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"A ruined man in a ruined city is offered a unique experience"

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Competition Entry: Punked

Author's Notes

"This is my first cyber or steam punk story so, if you are an afficionado of the genre, go easy on a first timer!"

It was astonishing what Yuki Aso knew about the candidates she was interviewing for the role. When Taro Takeda entered her office, she knew everything. She knew the types of pornography that he enjoyed. She knew that he had registered on an escort website but never paid for a girl. Perhaps he had been drunk and thought better of it sober. She knew he played video games. She knew he was lonely.

They looked each other over, and both felt a wry amusement. She was everything he’d vowed not to be, with her prim hair and her buttoned up style and her crisp, considered way of talking so that she said only what the company would want him to hear.

He was the type of man-child she’d abandoned years ago, the kind of guy she’d had flings with to shock her parents but, having succeeded, she’d settled down with a steady husband. Haughtily, she eyed his unkempt hair, his ear pierced and his slovenly style…jeans, to a job interview? Really?

“So, Mr. Takeda, our clients…” she uncrossed her legs, and felt him watch her, looking up her skirt. Of course, she had worn no knickers. Takeda saw her cunt, beautifully trimmed, gaping and damp.

“Will be seeking your expert advice on how to protect their data. I’m going to give you some scenarios, and I’d like you to tell me what you’d advise the clients to do in each case. Number one,”

She ran through the standard scenarios, and then the one she added at the end for the right candidates.

“Supposing a woman was offering access to her machine to perfect strangers and allowing them to browse at will?”

Takeda paused and thought for a moment.

“I’d insist on being granted full access to her machine to ensure there were no viruses. Then I would transfer from my pen into her inbox…”

She swept the desk clean and jumped onto it. He was on her in seconds, swiftly unzipping his fly and pulling out his cock. It grew hard as he looked down at her pussy, which she’d exposed by throwing her skirt up across her belly. Takeda entered Yuki and thrust urgently into her, which was easy as she was deliciously wet. He felt her hands on his body, but he grabbed her left hand, slammed it down by her head and pinned it to the desk by the wrist. She moaned, feeling orgasm come up upon her already. Takeda had never fucked a woman on a desk before and he began to worry it would break. But this was no cheap plywood desk. It was genuine mahogany and tough, albeit uncomfortable on his knees. He massaged her breast with his free hand. She lifted her legs a little and eased her dress up her back and now he could see her belly button.

“Keep fucking me, don’t stop. We’re alive, Takeda-San! We lived! Fuck me like we’re going to die tonight,” Yuki cried.

In the months following the great Tokyo earthquake of 2153, there had been a spike in sexual activity in Japan. The survivors had shed their inhibitions – and their clothes – and engaged in a mass outbreak of heedless promiscuity. A whole generation would later be known as earthquake babies.

Takeda took his shirt off and continued thrusting into Yuki, who writhed and moaned on her back, her pussy clenching and releasing his cock like a fist and he felt her juices lather his penis.

“Faster! Harder!” she shrieked, and he obliged, though his knees were really starting to hurt on the desk. Soon after, Yuki began to cry out and he counted the beats that her orgasm lasted for, one, two, three…she writhed on the desk as she came, and when she had done so, they stood, and she bent over that desk like an errant schoolgirl preparing for the swish of a master’s cane. Takeda took off his trousers and entered her from behind. His cock was a good size, and she moaned appreciatively. She was easier to fuck in this position, and his cock fitted her vagina perfectly. Takeda was getting close; he was pounding her now and she had to grip the desk and she buried her head in her hair. His cum surged forwards at last, up out through his cock and into her grateful pussy. 

“So, can you come in on Monday? We can do the contract formalities,” she said, as he pulled up his trousers.

“Sure,” Takeda said, smiling. He bowed politely to Yuki, then left the office.



Walking home, he surveyed the ruins. There were four classes of building. Those in category A, Total Collapse, were already down and each site swarmed with diggers and cranes as the rubble was disentangled and removed. Category B buildings had stood but were unusable and scheduled for demolition. Category C, the majority, were Reinforcement Needed: they could be saved, with structural repairs. And category D meant a building had survived safe and habitable as normal.

