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The Swimming Gala Shower

"The school disciplinarian catches two girls in her shower and a spanking is earned"

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Competition Entry: Sporty Sex Stories

Mrs Hunt looked from girl to girl as they stood at the side of the pool waiting for the start signal. Mrs Hunt was the sports mistress and also the Deputy Headmistress. She was forty-three years-old and had been at the school for some fifteen years. She was dressed in her gym kit of a white T-shirt with three buttons at the top and a white gym skirt.

Mrs Hunt smiled as she looked at the six girls standing ready to dive in as well as the further eighteen girls standing behind them all of whom were ready for the front crawl relay race. She liked to look at the girls for two reasons. First of all, she found eighteen-year-old girls in bikinis rather a lovely sight. Secondly looking from girl to girl she ran through in her mind which of the girls she had previously put across her lap for a spanking or told to bend over to receive the cane. She reckoned almost all of these girls fitted in to one or other of those categories, but then Mrs Hunt was well known for being a strict disciplinarian. Mind you, the girls also spoke amongst themselves that Mrs Hunt tended to have a smile on face when ordering the girls across her lap or to bend over as though she enjoyed disciplining them.

There was a crescendo of sound from the parents and siblings who were seated around the pool. The gala had been going well and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. The girls as well tended to be competitive when it came to swimming.

Mrs Hunt reckoned she had ogled the girls for long enough so counting down pressed the start button.

Each of the first set of girls dived into the pool to even louder cheers coming from those watching. All the girls set off at quite a good pace splashing their way through the pool which at twenty-five metres meant each girl took approximately half a minute to do one length.

Becky was in the lead at the first turn as she did a forward roll and twist and kicked herself off from the side. She was quite a strong swimmer and gained a lead of about three feet by the time she got back to where she had started at the end of the second length.

Jodie was the second member of the leading team and she eagerly dived in as soon as Becky touched the side. She was not quite as strong as Becky, but even so managed to extend the lead to about five feet by the time she returned after the second length.

Ellie was the third member of the team and she lost a little bit of ground, but it was always known that she was probably the weakest of the team. Nevertheless, she was still in the lead when she got back after her second length.

Finally, Grace dived in. She was the strongest swimmer of all the girls and she eased herself further in to the lead.

Mrs Hunt watched Grace with a smile as she remembered giving her a spanking just the other day. She recalled seeing the eighteen-year-old look really fit in her short-sleeved gingham school dress which showed off her well-toned arms. Once Grace had lifted her school dress up above her waist and lowered her knickers and bent across her lap, Mrs Hunt remembered looking down Grace’s at muscular legs which she found particularly attractive. Of course her bottom cheeks were also toned. Grace had looked ever so confident as she stood in front of her, but it didn’t take all that long to reduce her to tears. Afterwards she watched with a smirk as Grace did the usual spanking dance.

Mrs Hunt’s reverie was brought to a halt as the crowd roared the girls on and clapped to congratulate all the swimmers but in particular the winning team.

Once the girls got out of the pool most of the girls stood around the pool congratulating each other. Grace and Becky hugged each other as they always did after a race although ended up in a four-way hug with Jodie and Becky as well.

Mrs Hunt looked on at the happily hugging girls. Although it was a swimming gala the girls tended to wear their usual bikinis so most had banded scoop bralette’s with bikini briefs. Mrs Hunt focussed for a few moments on Becky and Grace both of whom she thought looked so stunning in their bikinis with their wet hair and bodies. However, she had to start the next race, and so her attention was diverted as she went back to the starters end of the pool.

Becky and Grace were hugging each other with excitement as they had won the relay race and reckoned they were in with a good chance of getting the ‘Best Achiever’s,’ Awards. As they hugged each other Grace whispered in to Becky’s ear, “I am so turned on by winning, Becky. Do you fancy making out again?”

Becky whispered back in a surprised tone. “Aren’t there too many people here, Gracie. The ‘Huntress,’ as well?”

