fumbled for the light switch, the soft click illuminating the small cupboard. He continued to push Caitlin backwards until she reached the one wall with no shelves. She gasped as she felt one hand grab for her bottom while the other reached for her breasts.

‘You have a really sexy bum,’ Simon said, his fingers pressing into her firm flesh.

‘You haven’t seen my bum,’ she replied.

‘Are you kidding?’ he asked. ‘I look at it every day in those short skirts and tight trousers suits you wear. I want to bite it.’

‘Keep this up and I might let you,’ she replied between hard kisses.

‘You have nice tits too,’ he said. ‘I want to kiss and suck on them.’

‘Don’t push your luck,’ she replied with a grin.

Simon looked down at her, his face serious. ‘I want to fuck you, Caitlin.’

‘What are you waiting for?’ she replied.

Simon’s hands went to the front of his trousers, pulling at his belt, lowering his zip. ‘Take your knickers off,’ he growled.

‘You finished your sentence with a preposition,’ she said. ‘Don’t make me correct your grammar again.’ She watched as he dropped his trousers and boxer shorts, his erection springing up. ‘And there’s no need to take off my knickers. I’m wearing a thong, you can pull it to one side.’

Simon stepped close to her again, his hard-on spreading pre cum on her pale blue dress and white apron. ‘What about your tights?’ he said.

‘They’re not tights,’ she replied, lifting her dress until he could see the creamy flesh of her thighs above her white socks, ‘they’re knee-length socks.’

‘You fucking sexy bitch.’

‘Are you going to spend all evening throwing compliments at me?’ she asked, lifting her dress higher. ‘Or are you going to put that hard cock inside me?’

With one hand holding his shaft Simon reached under her dress, pulling her thong from between her buttocks. Caitlin steadied herself on his shoulders as she lifted one leg, wrapping it around Simon’s waist. She could feel him at the entrance to her vagina and she knew that the evening’s conversation had left her aroused and wet.

‘You’re really smooth,’ he said. ‘Did you shave your pussy in preparation for tonight?’

Caitlin grabbed his wrist, guiding him towards her moist lips. ‘I wax,’ she purred. ‘And no, it’s just a touch of serendipity.’

Pushing his hips forward Simon eased the tip of his erection between her soft lips and Caitlin felt herself open for him.

She gasped as he entered her, inch by inch, lifting her other leg until they were both clamped around his waist, gravity lowering her into him. She cried out as he filled her, muffling the sound by pressing her mouth to his shoulder. Simon grunted as her warmth engulfed him, and for a moment Caitlin thought he’d cum, but then he was pushing her back against the wall, holding her in place, as he thrust into her. She used her arms and legs to match his movements, feeling him delving his full length into her.

Pulling him closer she felt his mouth on her breasts through the material of her dress. ‘There’s a zip at the back,’ she said between gasps.

Feeling Simon’s hands leave her bottom for the back of her dress Caitlin clamped her legs tighter around him. He quickly found the zip, pulling it down, his fingers pulling at her bra clasp before easing her dress and bra off her shoulders and arms, crumpling around her waist, revealing her breasts, her nipples already stiff with excitement.

Grabbing her bottom again, Simon took her breasts in his mouth, alternating before settling on one, sucking her nipple between his lips, flicking it with his tongue. Caitlin cried out, rocking her hips, grinding against him.

‘Your cock feels amazing,’ she said.

‘Your pussy is so tight and wet,’ he replied.

‘Can you go harder?’ Caitlin asked

Pressing her back against the wall Simon held her thighs, maneuvering each leg until her feet were on the shelves to either side of them, allowing him to hold her and thrust harder.

‘Oh that’s it,’ Caitlin said feeling him pound into her. ‘Keep fucking me like that. You’re right on my g spot.’ She pulled his head tighter against her breasts. ‘Suck on my tits,’ she whispered. ‘Use your teeth.’ Her words turned to whimpers as his teeth grazed her sensitive buds. ‘In your fantasy am I loud when I cum?’ she asked.

‘Very,’ Simon replied, his mouth still clamped around her breast.

‘I don’t want to disappoint, but we’re in a school store cupboard,’ she said, ‘a loud orgasm might bring all sorts of unwanted attention.’

Feeling her climax approaching, Caitlin clamped one hand over her mouth, her body tensing up, her thighs squeezing tighter around Simon’s waist.

‘Do you want me to pull out?’ Simon asked.