Takeda lived in a category C building, so technically he should not be there for the present. It could give way and collapse. But so many people lived in category C buildings that the government was turning a blind eye to those choosing to remain while they met the immediate needs of the truly homeless. Takeda had to remain. He had nowhere else to go.

The saddest thing for him wasn’t the death and destruction but that he would not live to see it undone. Eventually, Tokyo would be rebuilt and full of people again. But it would take a generation at least, and he was already near the end of his thirties and the cancer that had carried off his father and brother was surely lying in wait for him.

Takeda was nearly home now, passing out of the shadows of the ruined skyscrapers as if he were leaving a forest of partially felled trees, and into the older bar and entertainment district, where the buildings were lower and what had done for them was not collapse but fire. Here, many gutted buildings were charred and black, but some had miraculously survived and were open for business. He went into one, fished out a hundred yen note and drank a beer despondently at a table alone. The dopamine hits from the sex and the new job had been extinguished by the depressing sight of the city.

A man came up to the bar and sat at the table next to his. He was younger, about thirty years old. He was wearing a black suit and carried a briefcase, so was probably a salaryman.

“Evening,” said the man.

“Good evening,” Takeda nodded politely.

“You look like you need cheering up,” said the man.

“Kinda. But it’s nothing you can help with, so thank you.”

“I’m actually in the business of selling some things that cheer people up. I can show you if you are interested?”

Takeda was on the point of politely making an excuse, when he felt his spirits drop at the thought of being left alone to his beer and empty flat. What harm could asking do?

“And what might those things be?”

The man grinned and flipped open his briefcase. Inside, Takeda saw a variety of pill packets hanging on the left side of the case, and some pellets, tiny pellets about the size of the nib of a sharp pencil hanging on the right in plastic packets.

“It’s called ‘Heroine’. With an E.”

“Drugs? Sorry, man. Not interested.”

“This is not a drug. It is an implant. Let me show you something,”

The stranger pulled out an i-pad. He turned it on then pulled up a video. Takeda frowned. It was a video of a naked guy walking into a bedroom. The man lay on the bed. A young woman entered and began to blow him.

“What the hell?”

“Just watch. Wait until he comes.”

The man on the bed began to writhe left and right as his cock was sucked. The stranger fast forwarded the video about fifteen minutes.

“He’s going to come in a moment. Watch this.”

The man on the video threw his arms back and jerked up violently. His body was twisting and turning, and he yelled something out. Now he was burying his head in the pillow, apparently in ecstasy. And still she was sucking…

The man climaxed and his sperm shot up onto the girl’s face. His cum dripped off her pretty red cheeks. Takeda nodded approvingly. That was quite hot. But why was the stranger showing him this?

The man was still writhing. In fact, he didn’t seem to be in control of his body at all. He jerked up again and hammered the bed with his fist. Then he resumed twisting and turning on his hips…

“I don’t understand. He came. Why is he still…moving about?”

“Because he has had the Heroine implant, the implant I’m offering you,”

Takeda looked at the man blankly. He was wondering if he was dreaming, so bizarre was the conversation. On screen, the man was at last beginning to calm. His orgasm had lasted about twenty seconds.

“Look, everyone knows that women have, or at least can have, if stimulated correctly and when their bodies are ready, much, much more intense and powerful orgasms than men. Men come every time. Women come better and harder. That’s been the tradeoff for millions of years. And it works, at least enough to keep people fucking. But with this inside you, you will gain the power to orgasm like a woman. And not just once but every time for the rest of your life!”

Takeda was incredulous.

“Every time for the rest of my life?”

“Yes, sir. Every single time.”

Takeda shook his head and ordered two beers, one for him and one for the stranger.

“And how much is this amazing device?”

“A thousand dollars.”

Takeda did at least have money. He had worked full-time since he was eighteen and was unmarried and childless. He was about to agree when a thought struck him.

