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Zak Teachers At Community College

"Professor Zak is teased by an attractive head and he wants the shaft."

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I had completed my last class for my teaching certification. I had a part-time job offer at the community college to teach journalism 101. The freshman class was to start in a month and there was time for me to get my lesson plans together. The class roster was evenly split between males and females all of whom were recent high school graduates. I had a foreign exchange student named Anders who has been in the United States for a year living with a local elderly family.

This was going to be an excellent chance for me to shape the students to understand basic journalism in the digital age. I was getting excited as the class start was getting closer. The class size was perfect where I would have the time to devote the personal attention. The class was arranged in a semi-circle with rows tiered this gave all the students an unobstructed view of the visual aids in the front.

On the first day of the class, I had each student to share some information about themselves and what they expected to get out of the class. The quick observation was that all the girls in the class either worn tight pants, shorts, or skirts all of which revealed more than they should. It did not take me long to realize that it was going to be a hard class in more ways than one. I had to be professional. At least all the students were of legal age.

Anders spoke good English and he had striking features with shoulder-length blonde hair and well- defined cheekbones. I caught myself looking at him too much. His lips looked perfect. The seat he occupied was directly up front. He was wearing loose-fitting shorts.

I did not want to waste any time and passed out the syllabus for the semester and gave out my office hours if anyone had problems. I did let the students know they could call me Zak.

After class Anders came up and stated that he wanted to take my class because he had seen my writing in the local newspapers and liked my style. As he talked, I was watching his lips. His hand was on my desk and I noticed his slender fingers and manicured nails. The way he looked at me made me feel uneasy.

The class was off to a good start and each session we had lively debates. All tests were being passed and I made them difficult. I started to notice that Anders was wearing short pants and he had them pulled up his leg. I had a feeling like he wanted to get my attention. I did my best to stay focused.

Anders did share the family he lived with did not get out very much and he had not made any friends except the ones in class. There was not much of a social life.

A week later I was at the school swimming pool finishing up and I saw Anders. He was wearing a pair of trunks which did little to hide his genitals. It was a good thing he was not aroused. I swam to the side of the pool and I was up directly under his crouch as we talked, and I think it was intentional. We made some small talk and then I left for the showers.

I was drying off by the mirror when I noticed that Anders was in the shower. I pretended that I did not see him. It looked like he was rubbing himself. I saw his dick which was beautifully shaped. The doctor who circumcised him did a good job as his head was perfect. On a scale of one to five, his dick was a five with no pubic hair. His skin looked so smooth and his body was well defined. My eyes were making a quick pass, but I could not let him know that I was looking.

I was sitting on the bench as Anders walked by with his towel wrapped around.

“Zak, if it okay with you I need one more day for the assignment. I am waiting to receive some updated information,” said Anders.

“I do not see a problem with the extension. I am sure your paper will be the same caliber as the others.”

As Anders was ready to walk off, he conveniently dropped his towel. I had the feeling that he wanted me to see his manhood. In a weak moment, I would have reached out to grab his cheeks to pull him closer. I did not react.

“Excuse me I need to get a larger towel,” said Anders.

He was walking away, and it slipped down again, and he bent over to give full view of his perfect tight opening. It looked smooth and hairless. I froze for a moment and stared at the beautiful sight. I had a feeling that Anders was playing with me. I looked down and I was in a semi-hard state. I am glad no one was around to see me. I had to get ahold of myself.

A couple of days later a letter was on my desk when I arrived at school. There was a note a name outside.

The note read, “Dear Zak, I have been having sexual dreams about you. Last night you came into my room and stroked my hair and then you leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. You pulled my covers back and removed my pajamas. I felt your hands move up and down my legs and slowly your fingers were getting near my genitals. I was trying to control myself and you were looking at my manhood it began to swell.

You wrapped your fingers around my manhood as it became fully erect. The feeling was amazing as you began to massage me. You kissed the tip of my manhood and your tongue was moving around my shaft. At the point I was ready to have a violent orgasm, I woke up.”

