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Pub Quiz Win Nets A Bonus Prize

"Husband gives wife a special anniversary present… another man!"

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Author's Notes

"Bedtime stories number 5."

My village pub hosts a quiz every Wednesday evening. In the winter, only a dozen locals turn out, but summer numbers are swollen by campers from the nearby country park and other tourists. We’d moved to the village from London a few years ago.

Most locals welcomed us, being incomers themselves. The exceptions were a few die-hards who resented change. Their ringleader Brynn, my pub quiz nemesis, was perched on his usual seat at the bar when I walked in with my wife Valerie a few weeks ago.

“It’s heaving in here tonight,” I said to the landlord Gary, another outsider, but tolerated because he’d reopened the pub.

“You’re just in time for the quiz, Vic. Sixty people have signed up. Teams of four, ten rounds of ten questions each, totting up after every round so we can have a league table. Plus, a couple of nice drink breaks,” Gary winked. He worked hard and nights like these made his business viable. He pointed to a whiteboard with team names on it. All very official. “I guess you’ll want to play. Brynn’s got his usual cronies.” Gary knew how to push my buttons. “Most people are teamed up. That couple over there are staying with us, I don’t think they’ve got partners yet.” I followed his gaze. Gary had half a dozen bed-and-breakfast rooms.

My wife already bagged the spare seats opposite the couple Gary pointed out. I took our drinks over and Val did the introductions. “This is my husband, Vic. Vic, this is Bob and Angela from Shropshire, they’re touring the coast.” They were the same age as us, somewhere in their early fifties. Bob was an electrician and Angela a primary school teacher. Bob had salt and pepper hair and a stocky build. I guess you’d call him handsome in a lived-in way. His smiling eyes appealed to women, at least they did to Val, although she was trying not to show it. He was trying not to stare at her large boobs, but doing a poor job.

Angela was petite with fine features. As we chatted, she clipped up her long black hair to cope with the heat. A careless gesture that allowed me to admire her slender neck and arms. Her blouse was pulled tight across her chest, nipples prominent. She caught me looking and blushed. We automatically turned to look at our partners, but they were talking twenty to the dozen and hadn’t noticed.

Gary shouted last call for teams and I entered us as ‘The Fantastic Foursome.’ We all had a little smirk at the connotations.

Val rubbed her temples. She’d been having cluster migraines for days. She smiled and said she was okay. It was nice for us to get out for a change. A couple of drinks and another bloke chatting her up were helping to distract her from the pain.

Gary announced round one was geography. “No handicap questions about places in Wales nobody else has ever heard of,” I said. There was general laughter, but a mutter from Brynn at the bar.

Bob picked up on it. “What’s his problem, Vic?”

“Brynn doesn’t like incomers. Wishes it was still the 1960s. We had a stand up row in here a few months ago. I asked him who paid the wages of all the tradespeople doing up houses that had stood empty for years? There’s no work for young people around here. If it were not for incomers retiring, the village would be on its arse.”

“It’s the same where we live,” said Bob.

“Plus, he’s a know-all, but I’ve beaten him in every quiz where there’s not questions about Lloyd George’s grandmother or Welsh scrum-halves from the 1950s. Gary throws them in to keep his regulars happy, but it bugs me.”

“Looks like we’ve got a grudge match,” said Angela.

“Oh, don’t get him started,” Val cautioned.

The quiz started. We huddled over the table to discuss our answers. A lot of eye contact going on. I felt excited with anticipation. I don’t know of what. By halftime we were in third place, just two points off the lead. Unfortunately, the heat and the noise had got to Val and she winced, rubbing her aching head. I recognised the look.

She made her apologies. “I’m sorry, everyone. I thought they’d gone, but if I don’t lie down in a dark, quiet place soon, I’ll throw up. I don’t want to spoil the fun. You stay, Vic.”

It was a disappointment. I know Bob was especially sad to see Val get up to leave. We only lived around the corner, so I promised to come back after I’d escorted my wife home. I asked Gary to give me ten minutes before he started again. The bar was so busy he wasn’t in a hurry to resume.