“Wait a minute. How do I know that guy wasn’t acting? It’s not hard to flop about the bed a bit, pretending to have a woman’s orgasm. He could have been putting it on!”

The stranger nodded with a smile.

“That is what these pills are for. You can take one next time you have sex, and you’ll have a single female orgasm. It lasts two hours. That’s the pill, not the orgasm!”

Takeda chuckled despite himself.

“A pill costs a hundred dollars. But compare a hundred dollars a time for a thousand dollars for a lifetime! And if you buy a pill, you can get your orgasm right away with one of our girls, at no extra charge!”

So, he WAS a pimp. Takeda had assumed a reveal like that was coming. Still, it was tempting to try it out. Even if the pill was a placebo, he’d get to have sex.

“Ok. I’ll take a pill. Maybe the implant. I want to try it out.”

“Good choice, my friend. You won’t regret this. Now, here are our ladies available this evening…”

He opened a file on the tablet, and Takeda flicked through row after row of hot young women. There were hundreds of them, all between twenty and thirty years old.

“I don’t know. You choose one, I’ll say if I like the look of her.”

“Of course, sir.”

It was astonishing what the stranger knew about the men he was selling Heroine to. When Taro Takeda asked him to choose a girl, the stranger knew everything. He knew the types of pornography that Takeda enjoyed. He knew that Takeda had registered on an escort website but never paid for a girl. He knew Takeda played video games and which ones. He knew he was lonely.

“I think, for you, Miyazaki-San.”

She had long black hair and sultry blue eyes. She was astonishingly beautiful.

Takeda nodded dumbly.

“Then drink up and follow me!”


Miyazaki San was just as beautiful in the flesh. She was, what, twenty? About half his age and she looked like a movie star. He’d bathed before the act…all Japanese shower before sex…and he emerged from the bathroom in a towel. He had taken the pill in the bathroom.

 She was wearing a white dressing gown, and her long black hair was beautifully brushed and shone in light reflected from the gown. She beckoned him to join her on the bed. He walked around to the side, where she was. She reached for the knot in his towel and unhooked it, letting it fall to the floor.

“It’s big,” she remarked softly. He knew she said that to all the guys.

Miyazaki took his penis in her hand and guided it into her mouth. She began to suck, and Takeda felt his penis quickly stiffen. In a moment, he was fully erect. Her scent was sweet and perfumed and she looked up at him from below as she blew him and smiled, and in the soft light, just for a second, Takeda was able to believe that he was young again and had truly seduced this beauty. Her saliva had moistened his cock now, and she was pressing it deeper into her throat until she was on the point of gagging. Takeda’s knees were trembling.  

“Would you like me to carry on, Sir? Or would you prefer to make love?”

“Make love.”

“Just, give me sixty more seconds. I want to imprint your taste in my mouth.”

‘Give me sixty more seconds?’ He’d never had a woman request more time to suck him before. Miyazaki put it back in her mouth and tugged gently at the end of his cock with her lips, then she licked his balls. Oh God, this was intense. He wasn’t sure he would last long in intercourse.

When she stopped blowing him to undress, he knew he wouldn’t last long. Her hair fell about her back as she leant back to unhook her robe. Her breasts burst forth from the gown, full, soft and pinkish white in the lamplight. Throwing the robe off her shoulders, she reached for his hand. Taking it, she guided it to her breast, which he squeezed and caressed and now it was Takeda who rejoiced at having lived, who was utterly grateful at having survived.  

Miyazaki glided elegantly to her back and opened her legs for him. Takeda penetrated her easily, and began to thrust slowly, slowly to prolong the experience, and her wet vagina embraced his penis and he half forgot that he had been promised a whole new style of orgasm. Miyazaki’s pussy clenched him then and the stimulation drove him along, drove him closer and he looked down at her deep blue eyes and her breasts as they shook as he pumped her. Oh, she was young enough to be his daughter, this felt so wrong yet so, so good…

The first real difference Takeda felt was that there was a strange sensation in his balls. There was kind of a tickle there, almost like an itch that needed scratching. He hadn’t felt that before. And as he moved in and out of Miyazaki’s vagina, as he felt their intimacy grow as she looked up at him smiling, so the sensation in his gonads grew more pronounced until it was like he had a boil or a spot there that would burst if pinched. But it was not a painful sensation. It was more like when you press a delicious candy to the edge of a half-torn packet, and it would burst out any moment.   