Grace was smiling and spoke in a conspiratorial tone, “The Huntress is busy already starting the next race. She won’t come anywhere near her office.”

Becky smiled and replied, “Okay, then. Let’s do it.”

Becky and Grace turned and walked away from the pool reckoning no one would notice. They made their way to Mrs Hunter’s office, and going through it walked in to her private toilet and shower.

Becky closed the door and immediately threw her arms around Becky’s neck pulling her lovingly close and placing her soft lips on Grace’s.

Grace welcomed the embrace and putting her arms around Becky’s waist clasped her as she parted her lips and welcomed Becky’s tongue in to her mouth. They kissed and hugged for a few moments before Becky found Grace’s bikini clips and undid it chasing it down Grace’s arms.

Grace followed suit and quickly had Becky’s bikini top in her hand.

The two eighteen-year-olds were quite used to seeing each other naked. They often showered together at each-others houses and made out in each other’s bedrooms when their respective parents were out. This was more fun though using the Huntresses private shower. So they quickly stepped out of their bikini briefs and, still smiling, headed for the shower. Once there Becky switched it on before leaning forward and kissing Grace again, this time caressing one of her ample breasts. Ample for a teenager although not yet fully developed she knew.

Grace covered one of Becky’s breasts with one hand and with the other rubbed her bottom and gyrated as she felt Becky rub her bottom.

After another minute caressing each-others breasts both girls brought their hands to the others thighs and edging around ran their fingers along the others pussy lips. Both girls could tell the other was really aroused by the fingering and kissing.

As the girls breathing deepened so their fingers edged inside the others pussy’s until each felt the others taut clit. The continuing fingering brought erotic gasps from them both. Those gasps got louder and louder until almost together both girls exploded in orgasm.

The finger sex would have continued except without any forewarning the shower curtain was pulled back and a glowering Mrs Hunt was standing looking at them.

Both girls were speechless and assumed they were going to be dealt with severely.

Grace though recovered first and realised that Mrs Hunt wasn’t shouting at them as she would have expected. Instead she was looking at them both. More precisely she was looking at their breasts and licking her tongue as though she liked what she saw. Grace decided it was worth a go. “Want to join us, Mrs Hunt?” she asked in her sexiest voice.

Mrs Hunt swallowed hard and started to shake her head.

Grace could see a good caning coming and so tried again. “Hey, Mrs Hunt. Why not join us. You can always discipline us afterwards.”

Mrs Hunt was actually quite taken by the suggestion. Why not, she thought? She could discipline both girls straight afterwards or tomorrow or quite frankly both times. She swallowed again as she saw the two young bodies in the shower with their wet hair and wet breasts and wet nipples and … oh my goodness both girls very taut and wet nipples she realised. This was her fantasy she recalled. Having sex in the shower with another woman. Well these girls were almost women. They were eighteen-years-old and in the old day’s girls were quite often married at their age. They were unlikely to be virgins anyway. Oh crikey, she thought. How could she turn this down? Two of the girls she most fancied and had masturbated dreaming about in bed. Dreaming about their bare bottoms which she was already so fond of spanking and caning. She loved the feel of both bottoms after a spanking. Hot and red. Even seeing the raised wheals after a caning set her heart beating. Now she had this offer. Take them both in the shower and discipline them later. It was too good to pass up she decided.

“Okay,” Mrs Hunt replied adding in a stern voice, “But you will both get a spanking and three strokes of the cane afterwards. Understood?”

Grace had hoped for better but who knew? It wasn’t going to be so bad making out with the Huntress anyway. At least it would be better than being across her lap with the close-up view of the backs of her legs. Well that might happen anyway, but then maybe it won’t she thought to herself?

Grace encouraged their teacher. “Come on then Mrs Hunt. Better get your gym kit off.”

Grace held her breath and was wide-eyed as Mrs Hunt just stood there for a moment that seemed like hours. The tension was broken though when a twinkle appeared in Mrs Hunt’s eyes and she broke into a smile.

