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Elsa’s Prize

"Elsa has time travelled to 2384 where good work is rewarded with the punishment of her choice"

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Competition Entry: Time Travel

By the year 2250 time travel was available to all alpha men and women, and was used for taking holidays and for those dong college projects. There was nothing like seeing the real thing, after all.

Elsa and Melissa both enjoyed time travel and had the means to pay the hefty prices involved.

It was now three years since Elsa and Melissa had landed in the year 2384. Both had been sixteen-years-old when they had got into the time machine in the year 2198. They were supposed to go back to the 1950’s as they both loved the thought of being in sixth form college and suffering the cane when naughty and wanted to experience it. That was so different to the detentions they got in 2198 when they had to do boring stuff like writing lines.

It all went wrong, though, and instead of going back in time they went well forward to 2384 and the time machine broke and they were stranded. Initially, they were rightly scared and it took two days hiding in woods before they got the courage to surrender to the locals.

It wasn’t all bad, and in fact, it was good. They didn’t admit to being time traveller’s and were treated as illegal immigrants and given a home together and benefits, and were enrolled in the local girl’s only sixth form college.

It didn’t take long to see the benefits of being in the future where times were very different compared to 2198. 

Crime was a rarity because the punishment was being locked up on a prison planet millions of miles away for life without parole or any hope of release. It was clearly a popular regime as the results proved.

The discipline regime at college was also rather different from what they had been used to back in 2198. If naughty or your work was below par then the standard punishment in 2384 was a detention and writing lines, just like in 2198. However, if good you could choose your reward, and that included being beaten with a cane or paddle until you came, which was exactly what Emma and Melissa had wanted to happen to them. It was called good girl pain which is what gave the girls their orgasms.

The changes occurred, the girls found out, because of the ease of transferring infections when, ‘old fashioned sex,’ happened with partners fingering each other. That was therefore forbidden and alternatives had to be found, and for many it was the pain of a sound spanking or severe caning that made them cum. Indeed, what they knew as S&M, or at least the masochistic submissive side of that lifestyle, was the sex of the twenty-fourth century.

So, both girls realised that they would get their wish of experiencing firm and pain-filled discipline, except to get it they had to excel in what they did. So, they both set about their college work with the aim of working hard and getting top marks so they could be punished at college or, better still, at the Punishment Centre.

They were both really successful and enjoyed the fruits of their good work with plenty of pain-filled sessions that led to tremendous orgasms, and a place together at Uni where the discipline regime continued.

Elsa was really looking forward to today. She had come joint first in a test and her teacher, Miss Brady, had arranged for a session at the Punishment Centre. Her bottom was going to be really stinging by the time the session was over and she could not wait for the erotic sensation.

The travellator arrived for Elsa. Melissa waved her friend a cheery good-bye as Elsa stepped on and it whisked her towards the Centre. There was time for a glass or two of champagne as she got her mind in order for the pain she would receive over the next few hours which was the pain she wanted to receive and found so pleasurable in a pain-filled way.

She was so happy that Miss Brady had arranged this prize. She set her own agenda and was so looking forward to it as she had been given the prize several times already and when her friends had been given the same prize they all raved about it as well. In fact, Miss Brady had given the same prize for Simone, who came joint top with Elsa in the test, and as they were friends knew they would enjoy each other’s company afterwards.

After two enjoyable glasses of champagne, the travellator arrived at the Punishment Centre. Elsa stepped off and was met by her Welcome Robot. She loved it that its face was that of Miss Brady which added to the reality of the punishment, as though it were given by her.

Miss Brady had taught her so much about pain. The bad pain that didn’t involve being punished wasn’t so good as that was in the form the boring detention where she had to write lines. Much much better was the pain she was given when good, as a reward for doing well at something, like a project, when the punishments ranged from a slapped face to a spanked strapped paddled and caned bottom. When the girls were really good Miss Brady ordered them to be given whisked strokes of the cane on their pussy which she knew led to extended and deeply erotic sessions of masturbation. All these punishments were handed out by the college robots to avoid any cross-contamination.

Good girl pain was sex to Elsa and all the women and men of 2384. Historic sex was a thing only read about in history books where men and women did, ‘things,’ to each other that got them aroused. Those days were long gone. Now, because of the separation rules, alternatives had materialised by evolution. The best sex now was pain centred around the erogenous zones so the bottom, of course, the backs and fronts of the thighs, the palms of your hand, and the face and, for women, their pussies.