 Now, as he pumped Miyazaki, he caressed her breast and the sensation in his testicles grew more and more pronounced. Takeda began to gasp and moan. It was like his balls were being soaked in sweet, warm wine from the inside. He was going to come any minute. Now he made eye contact with Miyazaki, and she smiled sensually up at him and that was it…he felt the warmth burst from his balls and spread up to the pit of his stomach and he cried out, as much in shock as pleasure,

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“Wow! Oh! Oh!”

“Are you coming, Sir?”

“Yes! Yes!”

But this was not like his normal orgasms. He hadn’t ejaculated. His dick stayed hard, and he continued to pump, and the pleasure came again in a second wave. It was almost scary, this unfamiliar sensation…would he ejaculate? He felt so, so good! It had reached his chest now and still his orgasm continued. How the hell did this thing work? Who cared? He was buying it.

He ran his hand along Miyazaki’s body, fondling her breasts and down onto her belly. She was starting to show signs of pleasure now. She had closed her eyes and was breathing deeper. Takeda’s first female orgasm had died down, but he still felt amazing.

He felt her adjust his position in her pussy by lifting her legs. She knew what she needed. Well, good for her.

“We could change position? Or is that good? I want you to come, Miyazaki.”

“Like this, Sir, is good. Thank you,” she gasped.

Takeda continued pumping her, and he lasted, he lasted for half an hour and then they were coming together. She began to vocalize, moaning and groaning. He was pumping her hard now, and his cock felt as hard as it could possibly be. And…he was coming again. The same sensation of pressure in his balls. But if he came again, surely, he’d ejaculate at some point? He couldn’t stay hard forever, could he? If only he could, he thought, looking down at the beautiful young woman, her face rapidly transforming from normal to o-face mode. Yes…there she was.

Miyazaki threw her neck back and exhaled deeply, and her breath was sweet on his face, and she gave a long moan. Then another deep exhalation, followed by a moan. She’d come. Takeda felt the same sensation as before…he couldn’t hold it in, he cried out aloud…

“Come on! Come on!”

He thrust twice more, and Miyazaki responded with a moan, and then the same burst of pleasure flowered within him and this time he felt his penis swell, as it did when he was on the point of ejaculation. He thrust rapidly now, he thrust hard into that young woman and his female orgasm competed for his attention with his male ejaculation, which shot a warm fluid into Miyazakis’s coated pussy, and his female orgasm was like he had injected some wonderful drug. It was an experience he would remember until his dying day.

They lay on the mattress together.

“I wonder if the other animals do it for fun, just to feel alive,” she said as they listened to the rain patter on the window.

“Or if we are the only ones.”

The second Takeda stepped out of Miyazaki’s room, he paid the thousand dollars for the permanent implant.


The implant had been painful, but the discomfort had not lasted long. The doctor had told him to expect it would feel like having his ears pierced, but his balls were far, far more sensitive than his ear lobes. He had felt the stapler like mechanism at his perineum and then a fierce jolt and a blinding pain. He’d yelled and cursed, then the doctor had said,

“All done.”

He went home and masturbated, but he found the effect was considerably diminished when alone. It was time to go back to Yuki-San’s office.


“I had this brought in,” said Yuki. Her black, shoulder length hair was brushed straight today. She indicated a mattress on the floor.

“They think I worked so hard yesterday that I slept on the floor of the office.”

They both laughed and began to undress. Yuki got naked this time. She had him unzip her dress at the back and she let it fall to the floor. Takeda got hard just looking at her. She was short, just five foot three. She had freckles on her cheekbones, which were unusually round. Her nipples were big…really big…and dark brown.