Moments later her vest top and bra were on the floor quickly followed by her gym skirt and knickers.

Mrs Hunt stepped in to the shower and immediately kissed Grace on the lips placing one hand on one of her breasts and the other on her bottom.

Becky leaned forward and kissed Mrs Hunt on the back of her neck and, squeezing her hand between Mrs Hunt and Grace, covered one of Mrs Hunt’s breasts with her hand. She could tell immediately how much larger Mrs Hunt was compared to Grace but carried on squeezing the breast whilst rubbing Mrs Hunt’s bare bottom.

Mrs Hunt had been in a threesome before so knew how to take control. She leaned against one wall of the shower and, looking at Grace, said, “Kneel down and give me tongue sex.” Looking then at Becky she said, “Lick my nipples.”

Becky and Grace didn’t waver. They did as they were told.

Moments later Grace was kneeling and had her face between Mrs Hunt’s thighs and was eagerly licking her pussy lips. This was quite something she told herself as she licked Mrs Hunt’s pussy lips and eased her tongue inside her pussy.

Becky was equally enjoying sucking Mrs Hunt’s breasts and particularly her taut nipples. As she sucked one nipple so she squeezed the other and listened to Mrs Hunt’s erotic gasps.

Grace reckoned it wasn’t going to take long to bring Mrs Hunt to an orgasm as her tongue went deep in to her vagina. She felt Mrs Hunt gyrate her hips as her breathing deepened and knew that she was edging quickly towards an orgasm.

Mrs Hunt always loved tongue sex but this time it was even better as her breasts were being lovingly sucked at the same time. She had had three-way sex before but had never been the centre of attention. She loved it though and was going to make sure she did it again. If not with these girls with two of her friends. She was going to think which ones, but her desire to reach her orgasm took over and she let herself fly towards what she was sure was going to be the best orgasm she had ever had.

Sure enough Mrs Hunt let out orgasmic gasp after erotic gasp as she came. Her eyes were tight shut as she welcomed the orgasm just as she always did whether with another woman or in bed by herself. When she actually came she was lost in the rush of flutters deep inside her. It was just the best orgasm ever just as she had hoped.

Grace stopped licking Mrs Hunt as she heard the loud gasps turn back in to heavy breathing. She had enjoyed giving Mrs Hunt her orgasm just as she always enjoyed giving Becky one. It wasn’t as good because it was just one way, but it was different enough to be memorable. As she looked up though she saw Becky still kissing Mrs Hunt’s breast and Mrs Hunt seemed content enough to let Becky continue.

Grace looked at the floor outside the shower and saw it was wet. Lots of water had flooded out of the shower and made Mrs Hunt’s clothes very wet. As she looked at her teacher’s wet knickers she had a thought. It was a daring thought but she instantly decided to play the thought out. She stood up and stepped out of the shower and picked up Mrs Hunt’s wet knickers and skirt.

Mrs Hunt was wallowing in the attention Becky was still paying her but she was coming back to reality and opened her eyes smiling at Becky who was still sucking on her nipple.

Becky realised the sex was over although she wanted to turn the tables now and have Mrs Hunt make her cum.

Mrs Hunt smiled at Becky and leaning forward kissed her on the lips thinking it would be fun licking her breasts. She bent down and did just that and, just as she thought, she enjoyed the taste of Becky’s pert breast.

After several moments enjoying herself with Becky she opened her eyes and saw a smiling Grace looking at her holding her wet knickers and skirt. That was nice of her, she thought, but asked, “Come back in, Grace. I’ll do you and Becky now.”

Grace had other ideas as she held up the knickers.

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“I was thinking, Mrs Hunt, that you need something else.”

Mrs Hunt was bemused. “Like what?” she asked the teenager wondering what she could possibly mean.

Grace played her card. “Well you know you have promised me and Becky a spanking and a caning?”