Back home I settled Valerie in bed with a glass of water and a cold face flannel. She said she’d caught it in time and would be ok. She insisted I go back to the pub and for the umpteenth time told me to give her apologies to Bob and Angela.


They asked after Val’s condition when I returned. I reassured them sleep was the best cure. The next quiz round was pictures. Now we were three. I sat next to Angela so we could all look at the single sheet of images together. The warmth of her slender body between me and her husband was stirring my cock. It had been me and Angela who answered most of the questions before the break, and so it continued.

She whispered into my ear before we scribbled our answers. Craftily, her tongue licked my earlobe, sending an electric shock through me. Bob didn’t see it. He just smiled and topped up her drink from his. When we won that round it put us in the lead, Angela kissed me on the cheek and then as an afterthought, kissed her husband.

“You must excuse Ange, she gets a bit handy when she’s excited.” Angela slapped her husband’s arm in embarrassment and sent him to get more drinks.

“I think your flirting is getting your husband going,” I said. “You’re in for a busy night, Ange.” She looked me straight in the eye. Her blue eyes were very sexy.

“Well, it is our anniversary today so I’ve come prepared for action.” I followed her gaze. Her nipples were as hard as rocks. “Have a proper look before he comes back. Bob could not get enough of Val’s tits earlier. I guess we all want something different from the usual occasionally.” Angela’s hand slid along my thigh and squeezed my hard cock.

Bob returned with the drinks and sensed something going on. I thought he’d be angry, but he just smiled. As he sat down, I noticed he also had a stiffy. I imagined if Angela had taken ill, and it was Val sandwiched between me and Bob, I’d experience an electrifying jolt of jealousy and arousal.

In the last two rounds, the lead swapped between The Fantastic Foursome and Brynn’s Battlers. He beat us by one point. Brynn gloated from the bar, raising his pint in ironic cheers. Gary did the final checking of scores and announced there had been a mistake and it was a draw. I raised my pint back to him and his face looked like a smacked arse.

The tie break question was in five parts. It was about the deepest point in the world, the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, Western Pacific ocean. That was the first answer. Bob and Angela looked blank, but I knew this stuff from a documentary I had on DVD, but Brynn probably knew it too. The rest of the questions were typical, when, who, how, stuff. Afterwards Gary checked our scores, got his calculator out and converted miles to metres and checked again.

Then he made his announcement. “Vic’s beaten you, Brynn. He’s even given me the name of the captain of the bloody ship.” An enormous cheer went up and Gary called for quiet and read out our answers. I did him five-three. Angela gave a shriek of delight and threw her arms around me and kissed me full on the lips. I wanted to slip her the tongue, but I thought it was a too much in front of the whole pub and her husband.

“Well done, mate. I think you’ve got a quiz groupie there.”

“Oh, don’t get jealous, Bob. You’ll get your prize later. I’ve told Vic it’s our anniversary,” said Angela. She gave him a full-blooded kiss.

Bob winked at me. “It’s a tough job mate, but someone has to do it.”

Gary waved my prize above the heads of the stampede for last orders. I went up to the bar and thought I’d be the bigger man. I found Brynn, stuck out my hand and said well-played. He didn’t want to take it, but he’d look a prick in front of everyone, so he congratulated me. When I returned, Bob and Angela were animated. They looked up and smiled.

“With my compliments for your anniversary.” I presented them with our champagne prize in an ice bucket. Angela put her arms around my neck and this time she gave me the tongue. She was quick, so only Bob noticed. He smiled and shook my hand.

Gary shouted last orders and Angela offered to get them in before going to the loo. Two large whiskies appeared, but I didn’t notice Angela return. The champagne had disappeared as well. I spent the next couple of minutes accepting congratulations from departing punters. One bloke said it was better when it was a grudge match and winked. I think most of the pub had the gist of my relationship with Brynn. I drained the last of my whiskey and said goodnight. “Enjoy your anniversary celebration, you lucky sod, Bob.”