Miss Brady was very strict and handed out detentions for the slightest infringement or below standard work, but also handed out the punishments to those who earned it by doing good work. This pain was designed to hurt so awfully and that reminded the good girls that they benefit from good behavior. Caned hands and caned thighs got Elsa so aroused particularly as she would get to wear a notice hung around her neck that read, ‘Good Girl.’ 

So today it was all about sexy pain that left her pussy damp. 

The robot led Elsa inside and to the welcome screen where she quickly keyed in her entry number and was informed that her punishment would be given in Room 33. 

Suddenly the screen changed and Simone was beaming down at her. “Hi, Elsa,” Simone said happily.

“Hi, Simone,” Elsa replied. 

“I’m just up the corridor,” Simone said. “We have champagne and cold cream arranged for afterwards.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Elsa replied happily.

“See you later, then,” Simone said smiling.

The screen went dark.

The robot went in to control mode. Its hand shot towards Elsa’s face and grabbed her ear and Elsa squealed as the robot squeezed her ear and yanked her sideways. 

Elsa didn’t struggle as it was the usual welcome and Elsa had experienced it many times before when Miss Brady had got one of the Uni punishment robots to lead her towards the punishment room at when she had done some really good work. It got her in to the submissive mood she loved and ready for her punishment. Like then, she was pulled by the ear passing by other visitors to the Centre as she was led to her punishment room. At the door, the robot flashed its hand and the door unlocked and Elsa was led inside still gasping as her ear was pulled and squeezed at the same time.

No clothing was needed for the punishment, just like at Uni where the girls were always made to fully undress for the reward punishments. Elsa knew she would be naked for her whole stay and when the robot let go of her ear she quickly undressed. She pulled her vest top over her head, folded it, and put it on the table. She wasn’t wearing a bra as they went out decades ago and her breasts felt good in the cool air. She kicked her shoes off and then undid her very short skirt and pushed it downwards, catching her knickers on the way, stepped out of them, folded them, and put them on the table as well.

The robot with Miss Brady’s face watched as Elsa undressed. Once naked the robot demanded in a strict voice that sounded just like the real Miss Brady, “Are you ready, girl?”

“Yes, Miss,” Elsa replied. She already felt like a really good girl, just as she did when under her teacher’s dominant rule.

The robot stood in front of Elsa placing its hand on her face. “Clasp your hands behind your back, girl,” the robot commanded quietly but firmly.

Elsa obediently folded her arms behind her back and licked her lips. Her breathing deepened as she felt the skin like hand of the robot rub her face. She closed her eyes knowing the hand was being pulled back and was then brought back down with a loud slap.

Elsa winced at the first face slap. The second slap followed a few seconds later and the third a few seconds after that. Elsa loved the stinging feeling and relaxed as the robot rubbed her face gently and then the hand was pulled away again and the fourth slap landed on her cheek. A few seconds later the fifth landed and a few seconds after that the sixth.

Elsa felt tears fill her eyes and dribble down her face. The stinging, though, was wonderful and she felt quivers spread across her pussy.

“Four more, girl,” the robot said as Elsa readied herself and the robot pulled its arm back. The next moment the hand slapped Elsa across the face again and a few seconds later the eighth slap landed followed a few seconds after that by the ninth and then the final, hardest slap, landed a few seconds after that.

Elsa was crying and sniffing back tears as her cheek stung from the hard slaps. 

“You can rub, girl,” the robot Miss Brady said.

Elsa eagerly rubbed her face and felt how warm it was from the fierce face slaps.

“Legs apart, girl,” the robot ordered. As Elsa placed her legs apart, she felt the robot feel between her legs, running its skin like covered finger along her pussy. The dampness registered on the monitor and when Elsa saw the number on the screen she smiled as it showed how she was so turned on already.

The screen lit up again. Elsa read the words, “Manager arriving.”

A few seconds later and the door opened and another robot walked in a broad smile. The face was that of Miss Lucas, the teaching assistant at college, which Elsa thought was a lovely touch of Miss Brady’s. The Miss Lucas face asked in a friendly tone, “Is everything OK for you?”

“Fine thank you, Miss” Elsa replied.

“I see your face is nicely red on one side,” the Miss Lucas face said rubbing Elsa’s reddened cheek.