Mrs Hunt smiled and said relenting. “Well maybe I won’t now you have ‘Paid your debt,’ girls.”

Grace took that as a positive, but she wanted to do something else to Mrs Hunt. Something she had wanted to do to her since that first time she was across her lap being spanked only about two weeks in to her first term. Two years ago when she was sixteen-years-old. “Okay Mrs Hunt. Thank you. However, you need to pay your debt. Having sex with two school girls sounds like big trouble to me. Is it Mrs Hunt?”

The awful truth hit Mrs Hunt like a brick. What had she done? How could she have had sex with two of the school girls. The Governors would go bananas with her. It was almost certainly sackable. Well definitely she told herself. So she looked horrified as she asked with her hand over her mouth, “Please Grace don’t.” After a moment she saw the smirk on Grace’s face and the realisation struck her and so she asked in a worried tone, “What do you want, Grace?”

This was going better than Grace had imagined it would. She should really have stopped when told she and Becky would not be spanked and caned. However, she had that long-held fantasy to spank Mrs Hunt as revenge and she doubted she would ever get a better chance. She looked firmly at Mrs Hunt and said, “I want to put you across my lap and spank you.”

“Do you?” said a surprised Becky. “I want tongue sex myself,” she added.

Grace replied looking at Mrs Hunt, “Well we can both get what we want.”

Mrs Hunt looked from one teenager to the other. What could that mean, she wondered? However, she was more concerned about the threat of a spanking than tongue sex. She shook her head to clear her mind and said to Grace, albeit not in one of her more confident tones of voice, “But I’m the adult and a teacher. I don’t get spanked by a school girl.”

Grace didn’t want to let go of her one and only chance to spank Mrs Hunt. She waved the wet knickers and skirt at Mrs Hunt and said with a severe tone, “Shall we go and discuss your wet knickers with one of the Governors, Mrs Hunt. We can both walk out there in the nude and put our cases. What do you think of that?”

Mrs Hunt definitely didn’t want to go poolside in the nude and more so not with Grace waving her knickers around. Yet what was the alternative? Take the spanking? How would she live that down she wondered as she stared at Grace? A still very attractive and fanciable Grace. A well-toned Grace. A Grace who would certainly give her a very hard spanking and all the tears and stinging bottom that went with it.

Then Mrs Hunt had another thought. The memory of one of her most thought of fantasies. In fact, as she remembered that she was shocked as she realised that she had had this very fantasy just the other day and on so many other occasions. It was why she always found Grace so attractive. She dreamed about Grace in her school uniform sitting on a chair ordering her across her lap and giving her a spanking. She pictured the backs of Grace's muscle toned athletic legs as she was reduced to tears. This was better than Grace being in school uniform she told herself as Grace was naked with wet hair and wet skin. Much better in fact. It was also rather better than discussing what she had done with a Governor. Maybe she would have to anyway but this way she would get to live out a fantasy of hers so she agreed sounding reluctant, but in reality was overjoyed with the prospect. "Okay Grace. I suppose I do deserve a spanking."

Grace was wide-eyed with surprise but jumped in to action. "Like I said, Mrs Hunt, Becky and I both have desires and hers is to be licked by you."

Grace moved two visitors high backed chairs in to position with one chair at right angles to the one she sat down on. Grace looked up at Mrs Hunt and instructed, "Becky will sit to the side so that when you are across my lap you can give her tongue sex."

Becky sat on the other chair and Grace ordered, "Get across my lap Mrs Hunt."

Mrs Hunt took a deep breath as she looked down at Grace's bare wet thighs and across towards Becky who sat with her legs apart and her stretched pussy lips on show and ready for her tongue.

Mrs Hunt went across Grace's lap and, putting her arms on both of Becky’s spread legs, could reach her pussy and lick her.