The letter was signed with the letter “A”.

I sat back in my chair and I read the note a second time. I was in a difficult position being the professor and developing a sexual attraction. The more I thought about it Andres was attractive. A knock at my door broke my chain of thought. It was time for office hours.

The next day in class Andres took his place up front and he was smiling. I offered a smile in return. I was being careful not to make eye contact. I was looking at the other students. I thought I was going to make it to the end of class without an incident when I noticed that Andres had pulled up a pant leg and exposed the head of his manhood. I was the only one who could see it. The sight was magnificent, and I was thrown off track momentarily. A visual was me on my knees with my lips wrapped around his stiff manhood enjoying the smoothness of his shaft. A question brought me back to reality and the bell rang. This was a case of being saved by the bell. I watched the student leave.

“Professor, I am sorry that I distracted you but wanted you to know that I was serious about my note. I want you to be my first and I can wait. I can tell by the way you were looking at my head that you want to touch me. If you like I can let you rub me until I get hard in your hand,” said Andres.

“I do not think it is appropriate and besides, I can get fired.”

“We do not have to do anything here in school. I want to be alone with you so I can get naked and let you do t me whatever you want to. I want to feel you touching me and playing with my tight anal opening. I know that I am getting you excited,” said Andres.

Andres reached up the leg of his shorts and brought his fingers out and placed it on my lips so I could taste his clear man fluid.

“Professor, does that taste good to you? There is plenty more where that came from and you get to suck all of it,” said Andres.

“You are aggressive and making it difficult to say no.”

“Will you place your hand around my manhood and hold it for a few minutes,” said Andres.

“I don’t think I should be doing this in my office. Someone might catch us.”

“Please. I want to feel you holding me. No one has ever touched me and I long for that feeling. You do not have to do anything else,” said Andres.

“I will do it for a few minutes.”

I watched Andres lower his pants and the silk bikini panties he was wearing. His skin looked so smooth without any hair. I was staring at a perfectly shaped penis with his balls hanging low. I could hear his breathing increasing due to pending excitement.

I reached up and held his limp manhood in my hand. The feeling was unbelievable as I looked at the sexy shaped head. It took a few seconds as he began to get hard as I watched him get hard.

“Andres you look beautiful. Excuse me but your dick feels heavy in my hand and it is pulsating. I better not move my hand because you might get too excited and make things messy.”

“Oh, Zak. It feels so good..please squeeze me. Please, stroke me like you do yourself” said Andres.

I squeezed him gently and I saw his lube form at the tip. I could not control myself and pulled him closer until my tongue met the tip of his penis. He tasted salty and delicious.

“Zak, go ahead and suck me. Let me fill your mouth with my sticky stuff. I know you will like eating my stuff,” said Andres.

“Andres, I cannot do that. I think you better get dressed. I have another student in a few minutes. I promise you that we can finish this, but I have to think this through.”

Andres pulled his panties and pant up and walked closer to me. I felt the softness of his lips as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I had never experienced such a passionate kiss from another man.

“Zak, please do not take too long. You have me so horny and each time that I look at you all I will see is you with my penis in your mouth. I want you to make me cum hard,” said Andres.

I watched Andres walk out of my office with a smile on his face. I know that I had been played. I wanted more of him.

There was another student at my door, and she looked reddish in the face. I wondered if she had witnessed any of the activity with Andres.

“Olivia, please come in and have seat.”

“Zak, I hope that I am not interrupting anything. I only have a few questions on the assignment. I know you like to give personal attention to your students,” said Olivia.

I knew the way she was looking at me and talking that she overheard the conversation with Andres. I was wondering if she saw anything. When she sat down her skirt rose high up her thigh and she did not pull it down. I was looking at her smoothness.

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“Zak can leave my draft for you to review. I can come back later, and we can go over it when you have the time,” said Olivia.

“Yes, that will be fine, I will let you know.”

I watched Olivia swing her legs around and she flashed her red panties as she rose. I knew I had two problems on my hands.

