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Roses are Red

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Quantum Tease
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Roses are red

A dangerous time

When first awake:

Can be sublime


Still in darkness

Hands start to caress

Soon bodies naked

Together tightly press


Breasts squeezed together

As hands roam at will

Desire swiftly building

Seeking ultimate thrill


Legs part slowly wider

With a willingness quite clear

Encouraging seeking fingers

Inside to disappear


Gasps and moans

And soundless quivers

As intimate touches

Produce long shivers


Tension builds

With every stroke

Tremors race

Orgasms invoke


Fingers clenched

By pouches soft

As climaxes reach

The ultimate loft


Shakes and shudders

As waves wash o'er

Then holding tight

In pleasure soar


Drifting there

In glowing delight

A wonderful way

To end the night


Active Ink Slinger
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Roses are red

The new toy is puce

The moans quite loud

And copious juice

Active Ink Slinger
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Roses are red
Calamity Jane's toy was purple
She said: If it don't make me cum
Wyatt Earp'll

Quantum Tease
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Roses are red

Sometimes The Pile

Has only two

But that won't rile


For pleasures vast

Are always there

Erotic delights

We always share


But, just perhaps

Another might enroll

Giving more versions

Of the ultimate goal


And then? Another?

Joining in the fray

At this rate, surely

We'll be at this all day


Inhibitions discarded

As need and lust combine

I have a knowing feeling

All will be just fine!


Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

Lynangel my sweet

If you want kinky

I'll give you a treat.


For one like yourself,

What better plan

Than making out

With a straight man?


Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red
If fun can be had
By one out of two
That's only half bad.

Quantum Tease


Roses are red

I know Lyn's tastes

(Taken either way)

There's nothing chaste


Sexual adventures

With nothing aside

Exhilarating pleasure

Will be supplied


Will Rob succeed?

Methinks "no way"

Though he strives always

For a part to play


But 'twill be a female

With Lyn to caper

For poor Rob

'Tis only vapor


Quantum Tease


Roses are red

She has quite a way

Of erotic excitement

Which just makes my day


Starting slowly

With kisses galore

As hands wandering

Soft places explore


Pulses quicken

As need swiftly grows

Needless to say:

Off with our clothes


Skin upon skin

A delicious touch

Hands slip 'twixt legs

As desired so much


Those soft places

Become damp quickly

As fingers entice

Hot slickness thickly


Stiff nipples, suckled

Breasts gently squeezed

Nothing off limits

Lust must be appeased


Mixed scents, primal

Add to our flush

Deep seated tingles

Presage ultimate rush


Then, together

Climax achieving

Shudders and shakes

Leaving chests heaving


Clinging tightly

Sharing our bliss

We come full circle

Back to a kiss


Active Ink Slinger
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Roses are red

To you from me

Now you have

All my 10cc

Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

Another Sunday

Lying in bed

My fingers play


Woke early this morning

What’s on my mind

The girl pile

I’d like to find


Have gone missing

For some time

Missing all the fun

Seems a crime


Come together girls

Wet pussies, stiff nips

And for Heidi

Nipple clips

Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

Mother's day gift

Clean her house

and give her spirit a lift


A shopping trip

Just us girls

Completely Dad free

and his wisdom pearls


Full of laughs and

A garden centre spree

To top it off

I bought her a cherry tree


She is my mom

But my best friend too

Each time it blooms it will be

like my sisters smiling down on you


The Goddess

Roses are red

Most people are sweet

But others are assholes

Be careful when you meet.

Disingenuous & fake

Energies they will suck

All because

They’re a lousy fuck.

But real they are not

Stronger am I

Because I am a Goddess

& bitches… I’m fly!


Venus is back with bad rhymes!! heart you sexy people!

His GODDESS 💋💋💋💋💋💋

Every second of every day. 💕💝

Active Ink Slinger
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Roses are red

Her legs spread wide

She guides his head

“Eureka” he cried

Active Ink Slinger

roses are red

i met a girl

had a kink

said I should give it a whirl


down in her core

she thought men are a pain

but couldn't admit it

though it became quite plain


rather than come out

and simply hate on 'em

she'd use harsh words

and urinate on 'em


that's not my idea

of a sexual thrill

i'm more mudane

netflix and chill.


but i was there

a horny young buck

and when all's said and done

a fuck is a fuck


so with some reluctance

I said OK

And she pulled out her polythene

sheets right away


well prepared

for her peculiar vice

her entire bathroom

was waterproofed in a trice


on your back

you measly worm

she snarled in a tone

unpleasant and firm


i lay in her tub

she stood over me

said here's to your patriarchy

and started to pee


like niagara it fell

with no abatement

was this sex

or a political statement


i saw scorn in her eyes

and a snarl on her lips

as the gush finally ebbed

to a few little drips.


don't think you're getting

a fuck after this

you're a dim little man

all covered in piss


she did, at least

allow me to shower

before kicking me out

showing who had the power.


now i'm learning to be

less chauvinistic

and for a second date

I'm quietly optimitic.


Active Ink Slinger





Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

Go to cop

Tell him you use her

Get introduced to a prison pop


Quantum Tease


Roses are red

As is the fire

Spewn from the Earth

In volcanic ire


Clouds of ash

Blacken the sky

As life is quinched

And all there die


Crevasses open

The land quakes

Sky poisoned

Destruction rakes


Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

That is the way

Lynn sees lush changes

From the other day


Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

Chat gone to shit

What am I supposed

To do with it?


Ones only conclusion

Must be that

It was designed by people

Who never chat.


And approval too

Must have come

From somebody

Really really dumb.


And coders should be

Firmly taught

That testing isn't

An afterthought.


I don't care of it's

More efficient

The functionality

Is deficient.


The cycle certainly

Is perverse

Each update

Makes the chatrooms worse.


One more round

Of changes could be

What it needs to be put

Out of its misery.


I could note

All the ways it sucks

But frankly I

Am out of fucks.

Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

I gives me a rest

When others rant

Getting things off thier chest


No Rob, I don't

Mean shirts

So stop jerking

Before it squirts


Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

Oh could it be true?

Is that Heidi

Coming into view?


She has on a shirt

I see at a glance

But scatterbrained sweetie

Forgot to wear pants.


What glorious fortune

She's sometimes a bit dumb

And also posesses

A glorious bum.


Proportions are perfect

A treat for the eyes.

And oh, that cleft where her cheeks

Meet the top of her thighs!


Some men are ass men

Some prefer tits

Call me a Heidi man

I love her to bits.

Quantum Tease


Roses are red

If you ask me

All Rob will get

Is a face full of pee


Quantum Tease
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Roses are red

Stirring desire

Once forbidden

Now won't retire


Feelings new

Timidly explored

But the feeling

Can't be ignored


Her eyes now see

A new world appear

Experiences beckon;

An expanding sphere


Active Ink Slinger
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Roses are red, violets are blue, I know you are wrong for me, but I am good being bad with you.

Active Ink Slinger

Roses are red

As hot days settle in

Clothes are used less

Fiaming thoughts of sin


As hips sway

Causeing cheeks to rub

and breasts to bounce

Long cool soaks in bubbly tubs


Sleeping in the nude

Nipples pointing the way

Pointing their openess as

Well as state of play.