He pulled his trousers down and she knelt to blow him. There were no curtains. They were on the twenty-fifth floor. Outside, the shaken city stood forlornly in a cold winter rain. Takeda felt her tongue on his glans and immediately the tingling sensation began in his balls. He put his hands gently on the top of her head.

“Hey,” she said, pausing. Then she put it back in her mouth and sucked again, alternating between speech and her blowjob. Takeda closed his eyes. He was only half listening. His attention was very much on his cock as she sucked and kissed and caressed it.

“I heard something amazing today. Apparently, some dodgy guys have figured out a way to get men to orgasm like women.”

“No way?!” chuckled Takeda, although inside he was laughing hysterically. Even then, Yuki’s mouth was making whatever they’d put into him swell.

“Yeah. Only trouble is, it leaves you impotent in six months. So, it’ll never get a license and the police are chasing the men selling it.”

Takeda’s eyes widened.

“I’m sure that’s not true,” he muttered, half to himself.

“Apparently it is. They were just walking about selling some implant on the street,”

Yuki paused and gave Takeda a minute of blowjob before she spoke again.

“Still, anyone dumb enough to buy off something like that off crooks in the street deserves to be removed from the gene pool, if you ask me.”

Yuki resumed sucking him, harder now. She was evidently going to make him come and they’d have sex later. Takeda’s knees were trembling, and his heart was fluttering. He was getting close to orgasm, but he was worried about what she’d told him. But it was probably some tabloid rag she’d read. There was nothing to say it was true…

He felt the burst of pleasure inside his nuts, as if the Heroine implant had pressed a full syringe loaded with some wonderful drug inside him. It was another female orgasm, and he threw his head back and cried out in a deep, loud voice,

“Oh fuck! Yes! Yes!”

“Hey, keep it down!” grumbled Yuki.

“I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m coming. Oh, that feels so fucking good! Oh, oh…OH!” His female orgasm shook his body and, as it did, Takeda was so overwhelmed that he could no longer stand. He pushed Yuki roughly away, gasping,

“Mattress. Mattress…” and half collapsed onto it. He reached for his cock and jerked hard.

His male orgasm surged up and out of him. Yuki, still standing, looked at him incredulously. She had never had a guy come like that before.

“Takeda? Are you ok?”


Takeda walked out of the skyscraper forest and into the bar district, deep in thought. He needed to find out if Yuki had been right soon and see if he could get the damn thing taken out if so.

On reflection, the idea didn’t terrify him. He was no childless twenty-year-old. He was thirty-eight and likely had only ten or fifteen odd years to live left anyway. Perhaps being freed from libido would have advantages?

Still, he had better enjoy it while he could. He slipped into a place with a red light at the door. He handed over a hundred dollars.

The girl was Chinese. Her breasts were much smaller than Miyazaki’s. She was thinner all over, in fact, and wore glasses. Her hair was dyed orange red, and she smiled a smile that showed off all her teeth, some of which had rotted. Probably booze. When she had undressed and he was inside her, he fixed his eyes on her jiggling breasts, determined to imprint the sight of a naked woman on his memory. She was pale. She had moles up and down her left side. She was less experienced than Miyazaki. She handled his cock well, but she began to fake an orgasm too quickly and too enthusiastically. She wasn’t fooling him.

“Relax,” he said. “You don’t need to fake it for me.”

She lay her head back and closed her eyes. She was pretty, he thought, her brightly coloured hair brought out her pale skin very effectively. He ran his hands over her body, feeling her stiff nipple between his thumb and finger, feeling her warm skin on his palm. Oh, he was sweating now. How embarrassing. But it was hot and stuffy in the little room, and now the tingling in his balls was beginning. She ran her hands across his back, then reached down to squeeze his balls. That was better.