His phone beeped, Bob looked at the message and smiled. “Not so fast, mate. Your work isn’t over yet.” He showed me the screen and laughed at my reaction. It was from Angela. It said, ‘I’m ready for you both now.’ Underneath was a picture of her from the waist down. She was wearing black stockings and suspenders, and her shaven mound was prominent in tiny red kickers.

I looked at Bob. My heart was pounding. I would love nothing better than to fuck his wife. “Are you sure about this?”

He nodded. “I am. You noticed our little confab while you were at the bar. I suggested it to Angela, and she jumped at it. Like I say, you’ve got a fan there. Pity your wife had to cry off ill, I’d have loved to see those big tits.” I looked hesitant and Bob ploughed on. “Vic, Ange and I have talked about this in the past. We agreed that if we met a couple we liked the look of we would, you know? Well, today we agreed. I’ve got to tell you Vic, the thought of seeing another man fuck Ange is such a turn on. Besides, don’t you want to see her sweet pussy in the flesh?” Bob waved his phone in front of my eyes and it hypnotised me.

It took me all of two seconds to make up my mind. “Okay mate, I’m in, but if Ange bottles out, I will not force it.” Bob nodded. “I need to make sure Gary does not see me go upstairs. I don’t want word getting back to Val yet. I’ll tell her in my own time. I’ll say my goodnights to this lot, leave and come back in via the beer garden. What room are you in?” He showed me his key. “Looks like three is my lucky number.”

A few drinkers loitering outside wanted to say well done for stuffing Brynn. It took three agonising minutes before I was standing outside their door. I knocked and Bob opened it cautiously, then seeing it was me and no one else was about, he opened it wide. Angela was sitting on the bed. She’d pulled her shoulder-length black hair back in a high ponytail. She wore a lot of mascara and bright red lipstick, which coordinated with her black and red panelled strapless basque. It gave her small tits an impressive cleavage.

She smiled at my stunned expression and stood up. A black lace suspender belt held black fishnet stockings with red ribbons on the clasps, and a tiny red satin triangle covered her cunt. The patch of dampness on her knickers added to my sensory overload.

“Give him a twirl, Ange.” She did as instructed. I gasped. The black ribbon of her thong bisected the cheeks of her slim arse. She looked at me over her shoulder and lifted her foot. I noticed the five-inch heels and red soles on her black patent stilettos. They might have been Louboutin knock offs, but I wasn’t about to phone Trading Standards.

“You look like a dream girl, Angela. Like the girl of my teenage dreams, anyway.” She giggled at my compliment.

“She looks like a slut, you mean Vic, and I love it. I’ve told her we forbid our hostess to speak unless we ask her a question. She is here for our pleasure. Isn’t that true slut?” Bob’s throat was tight with excitement.

“Yes sir, to please both of you,” said Ange.

I didn’t know if this was a regular little role play of theirs, but I was more than happy to ad-lib. Bob sat against the wall in a tub chair, I pulled the stool from under the dressing table and took it to the other wall. About ten feet separated us. “Well, what are you waiting for, slut? Serve the champagne before it gets warm. Tend to your husband first.”

They both looked at me and smiled, happy I would play along. Ange poured two glasses and carried them on the small plastic tray used for storing the complimentary tea and coffee stuff. She presented one to Bob and sauntered like a slut across the room to me. “You move like you have wanted to be a whore all your life. Is that true?”

Ange leaned over to me and presented my glass on the tray. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted to be, sir. It is all I am good for,” she said.

“Oh, fuck Ange!” said Bob. This fantasy was working out better than he’d ever hoped it would.

Ange had a faraway look in her eyes, which I put down to the third of a bottle she’d already finished to give her Dutch courage. I sipped half a glass of champagne, took the rest in one gulp and held it in my mouth. I pulled her mouth to mine and clamped my lips over hers and expelled the champagne into her mouth. It took her by surprise and some dribbled down her chin onto her tits. I kissed her deeply, holding the cheeks of her arse in both hands. My fingers peeled her pussy lips open, and she gasped. “Later you’ll swallow me properly, slut. Do you understand?”

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Angela’s chest was heaving. “Yes sir, I’ll do it properly, I promise.”

