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"Kate hitch-hikes her way home to see her step-daddy"

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Competition Entry: On the Road

It was a glorious day to be hitch hiking home. The early morning sun was in the high seventies, warming Kate’s skin as she walked backwards along the edge of the two-lane road. The birds were singing their sweet songs from the trees and hedges, and the roads were quiet.

Still, she didn’t have to wait long for a car to pick her up. Who could resist those long slim beautifully tanned legs after all? The topless Ford Mustang slowed to walking speed beside her and the driver lowered his sunglasses to get a good look. Kate flashed him a smile. He smiled back, obviously happy with what he saw. And why wouldn’t he be?

“Where you goin’ to, honey?” he asked in a slow Texan drawl.

“I’m heading to Greenville. If you could take me some of the way I’d be ever so grateful,” she said, taking off her sunglasses and slowly flashing her baby-blues at him.

“I can take you about 50 miles or so closer to home if you want, honey. Throw your case in the back and jump on in.”

“Why, thank you kindly Sir,” she smiled. Within seconds they were roaring along the road, the sun warming the back of Kate’s head and the air rushing past blowing her long blonde hair everywhere. She took a hairband from her pocket and tied it back out of the way.

They made small talk for the first fifteen miles or so, before hitting the Freeway. They traded a few jokes and relaxed enough in each other’s company that the silence that came after the small talk wasn’t an issue.

It was still fairly early, barely even seven am and the roads were long and straight and pretty quiet.

After another ten miles or so Kate turned round in her seat and looked at the man. He was a good looking man, early thirties. A dozen or so years older than her nineteen. No problem. She turned down the radio so that she didn’t have to shout.

“You know John, I really do appreciate the ride,” she said in her sexiest husky voice.

“Hey, it’s my pleasure, you saved me from a boring car journey,” he replied, turning to look at her. She smiled coyly and bit her bottom lip. He blushed and turned back to the road.

She realized that she would have to be a lot less subtle. “I’d like to repay you in some small way,” she said.

“It’s really not necessary,” he said, not turning to look at her this time.

“But my mama, rest her soul, taught me that good girls pay their debts,” she said in an innocent-little-girl voice.

Her hand went over and rested on his thigh, preparing him so that he didn’t react with shock and drive them off the road when it moved upwards towards his bulging crotch.

Bless him for trying to be nice, but Kate had a craving for cock. More exactly a craving to taste cock. And luckily for John his cock happened to be nearest.

She unfastened his belt and the top button of his jeans with one hand, while removing a small plastic wrap of white powder from her cut-off jeans pocket.

She pulled back his shirt and pulled down his zipper while expertly unwrapping her coke. She wet her index fingertip and dabbed it in the powder. She then rubbed it into the fat purple head that she had unsheathed. While John gripped his steering wheel tighter and floored the gas the coke worked its magic into his cock. Kate calmly re-wrapped her coke and put it back in that extra little fifth pocket in her shorts.

She glanced at the speedo – 120mph. Nice.

“Can you drive one handed, Sir,” she asked, unfastening her seatbelt.

“mmhmm,” he replied in the affirmative, his eyes almost bulging out of his head.

“Good. Please try not to crash,” she said, lifting his right arm and slipping her head under it.

John let out a high squeal as Kate snorted the coke off of his powder covered helmet first with one nostril and then the other. That tingling electricity coursed through her veins and over her skin. She inhaled deeply through her nose, and held her breath as the Columbian Marching Powder went to work on her senses.

“Oh that’s good,” she exhaled. The last few grains of cocaine had her sniffing hard and blinking rapidly behind her large round sunglasses. She loved the buzz that was infusing her.

The combination of the sun’s rays and the coke buzz was making her horny, her whole skin feeling sensitive. It felt like small waves of heat and electricity rippling outward from her pussy.

She had called her step-father the previous week, pleading student poverty and saying that it had been almost three months since she had been home, and she really missed him. Before she knew it he was on his laptop transferring her money to catch the train home for a weekend visit.

However, Kate had better plans for the money. A few grams of coke, and a couple of bottles of JD had really got the previous weekends party off to a good start. Luckily she had kept some of the coke for herself later. She wasn’t a heavy user, and a little went a long way.

That didn’t leave much cash left over for a train ride – hence the early morning hitching.

Kate licked the tip of John’s penis, twirling her tongue in the slit, getting the last vestiges of cocaine. She transferred it from her tongue to her gums. Oh, so good. So mmmmm very fucking good.

Her mouth opened and consumed him, sucking his hard cock with gusto. Saliva ran out of the corner of her mouth as she crammed as much of his meaty manhood into her mouth as she could. It was tickling her tonsils as he gripped her hair and moved her head up and down on his rampant rod.