“Let’s change. You ride me,” he said suddenly. She was glad to, and when she was on top, he stared at her breasts and belly intently. Now she was the one putting in more effort, he relaxed a bit and the sweating stopped. He felt her vagina around his cock, and he looked carefully at their midriffs, where he was penetrating her, drinking in the sight of his penis, hard and entering a woman as if it were the last time. His orgasm was building now, the heroine implant was working it’s magic.

If he was to lose his sexual function, he thought, as she rocked his penis back and forth, what would he do to fill the time he spent having sex or thinking about sex or watching people screw on TV? He’d need a new hobby. Several new hobbies, in fact. Oh, this was great. He was coming! Oh, if only he could bottle this feeling…from the bottom of his testicles, he came, and the pleasure raced up into his guts, bypassing his cock as if the police had sealed off the regular highway to traffic and diverted all vehicles off ramp. Orgasm possessed Takeda, and he flopped about, just like the guy had in the video.

“Have you taken something? Are you ok?”

He didn’t reply, but closed his eyes and hoped that in the next life he would be reborn as a woman.


That night, Takeda sat alone at home, browsing cyberspace. The Heroine implant had, indeed, been prohibited by the patent office on the grounds that it caused impotence. He queried whether it could be removed. According to the internet, it could not, or at least, not without inevitable loss of sexual function. Shit. Well, he had better make the most of the erections he had left in him then. He re-opened his account with the escort service.


There was Sachiko, from Kyoto, who blew him for three hours.

There was Mina, from Okinawa, who asked that he penetrate her ass because she had recently miscarried.

There was Sho, who was at least ten years older than him.

There was Mika, who turned up at his apartment in a kimono, with her face and hair made up like a geisha’s.

There was Rahel, from India and Lucy from America and Yoko and….

In a week, he had blown half of his salary on escorts. But by Friday, the erections were getting harder to maintain.   


 The mattress now had sheets and a pillow, and screwing Yuki on her office floor was considerably more comfortable than it had been on the mahogany desk.

Yuki wanted to kiss this time, and he obliged, warming her up slowly, caressing her bottom through her dress. Taking his time helped his erection, in fact. Lying on her side, she put her right leg between his, so her thigh pressed gently to his genitals.

As they both grew aroused, the intensity of their kisses increased, and their hands roamed more freely. Takeda fondled Yuki’s breast with one hand and her ass with the other. Yes, he was growing hard now. Yuki felt it and reached down to grope him. Her caresses on his cock helped, even if they were through his trousers.

He undid his trousers and pulled them down. Yuki pulled her knickers down.

Takeda was not sure he could maintain a hard-on, so he graciously went down on Yuki. He teased her clitoris and enjoyed the sweet scent of her vagina. Perhaps when he really was impotent, he could carve out a new niche for himself? The famous Taro Takeda, Tokyo’s greatest cunnilinguist!

He ate her pussy for at least half an hour. By the end, she had unmistakably come. Yuki undressed and, naked, invited penetration.

Takeda was hard now, and he entered her pussy. Yuki’s vagina was warm, and damp and the end of his cock felt like it was wrapped in a warm, wet sponge in the shower. He thrust slowly into her, desperate to make it last in case this was the last time. He caressed her breast with one hand and supported his weight with the other arm. Yuki reached down and squeezed his balls, and this triggered the now familiar tingle that heralded the start of his implant driven orgasm.

“Can I ride you?” she asked suddenly.

“Sure,” he replied.

Before they settled for cowgirl sex, Yuki pulled him up, and pressed her bare breasts to his face. Takeda’s orgasm advanced and, after fifteen blissful minutes of Yuki’s vagina manipulating his cock like a gamer’s joystick, he came for the last time.

Takeda dressed and bowed to Yuki. He left the room, sighing at the thought that his sex life had now come to an end.

Takeda closed the door and paused to tap his logout code into the keypad.

“Do you really want to log out? Press red button to confirm.” Said the message on the screen.

Takeda pushed the button and, behind the door, the office, the city outside the window and Yuki Aso vanished back into cyberspace.

Takeda thrust his hands into his pockets, fondled his now permanently flaccid penis, and headed down the white corridor to the elevator.

Written by MC1982
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