I gave her a slap on her arse. “Now see to your husband.” She trolloped delightfully across the room in that artificial, one foot right in front of the other gait catwalk models use.

Bob removed her bra and dipped her tits into his refreshed glass before sucking them dry. He moved the g-string and inserted two fingers in her pussy. Ange moaned as he played insider her. She breathed heavily and Bob stopped. “Where are you manners, slut? You are here for our pleasure. Your lover’s glass is empty.” He turned her back towards me. We managed one more round trip before we’d undressed Ange to her stockings and suspenders. Me and Bob were still fully clothed.

I opened my legs wide and told her to straddle me. Ange hung on my neck as I spread my legs wider. Bob had an unobstructed view of her open cunt from across the room because I heard him moan when he saw it. I ignored his camera flash behind me. I kissed her mouth passionately and pinched her long nipples. Such a contrast to Val, who had lots of tit flesh but nothing you could hang your hat on. “I will make you come now, Angela. I’ve wanted to do this all evening, but I thought I’d only get the chance in my dreams. You are such a beautiful woman, Bob is the luckiest man alive.”

She hung onto my neck and whispered into my ear. “Please make me come, Vic. I want you to be the first other man to make me come since I married Bob.” I slid two fingers into her, searching for her G spot while my thumb lashed her clit like a window wiper. I felt her tremors and flashed my fingers across her open pussy.

“Vic, I’m coming. It feels different. Oh God no, stop.” I felt the liquid and sped up. I trapped her body against me with one arm while my hand kept moving across her pussy. Angela rewarded me with an enormous squirt on the bedroom carpet. Bob's camera was flashing continuously and my flashing fingers splashed her juice on my trousers.

“Oh Vic, I’ve cum and pissed at the same time. I’m so sorry.”

Bob’s knelt behind her. His hand joined mine between her open thighs. Both coated in her secretions. “It’s not piss Ange, you’ve had a squirting orgasm. I’ve tried to give you one for years. You clever girl. I watched that crafty bastard. I know what to do now.”

Ange looked at our faces as we licked our fingers. She sniffed suspiciously at our hands until she was satisfied it wasn’t piss.

“Ange, I think it time for you to fuck your husband, don’t you?” I helped her off me. We guided Bob’s numb legged wife to the bed and lay her down. Bob pulled his clothes off while I looked at her

“Are you happy, Angela?”

“More than you’ll ever know, Vic.”

Bob was naked now and thrusting between his wife’s thighs. “Get the camera, Vic. On the dressing table. Set it to video.” I found the expensive-looking DSLR and started recording. I turned all the room lights on rather than rely on the obtrusive flash. His cock was thick, but from the length of his thrusts I guessed it was not as long as mine. I took some video of the business end of things before moving around to catch their facial expressions. Ange’s red-soled high heels pointing in the air were a particular turn-on for me.

It wasn’t long before Bob warned he was coming. I got as close as I could and captured the ultimate moment. They regained their breath and Bob slowly pulled out. His cock was glistening with his wife’s juices. He slumped back in the chair and I held her legs open. “Push for me darling,” he said. Ange’s mound pulsed, then his cum oozed from her lips. I spread them wide so you could see it in her hole. I waited until a long string of cum fell from them on the bedroom floor, then I handed the camera to him. Bob looked delighted.

I undressed and lay close to Ange on the bed. I told her how excited I was at watching her cum and the sight of her full pussy. She wanked me gently, smearing the exposed cock head with my pre-cum.

“Thank you, Vic. I thought I would feel dirty, but you’ve made me feel wonderful. My pussy is sore for the but I want you so much. You cock is not as thick as Bob’s, I might take you in my arse, if you are gentle.”

“Ange, I’ll be so gentle you won’t know I’m there until I want you to. I’ll take my time. Pull you knees onto your chest for me.”

Bob had heard none of this, so our actions puzzled him. Ange’s red and angry pussy splayed and Bob’s cum trickled down the crack of her arse. It inhibited me, the prospect of tasting another man’s cum for the first time, but her tight arsehole was worth it. The taste was not unpleasant. I ran my tongue around the hole and Angela twitched and panted. She pulled her arse cheeks wider, opening the hole.