Elsa smiled.

The Miss Lucas face added, smiling and looking at Elsa’s breasts, “I see your nipples are nicely erect already,” and squeezed both her nipples between her thumb and finger.

Elsa gasped and then sighed erotically and replied, “I’m really looking forward to being punished.”

Miss Lucas replied, “Good. That is what we are here for.”

Elsa smiled until next moment the Miss Lucas robot pulled its hand back and brought its open palm down hard across Elsa’s face.

Elsa yelped and moments later Miss Lucas landed another hard slap across her face.

Elsa yelped again but kept her hands obediently by her side. She thought how much she loved the personal attention she got when she attended the Centre as the third slap landed a few moments later.

Miss Lucas smiled as Elsa slowly opened her eyes and looked at her.

“Thank you, Miss,” Elsa said with a rueful smile as she allowed herself to rub her face again.

“All part of the service,” the Miss Lucas robot said still smiling as it rubbed her fingers again along Elsa’s pussy lips. “Enjoy,” it said happily as it turned and left the room.

Elsa had a warm feeling as she loved having her face slapped.

“Come with me, girl,” the robot Miss Brady said firmly as it grabbed Elsa’s ear again and led her to the caning bench on the far side of the room. It quickly bent Elsa across the bench and as Elsa placed her hands by each cuff each one clipped itself shut whilst two others secured each ankle and two more secured each thigh.

Elsa looked at the bench surface inches from her face as she heard the machine whirr into action and looked sideways and saw the robot attach the heavy leather strap to the machine’s arm. She knew that starting in just a few seconds that strap was going to land fifty times on her bottom and the tops of her legs. It was going to be so painful and she smiled at the thought of it being so deliciously awful but so great at the same time.

The robot pointed its ebeam at the machine. The arm slowly pulled backwards and whipped the heavy leather two-pronged strap down on to Elsa’s bare bottom. Elsa gasped as the pain spread across her bottom and automatically pulled at the wrist cuffs but they were never going to give and held her tightly against the bench. Even as she threw her head back and gasped out loud there wasn’t enough give for her breasts to leave the bench’s smooth surface but she knew her nipples were now taut.

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Elsa’s head fell back on to the bench as the strap whipped in the second time and she gasped out loud again. Two spanks with the strap out of fifty, thought Elsa, as she felt the renewed flutters in her pussy. She was glad her legs were clasped apart so she had no chance to tense her thighs and engineer an early orgasm which she didn’t want to have just then anyway. As the strap spanked down a third time Elsa clenched her teeth together to try to cope with the pain, but that was never going to happen.

The strap thrashed down time and again and soon Elsa was openly crying out with the pain. The machine was set to slightly alter position making sure the strap thrashed down all across her bottom and the tops of her legs, but Elsa had no control, which added to her intensifying erotic feelings.

Elsa knew that Miss Brady’s prize of fifty spanks with the thick strap would be given without a break which was by far the best way. It was a methodical beating with one spank with the strap every five seconds. That way Elsa knew it would come and there was a certainty that was unfaltering, and as the spanks rained down so she became lost in the euphoria of the pain.

A human could not spank with such certainty. Only the machine could, and so beautifully.

Every now and again Elsa opened her eyes and saw Miss Brady robot staring at her with her, ‘This is for being a good girl,’ face. It made the experience even more special.

The wall lit up and the robot called out, ‘Twenty-five spanks.’

Elsa was halfway through the strapping and her pussy was already fluttering as the spanks rained down. She knew her bottom would be bright red by now and by the end properly bruised so that sitting would be impossible and yet she would make herself do it as that way her ultimate orgasms would be so much more fulfilling.

The whipping continued and Elsa’s cries echoed around the room but no one outside could hear. Safety was paramount, though, and the camera catching everything happening in the room ran back to the central control room. The person being spanked just had to think the safe word and then the machine would stop by itself. If that failed an operator in the control room would stop it and if that failed then a roaming supervisor would rush to the room and disconnect. It never happened though as the safe word thought wave always worked. In this Punishment Centre anyway.

Elsa never came close to thinking the safe word as she was enjoying the pain too much.

The wall lit up again and the robot called out, ‘Forty-five spanks.’

