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What were you Thinking???

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I play in the chat rooms and have a few friends I chat with. Lately I have been seeing profile names that make's me think, What were you Thinking when you created your profile name???

I will go first,

ME-N-U or Me in you

~ Menu~
hehe i wasnt really ..all i knew was i needed a username for my registration lol huggles menzmmwah

'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Just a little joke between me and my roomie, Leeza
mines a long story....

but to sum it up as much as possible. I wanted to stand out a little so i didn't want any numbers. Another thing is I wanted to show I'm not a sex craved addict who is only looking for cyber and things like that. I was trying to show i wanted more the relationship side and intimacy. And i saw kingdom hearts game laying on the floor. Soooo...Vwala keyheart came to be.
Well my name is Jenny and I am a girl, Jen anyway noone really calls me Jenny any more
My hair is curly and I have girl parts, so it made sense. Also, it rhymed all Dr. Suess like!!! Win/Win ;)
I chose my name because I am the most pathetic, weak, insignificant, hyper-sensitive, thin skinned, milk toast you have ever seen. It makes me cry just thinking about it. Why couldn't I be IMHAPPY instead? Sob!
I might sound easy to get along an talk to... smooth going as some silk....but..there is a knot... which almost never gets untied..oh .. you** are an exception ..if you** are reading this..
I chose it because naughtythroughouit was taken at that time.
I chose Mazza because I get called it sometimes IRL and I didn't want to use my real name - although I do share that with people once I get to know them a little...
it's what a friend nicknamed me. said i was too little to be a full fledged whore dog
Mine Is Pretty Simple, My Name is Nikki And July 3 (7/03) Is My Birthday. Just Plain Nikki Was Already Taken When I Joined Lush.
Thinking? Who has time to think?

It's a contracted version of my name, Callum, and something people often call me IRL. It was the first thing that came to mind and it was nice and simple.

Good topic.
My username says it all. I am a lady and my name is Sharon.

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Mine was goinh to be MexicanSweetheart.. I just forgot to put the (n) after the (a).. So now its Mexicasweetheart
I combined my towns name & zip code in hopes of possibly making contact with others in my immediate that enjoy the offerings of my favorite web site ..... perhaps I am alone here in Western Pa ?
mine is a long story ... one i am unwilling to delve into. Long story short ... i was born in '82 ... and like a feral tigress, i am in desperate need of taming.
"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them." -Marilyn Monroe
Mine is kinda stupid but I think it kinda fits me. When I was in college I was making a profile for some online dating site and I had to choose a username. I didn't know what to put so I was looking around the room thinking when I saw a Korn cd and it just kinda clicked from there. I have been using that name on dating sites and here for years now.
The decisions we make dictate the life we have.
Follow your dreams, for those that do not will only try to discourage others.
Mine is kind of interesting. i was given a nickname when i was 4 days old by an aunt I did not really care for. Parents never changed my birth certificate, but also never called me by my given name. One day i was complaining to my mom about going through life with a name given to me by this aunt. Mom said, for Christ's sake then, just pick a name. Adele was the first name that came to mind. So Adele is the name i use to write under and as a username on websites, but though family still uses nickname, Adele is inside family joke.
cause i reallllllllllly loveeeeeee unicornssmile oh and 92 because thats the year i was born, instead of just unicorn, but now that i think of it I should have made it a bit more interesting, like rainbowunicorn, all well too late now...
I'm definitely a coffee lover but...
Writing erotica and joining an erotic-based site was like an act of freedom and an act of expression for me for various reasons (family situation and expecations, religious expectations...etc.). Espresso is expression in Italian. I have a huge love for Italian culture and coffee in my life - so it was just perfect! I'm so glad I picked it!
Check out my tumblr and follow me: indecentespresso
about a year ago a friend said i was smexy instead of sexy and the nickname stuck
I´m just a curious guy.
Well there 2 meaning for my user name 1 being that i LOVE to spank hehe n 2 I LOVE TO SPANK
But I was creating a gamer tag for the 360 n it just came to me so I was KNOWN as SirSpanksAlot80 n I just keep it
Sassycheergirl...ok the Sassy is cause I am lol...the cheergirl is cause i used to be a cheerleader when i was i really should change my name to sassylollypop but everyone knows me as Sassy or Sass lol
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

My username is simple - it's who I am! Jonathan and a Master.
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