Bob was on his feet. “You’re going to let him fuck your arse, Ange? You don’t like me fucking your arse. You say it hurts.”

“I won’t hurt her, Bob, I promise.” Bob picked up the camera to capture the evidence. I teased the tip of my tongue into her ring while I fingered her spunky clit. Angle bucked, offering her arse to me. The heat and taste of her were incredible. I was enjoying my work. Angela’s sphincter relaxed, so I leaned back and Bob filmed her gapping hole. I dipped two fingers in her pussy and massaged his goo around her hole before inserting them gently into her arse. Ange took a few moments to adjust, then she was pumping her hips to meet my fingers.

“Fuck me, Ange, you look so sexy.” Bob was right behind me with the camera almost on my shoulder.

Her thrusts became more urgent, I pulled my fingers out of her now gaping arse. Bob moaned as my cock slid into her spunky cunt. Ange was so warm and wet. I was pleased she grunted to accommodate my extra length. She gripped me tightly. I thrusted for a few moments to give myself a good coating before swapping holes. Bob captured that Kodak moment as I put my lubricated knob end to her shrinking hole. With the gentlest pressure, her arse hole ate my helmet. A dozen easy thrusts later, I was in her to the hilt. Bob was excited. “He’s in you balls deep, Ange.”

“It’s lovely, Bob, so lovely. I didn’t know it could be this nice. You must learn.”

My balls rose and my dick thickened. “Ange, I want you to come with me. Can you do that?” She nodded frantically. “Play with your clit, Ange. Like I did. Rub your fingers across it.” I was on the brink now. My thighs had a mind of their own as they pistoned. I came in half a dozen heavy spurts. I pictured myself coating the lining of her arse. Ange froze on the edge, but when I pulled out the dam broke for her. She squirted again. Her flashing fingers made it a sprinkler. She splashed everywhere, including the camera.

“Oh my god, Ange, that was beautiful. You’ve come everywhere, on the lens too.” I held her legs open while Bob got his shot. His spunk and mine oozing from both holes. He was hard again and inspired. “Hold the camera, Vic. Please, Ange, I have to.” She nodded as he took my place between her legs and slid carefully into her spunky arse. I moved up the bed and hugged her. “Thank you, Ange, that was wonderful.”

“It was nice, Vic. If it could be like that all the time, I wouldn’t say no.”

Bob grabbed his wife’s hips as he pushed his second load into her arse. “It will be, babe, I promise you.” This second cum emptied Bob’s legs. He slumped back into the tub chair out of it.

I looked at him. “You’ve made your husband very happy tonight, Ange.”

“You’ve made me very happy, Vic. I want you in my mouth. I want to taste your cum.”

Ange leaned over and took me in her mouth. She eased her head back and forth gently until she reached her gag reflex and stopped. Each time she restarted, she got more of my cock down her throat until my balls were on her chin. I turned her on her back with a pillow under her shoulders. Her head went back, giving me straight access to her windpipe, and I slid in and out of her throat. I felt my cum rising. I pulled out and squatted over her head, fisting my cock.

Ange licked my balls and ran her tongue up my crack. Her hands pulled my arse cheeks open, and she stuck her tongue in my hole. That was a first. It blew my mind. I could only take a few more seconds of her teasing tongue before I had to climb off her. I stood by the side of the bed and let loose several thick ropes of spunk. They landed in her hair and eyes. Her mouth and on her chin. The final one I squeezed onto her chest. Ange smiled at me and took my hand.

“Nobody move,” said Bob. The camera panned up Angela’s body. He opened her legs to show the remains of her ooze and then lingered on her tits and face. “Put you cock in her mouth again, Vic.” I obliged, then he stopped filming. “Look at my beautiful wife, covered in spunk. It’s better than I could have ever imagined. Nothing will top this anniversary present. Thank you, Ange. Thank you, Vic.”

“You’d better thank your wife properly then.”

Bob held his wife. He massaged my spunk into her tits and licked the rest from her face before sharing it with her in a cummy kiss. “I love you so much, Angela. You know there has never been another woman for me. That you would do this for me is a dream come true.”