Elsa heard the announcement through her louder and louder sobbing and knew that the strapping was nearly over. She was almost disappointed that the time had flown by so quickly even though she was tugging away at the cuffs as the spanks seemed to get harder and her bottom stung more and more and as the last few spanks landed on her superbly stinging bottom Elsa knew the tears were running down her face.  

The spanking ended and Elsa was crying freely as she looked towards the robot but her sight was fuzzy with her tears filling her eyes as other tears ran down her face. She heard the robot disconnect the strap and place it on the bench in front of her. She looked at the strap through her tear-filled eyes and it was certainly a beautifully wicked-looking strap and one that imparted such glorious pain.

The robot picked up a cane and Elsa knew it was connecting it to the machine and that she had eighteen strokes coming which would end with six stingers. She wiggled her bottom as her pussy fluttered at the thought of the pain, then heard another whirr and the spanking machine tapped the cane on Elsa’s reddened bottom which was a safety check again. 

The wall lit up and the robot called out, ‘Twelve standard strokes followed by six stingers.’

Elsa readied herself as she heard the swish as the cane was then brought down on to her bare bottom and the pain spread like a tidal wave across her bottom as she shrieked. The first stroke was just as she had expected as it was exactly as she had experienced so often before, causing that wonderfully electric pain that stung her bottom on top of the stinging caused by the heavy strapping.

Elsa so loved the pain and like so many friends was turned on by it every time. Pain giving pleasure was the byword amongst them and so much better than fingering herself because the pain and loss of control created the perfect situation for massive arousal.

Elsa knew she screamed out again at the second stroke. There were just ten seconds between strokes which was a perfect gap for her and as the strokes continued so Elsa became more and more aroused. She knew the strokes would start at the middle of her bottom and each stroke would go lower and lower with all of the first six landing on her bottom cheeks. The next three landed on her sit spot which drew much louder shrieks and the last three landed on the backs of her thighs and she screamed out with each one.

The wall lit up. ‘Six stingers,’ the robot called out.

Elsa made an involuntary groan but that was because the pain would be so intense. However, it was a good girl pain she adored and feared at the same time, just like all her friends did, but it was the pain they needed to achieve the orgasm they so looked forward to.

The first stinger stroke landed across her bottom cheeks and Elsa’s scream filled the room. No one outside heard it though because of the sound suppression system in the room and Elsa knew it worked so she never minded crying out so loudly. Only the robot and the operators in the control room would hear her, but that was just fine with her.

Elsa wanted to share her feelings though right then. She thought about her network site and knew images would hit her page and all her friends would see her suffering, and her enjoyment. She knew lots of her friends would see her on their watches which would flash as soon as the moving images hit Elsa’s page. All she had to do was think, and the images would flash up using her thought waves.

Melissa smiled as the image flashed up on her watch and she saw the cane brought down time and again on Elsa’s bottom which was now red with blue bruises and had fierce red lines across it and she saw the welts with their thick ridges. 

Elsa loved it that Melissa was now watching her punishment and wondered whether the real Miss Brady and Miss Lucas were also watching. She hoped so. 

Melissa smiled as she watched Elsa enjoy her caning. She was happy for Elsa as she had done so well in the test and even as her screams were so loud, she knew Elsa would be getting closer to having an orgasm. She also knew that further orgasms would come afterwards when Simone and Elsa met up after both of their punishments. 

Elsa was screaming out as the last few strokes landed across the backs of her legs. Her screams were even louder than before and she knew that the skirt she had worn to come here was deliberately short so everyone would see the harsh red welts across the backs of her thighs as she walked around for the next few days knowing that she would get lots of envious looks.

It was as the last few strokes landed on the backs of her thighs that she came with loud erotic gasps, even as she cried.

The caning stopped and Elsa rested her head on the bench. Her pussy was buzzing and she couldn’t wait to be released from the cuffs and knew she would masturbate straight away and that she would still be aroused when she met up with Simone.

Elsa hadn’t reckoned on the extra that Miss Brady had arranged. The cane was slipped between her legs and lightly whisked upwards and across her wet pussy whilst Elsa cried out as the cane was whisked upwards several times. She started to breathe deeply as she was overcome with the fluttering in her pussy and as the cane strokes continued so she was taken closer and closer to an orgasm. Her head strained upwards and she grunted as she always did when about to come and, suddenly, she dissolved into one of the best orgasms she had had for a long time. This was so much better than masturbating, she told herself, and sent a special thank you thought to Miss Brady.