Grace rubbed Mrs Hunt's bottom as she watched their teacher lick Becky's pussy lips. Grace watched Becky's face turn into an increasingly wide smile as Mrs Hunt licked her pussy. Her groans got deeper and deeper as Mrs Hunt’s tongue edged further into her vagina.

Notwithstanding the fact that Becky was clearly get getting closer and closer to an orgasm Grace raised her hand and brought it down firmly on Mrs Hunt’s bottom. She said firmly, "Keep licking Mrs Hunt." Grace continued to spank Mrs Hunt on alternate bottom cheeks but could see that the teacher was continuing to lick Becky's pussy.

Becky certainly seemed to be enjoying the licking even though there was a jolting sensation as Mrs Hunt reacted to the continuing spanks. Becky was coping well though and her breathing was becoming deeper and deeper as she got closer and closer to her orgasm. Becky even held her hands on the back of Mrs Hunt's head to ensure that her mouth was fixed to her pussy lips. As the spanks continued to land Becky let out her first orgasmic groan followed quickly by a second and third.

By way of a thank you Grace stopped spanking Mrs Hunt and ran her fingers along her wet pussy lips and listened to her teacher purring in delight.

Mrs Hunt had not expected to be played with again, but as her bottom stung from the hand spanks so she found that Grace’s sensuous fingering was such a turn-on.

Slowly Becky’s breathing started to return to normal whilst Mrs Hunt actually came from the continuing fingering.

Becky was happy with her orgasm and released Mrs Hunt's head and moved her seat backwards.

Mrs Hunt's hands dropped to the floor and her head had dropped down as well with her hair resting on the floor. She was now more clearly in the position of someone who had to be submissive whilst she was being spanked.

Mrs Hunt opened her eyes and had the close-up view that she had always wanted of the backs of graces toned and muscled legs. She had found them so attractive when looking at them from a distance, but now that she was close up to them she was even more turned on than she had expected. The continuing spanks were hurting but she was at long last experiencing the spanking from Grace that she had wanted for so long.

Becky watched the spanking for several minutes before standing up stepping back in to her bikini. She said to Grace, "I need to get back poolside because I am in another race. I will leave you to deal with this very naughty teacher. I will expect her to be in tears and hopping from foot to foot by the time you have finished with her."

"Have no fear about that Becky, but before you go just hand me that flip flop. I’ll be using that before I’m finished," Grace said with a smile.

“No probs,” Becky said smiling as she handed Grace the thick rubber soled flip flop.

Mrs Hunt heard the exchange even as the spanks continued to land all over her bottom but did not try to get up. She wanted to experience the full spanking.

"Good luck with the race Becky," Grace said. She continued, "We might even both be out in time to watch you in your race but to be fair the spanking has a good fifteen minutes left to go."

Becky blew Grace a kiss before turning and walking out of the office.

"Don't expect any leniency from me Mrs Hunt just because Becky has gone. I intend punishing you fully for what you did."

With that grace landed harder and harder spanks on alternate bottom cheeks before focusing on one bottom cheek at a time. This was exactly how Mrs Hunt would spank the school girls and Grace for one certainly knew the pain that Mrs Hunt would suffer.

Grace continued to spank Mrs Holt on the same bottom cheek a dozen times or more before focusing on the other bottom sheet and she could hear the gasps coming from Mrs Hunt getting louder and louder. Even so she kept on spanking Mrs Hunt turning her bottom deeper and deeper shades of red.

Once Grace was happy with the bright redness of Mrs Hunt’s bottom cheeks she said to the back of her teacher’s head, “One hundred with this flip flop, Mrs Hunt. The type you so often use on us girls.”

Mrs Hunt was sobbing from the hand spanking and knew how much more the girls cried when she used her favourite implement on them. It had made sense to her to use something the girls associated with sport and most wore the flip flops in the shower after a workout or sports class. She couldn’t complain that Grace was going to use it on her bottom and just had to accept it as she looked through tear-filled eyes at the backs of Grace’s legs.