“You silly man.” Husband and wife hugged one another, I suddenly felt three was a crowd.


It was past two by the time I snuck home. My guilt ran neck and neck with the wonderful porn film playing in my head. I knew by the morning guilt would have the upper hand. I washed in the downstairs loo to hide the worst of my activities and looked in on Valerie sleeping soundly before I crept into the guest bedroom and fell into an exhausted sleep.

When I opened my eyes, the sun was bright behind the closed curtains, but it was the heat of a body that had woke me. For a moment I thought it was Angela. Then I tuned. “How are you feeling today, Val?”

“Much better, love. Sorry to be a party pooper last night, but I had to get out of there before it became a full-blown migraine. So how did you get on?”

What a simple and loaded question. I played it as truthfully as I could. With some judicious editing. “We won the quiz Val and guess what, we beat Brynn in a head to head for the prize. Knocked the smirk right off the cunt’s face,” I gloated.

“I’m pleased you’re such a magnanimous winner. So you didn’t miss my presence then?”

“Well, we managed in the quiz, but Bob was disappointed. He was enjoying ogling your tits.”

“I thought he was. He was quite dishy. I saw you give his wife the once over. No one’s tits are that perky at her age.”

I was about to argue, but stopped myself in time. “It was their anniversary last night. I made a present of the champagne we won. She was half cut by the end of the quiz, but I bet he plied her with more drink back in their room and they had the filthiest sex.”

I wasn’t prepared for her quick hand on the front of my pyjamas. “You’ve got a hard-on thinking about that woman. I bet you wish you were fucking her last night.”

Time to change tack. “Pity you had such a bad headache last night. We could have invited them round for a nightcap. What with him being dishy and all.”

Val had my cock out of the fly. “What if he’d tried something on with me, Vic?” The thought excited my wife because she was pumping my cock hard. “What would you have done?”

“That would depend on what you wanted and what his wife would let him get away with. I would leave it to you to tell him when to stop.”

“What if I didn’t Vic? What if I let him fuck me on our couch?” Val was panting now. I looked at my wife’s flushed face and excited eyes.

“Then I’d let you lie on the couch with his cum oozing out of you and make you watch as I fucked his wife up the arse.”

“You dirty bastard, Victor Mallory.”

“You filthy slut, Valery Mallory.”

I pulled her nightie up and put my hand between her thighs. “Your cunt is as wet as an otter’s pocket. I’m going to give you such a fucking.” She squealed like kids do when they want you to chase them. Then she grabbed me around the neck and I ploughed into her. It took me longer, what with it being the third time in less than twelve hours. I used the time to tell her all the filthy things I’d instruct Bob to do to her, and she thrashed wildly in her own adulterous thoughts and we both came more or less together.

“Now I’ve got one of those headaches you get when you come too hard. When you feel your eyeballs turn inwards.” She was rubbing her temples again.

I was glad I did not experience her myriad of orgasms. “You have a nap, love. I’ll bring you up some tea in a while.”

I collected my last night’s clothes from the end of the bed. They needed to go into the washing machine to destroy the incriminating evidence. Although I could not resist sniffing my trousers and remembering Angela’s first big squirty cum. I picked up my shirt and felt something in the pocket. It was Bob’s business card. I didn’t remember him giving it to me. Shropshire was not that far away. Perhaps I would plan a surprise trip that way for our wedding anniversary in a couple of months’ time. I’m sure Bob would like to return the favour to Val and I know my wife would enjoy evening-up the score.


Don’t miss your next bedtime story

Cherished Memories

Jeff goes to a gift experience weekend on his own, having recently broken up with his girlfriend. All the other guests are couples apart from Marjorie and Edith; two mature ladies who ask him to escort them on the weekend’s activities. Expecting only pleasant diversion from his woes, Jeff is amazed when both widows want to make up for lost time and lousy husbands. The ladies’ enthusiasm more than compensates for their age, and they indulge all his fantasies. When he discovers time is not on their side, Jeff commits to giving them the time of their lives.


Written by SMFlint2021
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