‘No, finish inside me.’ she groaned through gasps and her fingers. ‘Cum with me,’ And a moment later she let out a long moan as her orgasm tore through her. She gasped and rocked against Simon, feeling him quicken his pace until he gave one final thrust, lifting her higher as he came in her, sucking her nipple harder as he filled her with his hot cum.

Caitlin’s arms wrapped around his neck, holding his face between her breasts, their breathing labored.

‘I didn’t realize how much I needed that, she said, loosening her grip on Simon. He nodded, looking up at her.

‘Was it good?’ he asked.

She nodded. ‘I haven’t cum like that for a long time,’ she replied. ‘You were hitting all the right spots. But you’re going to have to let me down, my legs are getting tired.’

Simon took a step back, his cock, still hard, slipping out of her. Using his shoulders to steady herself, Caitlin stepped down from the shelves, her dress and bra still around her waist,

Pulling her socks up, she looked down at Simon’s cock glistening with their combined fluids. Dropping to her knees she took his hard shaft in her hand, wrapping her lips around the tip, sucking off the remaining cum. She looked up at him, her lips still pressed against his purple head. ‘I don’t usually suck a guy’s cock on a first date,’ she said with a cheeky smile. ‘But I think we’re already through the looking glass.’

‘I think this might be wonderland,’ Simon replied, letting out another gasp as Caitlin ran her lips over his sensitive head again, enjoying the taste of their sex. She looked down as she released Simon’s cock with a pop. ‘Well look at me,’ she said shaking her head. ‘In a store cupboard, tits out, with a cock in my hand. I’m such a classy girl.’ She looked up at Simon. ‘Are you disappointed in me?’

Simon dropped to his knees, his hand touching her neck just below her ear, kissing her softly. ‘You’re just as sexy now as you were standing at the school gates.’

‘So what happens now?’ she asked.

‘Well, I think we’ve confirmed that we’re sexually compatible, and we share a similar sense of humor, so maybe we should go out to eat soon.’

‘I’m vegetarian,’ Caitlin said.

Simon rolled his eyes, stifling a smile. ‘Urgh, just when I thought you were perfect.’

‘Fuck off,’ she said, shoving him. ‘I’m helping to stop climate change. What are you doing?’

‘Good point,’ Simon replied, ‘although a minute ago I wouldn’t have guessed you were vegetarian.’

Giggling, Caitlin touched Simon’s chest ‘We should get back to the kids.’ She stood up, looking down at Simon as he made no attempt to follow her. ‘Come on,’ she urged, adjusting her thong, ‘help me put my tits away.’

‘Hmm,’ Simon said, looking up at her. ‘That sounds like a sentence ending with a preposition. Surely you should have said “help me put away my tits”.’

‘Yes, but it is also acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition if it stops the sentence from being awkward. As yours was.’

‘Fuck, you’re sexy,’ Simon replied, standing up and tucking his semi-hard penis back into his trousers. ‘Turn around.’

Caitlin turned, lifting her hair.

‘You have a really sexy neck,’ Simon said.

‘You need to stop complimenting me,’ Caitlin said waiting for him to zip up her dress. ‘Otherwise, I’m going to start liking you.’

‘I want you to like me,’ Simon replied.

Caitlin turned to look at him. ‘So you don’t just want to fuck me?’

‘I do want to fuck you, but on those occasions when making love isn’t quite enough.’

Silence fell between them and Caitlin blinked rapidly. ‘Call me,’ she said, raising up onto her toes, kissing his lips. ‘Let’s get out of here before we get into trouble.’

Opening the door Caitlin looked out into the corridor. Satisfied it was empty she stepped out and hurried back to the hall.

As the double doors closed behind her Caitlin saw Sara walking towards her in a feeble attempt at a Harry Potter costume.

‘Where have you been?’ she asked reaching up to straighten her friend’s black hairband which was now skewed, her hair tousled. ‘And why do you look such a mess?’

Running her fingers through her hair, she was about to answer her friend with what she hoped would be a convincing lie when the hall doors slammed, Simon appearing, straightening his cap. Sara looked past her friend, suspicion crossing her face before looking back at Caitlin.

‘You just fucked him, didn’t you,’ she said with incredulity.

Caitlin didn’t answer, looking down, knowing that any denial wouldn’t be believable.

‘And in your kid’s school.’ She paused for dramatic effect. ‘I’m so proud of you. Although I bet your knickers are starting to get wet and uncomfortable.’

‘They’re not knickers,’ Caitlin replied, squirming uncomfortably. ‘It’s a thong. And, yes.’

Written by Mercury23
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