The occasional horn blast or ‘Yeehaw!’ indicated to Kate that their fun wasn’t going un-noticed by the cars they passed nor the vehicles on the other side of the carriageway. She couldn’t help smiling as each yell just made her pussy twitch.

It wasn’t long before she could feel him tense and could sense a deep throbbing in his balls. He locked his arms straight against the steering wheel, and started to fuck her face. An unfortunate consequence of this action was that he was putting a lot more weight on the gas pedal, his foot to the floor working all 383 wild stallions under the hood to their fullest.

Thankfully the lane ahead was clear as the speedo crept past 150.

“I’m going to..” he managed before exploding into the back of Kate’s throat. She swallowed quickly, gulping his cum down her throat. She always argued, when asked how she could possibly swallow, that it was better than having it sitting on your tongue while looking for somewhere to spit it. However, she loved the taste of cum, and would keep the last small amount to gargle with if she was in a playful mood. Some guys loved it – some freaked.

This time she sucked and sucked until she felt John start to wither in her mouth, and then sucked him some more.

Finally she sat up straight and straightened her shorts. Her fingers could feel that the crotch was moist. There wasn’t anything stopping her, so she moved the gusset to the side and slid her finger along her wet pussy, leaving connecting strands of viscous liquid when she pulled away.

“Watch the road,” she instructed John quietly, catching him gawping at her intimate touch. She re-fastened her seat belt.

John’s head whipped back round to the road just as he lost control. The tyres screamed as he tapped the brakes, fighting to keep all four wheels on the blacktop and heading forward. There was some serious steering and counter steering required. Down past a hundred, ninety, eighty … leaving a good few hundred bucks worth of smoking snaking rubber on the road behind them.

Kate put her head back against the headrest and screamed in sheer joy. John lost control and they swerved into the centre lane, narrowly missing an old family saloon car. John steered into the turn, knowing that it was his best chance of avoiding crashing. They were still doing around sixty miles an hour when they spun twice, ending up screeching to a halt in the inside lane. Traffic was having to pull out to get around them, to the sound of angry horns.

Slowly they both turned to look at each other. John looked like he was terrified.

“Can we do that again?” asked Kate in exactly the same way that an excitable seven year-old would ask, bouncing up and down on her seat. John looked at her like she had finally lost her mind, until he saw the hint of a smile play in the corner of her mouth, at which point neither of them could help from falling about the place laughing. Tears were rolling down their faces, the best way to act after a near death experience like that.

“Open your mouth,” Kate said, and let John suck the juices off her finger. She thought he was going to cum for a second time from the noises he was making as he removed every trace of her juices from her index finger. When he finished he sighed like a deathrow prisoner finishing his last meal.

“You know what, as we were spinning there I didn’t see my life flash before me,” he said. “But I did think that I’d never taste pussy again. Thank you.”

“You deserve that for not killing us.”

He started the Mustang again, sticking to the speed limit for the next five minutes before turning off the road into a truck stop. He pulled over in front of the diner.

“I’m really sorry but this is where I have to let you out dahlin’,” John apologized. “Can I at least buy you a coffee?”

“Thanks but no thanks sweetie,” Kate said. She jumped out of the car and got her case from the trunk. “Thanks for the ride.”

“No trouble at all – my pleasure,” he grinned at her. “Hopefully I’ll see you on the way back.”

Kate smiled as he drove away. There could be worse ways of getting home.

She entered the diner and looked around, there were about a dozen truck drivers, from their mid-twenties up to mid-sixties, eating pancakes, and oatmeal and drinking coffees. She went up to the counter and asked for a decaf Coca Cola. The last thing she needed was caffeine, she was buzzing enough as it is.

“I’m sorry we don’t have any. Would Diet Coke do?” the waitress asked.

“No, it’s okay. I’ll have some sparkling water instead please,” Kate replied.

“Okay love,” the waitress said, moving to get some.

She came back scant seconds later with a tall glass of sparkling water and a napkin. She subtly indicated that Kate should wipe the side of her mouth. Kate blushed but immediately did so, wiping the evidence of her earlier dalliance from her face. She hoped that none of the men had noticed. Raising her head from the ball she had automatically turned herself into she saw that they were almost all looking at her. So much for that hope.

She smiled nervously. But at least she had their attention. She cleared her throat. “I don’t suppose any of you fine gents are heading down to Greenville and could give me a lift? Could ya?”

Most of the truckers muttered and looked away, back to their breakfasts or conversations. However one of the older truckers at the rear of the diner smiled when he realized no-one else was offering.

“I’m heading down that way, Missy, in my eighteen wheeler if you’d care to join me,” he said, beaming from ear to ear. He looked at her expectantly.

She looked him in the eye and sighed expressively in resignation. She indicated with a jerk of her thumb and a tilt of her head to the restroom. “But wash it first.”