I had a video to show the class on journalism which would give them insight on various styles of writing and storytelling. I dimmed the lights in the room except for the front row. I was looking out into the class and I caught Andres looking at me. He slipped his hand under his desk to expose the head of his penis. My eyes were fixed as he began to rub it until I could see it was hard. His head looked beautiful. I found it hard to turn my head.

Off the side, I saw Olivia making eye contact. I was not expecting what I saw. She had opened her legs and I watched as she started to remove her panties. I could not believe what I was seeing. I knew that she was outside my office when Andres was there. Once her panties were off, she was sucking her index finger and her hand went under her desk. I watched as her finger was pushed into her hairless vagina. She was moving her hand slowly back and forth.

I was having mixed emotions as to what should I watch as neither student knew what the other was doing. I knew that I was getting horny and I felt like taking my member out and stroking myself to orgasm. I made a quick decision in that I wanted to be the first with Andres. The feel of his penis and how beautiful it looked made me want him. I would have to find a way to let Olivia know that for the time being, we will have to wait.

Once the film ended, I turned the lights back on. We discussed the video. I avoided eye contact with Olivia and Andres. The class had ended, and Andres walked up to my desk.

“Zak I am sorry about the show, but I wanted you to see how my manhood responds to you. I was thinking about how you were holding me in your office. I get so excited thinking about that. I want you to hold me more and I want to feel your lips kissing me and our tongues mingling,” said Andres.

“You are not going to let up. I will admit that you have a beautiful penis with an exceptional head. When my hand touched your hairless pubic area, I knew I wanted you. I was getting excited holding you in my hand. The way you started to get hard was like magic. I wanted to tear your clothes off and suck you until you screamed. I wanted to feel you filling my mouth with your hot stuff that you have been saving up.”

“Zak you are getting worked up. I did not expect to get this reaction out of you. I promise you that you will enjoy me, and you can play with every orifice that I have. I have not had anyone to have this effect on me. I want us to be naked so we can feel each other’s body,” said Andres.

“We can get together this weekend at my place since we have a holiday.”

“I would love that,” said Andres.

“Let me give you the address and I will see you Friday at 7 pm. One more thing. You must stop showing me your head in class. I can get easily distracted.”

“I will try to keep it in my pants, but I get so excited when I look at you,” said Andres.

I had passed out the assignment to the students to complete over the holiday. As the students were leaving Olivia walked up and gave me a package. She smiled and did not say anything. There was a message, “Open in your office”.

In my office, I sat down and reached for the package. Inside were a pair of red panties with a note, “I know you may like a hard penis, but I think you will love where these have been. I want to feel you in and on me. I want to taste your stiffness and I can wait.” I sealed the package and put it in my bag. This is not something I want to keep around in the office.

I had cleaned up around the house waiting for Andres. He arrived on time wearing a long coat. As he stepped in, I went to take his coat and realized that he was nude. I stood back to look at his beautiful body. I walked in closer and we embraced, and our lips touched. I could not keep my hands off him. My hands were rubbing his cheeks and I felt his balls and manhood.

I moved back and removed my clothing. Andres reached for my semi-hard penis and held it in his hand. In a few seconds, I began to swell as he was squeezing me.

“You must be glad to see me by the looks of things,” said Andres.

“Your plan did work, and you have been in my thoughts. When I was looking at you all I wanted was to see you naked.”

“I have waited so long to be with a male who will be tender and make me feel good. I want you to give me goosebumps. When I have an orgasm, I want to see stars,” said Andres.

“It sounds like a tall order and all I can do is please you so we both enjoy ourselves. I want to suck and lick your body. We have as long as we want.”

“I have to warn you that I am so sensitive that I can cum at any time and it will not take much. I do want you to jack me off so I can see what it feels like to have a guy doing it to me,” said Andres.