Elsa relaxed her head again as the caning had stopped and whilst her chest was heaving and the tears flooded down her face the robot moved to behind her. Its skin covered hand ran a finger along Elsa’s wet pussy again and the dampness registered in the control room and the operator made a note that Elsa was extremely aroused by her beating and that her pussy mound was covered in her sex juice. It was the confirmation needed to show the robot had done its job.

Elsa was starting to smile to herself as her bottom stung. There was then the hissing sound that told her the cuffs were released and she slowly slid off the bench and stood up and rubbed her bottom and enjoyed the heat from her fabulously stinging bottom cheeks.

The robot Miss Brady moved to be in front of Elsa and asked in a friendly tone of voice, “Did you enjoy it, girl?”

“Oh yes I did, Miss,” Elsa replied enthusiastically as she wiped the tears from her face knowing they would only be replaced by more.

The robot placed a firm hand on Elsa’s cheek which wasn’t slapped before the strapping started. “Fold your arms behind you, girl,” Miss Brady ordered.

Elsa obeyed as she looked into Miss Brady’s eyes, smiled, and nodded. Ten more face slaps she knew were left of her prize.

The robot pulled back its skin covered hand and brought it back sharply across Elsa’s face. Just like before it hurt and by the fourth face slap Elsa was crying again but still she kept her hands clasped together so she could enjoy the painful face slapping. She counted the slaps as they got harder and harder and was crying freely by the last open-handed hard face slap.

The robot waited while Elsa rubbed her face and wiped the tears away from her face. It didn’t matter that new tears formed and dribbled down her face and onto her breasts leaving streaks of tears, as Elsa was just so turned on by the pain all across her bottom cheeks and backs of her thighs as well as across her face. 

Elsa wanted to thank Miss Brady again so she thought of her and the words, ‘Thank you, Miss,’ appeared on the screen of Miss Brady’s watch.

‘My pleasure, Elsa, you deserve it as you have worked so hard and done so well,’ flashed up on the screen in the punishment room and Elsa smiled.

With the good girl punishment over Elsa collected her clothes but stayed undressed as she left the room and she almost immediately bumped into an equally naked and tear-streamed Simone in the corridor outside and they smiled at each other.

“Enjoy it, Elsa?” Simone asked.

“It was great, and you?” Elsa replied.

“It was really superb,” Simone gushed. “My bottom is stinging so much.”

“Mine too,” Elsa replied happily.

“Your face is red so you went for plenty of face slaps then?”

“I do like them,” Elsa said smiling.

The two young women walked towards the Spa where they were going to relish the pain for a while with a robotic massage and a few drinks. They smiled at each other as they ran their fingers along their wet pussies as they then walked along the corridor.

There was giggling close-by and the two young women looked around and saw several naked women smiling at them and Elsa knew that they all had red bottoms as well as their tear-stained faces. Elsa laughed and Simone joined in and neither was embarrassed.

Elsa said happily, “Melissa said she will be going out, so if we go back to mine, we will have the house to ourselves. We can finger ourselves there together and watch each other.”

“That would be great, Elsa. Miss Brady has organised the spa for us first though, with a private room, and arranged champagne and cold cream before we go home.”

Elsa thought again and another ‘Thank you,’ appeared on Miss Brady’s watch.

When the two young women got to the spa Elsa looked at the screen and Miss Brady’s thought message showed. ‘Enjoy, Elsa and Simone.”

Elsa then thought solely about Melissa so her next thoughts were only seen by her. Elsa thought, “I am so pleased that we agreed that we wouldn’t have the time machine repaired and that we would stay here

Melissa sprung up on Elsa and Simone’s watch and replied, “Me too. It is so good here, like paradise. I just need to work harder on the next test so I can be sent to the Punishment Centre.”

After ending the call, Elsa smiled at Simone and they both ran their fingers along their own wet pussy lips and reached another even better orgasm. Yes, what a great good girl prize this was and really encouraged them to work even harder. 

Elsa and Melissa were certainly glad the time machine had taken them to this time zone and readily agreed that they had no desire to even try to get back to 2198. Lucky us, they thought to each other whilst Elsa was enjoying squirming around uncomfortably as she sat on the hard wooden benches with her bare welt covered bruised bottom. Roll on the next test.



Written by Peter242
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