Two hours later she was turning the key in the front door, wiping the corner of her mouth to make sure she didn’t make the same mistake again. It would be even more embarrassing in front of her step daddy.

“Hi daddy, I’m home,” she called as she entered the house. She had called him daddy since she was four years old, never calling him step-daddy nor Geoff. He had married her mum a year after her husband, and his best friend, had been killed in the Gulf.

She didn’t receive the answer she had expected. Still, no problems. She ran upstairs and dropped her small case on her bed, then went searching. He wasn’t in the sitting room, nor the kitchen. And he wasn’t out by the pool.

Slightly perplexed she went back upstairs and entered his bedroom. The door to the en-suite was wide open, and she could clearly see his shape through the misted glass of the shower cabinet. His left hand was splayed open against the glass about head height and it was obvious that the shower would be spraying down the back of his head and back. Kate could just make out his legs wide open back through the steam, feet planted.

She knew that she should back out of the room now before anything happened, but from the noises coming from the shower cabinet she may not have made it in time anyway.

She could hear the splat as a jet of white liquid hit the glass, and more and more as her step-daddy moaned. “mmmmm you’re such a good little girl… oh yes…daddy’s little princess…”

Kate stood there amazed. Was daddy really fantasizing about fucking her? Those were phrases that he had often used with her – good little girl, daddy’s little princess. She felt her nipples harden, and her cunt tighten. She pushed her knees together and squeezed her thighs tight. Even a small amount of rubbing together felt delicious.

She needed to touch herself, but she couldn’t do it here.

She backed away, mesmerized by her step-daddy’s cum rolling down the misted glass like a snail trail. She wasn’t watching where she was going and walked into the bed, stumbling. She caught herself quickly, but she had been heard.

“Kate, is that you?” daddy shouted with an edge of panic over the sound of the shower.

She scrambled towards the door, but wasn’t quick enough to get out of the room before daddy’s head looked out of the shower cabinet door.

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They stared at each other for a second, then Kate stood up and left the room. She didn’t know which one of them looked more embarrassed.

When daddy came down the stairs twenty minutes later Kate was waiting in the kitchen at the breakfast bar. She had one foot on the ground and one foot on the bar of the adjacent bar stool. It wasn’t a sexual pose, but it was obviously not backing away neither.

Daddy was finishing drying his hair with a towel as he walked in, looking very sheepish.

Kate handed him the Americano that she had made him when she heard him opening drawers in his room. She knew how much he loved his Nespresso coffees.

“Thank you, Kate. How long…” he started.

“Long enough, daddy,” she replied quietly.

Daddy closed his eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. He opened his eyes and looked at Kate. It wasn’t quite the birds and the bees, but still Kate could see that this conversation was going to rival that frank discussion all those years ago. Kate had already had sex education at school by then, so didn’t really learn too much.

Tempting though it was to let him off the hook, Kate decided not to.

“Listen Kate, you know that what I was doing is perfectly natural, you’re a big girl now,” he began.

Kate scrunched her face up as if to say ‘really?’

“Yes, I know you think I’m incredibly old at forty-five, but believe me, I still have feelings and desires,” daddy said passionately. “And it hasn’t been easy since your mama passed.”

“Daddy, don’t play that card,” Kate said defensively, trying to make it sound as if she was angry.

“I’m sorry princess, but I wasn’t looking for sympathy, nor to cast up your mama as some kind of emotional excuse. But it’s been difficult for me to get past her – I hope you know how much she meant to me. Cancer is a cruel mistress, and it was terrible to watch her suffer like that. You know that – you were here for her too.”

A tear slipped from the corner of Kates eye and ran down the side of her nose. Even though it had been three years since her mother died it still hurt. Kate guessed that it always would.

Daddy moved forward and wiped the errant tear with his finger.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to …” he said, moving closer and wrapping his arms around Kate. She hugged back, her head pressed against daddy’s chest. She could smell the fresh smell of daddy and soap, and could feel the strong pulse of his heartbeat against her face. It excited her.

“Daddy, can I ask you a question?” she asked, holding him tighter so that he didn’t move away.

“Of course, baby. Anything,” he replied.

“How long have you wanted to fuck me?” she asked.

She could feel daddy’s heart race in panic as he tried to back away from her, denials sticking in his throat. “No, I…. I never…. I don’t…”

“Daddy, please. Please don’t lie to me, or I won’t be able to trust you,” Kate said quietly, knowing that she didn’t have to shout to get daddy’s attention.

Daddy relaxed. His heartrate slowed, though not quite to as low as it had been.

“Kate, remember that I love you,” daddy said calmly.

“Of course daddy, but I’m not your baby girl any more, I’m a big girl,” Kate said, hugging him tight and then letting him go.

“I know princess,” he said, a look of surprise coming over his face when he realized that he might not be allowed to call her that any more – she was...

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Written by GoNE68
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