Grace raised the flip flop and was just about to spank it down in Mrs Hunt’s bottom when the cheering from poolside got louder. Grace reckoned another race was just finishing. She only hesitated a moment before bringing the flip flop down on Mrs Hunt’s already reddened bottom and proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks continuing counting carefully to the full quota of one hundred spanks. As she spanked she listened to Mrs Hunt’s crying as she watched her kick her legs and squirm around on her lap just as the girls did when being spanked by Mrs Hunt.

As Grace landed the one hundredth spank with a final flourish she knew she had come to the end of the spanking and listened happily to Mrs Hunt’s continuing crying.

Mrs Hunt stayed across Grace’s lap even after the spanks stopped crying uncontrollably but knowing it was no different to when she was the one giving the spanking. Her bottom stung crazily, but she had lived out her fantasy. She just wasn’t sure if she ever wanted to be spanked again.

Grace left Mrs Hunt to cry for a while rubbing her bottom and running her finger along Mrs Hunt’s pussy lips.

Mrs Hunt started to recover as Grace rubbed her bottom and when she felt her fingers running along her pussy lips she even managed to part her legs.

Grace knew that meant Mrs Hunt was recovering and with a smile ordered, “Get up, Mrs Hunt. We need to get poolside to watch some more of the races.”

Mrs Hunt sighed with regret she wasn’t going to cum again but knew that Grace was right. She eased herself up from Grace’s lap and, as she stood up, her hands rushed to her bottom and she rubbed her hot bottom cheeks feverishly as she stepped from foot to foot. Her eyes had cleared and she could see Grace smiling at her. She thought about making a sharp teacher’ish retort, but realised the funny side of making a teacher do the spanking dance. So she just kept on dancing and rubbing her bottom.

There was another cheer from poolside and Grace ordered more urgently, “Get dressed Mrs Hunt. We need to get going.” Grace was already stepping back in to her bikini.

Even Mrs Hunt felt the urgency in Grace’s voice and, acting more like a naughty schoolgirl than a teacher, quickly got dressed back in to her gym kit. She had enough wits about her to check in the mirror and was satisfied her short skirt still covered the redness of her bottom.

A couple of minutes later Grace and Mrs Hunt made their way poolside and sat on the benches reserved for teacher san d swimmers

A race had just started, and both Mrs Hunt and Grace cheered the swimmers on. Becky was one of them.

Grace was relaxed whilst Mrs Hunt struggled with her sore bottom. Mrs Hunt leaned over to Grace and whispered, “My bottom is stinging much more than I expected. I can now see why you girls struggle after a spanking. I really want to stand up actually.”

Grace smiled wickedly, but whispered back in a firm tone of voice, “No way, Mrs Hunt. You make us stay seated so get used to it.”

Mrs Hunt gasped at the retort. She let the words about getting used to it linger in her mind as she pictured herself again across Grace’s lap and looking at the backs of her athletic legs. She momentarily wondered whether she should take that retort from the eighteen-year-old, but the flutter across her pussy told her the answer. In fact, she found the stern tone of voice Grace was using a particular turn-on. “I suppose I had better then,” Mrs Hunt conceded. After a moment she asked in a worried tone, “Surely you wouldn’t spank me again if I did stand up though?”

Grace turned and smiled a friendly smile at Mrs Hunt just for show as so many people were close-by. However, she whispered so only Mrs Hunt could hear. “Don’t test me, Mrs Hunt. We know the school rules and that when we break one we get a spanking so no hard feelings there. However, I just set you a rule. Break it and you get spanked. Anyway, it was never going to be just the one spanking and I am sure you knew that. I’ll be emailing you a whole set of rules for you to obey or earn a spanking from me.”

Mrs Hunt missed a breath as another flutter flew across her pussy. She looked back at the swimmers thinking madly how she was bound to be spanked by Grace again. As she started to cheer on the swimmers she had to admit to herself that she was already looking forward to her next spanking.

Written by SusanHarper
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