We walked to the chair and I sat down on a towel and opened my legs. I had Andres to sit between my legs. My hard dick was pressing against his cheeks. I brought my right leg upon his thigh. I applied some lube to my hand and reached around to grab his stiff dick. Andres turned his head back to me and we kissed and sucked each other’s tongue.

“Zak, I want you to stroke my dick slow and make me cum. I want to see my cum shooting up in the air. Make me feel good, please Zak.,” said Andres.

I was holding his stiff beautiful dick in my hand. I began to move my hand up and down his shaft. I could see that he was dripping fluids after a few strokes. His dick felt wonderful in my hand. I was doing my best not to go too fast. I wanted this to last.

“Oh Zak, it feels so good. Yes…stroke my dick baby. Make me feel good. Make me shoot my sticky cum out. I need this so bad. Yes, do it, Zak,” said Andres.

As my hand moved up, I would squeeze his head to get more fluid out. When my hand was at the base of his dick, I squeezed tighter. Andres was moving his hips in the chair while he was moaning. I was getting extremely excited. His dick felt thick as it was pulsating in my hand.

“I cannot take too much more of this. I feel like I want to explode and shoot my cum out. Yes. Yes. It feels so good Zak. Please make it last. I like how your hand feels on my dick. My dick feels so much harder,” said Andres.

I would let my fingers rub across the head of his dick as I was stroking him. I would stroke fast and then I would slow down. When I would go fast Andres would moan louder and then I would slow down.

“Oh yes. Ugghh. Oh. Oh. Zak yes. It feels so good. Do not stop. Yeah, Zak! Ugghh. I feel like I am getting close. My legs are tingling,” said Andres.

“I want you to cum for me, baby. I want you to shoot your hot and sticky cum all over my hands. Your fat dick feels so hard. Yes, Andres. Cum for me baby.”

Andres turned and we kissed against and his tongue was all over my face.

“Zak baby. I about to cum. Please do not stop, Yes, Now. I am cummiinng. Watch me cum Zak. My sticking stuff is shooting out. Stroke me faster Zak. Make me cum hard baby. Do it baby. Please. Look at my cum Zak there is so much. Faster bay. Yes,” said Andres.

I felt Andres tense up and he was ready to stand up but I hep him down. I was squeezing his dick tighter as I pumped his dick. A jet shot up about a foot from the tip of his dick. Andres screamed. There was another shot and then a mass of sticky white cum from the tip of his dick. It looked so beautiful.

“Zak yes! Please make it last. Look at all the cum. I told you I have been saving it up. It looks so creamy,” said Andres.

“I have never seen so much cum before. It looks delicious and it is warm.”

“Zak, I want to taste my cum on your lips. Will you lick some of my cum and share it with me?” said Andres.

I got up and was between Andres’s legs. I squeezed the head of his dick and more cum oozed out I placed my mouth over the head of his dick and suck the salty cum. I licked up some of the mess that was made. His cum was dripping from my lips. We both stood up and embraced and our lips met, and I opened my mouth to push the cum from my mouth into Andres. We had a messy cum kiss as our tongues played. We were in a tight embrace. There was no talking and we moaned.

“Zak you look beautiful with my cum on your lips. I taste delicious,” said Andres.

“Andres I did not know a dick could feel so good. When your cum was shooting out it was amazing. I love the shape of the head on your dick. Your dick is still dripping.”.

“Zak, I feel like I have been drained and wonderful. This was worth the wait and I love you for it. You did not cum, and we must do something about that. I want to get nasty with you,” said Andres.

“We can do anything you want to do.”

Andres stepped back and turned around and bent over and spread his cheeks.

“Zak see my pretty tight hole. I know you would love to get a nice tight fit and feel my muscle gripping your dick. I want to use my muscle to get your cum out. I want to feel your hard dick slipping into my ass. I had a dream about you fucking me and I want that to happen,” said Andres.

“I know it will be a good fit. You look so beautiful and I want to push my dick as far in you as I can get it. I want to feel my cum pumping into you. We can go and get cleaned up and get ready for our next session.”

To be continued.


Written by RedPonyak
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